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Long-Term Stability Characteristics of a Lime-Treated

Plastic Soil
S. A. A. Khattab1; M. Al-Mukhtar2; and J.-M. Fleureau3

Abstract: There are several questions that are not well understood with respect to the long-term stability characteristics of lime-treated
expansive soils in spite of being used as a conventional technique to improve the properties of expansive soils. This paper examines the
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long-term stability characteristics of FoCa bentonite soil 共FoCa represents the first two letters of the two towns between which this type
of soil is excavated: Fourgues and Cahaignes兲 using 4% lime treatment. The long-term stability characteristics referred to as durability in
the paper were interpreted taking into account the influence of wetting–drying and freezing-thawing cycles on key engineering properties
which include swelling and strength behavior of both untreated and lime-treated FoCa. In addition, leaching tests were carried out to study
the Ca2+ions and pH concentration changes of the percolating water from both treated and untreated compacted expansive soil specimens
analyze the permanence of the clay treatment. Finally, to highlight the changes induced in the texture of the material, pore size volume and
distribution were investigated by mercury intrusion tests.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2007兲19:4共358兲
CE Database subject headings: Expansive soils; Durability; Leaching; Lime; Soil stabilization; Plasticity.

Introduction 1989; Khattab et al. 2001兲. These reactions contribute to miner-

alogical and microstructural changes in the treated or stabilized
Several problems are commonly encountered when lightly loaded soils. Due to this reason, lime-treated expansive soil behavior is
structures such as roads, railways, and buildings are constructed significantly different from natural or untreated expansive soils.
on expansive soils. The majority of expansive soils are typically The pozzolanic reaction has significant influence particularly on
medium to highly plastic soils 共i.e., CL to CH兲 with swelling the expansive soil behavior. This reaction needs a considerable
pressure values in the range of 50– 500 kPa and swell potential in period of time and needs a highly alkaline environment 共i.e.,
the range of 2–20% 共Williams and Donaldson 1980兲. Lime treat- pH艌 12.4兲 which is achieved by the addition of an optimum
ment or stabilization has been conventionally used in engineering amount of lime 共Eades and Grim 1966; Hill and Davidson 1960兲.
practice to improve the strength and workability characteristics The alkaline environment is responsible for the slow dissolution
and decrease the swelling potential of expansive soils 共Metcalf of the aluminosilicate constituents of clay, which react with lime
1977; Bell 1996; Little 1995, 1996; Khattab et al. 2000; Lopez- producing hydrated cementitious products that bond the adjacent
Lara and Castano 2001兲. In addition, lime treatment is one of the soil particles together 共Ingles and Metcalf 1972; Little 1995; Bell
most economical techniques to improve the engineering behavior 1996兲.
of expansive soils. Several research studies were undertaken in the post to better
Typically, lime addition to expansive soils initiates four types understand lime stabilized expansive soil behavior 共Sherwood
of reactions between lime and the silicate and aluminate constitu- 1995; Little 1995, 1996; Khattab et al. 2000兲. However, studies
ents of the expansive clay. These are flocculation, cation ex- related to the understanding of long-term stability characteristics
change, carbonation, and pozzolanic reaction 共Arabi and Wild with respect to the influence of environmental factors such as
wetting–drying and freezing-thawing cycles on key engineering
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of properties 共i.e., shear strength, volume change, and flow behavior兲
Engineering, Mosul Univ., Al-Majmooah St., Mosul, Iraq. E-mail: of lime-treated expansive soils are limited. Few studies reported in the literature show that wetting and drying cycles have differ-
Professor, Centre de Recherches sur la Matière Divisée, CNRS-
ent effects on swelling potential and shear strength of untreated
CRMD UMR6619, Univ. d’Orléans, Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université
d’Orléans, 1 bis rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orleans Cedex 2, France. clayey soils. Several parameters such as the soil type, compaction
E-mail: procedure, and the testing conditions influence the soil durability
Professor, Laboratoire de Mécanique, Ecole Centrale Paris and 共Allam and Sridharan 1981; Pile and Mc Innes 1984; Abouleid
CNRS UMR 8579, Grande voie des vignes, 92295 Châtenay-Malabry 1985; Dif and Bluemel 1991; Day 1994; Lin and Benson 2000兲.
Cedex, France. E-mail: Thompson and Dempsey 共1969兲 showed that freezing and thaw-
Note. Associate Editor: Carl Liu. Discussion open until September 1, ing cycles induce significant volume changes accompanied by the
2007. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To reduction of shear strength even in stabilized clayey soils. This
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
effect was found to be more detrimental in the nonstabilized 共i.e.,
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted
for review and possible publication on March 11, 2005; approved on May natural or untreated兲 soils in comparison to stabilized clayey soils.
4, 2006. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engi- Other studies by Malhotra and Bhasker 共1983兲 and Little 共1995兲
neering, Vol. 19, No. 4, April 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/2007/ show that leaching has a significant effect both on treated and
4-358–366/$25.00. untreated soils containing highly soluble salts and minerals. How-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

