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Instruction Manual

East London / South Africa
Sigpack HSM
Title page en

Machine Documentation
Date of issue: Customer: Version:
Machine-No. MC type: Job no.:
Year of construction: 2011

The documentation in hand is applicable to the following machines:


This instruction manual is only valid with a version number. The instruction
manual with the highest version number supersedes all other versions. All
previous versions must be destroyed.

Your documentation consists of several parts. This part is highlighted.

1 Instruction Manual

2 Spare Parts Catalog

Electrical Diagrams/Drawings

3 Electrical Documentation Settings/Software


4 Changeover Instruction

01989_HSM_461 | Version: 1 | 11.2011 Bosch Packaging Systems

en Important notes | 1-1/1-10

Table of contents 1 Important notes

1.1 Concerning this operating manual 1-2

1.1.1 Purpose of the operating manual 1-2
1.1.2 Presentation system 1-3
1.1.3 Notes in the operating manual 1-4
1.1.4 Safekeeping of operating manual 1-4
1.1.5 Registered trademarks 1-4
1.1.6 Operating manual identification 1-5

1.2 Concerning this machine 1-5

1.2.1 Appropriate use 1-5
1.2.2 Inappropriate use 1-6
1.2.3 EC Declaration of Conformity 1-7

1.3 Technical data 1-8

1.3.1 Dimensions and weight 1-8
1.3.2 Energy supply and workstation 1-9
1.3.3 Performance and product 1-10
1.3.4 Ambient conditions 1-10
1.3.5 Emissions 1-10
1.3.6 Accessories 1-10

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1.1 Concerning this operating manual

1.1.1 Purpose of the operating manual

The operating manual allows the safe and correct operation of the
machine. It is the manual for operating and specialist personnel working
on the machine. The manual must be read before operating the machine.
The operating manual is aimed at the following personnel:
 Operating personnel
 Maintenance personnel
 Mechanics
 Electricians
 Commissioning personnel
More information concerning personnel qualification [ 2-6, Personnel
qualification] is contained in individual chapters.
All specifications and information for the operation and maintenance of
the machine are provided to the best of our knowledge and experience.
The 'original operating manual' is provided in German. All translations into
any other than the German language is a 'translation of the original
operating manual'.

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en Important notes | 1-3/1-10

1.1.2 Presentation system

To improve the readability and ease of understanding of the text, the

following conventions are used:

Cross references Cross references between chapters or sub-chapters within the operating
manual are shown in square brackets.
Example: Technical Data [ 1-8, Technical data]

Operating instructions The following symbols are used for operating instructions.
 Condition
a) First step
b) Second step
 Interim result
 Result

Operating elements Operational elements are given in capital letters.

Example: EMERGENCY STOP button

Mask text Texts in masks (touchscreen) are given in italics; this relates to:
 Switch markings and displays
 Fault reports
 Selection fields
 Parameter numbers and values
Example: Empty machine

Product flow direction In drawings this arrow indicates the product flow direction:

Direction of movement In drawings this arrow indicates the direction of movement:

Pointer This arrow indicates pointers and fixing points of exchange and
changeover parts:

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1-4/1-10 | Important notes en

1.1.3 Notes in the operating manual

There are 3 different types of notes:

Chapter overview
The Chapter Overview is given at the start of each chapter and provides
an overview of the contents.

Advices are marked with this symbol.

Notice supplementary documentation

References to supplementary documentation, in addition to this operat-
ing manual, are marked with this symbol.

1.1.4 Safekeeping of operating manual

The owner is obliged to store the operating manual appropriately and to

ensure its ready availability on site.

1.1.5 Registered trademarks

The software and hardware designations referred to in this operating

manual are registered trademarks and are subject to trademark

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en Important notes | 1-5/1-10

1.1.6 Operating manual identification

The header is for quick orientation, while the footer specifies the
This operating manual deals with the machines specified on the reverse
of the title page.
The clear assignment of each page in the operating manual contains the
following details:


1 Language

2 Current chapter

3 Page number
1 - 1 / 1 - 8
Current - Current / Current - Total number of pages
chapter page chapter of current chapter


1 Manufacturer

2 Release month of Documentation (mm)

3 Release year of Documentation (yyyy)

4 Version number

5 Document ID

1.2 Concerning this machine

1.2.1 Appropriate use

The purpose of the machine is the processing of the contractually agreed


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It may only be used for purposes specified in this operating manual and
with the software supplied. All other uses are regarded as inappropriate
and are prohibited.
Technical operating conditions as well as Ambient Conditions [ 1-10,
Ambient conditions] must be observed when operating the machine. Only
then can a fault-free operation of the machine be ensured and the
performance data listed be achieved. The operation in an environment at
risk from explosions is prohibited.
Appropriate use also includes following the prescribed maintenance and
repair instructions and using the recommended auxiliary materials and

