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Gabriella Paez

Phone: (561)-254-3446 Email:

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL GPA: 3.72 (Expected Graduation Spring 2019)
 Bachelor of Arts in English, working on a Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing
 Specializing in Editing, Writing, and Media with a minor in Humanities
ENC5217: Topics in Editing (Fall 2018)
 Honing copyediting skills by intensely studying grammar and peer editing assignments.

Abercrombie & Fitch, Orlando/Tallahassee, FL (May 2016-Present)
Brand Representative, June 2018 Store MVP
 Create and maintain the in-store experience by providing customer service, and excelling at presentation
 Display professionalism through strong communicative skills, understanding of company policies,
systems, as well as patience, and poise.
The Deans Office of the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida State University (May 2017-May 2018)
Editing and Writing Intern
 Researched, wrote, and edited articles about the 18 departments within the College of Arts and Sciences
for their news site and magazine Across the Spectrum
 Conducted interviews with university faculty, students, and alumni to develop content for the College.
Horst Law Firm, Orlando, FL (December 2017-January 2018)
Legal Assistant
 While shadowing paralegals responsibilities pertained to opening, preparing and maintaining, and closing
cases in Personal Injury law.
 Upheld necessary office skills like organization at a professional level, multitasking, and teamwork.
The Borgen Project, Telecommuted (August 2017-December 2017)
Writing Intern
 Pitched, researched, and wrote 2 articles per week that were published on the Borgen Blog and Borgen
Magazine, relating to the themes of global poverty or poverty alleviation.
 Advocated and fundraised $500 on the national level on behalf of the organization.

Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society, Florida State University (Spring 2018-Present)
Society Member
 Recipient of a Southern Regional Scholarship for 2018-2019 school year.
Southeast Review Fiction Reader (Summer 2018)
Forensics/Speech, Florida State University (Fall 2015-Present)
 Organize the team, of about ten members, at tournaments, help lead fundraising events, and promote the
team on social media and through networking.
 Advocating for social change, awareness, agency for minority groups through speech.
Deans List, Florida State University (Fall 2015, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018)
Presidents List, Florida State University (Fall 2016)

 Spanish Reading, Writing, and Speaking: Conversational
 Proficient in Microsoft Suite
 Basic proficiency of Adobe InDesign
 Public speaking
 Fluent in social media networks

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