ever, leaching has limited detrimental effects on soils that do not Table 1. pH Values of Soil Specimens for Different Lime Concentrations
contain soluble salts. Percentage of lime pH
The long-term stability characteristics referred to as durability
0 8.5
in this paper can be better interpreted if the influence of environ-
mental factors such as wetting–drying and freezing-thawing 1 11.7
cycles on key engineering properties is studied. There are several 2 12.3
questions that are not well understood with respect to the durabil- 3 12.4
ity characteristics of lime-treated expansive soils in spite of being 4 12.6
used as a conventional technique to improve the properties of 7 12.6
expansive soils. For this reason, an attempt is made to study the
durability characteristics of untreated and lime-treated expansive
clay from France. In the study presented in this paper, untreated
and lime-treated expansive compacted soil specimens were placed reduction in swell behavior characteristics, improved
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in a specially designed oedometer and subjected to wetting until strength, and flow properties of FoCa soil兲.
saturation followed by drying at 60° C. 60° C was selected to 2. Comparison of different soil properties of the untreated 共i.e.,
simulate the conditions prevailing in an arid region. The effect of natural兲 and treated FoCa soil. The soil properties compared
predrying at 60° C, followed by wetting–drying cycles, was stud- are: Index properties, consolidation parameters, swelling
ied on the durability characteristics 共i.e., swelling and strength properties, strength, and permeability of soil.
behavior of both untreated and lime-treated expansive clay兲. In 3. Measurement of the swelling and strength properties of both
addition, leaching tests were carried out to study the Ca++ ions untreated and treated FoCa soil after being subjected to sev-
and pH concentration changes of the percolating water from both eral wetting–drying cycles.
treated and untreated compacted expansive soil specimens to ana- 4. Measurement of the changes in Ca2+ ions and pH concentra-
lyze the permanence of the clay treatment. Finally, to highlight tion in water seeping through untreated and lime-treated
the changes induced in the texture of the material, pore size vol- FoCa soil, as a function of time.
ume and distribution were investigated by mercury intrusion tests. 5. Measurement of the changes in the coefficient of permeabil-
ity, k, of lime-treated specimens with time.
6. Mercury intrusion tests on treated and untreated compacted
FoCa soil specimens to highlight the changes induced in the
Materials and Methods texture and volume and distribution of pore size.