1.2.2 Inappropriate use

If non-contractual goods are processed or the machine is applied to

operations not described in this operating manual, such use is
Operation outside the appropriate use is prohibited and will render the
manufacturer's liability and all claims regarding the guarantee as void.
All modifications to the machine require prior consultation with the

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1.2.3 EC Declaration of Conformity

The contents of the EC declaration of conformity is given below.

EC Declaration of Conformity
We hereby certify that the machine/machines listed below have passed
the required EC Safety and Health Regulations for which they were
designed and built and they have been approved for production.
Any modification to the machine/machine group after delivery to the
customer without our prior knowledge and consent renders this
declaration void.

Description of the machine or See title page

Machine no. See reverse of title page

Manufacturer Bosch Packaging Systems AG, Industriestrasse 8, CH-8222 Beringen

Pertinent EC directives  EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

 EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC

Authorized to compile the J. Waldmann, Industriestrasse 8, CH-8222 Beringen

technical documentation

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1.3 Technical data

1.3.1 Dimensions and weight

Dimensions Length 8974 mm

Width 1550 mm
Height 2250 mm

Weight Total weight 2830 kg

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1.3.2 Energy supply and workstation

1 Electricity 3 Workstation
2 Pneumatics 4 Nameplate

Electricity Mains voltage 3 x 380V +

/- 5 %
Frequency 50 Hz
Output 17.8 kVA

Pneumatics Medium oil-free compressed air

Minimum operating pressure 4.0 bar
Maximum operating pressure 6.0 bar

Workstation The term workstation is the recommended place for the machine
operating personnel under normal circumstances. Access to all parts of
the machine must be available to cater for exceptional operating

Nameplate A nameplate is fitted to ensure clear identification of the machine. It

contains the following information:
 Machine type
 Machine serial number
 Year of construction
 Manufacturer's address

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1.3.3 Performance and product

Machine performance is dependent upon the product, packaging material

and packaging process.
The exact descriptions, dimensions and weights of the products, together
with the specifications of the packaging material, are part of the
contractual agreement. The following machine performance figures refer
to the fastest running product.
Output per minute max. 756 packages
Product Chocolate bars
Packaging process Cold sealing

1.3.4 Ambient conditions

Ambient temperature range 15 °C - 30 °C

without air conditioning in the
electrical cabinet
15 °C - 45 °C
with air conditioning in the
electrical cabinet
Air humidity max. 80 %, non-condensing
Installation height up to 2000 m above sea level

1.3.5 Emissions

Airborne noise emission Sound pressure level (LpA): 79 dB(A)

Measurements according to "Acoustics - noise emitted by machines and
equipment", EN ISO 11202, accuracy class 3
Measurment under near-operating conditions at the working place
according to the measurement record.

1.3.6 Accessories

Accessories such as tools, adjustment gauges, change parts etc, are

listed in the spare parts catalog.

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en Safety instructions | 2-1/2-8

Table of contents 2 Safety instructions

2.1 Operation-specific warnings 2-3

2.1.1 Appearance 2-3
2.1.2 Degree of danger 2-3
2.1.3 Types of danger 2-4

2.2 Basic safety instructions 2-5

2.2.1 Organization and personnel 2-5
2.2.2 Personnel qualification 2-6
2.2.3 Product-specific dangers 2-7

2.3 Emergency measures 2-7

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2-2/2-8 | Safety instructions en

Chapter overview
Safety instructions and safety equipment serve to prevent accidents as
well as to avoid damage when operating or performing maintenance on
the machine.
The safety instructions contain warnings and basic safety instructions.
In addition to the safety instructions in this chapter, there are operation-
specific warnings in following chapters.
All safety instructions and warnings in the operating manual must be
followed in order to ensure optimum protection of operators and the en-
vironment from danger as well as fault-free operation of the machine.

