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Superconducting proximity effect and Majorana fermions at the surface of a

topological insulator

Liang Fu and C.L. Kane

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104

We study the proximity effect between an s-wave superconductor and the surface states of a strong
topological insulator. The resulting two dimensional state resembles a spinless px + ipy supercon-
ductor, but does not break time reversal symmetry. This state supports Majorana bound states
at vortices. We show that linear junctions between superconductors mediated by the topological
arXiv:0707.1692v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 11 Jul 2007

insulator form a non chiral 1 dimensional wire for Majorana fermions, and that circuits formed from
these junctions provide a method for creating, manipulating and fusing Majorana bound states.

PACS numbers: 71.10.Pm, 74.45.+c, 03.67.Lx, 74.90.+n

Excitations with non-Abelian statistics[1] are the ba- (σ x , σ y ) are Pauli spin matrices and µ is the chemical
sis for the intriguing proposal of topological quantum potential. H0 can only exist on a surface because it vio-
computation[2]. The simplest non-Abelian excitation is lates the fermion doubling theorem[15]. The topological
the zero energy Majorana bound state (MBS) associated metal is essentially half of an ordinary 2D electron gas.
with a vortex in a spinless px +ipy superconductor[3, 4, 5, Suppose that an s-wave superconductor is deposited
6]. The presence of 2N vortices leads to a 2N fold ground on the surface. Due to the proximity effect, Cooper pairs
state degeneracy. Braiding processes, in which the vor- can tunnel into the surface states. This can be described
tices are adiabatically rearranged, perform non trivial by adding V = ∆ψ↑† ψ↓† + h.c. to H0 , where ∆ = ∆0 eiφ
operations in that degenerate space. Though MBSs do depends on the phase φ of the superconductor and the
not have the structure necessary to construct a universal strength of the tunneling. The states of the surface can
quantum computer[7], the quantum information encoded then be described by H = Ψ† HΨ/2, where in the Nambu
in their degenerate states is topologically protected from notation Ψ = ((ψ↑ , ψ↓ ), (ψ↓† , −ψ↑† ))T and
local sources of decoherence[8].
MBSs have been proposed to exist as quasiparticle ex- H = −ivτ z σ · ∇ − µτ z + ∆0 (τ x cos φ + τ y sin φ). (2)
citations of the ν = 5/2 quantum Hall effect[1, 3], in
the cores of h/4e vortices in the p-wave superconductor Time reversal invariance follows from [Θ, H] = 0, where
Sr2 RuO4 [9] and in cold atoms[10]. In this paper we show Θ = iσ y K and K is complex conjugation. Particle hole
that the proximity effect between an ordinary s-wave symmetry is expressed by Ξ = σ y τ y K, which satisfies
superconductor and the surface of a strong topological {Ξ, H} = 0. When ∆ is spatially p homogeneous, the ex-
insulator[11, 12, 13, 14] leads to a state which hosts MBSs citation spectrum is Ek = ± (±v|k| − µ)2 + ∆20 . For
at vortices. We then show that a linear superconductor µ ≫ ∆0 , the −v|k| − µ band can be ignored, and the
- topological insulator - superconductor (STIS) junction spectrum resembles that of a spinless px + ipy super-
forms a non chiral 1D wire for Majorana fermions. Such conductor. This analogy can √ be made precise by defin-
junctions can be combined into circuits, which allow for ing ck = (ψ↑k + eiθk ψ↓k )/ 2 for k = k0 (cos θk , sin θk )
the creation, manipulation and fusion of MBSs. and
P vk0 ∼ †µ. The iθprojected Hamiltonian is then
k † †
A strong topological insulator is a material with an in- k (v|k|−µ)c k c k +(∆e c c
k −k +h.c.)/2. Though this is
sulating time reversal invariant bandstructure for which formally equivalant to a spinless px + ipy superconductor
strong spin orbit interactions lead to an inversion of the there is an important difference: H respects time reversal
band gap at an odd number of time reversed pairs of symmetry, while the px + ipy superconductor does not.
points in the Brillouin zone. Candidate materials in- Unlike for spinless fermions, Θ is not simply K.
clude the semiconducting alloy Bi1−x Sbx , as well as HgTe It is well known that a h/2e vortex in a px + ipy su-
and α-Sn under uniaxial strain[14]. These materials are perconductor leads to a MBS[3]. This suggests that for
distinguished from ordinary insulators by the presence µ ≫ ∆0 a similar bound state should exist for (2). The
of topological metal surface states, in which the surface bound states at a vortex are determined by solving the
Fermi arc encloses an odd number of Dirac points, and Bogoliubov de Gennes (BdG) equation Hξ = Eξ in polar
is associated with a Berry’s phase of π. In the simplest coordinates with ∆(r, θ) = ∆0 (r)e±iθ . A zero energy so-
case, there is a single non degenerate spin filtered Fermi lution exists for any µ. The algebra is simplest for µ = 0,
arc described by the time reversal invariant Hamiltonian where the zero mode has the form
Rr ′
− dr ∆0 (r ′ )/v
H0 = ψ † (−iv~σ · ∇ − µ)ψ. (1) ξ0± (r, θ) = χ± e 0 , (3)