Soil and Lime

Estimation of the Optimum Percentage of Lime
A natural bentonite type of clayey soil from France which is Two independent methods proposed by Eades and Grim 共1966兲
commonly referred to in the literature as FoCa soil was chosen for and Hill and Davidson 共1960兲 were used to determine the opti-
the study presented in this paper. This soil has Ca++ ions as ex- mum lime percentage for the FoCa soil. In the first method, sug-
changeable cations and has a swelling potential of 20% and a gested by Eades and Grim 共1966兲, a minimum pH value of 12.4 is
swelling pressure of 150 kPa for specimens compacted at opti- necessary to activate the pozzolanic reaction between the lime
mum moisture content. Williams and Donaldson 共1980兲 suggested and the soil. The alkalinity of the soil increases with the addition
a broad classification of expansive soils using either swelling po- of lime. The pozzolanic reaction increases as the pH value in-
tential or swelling pressure values. Soils with a swelling potential creases and contributes to achieve better flocculation. The expan-
in the range of 5–20% are classified as highly expansive soils. As sive clay undergoes major transformations in its structure when
the swelling pressure is high, the soil used in the study was clas- mixed with lime. Flocculation and coagulation contribute to bring
sified as highly expansive clay. several expansive soil particles together to form larger sized ag-
The mineralogical analysis from x-ray diffraction and chemi- gregates. The change in the soil structure is a consequence of
cal analysis shows 80% of interstratified smectite/kaolinite min- cation exchange caused by dissociated bivalent calcium ions in
erals and a small amount of free kaolinite in this clay. The the pore water replacing univalent cations that are normally at-
nonclay minerals present are quartz, goetite, hematite, anastas, tached to the negatively charged individual expansive soil par-
and traces of calcite 共Atabek et al. 1991兲. The maximum dry ticles.
density 共␥d兲 and optimum moisture content 共wopt兲 are The pH values measured in the soil specimens for various lime
12.94 kN/ m3 and 32%, respectively, from standard Proctor tests percentages are shown in Table 1. pH of a soil-water mixture
conducted according to ASTM Specifications 共D-698兲 共Khattab et containing various amounts of lime 共by mass兲 is measured. Ac-
al. 2000兲. cording to this method, a minimum of 3% lime is necessary to
Hydrated lime 关i.e., Ca共OH兲2兴, manufactured by Balthazard et achieve a pH value of 12.4. In the second method, suggested by
Cotte 共Grenoble, France兲, was used for the stabilization of the Hill and Davidson 共1960兲, which is referred to as the minimum
FoCa soil. This lime is made from limestone rock and is consti- lime percentage or “lime fixation point” method, Lm, is given by
tuted of 95% CaCO3. Of this lime 90% is very fine and passes the following empirical expression:
through an 80 ␮m sieve opening.
Clay content 共⬍2 ␮m兲
Lm = + 1.25 = 3.55
Experimental Program 35
The experimental program consisted of the following: Taking into consideration the above-mentioned methods, it
1. Estimation of the optimum lime content to achieve favorable was decided to use 4% lime to treat the soil. Nevertheless, per-
durability characteristics of the FoCa soil 共i.e., to achieve centages of 1, 3, and 10%, were tried which supported the choice


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

Table 2. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Natural and Lime-
Treated FoCa Soil
FoCa soil

Property Natural Treated with 4% lime

Liquid limit, wL 共%兲 115 77
Plastic limit, w P 共%兲 45 65
Plasticity index, I p 共%兲 70 12
VB 共g / 100 g兲 21 16
Specfic surface, S p 共m2 / g兲 70 50
Cation exchange capacity 共meq/ 100 g兲 84 86

of 4% lime giving favorable results for stabilization of FoCa soil.

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More details are provided in the section entitled “Results and