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2.1 Operation-specific warnings

2.1.1 Appearance

Operation-specific warnings have the following appearance and structure:

Type and source of the danger
 Primary result when danger occurs
 Secondary result when danger occurs
a) Correctional measure 1
b) Correctional measure 2
 Result (optional)

2.1.2 Degree of danger

For the various degrees of danger, the following signal words apply:

Death; permanent health damage

Temporary injuries, work incapacity

Temporary injuries, no work incapacity

Material damage only, production downtime

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2.1.3 Types of danger

The following pictograms signal various types of danger:

Pictogram Warning of .. Pictogram Warning of ..

Hazard area Automatic startup

Lacerations Fall hazard

Hot surface Heavy component

Laser beam Hand injuries

Floating load Electrocution

Electrostatically endangered Material damage


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2.2 Basic safety instructions

2.2.1 Organization and personnel

Use of machine The machine has been built in accordance with state-of-the-art
technology and acknowledged safety regulations. However, its operation
may endanger the life or physical condition of operators and third parties
or may impair the running of the machine itself or cause other material
damage. This danger increases if the machine is not operated by trained
personnel or is used for non-appropriate purposes [ 1-6, Inappropriate
The acknowledged rules for safety and technically correct operation of
the equipment are to be followed and the owner is obliged to instruct
operators accordingly.

Safety Equipment The machine must only be operated in perfect technical condition and in
accordance with the operating manual. The elements detailed under
Safety Equipment [ 3-4, Safety Equipment] must not be dismantled or
bypassed. Personnel are strictly prohibited from remaining inside closed
protective covers.
Prior to opening or dismantling a fixed protective cover the main switch
must be switched off and secured with a padlock against accidental
Prior to removing the padlock ensure that all fixed protective covers are
correctly fitted.
EMERGENCY STOP functions and switching-off procedures are
described under Operation [ 6-1, Operation].
ISO warnings displayed on the machine give warnings of residual
If country-specific safety regulations demand that additional warnings are
affixed to the machine, these warnings must be affixed by the owner prior
to the commissioning of the machine.

Personal safety precautions The necessary safety components and clothing must be available (e.g.
ear muffs, safety spectacles, protective gloves etc).
Long, unrestrained hair, loose clothing and jewelry must not be worn.

Instruction of personnel Instructed personnel is defined as persons who have been fully instructed
in the correct machine operation and the dangers of incorrect usage.
Instruction in the necessary safety precautions for such personnel is
especially important. Training by Bosch Packaging Systems AG may be
arranged at the owner's request.

Knowledge of operating manual Knowledge of the operating manual is essential for any work on the
machine. This means reading the manual thoroughly and gaining a good
understanding of its contents. The owner is obliged to monitor this and
provide proof if required.

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2.2.2 Personnel qualification

Operating personnel The machine may only be operated by reliable, trained or instructed
operating personnel. Knowledge of the operating manual is essential.
The operating personnel must be capable of reading and understanding
the machine displays.

Maintenance personnel Only reliable, trained or instructed personnel are allowed to carry out
cleaning and lubrication of the machine. Knowledge of the operating
manual is essential.
The maintenance personnel must be capable of reading and
understanding the machine displays.

Mechanics Mechanical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
mechanics or by instructed personnel under the direction and supervision
of a qualified mechanic.
Work on gas, pneumatic and hydraulic systems may only be carried out
by specialized mechanics.
Only reliable, trained or instructed mechanics are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual is essential.

Electricians Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the electrical
engineering rules and regulations.
Only reliable, trained or instructed electricians are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual and access to
the electrical documentation is essential.

Commissioning personnel Mechanical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
mechanics or by instructed personnel under the direction and supervision
of a qualified mechanic.
Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the electrical
engineering rules and regulations.
Electronic work as well as setting operations on the machine may only be
undertaken by a qualified electrician with electronic experience of the
relevant machine type or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of such qualified electrician.
Only reliable, trained or instructed commissioning personnel are allowed
to carry out commissioning work on the machine. Knowledge of the
operating manual is essential.

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2.2.3 Product-specific dangers

Hot machine parts Certain parts of the machine such as heaters, motors and transformers
can get hot during continuous machine operation. Touching these can
result in burns.
 Wear protective gloves when working on hot machine parts.
 Do not use motors or transformers as support.

Laser beams Laser sensors may be used to control the machine. The laser beam
emitted by the sensor may damage the eyes.
 Do not look directly into the laser beam.
 Remove the electrical cable before working on laser sensors.

Dangers due to automatic When in Production mode, the machine can start up automatically at any
startup of the machine time.

