Lesson Plan 1 Figurative Language Devices

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Lesson Plan

Name:Kaitlyn Lane Date of Observation :09/24/18 Cycle:Fall 2018

Ages/Grades Number of Number of Number of Number of
of Students in Students Gifted Students
Students 15-16 yrs.
old/10th grade Class 28 having IEP/504 2-504/1-IEP Students 3 ELA having ELL 0

Lesson Title:Review of Literary Devices

1. Context: Describe the Students for which this Lesson is Designed (1B)
Identify your students’ backgrounds, special needs, cultural differences, interests, and language proficiencies.
Students in this classroom range from ages 15-16 years old and are in the 10th grade. This classroom is comprised of
mostly white students and one African American student. This classroom is honors English II, meaning that students
are slightly more ahead than their peers in the general classroom. Students claim to struggle with poetry/poetry
devices, but this activity will help them improve and prepare them for their assessment at the end of the week.

2. Lesson Learning Targets/Objectives (1A) (1C)

a. Previous lesson’s learning targets/objectives (connect each target/objective to the appropriate state curriculum/content
area standards.)
Learning Target: I will be able to analyze poetry using "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and
literary devices.
b. Current lesson’s learning targets/objectives (connect each target/objective to the appropriate state curriculum/content
area standards.)
L.9-10.5: Demonstrate understanding of figuragive language, word relationships, and nuances in word

Learning Target: I can define and identify types of figurative language in literature.
c. Next lesson’s learning targets/objectives (connect each target/objective to the appropriate state curriculum/content
area standards.)
Learning Target: I will be able to compare and contrast poetry using my analysis skills and literary

3. Students’ Baseline Knowledge and Skills (1B) (1F)

Describe and include the pre-assessment(s) used to establish students’ baseline knowledge and skills for this lesson.
For the pre-assessment, students will complete the Kahoot! activity I created that asks questions about each literary device
students have learned. Students will get out their devices (if they do not have a device, they may use a chrome book or share
with a partner) and connect to the Kahoot! game. Students must answer each question quickly and correctly to receive
points, and the winner will be shown on the board. Results are given at the end of each question which will let me know if
the device needs to be reviewed or if students know the device. The link to the game is here:
4. Formative Assessment (1F)
Describe and include the formative assessments(s) to be used to measure student progress during this lesson.
The formative assessment is a worksheet. Students will be given a poem ("Get Up and Lock the Door") and in pairs,
students will annotate the poem and find literary devices. Once finished, students will answer questions about the poem on
the back of the worksheet (on their own) and turn the worksheet in. This will help me see if students understand the poem
and the litearary devices in it.

5. Resources (1D)
Identify the resources and assistance available to support your instruction and facilitate students’ learning.
-28 devices for Kahoot! game
-https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/3b6332cb-f5e3-44d0-9178-2ebcb23142dc (Kahoot! game link)
-28 worksheets for formative assessment
-wireless internet
-projector screen
-28 writing utensils

6. Lesson Procedures (1E)

Describe the sequence of strategies/activities/assessments that will be used to scaffold instruction, engage your
students, facilitate attainment of the lesson objective(s), and promote higher order thinking. Within this sequence, be
sure to describe how the instruction will be differentiated to meet your students’ needs, interests, and abilities.;
1. Greet students with energetic tone; remind them that we have been going over literary devices and
they have an assessment on Friday.
2. Tell students our goal for the day: We will review for the assessment over literary devices, and you all
will become more prepared for the assessment.
3. Tell students the agenda for the day: Kahoot! review game, poetry reading/annotation in pairs, quiz
alone on the back.
4. Ask students to get out their devices. For students without phones or who forgot their phones, they may
use the chrome books or share with their partnet. Give students instructions to the Kahoot! game (website
URL, how to log on, username, class password, how the game works).
5. After about 2-3 minutes of letting students prepare, begin the Kahoot! game. If the results for one
question are particularly low, go over the question/literary device with the class. Students may need to
review a specific literary device before they begin the poetry activity.
6. After the game is over and the winner is announced (8-10 minutes), have students put away their cell
phones and pass out the poetry worksheet. Explain to students while the worksheet is passed out that they
should be reading the poem (3-4 minutes) alone or with a partner to discover the literal meaning of the
poem. Gifted students may go ahead and begin annotating the poem. After 3-4 minutes, I will have the
class bring their attention to the front of the room, and we will go over the poem's literal meaning. I will
chunk the lines (4-5 lines at a time) and have students tell me what is going on in each chunk (this will
help the student who requires chunking when reading). I will write the final summary on the board and
have students copy it down.
7.Students will then begin to circle/highlight/underline/etc. the literary devices. Explain to students that I
will be walking around the room to help them if they have questions or concerns.
7.After about 15 minutes or so, have students stop working with their partners. Direct class attention to
myself, and tell them to begin working on the quiz on the back of the poem. They are to work
individually, without partners, and without cellphones.
8. Once students are finished, collect their work. Summarize what we did for the day, and ask if students
have questions or need clarification. Answer any questions and conclude lesson.

7. Watch For-------
Identify anything that you would like specifically observed during this lesson.
Energy, moving around the room, confidence, and making sure students are on task.

Guidelines for Developing Lesson Plan can be found on p 8 of the KTIP Handbook

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