Effect of Lime Treatment on the Properties of FoCa

Lime treatment modifies most of the original properties of the
FoCa soil as summarized in Table 2. There is a significant reduc-
tion of plasticity index I p and swell pressure ␴s of the FoCa soil Fig. 1. Experimental device for the measurement of swelling
due to lime treatment. The addition of lime leads to an increase in pressure and free swell
the optimum moisture content and a decrease in the maximum dry
density with respect to compaction properties of the soil. How-
ever, in this study, for comparison purposes, all the tests were dial gauge with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. The position of the mold
carried out on untreated and treated FoCa soil specimens at a is manually controlled by a screw to ensure the null displacement
water content of 32% and dry density of 12.94 kN/ m3, which condition of the piston while determining the constant volume
corresponds to optimum moisture and maximum dry density from swell pressure, ␴CV, of the expansive soil specimen.
standard Proctor compaction tests for the natural FoCa soil. The For the free swell pressure measurements, ␴FS, the displace-
lime percentage was fixed at 4% for most of the tests. ment of the piston is recorded as a function of time. A seating
stress of 2.3 kPa, which is due to the weight of the piston, is
applied on the specimen while continuously monitoring the ver-
Specimen Preparation
tical displacements. The influence of seating stress can be consid-
Precalculated quantities of FoCa soil and distilled water were ered to be negligible on the free swell pressure characteristics of
thoroughly mixed and sealed in a container for 24 h to achieve the FoCa treated and untreated soil specimens as the swell pres-
uniform moisture content. Distilled water was used to study the sures are high. The displacement readings were continued until
durability characteristics of untreated FoCa soil in order to nullify stabilization of the vertical displacement for 24 h.
any chemical interaction of ions which might be present in tap
water. The mixture was then statically compacted in the specially
Wetting and Drying Test Procedures
designed oedometer mold at the rate of 1 mm/ min, using a load-
ing frame to achieve compaction characteristics reflecting opti- This section provides the experimental procedure details of how
mum moisture and maximum dry density 共OMC兲 determined the compacted specimens were subjected to wetting and drying to
from standard Proctor tests. The compacted specimens were kept study the effect of these cycles on the swelling pressure charac-
under an applied load for at least 30 min prior to testing the teristics of lime-treated and untreated compacted FoCa soil speci-
untreated specimen. The final dimensions of the specimens were mens. The 10 mm thick statically compacted specimen in the
65 mm in diameter and 10 mm in height. The oedometer assem- oedometer was allowed to imbibe water from the bottom of the
bly with the compacted specimen was then placed on a rigid specimen under a head water of 300 mm to achieve fully satu-
frame along with a piston and dial gauge as shown in Fig. 1. The rated conditions. The saturated specimens were then subjected to
specially designed oedometer facilitates the determination of the relative humidities of 76, 44, and 32% to achieve 37, 111, and
constant volume and free swell pressure characteristics of clayey 150 MPa suction values, respectively, in a desiccator using differ-
soils. The oedometer device had provisions such that the com- ent salt solutions at a controlled room temperature of 20° C for a
pacted specimen can imbibe distilled water from the lower end to period of two days. This procedure facilitates achieving reason-
the top of the specimen to ensure expulsion of all the air bubbles ably dry samples with high suction values. In addition, this tech-
during saturation. The required amount of FoCa soil, lime, and nique is also useful to understand the influence of soil structure
water were added and cured for a period of 7 days before prepa- without inducing fissures in the expansive soils even at high suc-
ration of treated specimens. tions. These specimens were then subjected to drying in an oven
at 60° C. The mass of the soil specimens was then measured on a
daily basis until the mass attained a constant value. At the end of
Procedure for the Determination of Constant Volume
the drying phase, the mass and volume of the specimens were
Swelling Pressure, ␴CV, and Free Swell Pressure, ␴FS
carefully measured. Averages of four to six readings of measure-
Although the swell force acting on the piston is measured by a ments were taken. This technique facilitated the preparation of
proving ring, the displacement of the piston is measured using a specimens with water contents as low as 3.5%.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

Table 3. Effect of Lime Treatment 共after 7 Days of Curing兲 on Various Mechanical Properties of Specimens of FoCa Soil Compacted at Proctor Optimum
Moisture Content and Maximum Dry Density
Compression Swelling Swelling compressive Coefficient of
FoCa index index pressure, ␴s Free swell strength, qu permeability, k
soil Cc Cs 共kPa兲 共%兲 共MPa兲 共m/s兲
Natural 0.5 0.18 154 21.6 0.3 3 ⫻ 10−10
Treated with 4% lime 0.2 0.06 22 1.2 1.4 8 ⫻ 10−8
Percentage of change 共%兲 60 67 86 94 367 2.6⫻ 104

A total of seven wetting and drying cycles was applied to the tinued for several days until the weight of the soil specimen sta-
specimens prepared using the procedures detailed earlier. One se- bilized 共i.e., up to the point all the water has been extracted from
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ries of tests was undertaken on specimens that have been sub- the soil voids兲. The pore sizes were then estimated using the
jected to drying at 60° C after the curing time to study the influ- Young–Laplace equation. Mercury intrusion tests were performed
ence of predrying on the treated soil. Then the test was continued both on the treated and untreated specimens prepared at optimum
in the same way as the others. In the case of untreated specimens, moisture content and maximum dry density conditions, before
the same procedure was applied, with only 2 h rest during phase and after saturation, and finally on the specimens subjected to the
共1兲, as no curing was necessary. durability tests.
The volumetric changes associated during wetting and drying
cycles were determined from the measurements of soil specimen
dimensions. These measurements were taken at the end of each Results and Discussion
cycle 共i.e., after achieving equilibrium conditions兲.
Swell Pressure
Leaching Test Procedure
The constant value swelling pressure, ␴CV and free swell pressure
After stabilization of the vertical swell and determination of the ␴FS, the free swell index, the unconfined compression, qu and the
constant volume swell pressure of the soil specimen, distilled coefficient of permeability, k, tests were determined both on natu-
water was allowed to percolate through the specimen from the ral 共i.e., untreated兲 and lime-treated FoCa soil specimens. Table 3
bottom upwards in order to facilitate the removal of air bubbles, if summarizes changes in the soil properties expressed as the ratio
any. A constant head of 1 m was applied with a constant level of the parameter variation to its initial value. Most of the soil
water reservoir, corresponding to a hydraulic gradient of 10. This properties’ parameter variation from this study is in the range
gradient was selected to simulate a most severe condition, such as from 60 to 360%.
inundation. Water passing through the soil specimen was col- Fig. 2 shows that the swelling pressure decreases with an in-
lected by a pipe connected to an outlet fixed on the upper side of crease in the percentage of lime, up to 4%, then stabilizes, which
the piston, which in turn was connected to a leachate container. confirms the value of 4% chosen for this study. The addition of
Special care was taken to minimize the effects of evaporation and lime significantly reduces the swelling potential of the soil, in-
air contamination on the leachate solution. creases its unconfined compressive strength, qu, and the coeffi-
Continuous measurements of water flow, pH, and concentra- cient of permeability, k. These results suggest positive short-term
tion in Ca++ ions were performed in the leachate solution. The
leaching test continued for 15 days after the stabilization of the
pH values. A time period of 60 days was required to complete the
test. During the test, it was ensured that the specimen height
remained constant by regularly checking dial gauge readings 共i.e.,
to maintain constant volume conditions兲.