Dangers due to auxiliary For all cleaning agents, disinfectants, chemicals and lubricants used for
materials and consumables the operation or maintenance of the machine, observe the safety data
sheets of the relevant manufacturer regarding storage, handling, usage
and disposal. Do not use any materials with unknown characteristics.

Blow ejection nozzles Blow ejection nozzles are frequently built in to eject faulty packages and
products. They operate at high pressure and generate a strong air jet.
 Wear safety goggles when inspecting or adjusting blow ejection
 Prior to maintenance work on the blow ejection nozzles, the shut-off
valve must be switched off and safeguarded against being switched
back on.

2.3 Emergency measures

In case of danger or accident, the machine must be stopped immediately

Actuating EMERGENCY STOP triggers an immediate emergency
machine stop. The machine is decelerated and stopped as quickly as
possible, with no regard to the current machine position.
Always be prepared for accidents!
Leaked substances must not reach the outside environment! A bonding
agent is recommended in the safety data sheet which can be used to
contain the leakage of such substances (oil, etc). Larger leakages will
require a suitable barrier to be installed.

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en Construction and function | 3-1/3-40

Table of contents 3 Construction and function

3.1 Safety Equipment 3-4

3.1.1 Safety circuit 3-4
3.1.2 fixed protective covers 3-4
3.1.3 Movable protective covers 3-5
3.1.4 Relief valve 3-5
3.1.5 Safety switches 3-5

3.2 Machine specification plan 3-6

3.2.1 Working principle 3-7
3.2.2 Accessories 3-7

3.3 Aligning belt 3-8

3.3.1 Lateral ruler 3-9
3.3.2 3D monitoring 3-10

3.4 Inline infeed 3-11

3.4.1 Conveyor belts 3-12
3.4.2 Conveyor belt vacuum support 3-13
3.4.3 Speed control 3-13

3.5 Infeed chain 3-15

3.5.1 Carrier chain 3-16
3.5.2 Product monitoring 3-16
3.5.3 Homing function sensor 3-17

3.6 Packaging material feed 3-18

3.6.1 Reel axle 3-19
3.6.2 Reel brake 3-19
3.6.3 Packaging material end sensor 3-20
3.6.4 Packaging material splicer 3-20
3.6.5 Auxiliary unwinder 3-21
3.6.6 Packaging material strip control 3-22
3.6.7 Registration mark sensor 3-23
3.6.8 External splicing sensor 3-24

3.7 Tube former 3-25

3.8 Longitudinal sealing 3-26

3.8.1 Air extraction 3-27
3.8.2 Cover plates 3-28
3.8.3 Advance rollers and sealing rollers 3-29
3.8.4 Folding discs 3-30

3.9 Transverse sealing 3-31

3.9.1 Sealing jaws 3-32

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3.10 Package discharge 3-33

3.10.1 Discharge belt 3-34
3.10.2 Transport aid 3-34
3.10.3 Faulty package ejector 3-35

3.11 Drives 3-36

3.11.1 Drive concept 3-36
3.11.2 Aligning belt drives 3-36
3.11.3 Inline infeed drives 3-37
3.11.4 Pillow pack machine drives 3-38

3.12 Maintenance unit Compressed Air 3-39

3.13 Industrial vacuum system P-Ries 250 D 3-40

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en Construction and function | 3-3/3-40

Chapter overview
The machine's safety equipment is explained first. Then follows a gen-
eral description of the machine and its function units.
Finally, the construction and function of each function unit, in the order of
the product flow, is shown and explained.
The contents of the chapters on operation, maintenance and commis-
sioning are based on the information contained in this chapter.

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3.1 Safety Equipment

3.1.1 Safety circuit

1 Safety circuit Positions of EMERGENCY STOPS

A safety circuit is an electrical device. During standard operation, the

safety circuit is closed and active. It is interrupted by activating safety and
monitoring equipment. All functions inside the circuit are deactivated as
quickly as possible preventing a resumption of operations. If one safety
circuit is interrupted other safety circuits may be affected.
At standstill, with interrupted safety circuit:
 all drive motors are without power.
 all pneumatic systems are cut off from the compressed air supply.
 all pneumatic systems are, as far as possible, vented.

Safety and monitoring The following safety features are built into the machine to interrupt a
equipment safety circuit:
 movable protective covers
 Light curtain (optional).

3.1.2 fixed protective covers

Fixed protective covers are mechanically attached to the machine and

can only be opened or removed by using a tool.
The opening or removal of a fixed protective cover does not interrupt the
safety circuit. Therefore the fixed protective cover may only be removed if
the main switch is switched off and secured with a padlock.

