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Eye Lesson : Physics

Class / Semester :X/1
Material Principal : Sum Vector
Allocation Time : 3 x 3 JP

A. Competence Core
KI 1: Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces.
KI 2: Develop behavior (honest, disciplined, responsible, caring, polite, environmentally friendly,
cooperative, cooperative, peace-loving, responsive and pro-active) and show attitude as part
of the solution to the nation's problems in interacting effectively with the environment social
and natural as well as in placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of
the world.
KI 3: Understand and apply factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge in science, technology, arts,
culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization on
phenomena and events, and apply procedural knowledge to specific areas of study in
accordance with his talents and interests to solve problem.
KI 4: Processing, reasoning, and recruiting in the realm of concrete and abstract realms related to
the development of the self-study in the school independently, and able to use methods
according to scientific rules.

B. Competence Basic / Ondicator

3.2 Applying the principle of vector addition (by approach geometry)
3.2.1 Differentiating vector and scalar
3.2.2 Draw vector on paper beep
3.2.3 Sums up vectors by way of polygons and ranks parallelogram
3.2.4 Draw a vector component on the vertical axis straight
3.2.5 Determining the resultant way analysis
3.2.6 Using the resultant equation of two vectors with the rule cosine

4.2 Plan and execute an experiment to determine the resultant vector

4.2.1 Assemble the tool to perform the resultant practicum vector
4.2.2 Presents data on a systematic
4.2.3 Make a graph and determine the equation regression
4.2.4 Prepare reports on activity results practice

C. Aim Learning
Meeting 1
Through observations, demonstrations, group discussions, and individual student work
 Differentiating vector and scalar
 Draw vector on paper beep
 Sums up vectors by way of polygons and ranks parallelogram
 Draw vector component on perpendicular axis
Meeting to two
Through demonstrations, experiments, and group discussions, students can:
 Assemble the tool to perform the resultant practicum vector
 Presents data on a systematic
 Make a graph and determine the regression
equation Meeting to three
Through group discussions and indivisu work, students can:
 Determining the resultant way analysis
 Using the resultant equation of two vectors with the rule cosine

D. Material Learning
Factual Knowledge
 Picture some of the activities in daily life that describe the resultant vector
(helicopter thrust force, pull pull force, etc)
 Illustration of boat crossings in the
rushing rivers of Knowledge conceptual
 Understanding vector
 Resource vector
 Component vector
 Vector sums with graphic
 Analysis vector
 Response of
two vectors of
 How to add vectors with polygons and rows parallelogram
 How to decipher vector
 Steps of resultant practice vector
 Steps and systematic reports practice

E. Method Learning
 Demonstration
 Experiment
 Discussion
 assignment

F. Media / Tools / materials

Media : whiteboard, worksheet, computer / laptop
Tool : stative and clamps, hanging loads, pulleys, arcs, and yarn

G. Source Learn
 Student Handbook, Physics SMA
 Book of High School Physics Support Activity volume 1, Erlangga Jakarta

H. Activity Steps Learning

The first meeting
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