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Republic Of The Philippines

National Capital Judicial Region
Branch 158

John Kenneth Yema


- versus - Civil Case No.

For: Declaration of Nullity of
Marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code
Bea Cassandra Yema,




The testimony of the witness, Dra. Joielyn Dy Dimaano, is being offered to

prove that:

1. The psychological incapacity of John Kenneth Yema made her

unable to fulfill

2. The expert psychologist in the person of Dra. A is a competent and

qualified expert witness.


I, Joielyn Dy Dimaano, of legal age, single, with an office address at

1614-B, Rizal Streest, Pasay City, as part of my testimony in the above-
captioned case, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby
depose and state that:

I am the psychiatrist engaged by the Petitioner, John Kenneth Yema, in

this case to conduct the Psychiatric Evaluation of the Parties;
In relation to the above-entitled case, the counsel, Atty. John Ivan
GAbis, at his office located at 158 Brisostomo Bldg., Quezon City, asked me

questions which I answered to the best of my ability, fully conscious that I did
so under oath and that I may face perjury and/or any criminal liability for false

The questions asked by Atty. Gabis and the answers I gave are as


Question (Q): Please state your personal circumstances.

Answer (A): I am Joielyn Dy Dimaano, of legal age, single, and practicing
psychiatric counselling at 1614-B, Rizal Street, Pasay City.
Q1: Why are you here in this office?
A1: To give a sworn statement by way of a judicial affidavit, the same to
constitute as my direct testimony, in the above-captioned case.

Q2: What qualifies you to perform the psychiatric evaluation of the parties?
A2: I am a psychiatrist and marriage counsellor by profession. I earned my
bachelor’s degree in Psychology in the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila in
the year 2003. (Witness presented a copy of his college diploma, a copy of
which is hereto attached and marked as Appendix “A”.) I earned my master s
degree in the year 2008 and my doctoral degree in the year 2011, both in the
field of Psychology in the University of the Philippines. (Witness presented a
copy of his diplomas which are hereto attached and marked as Appendices
“B” and “C”, respectively.)

Q3: Do you know the Petitioner in this case, Mr. John Kenneth Yema? A3:
Yes, ma’am.

Q4: How do you know him?

A4: He came to my office sometime in 24 February 2015 to request a
psychological evaluation be conducted on him and his wife, Bea Cassandra
Yema, in relation to the case he filed against his wife for the nullification of
their marriage.

Q5: Did you conduct a psychiatric study of the parties in this case?
A5: Yes, ma’am.

Q6: Could you please tell us the manner by which you conducted your
A6: Yes, ma’am. I did the standard procedure in conducting a psychological
evaluation. For Mr. John Kenneth Yema I had two sessions.
In the first session, on March 1, 2015 at two o’clock in the afternoon, I
asked Mr. Yema to fill out a form which contains questions regarding their
psychological, mental and medical history and genealogy. I collected the forms
on the next day.

On the second session, March 2, 2015, at two o’clock in the afternoon, I
met with him again and asked him a battery of psychological questions.
For Mrs. Bea Cassandra Yema, I visited her on her home, first on March
7, 2015, then another on March 23, 2015, and lastly on March 28, 2015.
On my separate interviews with them I asked them a series of questions
regarding their married life.

Q7: After your study of the parties, what have you found?
A7: I have found that they have a really estranged marital relationship which
makes their marriage dysfunctional.

Q8: Can you elaborate that, please?

A8: What I mean is that their relationship is dysfunctional because one of the
partners, in this case the respondent, is suffering from a personality disorders,
thus, ceased her to appear responsible in fulfilling her marital duties and
obligations as a wife.

Q9: What are these personality disoreders.

A9: As I have observed in my sessions her, I found her suffering from
Narcissitic and Histrionic Personality Disorders.

Q10: How can you say that the respondent is suffering from these personality
A10: First, she is a materialistic person who failed to exhibit affection and
symphaty to the petitioner.
Second, she loves to be the recipient of male’s attention.
She enjoys being admired by the opposite sex that she keeps on
entertaining other males even if she is already in a relationship.
Third, she is as interpersonally exploitative woman who is ready to use
other people in her own advantage.
Fourth, she is a demanding individual with a striking sense of
entitlement. She wants to be treated in a special way and would expect the
petitioner to give in to all her request and demands.
Fifth, she is selfish and only thought of her own good, needs and feelings
while disregarding those who are around her.
Lastly, she lacked depth to her marital commitments and even got
involved with another man. She did not realize the real impact of it in her
marriage with the oetitioner

Q11: Can you say that respondent’s personality disoreders were present even
before his marriage with the petitioner?
A11: These personality disorders are characterized by juridical antecedent, as
her disorders already exist even before she met the Petitioner and contracted
marriage with him.

Q12:Would this personality disorder be consistent with his psychological

incapacity to perform the essential marital obligations?
A12: Yes, Atty.
Q13:What characterizes the psychological incapacity of the respondent? Is this
grave, antecedent and incurable?
A13: Yes, respondent’s disorders persist all throughout her life and grew
severe, grace and chronic that they are already seen to be on an incurable state
and are already egosyntomic or acceptable to her ego functioning through the
impact of her actions, behaviors and decisions to herself and to others. As
these make her condition to be serious, grave, severe, permanent, incurable
and beyond repair despite any form of psychotherapeutic interventions as she
will never understand the need for her to undergo any psychological

Q14:What then did you recommend as far as the marriage of the parties is
A15: I recommend that the marriage which took place between the Petitioner
and the Respondent be declared as null and void due to the personality
disorders of the Respondent.

Q15:Are there anything more you want to say?

A15: None, Sir

Q16: Do you attest that what you have said is true and correct, either based on
your personal knowledge or based on the records or documents?
A17: Yes, Sir.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this

________________ in ____________________.




_______________ in ____________________, affiant having exhibited to
me her PRC No. 123


Doc No:
Page No:
Book No:
Series of 2018


I, ATTY., with office address at at 158 Brisostomo Bldg., Quezon City,

attest under oath as follows:

i. That I conducted and supervised the examination of the

above-named witness;

ii. That I faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the

questions asked and the corresponding answers the
witness gave; and

iii. That no other person had assisted or coached the witness

regarding her answers to the foregoing questions
profound on her.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 20th day of

__________ at the ______________, affiant having exhibited to me his IBP No.


Doc No:
Page No:
Book No:
Series of 2018


(Other Parties)

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