Here ψ = (ψ↑ , ψ↓ )T are electron field operators, ~σ = with χ+ = ((0, i), (1, 0))T and χ− = ((1, 0), (0, −i))T .

W E equation with ∆(x, y) = ∆0 eiφ for y > W/2, ∆0 for

(a) φ x 0 (b)
y < −W/2 and 0 otherwise. The calculation is similar to
qv/∆0 Titov, Ossipov and Beenakker’s[21] analysis of graphene
S S -1 1 SNS junctions, except for the important difference that
graphene has four independent Dirac points, while we
TI -∆0
only have one. For W ≪ v/∆0 there are two branches
of bound states, which disperse with the momentum q in
2π φ
the x direction. For W = µ = 0 we find
(c) (d) 2
φ2 φ1 + E± (q) = ± v 2 q 2 + ∆20 cos2 (φ/2)
. (4)

For φ = π the spectrum is gapless. It is useful to
0 φ1 construct a low energy theory, for q ∼ 0 and φ = π − ǫ.
0 Finite W and µ can then easily be included. We first solve
0 π 2π
the BdG equation for the two E = 0 modes ζa=1,2 (y) at
FIG. 1: (a) A STIS line junction. (b) Spectrum of a line junc-
q = 0 and φ = π. It is useful to choose them to satisfy
tion for W = µ = 0 as a function of momentum for various Ξζa = ζa . Up to a normalization they may be written
φ. The solid line shows the Andreev bound states for φ = π. R |y|
±iµy/v− dỹ∆0 (ỹ)/v
The dashed lines are for φ = 3π/4, π/2 and π/4. The bound ζ1 ± iζ2 = ((1, ±i), (±i, −1))T e 0 . (5)
states for φ = 0 merge with the continuum, indicated by the
shaded region. (c) A tri-junction between three superconduc- We next evaluate hζa |qσ x τ z |ζb i and hζa |ǫ∆0 θ(y −
tors. (d) Phase diagram for the tri-junction. In the shaded W )τ y |ζb i to obtain the “k · p” Hamiltonian,
regions there is a ± MBS at the junction.
H̃ = −iṽτ x ∂x + δτ y , (6)

Another feature of px +ipy superconductors is the pres- where ṽ = v[cos µW + (∆0 /µ) sin µW ]∆20 /(µ2 + ∆20 ) and
ence of chiral Majorana edge states on the sample bound- δ = ∆0 cos(φ/2). The Pauli matrices τab act on ζa and
ary [3]. With time reversal symmetry, chiral edge states are different from those in (2). In this basis Θ = iτ y K
can not occur in our system. The surface - which it- and Ξ = K. The effect of finite µ is to reduce ṽ.
self is the boundary of a three dimensional crystal - can H̃ resembles the Su Schrieffer Heeger (SSH) model[22]
not have a boundary. By breaking time reversal sym- for polyacetalene, where δ plays the role of the phonon
metry, however, a Zeeman field can introduce a mass displacement. However, unlike that model, the E± (q)
term M σ z into (1,2) which can open an insulating gap states are not independent, and the corresponding
in the surface state spectrum. By solving (2) we find Bogoliubov quasiparticle operators satisfy γ+ (q) =
that the interface between this insulating state and the γ− (−q)† . The system is thus half a regular 1D Fermi
superconducting state has chiral Majorana edge states. gas, or a non chiral “Majorana quantum wire”.
This could possibly be realized by depositing supercon- Below it will be useful to consider junctions that bend
ducting and insulating magnetic materials on the surface and close. When a line junction makes an angle θ with
to form a “STIM junction”. It is interesting to note that the x axis the basis vectors (5) are modified according
for spinless electrons the px + ipy superconductor vio- to ζa → eiσz θ/2 ζa . H̃, however, is unchanged even when
lates time reversal, while the vacuum does not. For our θ(x) varies. On a circle, ζa changes sign when θ advances
surface states it is the insulator which violates time re- by 2π. Therefore, eigenstates of H̃ must obey antiperiodic
versal. A related effect could also occur at the edge of a boundary conditions, ϕ(0) = −ϕ(2π).
two dimensional topological insulator[16, 17, 18], which Next consider a tri-junction, where three superconduc-
is described by (1,2) restricted to one spatial dimension. tors separated by line junctions meet at a point, as in Fig.
At the boundary between a region with superconducting 1c. When φk=1,2 is in the shaded region of Fig. 1d, a
gap ∆τ x and a region with insulating gap M σ z we find MBS exists at the junction. Though the general BdG
a MBS, analogous to the end states discussed in Refs. equation cannot be solved analytically, this phase dia-
19, 20. Further discussion of STIM junctions will be de- gram can be deduced by solving special limits. When
ferred to elsewhere. In the remainder of this paper we φk = 0 there is no bound state. Another solvable limit
will focus on STIS junctions, which can lead to non chi- is when three line junctions with W = 0 are oriented at
ral one dimensional Majorana fermions, as well as MBSs. 120◦, and φk = ±k(2π/3). This is a discrete analog of a
Consider a line junction of width W and length L → ± vortex with C3 symmetry, and is indicated by the cir-
∞ between two superconductors with phases 0 and φ cles in Fig. 1d. For µ = 0 we find a MBS identical to (3)
in contact with topological insulator surface states. We with the exponent replaced by −∆0 n̂ · r/v. Here n̂ is a
analyze the Andreev bound states in the surface state constant unit vector in each superconductor that bisects
channel between the superconductors by solving the BdG the angle between neighboring junctions. The MBS can