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3.1.3 Movable protective covers

Movable protective covers include hoods, doors and all types of

protective covers which can be opened or removed without using a tool.
The movable protective covers are monitored via a safety switch.
Potentially dangerous movements or situations caused by opening or
removing the protective cover are either prevented or interrupted by a
safety switch.

3.1.4 Relief valve

The relief valve separates the compressed air supply side from the air
consumption side, which is also vented, if possible, when either the main
switch is switched off or the safety circuit is activated.

3.1.5 Safety switches

Non-contact safety switch

A non-detachable magnet 1 is screwed onto the protective cover. The
corresponding safety switch 2 is situated on the machine.
The safety switch monitors the closed position of each protective cover.

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3.2 Machine specification plan

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Product infeed
1 Aligning belt type FBAC
2 Inline infeed type FBFC
3 Infeed chain type FCSC

Pillow pack machine type HSM

4 Packaging material feed
5 Tube former
6 Longitudinal sealing
7 Transverse sealing
8 Package discharge
9 Touchscreen

10 Industrial vacuum system type 250D
11 Printer SmartLase 130

3.2.1 Working principle

Product infeed The product is turned, aligned lengthwise, cadenced, and placed into the

Pillow-pack machine The packaging material is shaped into a tube. The tube is sealed in front
of and behind the product. Simultaneously the finished packages are
separated from the packaging material tube.

3.2.2 Accessories

The following accessories are used for this machine:

 Industrial vacuum system type 250 D - P-Ries
 Printer Markem SmartLase 130

Notice supplementary documentation

The device is described in the relevant manufacturer's operating manual.

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3.3 Aligning belt

1 Conveyor belt 3 3D monitoring

2 Lateral ruler 4 Blow-out station

The incoming products are received by the conveyor belt and aligned
lengthwise by the lateral ruler.
The 3D monitoring checks the position and dimensions of the products.
Faulty products are ejected via the blow-out station.

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3.3.1 Lateral ruler

The incoming products accumulate at the laterally driven belt 1 and are
so longitudinally aligned and positioned. The powered belt 1 operates at
the same speed as the conveyor belt.
The lateral ruler can be swiveled upwards for cleaning and maintenance
purposes. For this, the locking device 2 must be unlocked first. The gas
pressure springs 4 hold the lateral ruler in the lifted position.
The locked position of the lateral ruler, which is also the operating
position of the lateral ruler, is monitored by the safety switch 3.

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3.3.2 3D monitoring

While passing the 3D control, the products are checked by optical

sensors. The 3D control consists of:
 Sensor 2 - 3D monitoring, length
The sensor determines the length of each product on the conveyor
belt; products which are too long or too short are ejected via the blow-
out station 1.
 Sensor 3 - 3D monitoring, maximum height
The sensor registers products which are too high on the conveyor belt;
these are ejected via the blow-out station 1.
 Sensor 4 - 3D monitoring, maximum width
The sensor registers products which are too wide or wrongly placed
on the conveyor belt; these are ejected via the blow-out station 1.

Using a compressed air blast, the blow-out station 1 moves the faulty
products into an ejector chute, from where the products drop into a
collection container.

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3.4 Inline infeed

1 Conveyor belts 4 Restrainer

2 Lateral guides 5 Crumb plate
3 Optical Sensors

The inline infeed consists of two control belts, a cadence belt and optical
sensors for speed control.
The incoming products accumulate into a continuous product string on
the two control belts. The optical sensors register the product flow and
control the rotational speed of the pillow pack machine depending on that
The lateral guides center the products during transport. The restrainer
ensures that the accumulated products can not move into an upright
Crumbs and fragments are collected by the crumb plate.

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3.4.1 Conveyor belts

Control belts The products accumulate into a continuous product string on the control
belts 1 and 2.
As soon as the control belt 2 is covered completely with accumulated
products, the speed of the control belt is adjusted to the speed of the
cadence belt to reduce back pressure.

Cadence belt The position of the products is detected on the cadence belt 3 and
compared to the nominal position. Depending on the deviation, the speed
of the cadence belt is adjusted so that each product is transferred
correctly to the downstream acceleration belt.

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3.4.2 Conveyor belt vacuum support

An industrial vacuum system (external device) creates a vacuum above

the suction hose 2 at the suction slit 1. The vacuum sucks the products
onto the belts of the cadence belt, this prevents a shifting of the products
when the speed of the cadence belt changes.

