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Bergquist 1

Andrew Bergquist

Professor Sheila Fielding

WRTC 103

September 28, 2018

Domestic Violence is a Problem

Domestic violence is a serious problem that is growing especially in professional

sports like the NFL. The reasons behind this are examined in David Leonard and Monica

article on the subject, “Domestic Violence Is a Problem in the NFL.” The problem of

domestic violence is one that has long plagued human society, as it is just one of the facets of

oppression inherent to the patriarchal views that were built into western society.

David Leonard says the NFL and other such professional sporting organizations have

been more than irresponsible in their handling of many of the cases of domestic violence in

their leagues. The article attacks the NFL, and everyone involved and is putting the blame on

them. The article tries to get people more involved to help people with the problem at hand.

The author provided examples to help support his claim. He says that Ray Rice and his

Fiancé are a prime example of this problem. Leonard is trying to target young adults the

power of standing up for what you believe in and make a dramatic change in the world we

live in today. He tries to connect with the reader which is why he speaks in a conversational

pattern to try and make it seem like he will tell only the truth. The article is organized

chronologically because he stays with the story about Ray Rice during the duration of the

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In the article Leonard uses rhetorical appeals to let the reader know about his

emotions and his credibility towards the source. Ethos is the character that someone shows

what they have accomplished. Leonard has been part of the magazine “feminist wire” which

means he must be a credible person to speak about this topic. Leonard is part of a legitimate

source. Since he developed a good reputation, there will be more people inclined to believe

his argument. Leonard is also an author in a couple of publications including, After Artest:

The NBA and the Assault on Blackness. The more documents that have been published means

his credibility keeps getting better.

Leonard also uses logos in his article. Logos shows people facts and evidence to help

support a writers’ claim and make them more believable. The author consistently used facts to

help support the information he was using in the article. For example, in the first sentence

Leonard says, “The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey found that fully a

third of women in the United States have experienced partner violence” (para. 1). Using

information from other sources like David Leonard does helps back up the argument that he

is making. Another example of logos is, “21 teams had a player on its roster who had faced

domestic violence or assault charges” (para. 8). When Leonard throws in a piece of

information it makes the reader pause and truly think about the problem he is trying to solve.

The final rhetorical appeal is pathos. This appeal is supposed to show emotion.

Leonard uses this when he wants people to sympathize for the women who are being

assaulted by these men. Leonard will word a phrase in a specific pattern that way it gives off

a depressing emotion towards the readers. For example, “It cares little about her desires, her

voice, her body, and her victimization” (para. 3). Leonard clearly tires to get the reader to
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sympathize with his argument by repeating the word “her”. The author tries to get the reader

passionate about the topic they are arguing about. Leonard uses similar strategies when he

says, “with the release of the horrific video in which we see Rice coldcock his fiancé, we see

once again that the system, from TMZ to ESPN, from the sports media to the legal system

and the public at large, cares little for Janay Rice” (para. 3). In this quote Leonard uses words

like “coldcock” to show the true savagery of the NFL players, and change the emotion of the

reader to favor the women’s side.

Leonard uses the rhetorical appeals in his writing to help make a persuading argument

to his readers. His readers think that he is effective because he convinces people to join his

side of the argument. When the author uses rhetorical appeals, it establishes his credibility for

the author and makes the readers feel emotion. Leonard could strengthen his article by adding

a counter-claim to prove that the other side is wrong. The issue that Leonard discusses fits

into the world going on right now. Domestic violence is a huge problem in todays society,

and part of the blame is on the NFL and its players.

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Work Cited

Leonard, David, and Monica Casper. "Domestic Violence Is a Serious Problem in the NFL."

Professional Football, edited by Tamara Thompson, Greenhaven Press, 2016. Current

Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

49. Accessed 26 Sept. 2018. Originally published as "Rotten to the Core: The NFL and Domestic

Violence," Feminist Wire, 8 Sept. 2014.

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