π+ε π−ε π+ε π−ε space indexed by n12 = Γ†+ Γ+ . The splitting between ϕ±
π/2 π/2 π/2 π/2 π/2 -π/2 π/2 -π/2
− 0+ 0 −0 0− then characterizes the interaction between the MBSs,
4 4
H = E0+ (δ)(Γ†+ Γ+ − 1/2) = iE0+ (δ)γ2 γ1 /2. (8)

2 2

0 0 The sL = sR = −1 case is similar. Eq. 8 applies to both

-2 -2 cases, provided γ2 is associated with the + vortex.
(a) δ/∆Ε -4 (b) δ/∆Ε This provides a method for both creating and fusing
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 pairs of MBSs. Suppose we begin in the ground state
at δ > 0 with no MBSs present. Upon adiabatically
FIG. 2: Energy levels in units of ∆E = ṽ/L for a STIS line decreasing δ through 0 MBSs appear in the state |012 i.
junction terminated by two tri-junctions as a function of δ = Next suppose that initially δ < 0, and a pair of MBSs
∆0 cos φ/2 for φ ∼ π. In (a) two MBSs are created or fused
are present in the state |n12 i. When δ is adiabatically in-
when φ passes through π. In (b) a single MBS is transported
from one end to the other. The insets depict the MBSs. creased through 0 the system will remain in |n12 i, which
will either evolve to the ground state or to a state with
one extra fermion. The difference between the two states
not disappear when φk are changed continuously unless can be probed by measuring the current flowing across
the energy gap closes. The phase boundaries indicated the linear junction, which depends on whether the An-
in Fig. 1d therefore follow from the solution of the line dreev bound state ϕ+ is occupied. The measured current
junction, and occur when the phase difference between will be I = I¯ ± ∆I/2, where the current carried by ϕ+ is
neighboring superconductors is π. ∆I = (e/h̄)dE0+ /dφ ∼ e∆0 /2h̄ for δL/ṽ > ∼ 1.
It is instructive to consider the limit where two of the Finally, consider the case sL = −sR = 1, in which
lines entering the tri-junction are nearly gapless. For a − MBS is at one end or the other, as in Fig. 2b.
φ1 = π −ǫ1 and φ2 = π −ǫ2 Fig. 1d predicts a MBS when ±
p are plane wave solutions with energy En =
ǫ1 ǫ2 < 0. This can be understood with Eq. 6, which 2 2
± δ + (nπṽ/L) for n = 1, 2, ..., along with a single
describes the lower two line junctions, which have masses E0 = 0 state with wavefunction
δ1,2 = ∆0 ǫ1,2 /2. When ǫ1 ǫ2 < 0 δ changes sign, leading
to the well known midgap state of the SSH model[22, 23], ξ(x, y) ∝ ζ1 (y)eδx/ṽ (9)
which in the present context is a MBS.
A line junction terminated by two tri-junctions allows Depending on the sign of δ, ξ is exponentially localized
MBSs to be created, manipulated and fused. When φ at one end or the other. When δ changes sign, the MBS
passes through π MBSs appear or disappear at both smoothly switches sides. This provides a method for
ends. To model this we assume the phases of the super- transporting a MBS from one node to another.
conductors on either side of the line junction are 0 and We now discuss simple circuits built from STIS junc-
π−ǫ, and that the superconductors at the left (right) ends tions. First, consider Fig. 4a and a process in which the
have phases φL(R) , which are not close to 0 or π. This phase of the central island is adiabatically advanced from
allows us to model the ends using a hard wall bound- 0 to 2π. For φ = 0 there are no MBSs. At φ = 2π/3
ary condition δ → ±∞, where the sign at each end is two pairs of MBSs are created at the top and bottom
sL,R = sgn sin φL,R . It is straightforward to solve (6) to line junctions. At φ = 4π/3 the MBSs are fused at the