3.4.3 Speed control

The sensors 1 to 6 above the control belts and the cadence belt register
the product flow and control the speed of the belts and the pillow pack
machine depending on that flow.
Infeed monitoring (overfill If the laser sensor 1 registers a continuous product string, the machine
protection and blocking) control triggers a stop of the upstream product infeed. At the same time,
the rotational speed of the pillow pack machine is increased.
If the laser sensor 1 continues to register a continuous product string
after a set period of time, the machine control triggers a positioned
machine stop (overfill protection or jammed products).

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Proportional control Sensor 2 counts the products and causes the pillow pack machine to run
at a higher or lower rotational speed, depending on the quantity.
Rotational speed control The sensors 3 and 4 control the rotational speed of the pillow pack
(positive and negative machine. The product string must swing continuously between those two
correction) sensors.
If the products are backed up past sensor 3, the rotational speed of the
pillow pack machine is increased (positive correction).
If the back-up of products no longer reaches sensor 4, the rotational
speed of the pillow pack machine is decreased (negative correction).
Back pressure reduction If the product string reaches under sensor 3, the speed of the control belt
is reduced to the speed of the cadence belt. By reducing the belt speed,
the pressure on the accumulated products is reduced.
Start/Stop If the sensor 5 no longer registers any products, the pillow pack machine
is stopped (ready-stop). The control belts, however, keep running. As
soon as the sensor 5 registers products again, the pillow pack machine
restarts automatically.
Product piece cadencing The sensor 6 registers the position of every single product on the
cadence belt and compares it to its nominal position. In case of a
deviation, the cadence belt speed is adjusted so that each product is
transferred correctly positioned to the downstream acceleration belt.

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3.5 Infeed chain

1 Acceleration belt 5 Carrier chain

2 Lateral guides 6 Homing function sensor
3 Product monitoring 7 Crumb plate
4 Blow-out station

The infeed chain consists of the acceleration belt and the carrier chain.
During transfer from the cadence belt to the acceleration belt, the
products are accelerated and dispersed longitudinally. The carriers of the
carrier chain emerge between the two belts of the acceleration belt and
receive the products.
The carrier chain transports the products to the tube former. The lateral
guides and the restrainer center the products horizontally or vertically
during the transport to the tube former.
Faulty products are detected by the product monitoring and blown into
the ejector chute by the blow-out station. The products reach the
collection container via the ejector chute
Crumbs and fragments are collected by the crumb plate.

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3.5.1 Carrier chain

The carriers 4 are mounted onto the chain pins 2 of the roller chain 1.
The carriers 4 transport the products and push them into the open
packaging material tube created by the folding box. Depending on the
length of the products, the carriers 4 must be mounted onto the chain
pins 2 at the correct intervals.
Each carrier is fitted with a metal pin 3. The homing function sensor
registers these metal pins and the machine control determines the
position in the carrier chain this way.

3.5.2 Product monitoring

The product monitoring consists of two optical sensors and the blow-out

Height monitoring The sensor 1 registers each product which is too high. A product which is
too high is a product which is either placed incorrectly in the carrier chain
or has another product placed on top. The faulty product is ejected via
the blow-out station 3.

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Length monitoring The sensor 2 establishes the length of each product and registers all
products which are either too short or too long. The faulty product is
ejected via the blow-out station 3.
Missing products in the carrier chain (empty divisions) are also detected.
The resulting empty packages are ejected on the discharge belt of the
pillow pack machine.

Blow-out station Faulty products are removed from the carrier chain by the blow-out
station 3. To this end, a nozzle blows diagonally from below and lifts the
product up off the carrier chain. At the same time, another nozzle blows
from the front and moves the lifted product into the ejector chute 4.
The product, which is either too short, too long or too high, slides from the
ejector chute 4 into the collection container underneath.

3.5.3 Homing function sensor

The sensor 1 is used to synchronize the carrier chain. Each passing

carrier is detected. The homing procedure synchronizes the carrier chain
and then stops it.

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3.6 Packaging material feed

1 Reel axle 5 Auxiliary unwinder

2 Reel brake sensor 6 Packaging material strip control
3 Reel brake 7 Registration mark sensor
4 Packaging material splicer 8 External splicing detection sensor

The packaging material reels are unwound by the continuous packaging

material pull-off . A finished packaging material reel is connected to a
new packaging material reel automatically and without interrupting the

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3.6.1 Reel axle

The packaging material reel 1 is mounted onto the reel axle 2. The
adjustable collar 3 is the stop for the lateral centering of the packaging
material reel.
The rotary grip 5 protracts and retracts the clamping elements 4, which
fixes or releases the packaging material reel on the reel axle.