Mercury Intrusion Tests

The mercury intrusion tests were performed using a Poresizer
9320 porosimeter on lyophilized soil specimens. The mercury
was forced into the soil specimen by using pressure application
and intruded volume of mercury was continuously monitored.
The apparatus used facilitated a maximum pressure capacity on
the mercury which was equal to 210 MPa and is capable to esti-
mate pore diameters in the range between 0.0036 and 350 ␮m. In
practice, pore diameters smaller than 0.1 ␮m are not considered
for the analysis as the applied pressure on the mercury is substan-
tially high and could modify the original pore structure 共Tessier
1984兲. After compaction and extrusion from the mold of the
specimens, they were immediately frozen using liquid nitrogen
and lyophilized to take out the ice. This operation has to be car-
ried out quickly to minimize the changes in pore sizes 共Delage et Fig. 2. Swelling pressure of lime-treated soil as a function of the
al. 1982; Tessier et al. 1992兲. The lyophilization process is con- lime content


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

swelling reaches about 75%, whereas the second phase of drying
leads to a 25% settlement of the specimen. These values tend to
slightly increase during the following wetting and drying phases.
A comparison was made between the volumetric changes of the
untreated specimen and those of two specimens treated with 4%
lime, one immediately subjected to wetting and the other one
subjected to wetting after an initial drying phase. The changes in
void ratio due to the wetting–drying cycles applied to the speci-
mens are presented in Fig. 4, where only the envelopes of the
cycles have been represented. From these observations it can be
concluded that the addition of lime significantly reduces the am-
plitude of the void ratio changes and the magnitude of the final
value of the void ratio. In the case of the untreated specimen, the
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void ratio increases very quickly during the first two cycles from
approximately 1 to 2.5, due to the difference in the initial state
conditions, and remains constant during the following cycles. The
observations from this study are consistent with the findings by
Abouleid 共1985兲, who used untreated remolded clay specimens.
Fig. 3. Influence of wetting–drying cycles on the volumetric changes On the other hand, the final void ratio is limited to approxi-
of untreated specimens versus cycle number mately 2 for the specimen treated with 4% lime, with the cycles
starting from wetting. In that case, the free swell tends to increase
slightly with the number of wetting–drying cycles. This can be
effects due to 4% lime treatment of FoCa soil. Several studies in attributed to the breakage and damage of some cementation bonds
the literature on different expansive soils report similar improve- created by the lime treatment. In the case of the specimen dried
ments in the engineering behavior of expansive soils with respect before the application of the wetting–drying cycles, a constant
to short-term effects due to lime treatment 共Little 1996; Geney et increase in swell is observed, with a final value approaching that
al. 1987兲. However, the major focus of this study is to understand of the untreated specimen. A similar trend is observed during
how effective and permanent the lime treatment is on a long-term drying, but the changes are less important with void ratio reduc-
basis. There is limited information in the literature along this tion from 1 to 0.5 for the untreated specimen, and from 1 to
direction. approximately 0.7 for the specimens treated with lime.
In the case of the specimen first subjected to drying, the final
void ratio after 7 cycles is higher than that of the specimen sub-
Effect of Wetting and Drying on the Deformations of
jected to wetting. On the drying side, the effect of the predrying
Untreated and Lime-Treated Specimens
has a significant influence on the initial shrinkage of the specimen
Fig. 3 shows the results of the variation of void ratio which pro- 共possibly accompanied by the formation of microfissures兲, which
vides details of volumetric changes with respect to wetting– remains quasi-constant afterwards. Another possible reason may
drying cycles carried out on natural FoCa soil 共i.e., untreated be attributed to the detrimental effect of the predrying could be
compacted specimen of FoCa soil兲. In this test, initial wetting is the fact that it stops the pozzolanic reaction for which a certain
followed by a drying phase. During the second wetting phase, degree of humidity in the soil is necessary.

