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Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.

ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved

Surface Processing
Prepare HC for transportation via tanker
and/or pipeline
Water – less than 3 percent (Contract)
Remove contaminants (H2S, CO2)
Maximize volume of crude at well head
¾Manipulate surface pressures to maximize
Minimize crude temperature – max – API

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Equipment Systems
Separation Systems
¾Gravity Segregation
Flow Lines
¾Flow from wellhead to treating facility
¾50 wells per tank battery
Piping Manifolds
¾1st part of processing train
−Brings all flow lines together

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Oil Well

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Associated Gas Usage
¾“Greenhouse Effects – No longer Viable
¾“Money going up in Smoke”
Gas Injection
Gas Lift
Gas Sales

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Gas Separation
1st stage Separator at Gathering Facility
¾ Separates free gas from liquid
¾ Commonly 2 phase
¾ Low API Crude – 3 phase
¾ Gas exits at top of separator
¾ Fluids exit at bottom

Free Water Knockouts (FWKs)

¾ Horizontal vessels downstream of 2 stage
¾ Free water leaves vessel, any gas recaptured emulsion
siphoned off

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Oil Well
¾Oil, Gas, Water, Emulsions, Solids
¾High Pressure or Low Pressure
¾Maintain produced gas at pipeline pressure –
minimize compression
¾ High Pressure Multi-Stage Gas separation &
pressure step-down prior to free water knock out
@ atmospheric
¾Solids settle out, gas is recovered and liquids
flow on
¾Free water knock out occurs by Gravity
segregation with baffles

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Oil Wells
¾Gas exits at top of separator
¾Oil & Emulsion off the top of Salt water
¾Salt water stored and treated for
¾Oil and emulsion move onto “Heater
Treater” to break emulsion
¾Oil to Pipeline and “created gas” is
dehydrated & compressed for pipeline

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Emulsion Breaking
Apply Heat
¾(problem – lowers API, produces gas)
¾Reduces µ, coalesces water droplets
Inject Detergent Chemicals
¾Weakens interfacial tension
Apply Electric Potential
¾Charges water droplets- coalescence
Retention & Settling Tanks
¾Time to settle and break down

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Gas Wells
¾Gas contains various gases, water vapour
& suspended solids
¾Produce to central gathering system &
processing Facility
¾Gravity Separation of Gas and Fluids
−Water disposal & Condensate to market
¾Amine Removal of H2S, CO2
¾Glycol Dehydration for “Wet Gas”
¾Gas goes to market at specified contract

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Gas Well Field Processing
Dry – Gas Reservoirs
¾High Well Head Pressures
Gas changes at Choke ∆P
¾Water drop-out
¾@120° F & 4000 psi, 40#s H20 per MCF
Create Condensate
Create Hydrates & Ice
¾Glycol De-Hydration
¾Solid Desiccant Units

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Natural Gas
Environmentally Friendly
¾Complete burns no smoke or combustion
High Hydrogen to Carbon Ratio
¾30 percent less carbon emissions than oil
¾50 percent less carbon emissions than coal
− Per Unit Energy produced

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Remote Gas Fields
“Remote” ‘Stranded Gas”
¾No nearby Market
Create a local value added market
¾Fertilizer plant
¾Aluminum Plant
¾Methanol Plant
Develop LNG Facilities
¾ALNG? – 80% of US Imports from Trinidad
GTL – Gas to Liquids
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Natural Gas Processing
Extraction of “Heavies” from “Wet Gas”
Prior to Transport
¾ Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) – condense in pipeline
− Gasoline Feedstock
¾ Water – condense in pipeline (ice & hydrates)
− Dispose of correctly
¾ Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) – condense in pipeline
− Propane & Butane
− Bottled Gas, Petrochemical & Refinery Feedstock's
Ethane – Petrochemical Feedstock
Methane – sold in BTUs
H2S – corrosive yields Sulphur
CO2 – corrosive – EOR Miscible floods

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Natural Gas Processes
Compression – to pipeline pressure
¾ Condenses NGLs & LPG
Absorption – Contactor “Bubble Tower”
¾ All LPG , some ethane recovered
Cryogenic – “High Pressure Gas Expansion”
¾ Maximum Ethane Recovery
Sweetening “Sour Gases”
¾ removes H2S, CO2
Dehydration – removes water vapour
¾ Glycol or Solid Desiccant

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas

Stranded Gas –
Economically Viable
Upstream Facilities
¾ Offshore Platforms and
Liquefaction Plant – “LNG
¾ -260°F(-160 degC)
¾ Liquid form - 600 times
volume reduction
Marine Tankers
¾ Heavily Insulated tankers
Re-gasification Terminals
¾ XOM recently announced in
− Qatar & Canada

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
GTL – Gas To Liquids

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
GTL – Gas To Liquids

Moneitize Stranded Gas

Environmentally cleaner
diesel than from oil
Moving from $26/28/bbl
to $18 -22/bbl to
Lose approximately 30
percent of energy in
conversion process

Courtesy ConocoPhillips Website

Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved
Basic Petroleum technology 05-01-03 GHR.ppt © 2003 PetroSkills LLC, All Rights Reserved

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