3.6.2 Reel brake

The packaging material runs around the diversion roller 2 and around the
pivot arm 3. When the pivot arm 3 is at its lowest position, the reel axle 1
is stopped.
As soon as the packaging material is pulled off, the pivot arm 3 moves up
and releases the brake. The reel axle 1 starts to rotate and the packaging
material is unwound.
When no more packaging material is pulled off, the pivot arm 3 drops
down. The reel axle 1 is stopped and the packaging material is no longer
To release the reel brake permanently, for example to thread the
packaging material through, the pivot arm 3 can be moved manually to
the stop at its highest position.

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3.6.3 Packaging material end sensor

The sensor 1 registers the end of the finishing packaging material strip.
When the sensor 1 has registered the end of the packaging material strip,
this is signaled by the relevant lamp at the lamp tower lighting up.

3.6.4 Packaging material splicer

The packaging material splicer automatically connects the finishing

packaging material reel with a full one, without interrupting the
production. For this, the new packaging material reel must be fitted onto
the reel axle and correctly prepared for the splicing. The brake finger 1
holds the beginning of the new packaging material strip in the splicing
When one packaging material reel has run out, the packaging material
end sensor triggers the splicing procedure. The splicing roller 2 presses
the finishing packaging material strip briefly against the new packaging
material strip. The packaging material strips are glued to the exact printed
image at full speed; this creates a short overlap. All packages involved
are afterwards discharged by the faulty package ejector.

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3.6.5 Auxiliary unwinder

The packaging material strip runs around the auxiliary unwinder

cylinder 4 and around the pivot arm 5. The presser roller 3 presses the
packaging material strip against the powered auxiliary unwinder
cylinder 4, which transports the packaging material strip. To pull in or
remove the packaging material, the presser roller 3 is opened and closed
using the hand lever 2.
The pivot arm 5 holds the the packaging material strip taut between the
auxiliary unwinder and the longitudinal sealing rollers. The angle
encoder 1 at the back of the machine registers the position of the pivot
arm 5 and ensures that the speed of the auxiliary unwinder corresponds
to the speed of the longitudinal sealing rollers.
If the packaging material strip tears during machine operation, the pivot
arm 5 moves to its end position. This is registered by the angle encoder 1
and a positioned machine stop takes place.

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3.6.6 Packaging material strip control

The packaging material strip runs around the gummed diversion roller 2,
which is fixed to the holding plate 1. Using the electrical cylinder 5, the
holding plate 1 can be swiveled from the middle to either side. This alters
and corrects the course of the packaging material strip.
The line sensor 4 monitors the edge of the packaging material strip and
the control unit will automatically correct any deviations. To adjust the
packaging material strip correctly, the line sensor 4 can be adjusted
laterally using the star grip 3.
The proximity switch 6 serves to position the holding plate 1 in its center
position following each machine start-up and following activation of the
initialization key at the touchscreen.

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3.6.7 Registration mark sensor

The printed packaging material strip moves through the light cone of the
sensor 1. This registers the printed registration marks in contrast to the
packaging material background. As the sensor 1 recognizes all
differences in contrast, the packaging material between the registration
marks must be of a uniform background color and must not be printed on.
The control system registers every registration mark and compares the
current machine position with the relevant nominal position. Any
deviations are corrected via the drive of the longitudinal sealing rollers,
which achieves a consistent and correct printed image distribution on the
packages. Packages with faulty printed images are ejected by the faulty
package ejector on the discharge belt.
The recognition of the registration marks is monitored. If the control
system fails to receive registration mark impulses for several strokes of
the machine, a positioned machine stop is effected.
If plain packaging material is used, this function must be deactivated on
the touchscreen.

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3.6.8 External splicing sensor

The packaging material manufacturers use colored adhesive tapes to

connect the packaging material strips to each other. The sensor 1
continuously monitors the inside of the packaging material strip and
registers these colored adhesive tapes.
The relevant packages with splicing marks in the packaging material are
afterwards discharged onto the discharge belt by the faulty packaging

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3.7 Tube former

1 Guide rollers 2 Tube former

In the tube former the flat packaging material strip is turned into a
packaging material tube with an overlapping longitudinal seam which is
open at the bottom. The carriers of the infeed chain push the products
into the packaging material tube and then drop away downwards. The
products are now transported further by the packaging material tube.