Fig. 4. Envelopes of volumetric changes of lime-treated and untreated specimens during wetting–drying cycles, for two different hydration


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

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Fig. 6. Variation of Ca2+ ions concentration in the leachate solution

Fig. 5. Variation of pH of the leachate solutions after flowing after flowing through the 4% lime-treated specimen
through lime-treated and untreated specimens

When considering the volumetric changes, lime treatment permeability of the lime-treated specimen. The coefficient of per-
leads to a reduction in total swelling strain 关␧␯ = ⌬e / 共1 + e0兲兴 from meability, k, first increases from 1 ⫻ 10−7 m / s to a maximum
75% in the untreated specimen to 49% for the lime-treated speci- value of 1.8⫻ 10−7 m / s, then it begins to decrease to reach a
men after 7 cycles of wetting and drying. This reduction reached constant value of 3.8⫻ 10−8 m / s after 42 days. The initial in-
68% in the lime-treated specimen starting with predrying. Conse- crease could be attributed to the leaching of nonreactive lime
quently, lime treatment appears to be efficient in the first case during the first few days. On the other hand, the continuous lime/
共i.e., starting with wetting兲, considering the severe conditions to clay reaction which increases with time may modify the pore size
which the specimens were subjected distribution by cementation, filling, and/or closing of some pores.
Lime/clay reactions induce changes in the pore size and pore
Leaching Test Results accessibility, thus increasing the tortuosity of the soil and result-
ing in a reduction of the coefficient of permeability 共Khattab et al.
Leaching tests were carried out on a specimen treated with 4% 2001兲. During the testing period, no variation was observed in the
lime and on an untreated compacted specimen. During the testing swelling pressure under constant volume conditions.
period, which continued for 60 days, several other properties
were measured on the same soil specimens. These properties in-
clude pH, concentration of Ca2+, ions and flow of water in the
leachate. Fig. 5 shows for the lime-treated specimen, the pH value
starts from a value close to 12 which continuously decreases, first
slowly during the first seven days, then more quickly during the
next fortnight, to reach an equilibrium value slightly lower than 8.
This effect is probably due to the leaching of excess of free lime
Ca共OH兲2. For the untreated specimen, the pH increases from 7 to
7.8 during the same period of time.
Fig. 6 presents the Ca2+ ion concentration in the leachate after
flowing through the treated soil specimen. The results suggest that
there is a small increase in this Ca2+ ion concentration during the
first two days 共from 245 to 250 mg/ L兲, followed by a continuous
decrease in Ca2+ ion concentration. After 7 days of further leach-
ing, the concentration value reaches 20 mg/ L, and remains con-
stant up to 60 days. The cumulative amount of lime displaced by
the flow of water, calculated on the basis of the Ca2+ ion concen-
tration, is less than 100 mg, which represents about 6% of the
original quantity of lime added for the treatment. The small quan-
tity of lime leached with water means that the reaction of lime
with the soil is stable.
In the case of the untreated specimen, the coefficient of per-
meability, k, calculated from the flow of water measured during
the leaching tests changes little 共i.e., between 1.5 and 1.8 Fig. 7. Permeability of the 4% lime-treated specimen to the leaching
⫻ 10−10 m / s兲. Fig. 7 shows the variation of the coefficient of solution


