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Quindra Kyle V. Bagabaldo, Ysabella C. Ebora, Ivy M. Galamiton, Chayl Jhuren F. Lopez, Chiara P. Patriana
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering 4
Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan
Abstract - To familiarize the that doesn't consume any adjusted from 29.7 mA to
usage and the approximations voltage and doesn't have any 50.3 mA, the diode voltage is
of the diode in a circuit is the internal resistance. Figure 1 The third then measured and recorded
main objective of this shows the characteristics and approximation, the diode is for every increment. The knee
experiment. And in this equivalent circuit of the seen as a diode that consumes voltage is then recorded as
experiment, the silicon diode 0.7V (for silicon diode) and the voltage dissipated by the
is used. voltage across the internal diode of voltage from 29.7
bulk resistance of the diode. mA. Bulk resistance is then
Keywords- diode finally measured aa the
approximations, silicon diode, When forward voltage is
change in the current.
circuit more than 0.7 V, then the
diode conducts and the
voltage drop across the diode
I. INTRODUCTI becomes 0.7 V and it offers
ON resistance Rf (slope of the
This experiment aims to
Diode is a two- VD= 0.7 + ID Rf identify accurate
approximations that is to be
Current (mA) Voltage (V) Figure 3 shows the output used in diode circuits. Voltage
characteristics and equivalent supplied to the circuit was
29.7 0.564 adjusted to achieve ranges of
circuit of the diode.
current flow from the
40.3 0.623
minimum of 29.7 mA to
maximum of 50.3 (maximum
50.3 0.642
that the power source can
achieve). The voltages across
terminal electronic The second the diode is measured and is
component that conducts approximation, the diode is presented in table 1.
primarily in one direction seen as a diode that needs
(asymmetric conductance); it voltage in order to turn on. Table1: voltage across the
has low (ideally zero) For a silicon diode, the diode diode on forward curve
resistance to the current in needs about 0.7V in order to
one direction, and high turn on. When the voltage fed
(ideally infinite) resistance in into the diode forward biased Calculating for the bulk
the other. The most common is 0.7V or greater, the diode resistance is given by the
function of a diode is to allow switches on. When the formula
an electric current to pass in voltage is less than 0.7V, the
one direction (called the diode turns off. Figure 2 To identify the accurate diode
diode's forward direction), shows the characteristics and approximation that is
while blocking current in the applicable in the experiment.
equivalent circuit of the
opposite direction (the diode.
reverse direction). Diode
Substituting the values from
approximations are a way to III. EXPERIMENT
table 1 to the equation for the
analyze diodes in circuits. AL
bulk resistance gives 5.566
The diode acts as a switch in ohms for current range of
all approximations. A power source is prepared 29.7 to 40.3 mA and 1.9 ohms
for this experiment. A resistor for current range of 40.3 to
The first and a diode is plotted on a 50.3 mA. The first
approximation is viewing the bread board following the approximation holds true for
diode as an ideal diode. The the trouble shooting for it
circuit design provided by the
assumes that the diode
diode acts as a perfect switch instructor. The source is
voltage drop is 0. Thus the
diode is treated as an ideal
diode and does not consume
any voltage across it. The
second approximation that the
diode needs some voltage to
function. In the experiment, a
silicon diode is used and is
known to have a 0.7 V
theoretical value. And in the
experiment, the highest
voltage achieved is 0.642V
which is close enough to the
theoretical value. This entails
that the diode is off because
the 0.7 value is not yet
achieved. And thus, the third
approximation holds true in
this situation. The resistor
used in this experiment has a
value of 220 ohm which is
quite small and sudgests that
the bulk resistance should be
taken into account.

(see individual conclusions

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