determine the spectrum as a function of δ = ∆0 ǫ/2 for left and right line junctions. If the system begins in the
a line of length L using this boundary condition. There ground state φ = 0, then when φ → 2π we find[8]
are two cases depending on the sign of sL sR . √
For sL = sR = 1 either zero or a ± pair of MBSs |012 034 i → (|014 032 i + |114 132 i)/ 2. (10)
are expected. The p spectrum, shown in Fig. 2a, may be
Thus, after the cycle, the left and right segments are in
written En± (δ) = ± δ 2 + ṽ 2 kn2 , where kn are solutions to
an entangled state. The currents measured across the left
tan kn L = −ṽkn /δ. Midgap states are present for δ < 0.
and right junctions will be I¯±∆I/2 with 50% probability
For L → ∞ a pair of zero energy states ξ1,2 (x, y) are
and will be perfectly correlated.
localized at each end with wavefunctions
Eq. 10 can be understood in two ways. First, the cy-
ξ1 = ζ1 e−|δ|x/ṽ , ξ2 = ζ2 e−|δ|(L−x)/ṽ , (7) cle effectively creates two pairs of MBS’s, interchanges
a pair (say 2 and 4) and brings the pairs back together.
where ζa (y) are given in (5). For finite −δL/ṽ ≫ 1 the As shown by Ivanov √ [4], this corresponds to the operator
eigenstates are ϕ± = ξ1 ± iξ2 , with energies E0± (δ) ∼ P24 = (1 + γ2 γ4 )/ 2, which leads directly to (10). Alter-
±2|δ|e−|δ|L/ṽ . These define Bogoliubov quasiparticle op- natively, this result can be derived from (6,8). From (8),
erators, Γ± = (ϕ± )† Ψ. Since ϕ± = Ξϕ∓ it follows that the Hamiltonian for φ < ∼ 2π/3 is H1 ∝ i(γ1 γ2 + γ3 γ4 ).
Γ+ = Γ†− ≡ (γ1 −iγ2 )/2 where γa = (ξa )† Ψ are Majorana For φ >∼ 4π/3 it becomes H2 ∝ i(γ1 γ4 − γ3 γ2 ). Here the
operators. The pair γ1,2 thus define a two state Hilbert minus sign arises because, as explained after Eq. 6, the

−π/3 0 non adiabatic or ∆E < kB T then additional quasiparti-

+ - cles could be excited. If those quasiparticles escape and
1 2 2π/3 −2π/3
interact with other MBSs, then the state of the MBSs
π/3 φ π/3 + 1 φ 2 + will be disturbed. However, if δ ≪ ∆0 the excited quasi-
- +
−2π/3 2π/3 particles will be confined to the segment in which they
(a) −π/3 (b) 0 were created. If δ is turned up so that kB T ≪ δ ≪ ∆0 ,
and the system relaxes back to its ground state, then the
FIG. 3: Simple circuits made from STIS junctions. When φ state of the MBSs will remain intact. Thus, if there is
is advanced from 0 to 2π (a) produces an entangled state and sufficient dynamic range between kB T and ∆0 , the sys-
(b) interchanges MBSs 1 and 2. tem can tolerate these excitations.

To conclude, this paper proposes a new venue for non-

closed 1D circuit must have antiperiodic boundary con- Abelian excitations. We hope that this will motivate the
ditions. Thus, one of the line junctions must have a cut search for topological insulators.
where the wavefunction changes sign. We chose the cut
to be on the junction between 2 and 3. It is then straight- We thank Sankar das Sarma and Steve Simon for help-
forward to express the groundstate of H1 in terms of the ful discussions. This work was supported by NSF grant
eigenstates of H2 , which leads directly to (10). DMR-0605066, and by ACS PRF grant 44776-AC10.
Fig. 3b gives a geometry for interchanging MBSs with-
out fusing them. For φ = 0 MBSs are located as shown.
When φ advances by 2π the MBSs hop counterclockwise
three times and are interchanged. Ivanov’s rules[4] pre-
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