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

Fig. 8 and Table 4 present the mercury intrusion test results for
the first four specimens, namely, A, B, C, and D. Pore size distri-
bution results show that all the specimens present two classes of
pore sizes: Large pores with an entrance diameter larger than
approximately 10 ␮m and small pores having an entrance pore
diameter smaller than 10 ␮m. They also show that the total pore
volume of the compacted specimen prepared at the optimum
moisture content is larger for the lime-treated specimen than for
the untreated one. This can be explained by the lime-clay reac-
tions 共flocculation兲 and the reduction of the water content in the
treated specimen, compared to the untreated one. It is well known
that larger water content on the dry side of the compaction curve
facilitates particle arrangements that contribute towards a reduc-
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tion in pore volume. Moreover, in Table 4, the effect of lime

reaction with clay can be observed in the changes in the pore
repartition: the volumetric percentage of larger pores decreases
共from 26 to 9兲, which denotes a refinement of the pore structure
due to lime treatment. Such changes induce a more homogeneous
pore size distribution in the treated specimen as the particles are
less oriented due to flocculation than in the untreated specimen.
For the two treated specimens 共C and D兲 tested at the end of the
wetting–drying cycles, the total pore volume and the percentage
of large pores are, as expected, higher than in the treated com-
pacted specimen 共B兲. In the prehydrated specimen 共C兲, the pro-
portion of large and small pores is nearly the same. Nevertheless,
a finer analysis of the pore size distribution in the predried speci-
men 共D兲 shows that the proportion of large and small pores is
Fig. 8. Pore size distribution derived from mercury intrusion tests: similar to that obtained in the untreated specimen 共A兲. The satu-
共A兲 Untreated specimen compacted to OMC and maximum density; ration of the predried specimen seems to have not influenced
共B兲 4% lime-treated specimen compacted to OMC and maximum large/small pore ratio, but only enlarges the existing pore spaces.
density; 共C兲 4% lime-treated specimen after wetting–drying cycles,
Fig. 9 and Table 4 show the mercury intrusion test results for
starting by wetting; and 共D兲 4% lime-treated specimen after wetting–
the two treated specimens that are saturated under constant vol-
drying cycles, starting by drying
ume conditions after 7 curing days. Two classes of pore sizes can
be seen from these test results 共Fig. 9兲. The total pore volume is
Mercury Intrusion Test Results practically the same for the two specimens, resulting from the fact
Mercury intrusion tests were conducted on six soil specimens: that these two tests were carried out with no volume change.
One untreated 共A兲 and one lime-treated 共B兲 specimen compacted However, it may be observed that the pore size distribution is
at the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density before affected by leaching: The proportion of large pores slightly de-
saturation; two treated specimens after the wetting–drying tests, creases, which could be explained by the continuous formation of
which were allowed to swell freely: one without predrying 共C兲 cement-type bonds due to lime–clay reactions leading to an in-
and one with predrying 共D兲; and two treated specimens after the crease in the water flow path within the specimen and a decrease
leaching test 共E兲 and the swelling pressure measurement 共F兲 under in the coefficient of permeability of the leached specimen. Finally
constant volume conditions. It was not possible to test a represen- it should be noted that the average pore diameter decreases with
tative specimen of untreated soil subjected to wetting–drying saturation and leaching, from 0.078 ␮m for B to 0.060 and
cycles because of its low strength and brittle behavior. 0.067 ␮m for E and F, respectively.

Table 4. Results of Mercury Intrusion Tests on the Different Specimens after Wetting–Drying or Leaching Tests
Compacted specimens
Compacted specimens after saturation under
Compared after wetting–drying tests no volume change
specimens 共free swell兲 condition

Treated, Treatd, Treated, Treated,

with initial with initial after after
Untreated Treated wetting drying leaching saturation
Parameter 共A兲 共B兲 共C兲 共D兲 test 共E兲 test 共F兲
Total volume of mercury injected 共cm3兲 0.234 0.283 0.472 0.492 0.274 0.270
Average pore diameter 共␮m兲 0.068 0.078 0.112 0.108 0.060 0.067
Volume % of pores ⬎10 ␮m 26 9 40 27 13 20
Volume % of pores ⬎10 ␮m 74 91 60 73 87 80


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

From an engineering practice point of view, it is suggested that
lime-stabilized soils should not be exposed to drying too early
after the curing period and should be protected as long as possible
from direct sunlight and heat, especially during the hot season, in
order to avoid any reduction of the efficiency of the lime


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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2007, 19(4): 358-366

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