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Lesson Title Services of Peru Date November 29, 2018

Subject/Grade Grade 3 Social Time Duration 30 Minutes

Unit Peru Teacher Ms.Beyak
Lesson Overview Students will be introduced to the idea of services in both Peru and
Canada. As a class, we will read through the textbook and we will have
a class wide discussion on the similarities, differences and importance
of services within Canada and Peru. We will discuss differences of
services within a Peruvian village and city and how it affects their
quality of life.

General Learning 3.1 - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of

Outcomes how geographic, social, cultural and linguistic factors affect quality of
life in communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.

Specific Learning 3.1.1 appreciate similarities and differences among people and
Outcomes communities:
 demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs,
traditions and customs of groups and communities other than
their own (CC)
3.1.2 - examine the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics that
affect quality of life in communities in other parts of the world by
exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
 How does access to public services affect the communities?
(e.g., schools, hospitals, libraries, transportation systems)? (ER,

Main Inquiry
Guiding Questions  Why do we need services? Why are they important to our
 Why do you think Peru doesn’t have the same access to services
as we do in Canada?

Students will:
 Examine the social characteristics that affect quality of lie in Peru such as:
o How access to public services affects communities in Peru.

Formative Question and Answer

Assessment Discussion
Summative No summative assessment for this lesson.
Resources Many Voices – Teacher Resource
Connecting with the World Text
Materials Connecting with the World text.

Prior to Lesson

Introduction - 5 Mins
Attention Grabber “Who uses electricity? Who uses water? Who has been to the doctor?
These are all services we have in Canada. Does anyone know what a
service is? That’s what we’ll be talking about today.”
Assessment of Asking students if they know what a service is, or how it affects our
Prior Knowledge daily life in Canada.
Expectations of Students will be seated on the carpet, with their textbook in their lap,
Learning Behavior following along with the reading of the text. They will be respectful and
paying attention. They will participate in the class discussion and
answer questions when possible.
Transition to Body After introducing students to the idea of services, I will direct students
to the text for us to start reading.
Body - 20 Mins
Learning Activity Reading and Discussion of Text
#1 All together as a class, we will read over the paragraphs within the
textbook that pertain to the services of Peru. After each paragraph, I
will quickly summarize in order for student understanding. Students will
be probed with questions in order to get them thinking.
Paragraph 1 - Introductory
 “Lets look for services in the glossary in the back. Who can tell
me what services means?”
 “How does electricity and running water make your life easier at
 “What services do you think you need in case of an
Paragraph 2 – Services in Peru
 “What can you tell me about the services in maria’s city?”
 “Do people in Peru have the services they need?”
 “Access is also bolded. Can we find that word in the glossary?”
Paragraph 3 – In My Own Words
 “Health centre is also bolded. Who can find it in the glossary
and tell me the definition?”
 “What services did Maria talk about?”
 “How have these services helped people in her community?”
Paragraph 4 – In a Village
 “How is living in a village different from living in the city? Do
they have the same services?”
 “Lets all look up rain forest in the glossary. Who can tell me the
Teacher Notes: Question and Answer – I will get an understanding of student
Assessments/ understanding by the answer to the questions being asked. Some
Differentiation answers come from the text but some are deeper thinking .
Closure - 5 Mins
End of Lesson For the last few minutes of class, I will ask them if they can list some
similarities and differences between the services of Peru and Canada
and their opinions on the importance of services for our community.

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