Guide rollers The guide rollers determine the feeding angle of the packaging material
strip into the tube former. The feeding angle can influence, to a certain
extent, how tight the packaging material is placed around the product.

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3.8 Longitudinal sealing

1 Air extraction 4 Folding discs

2 Advance rollers 5 Cover plates
3 Sealing rollers 6 Lateral guides

The packaging material is shaped into a tube which remains open at the
bottom. The product is pushed into the packaging material tube and
transported in it while the tube is being longitudinally sealed.

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3.8.1 Air extraction

The nozzle 1 suctions the air out of the packaging material tube to
prevent "blown-up" packages. Both longitudinal seam flaps of the
packaging material tube, which is still open at the bottom, are guided
around the nozzle 1 just before sealing.
The nozzle 1 is connected by a hose to an industrial vacuum system,
which creates the suction air.

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3.8.2 Cover plates

The cover plates 1 lie on top of the sealing rollers; for the advance and
roller pairs the cover plates 1 are cut out. The packaging material tube
moves on top of the cover plate, guided by the adjustable lateral guides
The cover plates 1 are screwed on with clamping screws 3. For cleaning
or maintenance of the longitudinal sealing unit, the clamping screws 3
can be manually loosened and removed and the cover plates can be

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3.8.3 Advance rollers and sealing rollers

The advance roller pair 1 registers the longitudinal seam flap pointing
downwards and transports the packaging material tube.
To thread in or remove the packaging material, the advance roller pair 1
is opened and closed with the hand lever 3.
The sealing roller pairs 2 seal the longitudinal seam flap pointing
downwards which closes the packaging material tube.
To thread in or remove the packaging material, the sealing roller pairs 2
are opened and closed with the hand levers 4.

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3.8.4 Folding discs

The folding discs 1 receive the sealed longitudinal seam from the sealing
roller pair and continuously fold the longitudinal seam pointing
downwards at the underside of the packaging material tube.
The folding discs are driven by a cardan shaft 2 and an angular gear 3.

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3.9 Transverse sealing

1 Transverse sealing drive 3 Sealing jaws with separating knife

2 Sealing shafts

The packaging material tube gets sealed transversely. Simultaneously,

the finished packages are separated from the packaging material tube.

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3.9.1 Sealing jaws

The sealing jaws 1 and 2 rotate around the transverse sealing shafts 3.
They make contact and fold and press together the packaging material
tube between the products. This seals the transverse seam.
Depending on the format, the transverse sealing shafts 3 rotate unevenly;
during the sealing procedure the sealing jaws 1 and 2 have the same
speed as the packaging material tube.
At the lower transverse sealing shaft 3, a support ring 4 is fitted as a
support for the package between sealing procedures.
Depending on the format, one to four sealing jaws 1 and 2 per transverse
sealing shaft 3 are possible.
The upper sealing jaw 1 is fitted with a separating knife 5 and blade mats
6 . The lower sealing jaw 2 is fitted with a knife counter holder 7.
The blade mats 6 support the separating knife 5 until it separates the
packages cleanly from the packaging material tube during the sealing

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3.10 Package discharge

1 Transport aid 3 Discharge belt

2 Faulty package ejector

The packages leave the machine on the discharge belt. Packages which
have been registered by the machine as empty or faulty are removed by
the discharge belt.

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3.10.1 Discharge belt

The continuous discharge belt 1 collects the packages after the

transverse sealing and transports them for further packaging
To increase the gaps between individual packages, the discharge belt 1
runs at a slightly higher speed than the packaging material tube.

3.10.2 Transport aid

The powered upper belt 1 pushes the finished packages onto the
discharge belt. This ensures that the packages are placed onto the
discharge belt correctly and at regular intervals after the transverse
Using the height adjustment 2, the upper belt 1 can be adjusted to
various package heights.

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3.10.3 Faulty package ejector

Double package sensor

Double package sensor 1 above the discharge belt detects connected
packages. These occur, for example, when the transverse sealing unit is
soiled and the separating knife no longer separates the packages cleanly
from the packaging material tube.
As double packages cause disruptions during the further packaging
downstream, they have to be discharged.
Start ejector
At every machine start-up, the nozzle 2 generates a constant air flow for
a set period of time. The nozzle 2 is adjusted so that all empty packaging
material wrappers are completely removed from the discharge belt
without changing the position of the correct packages.
Faulty package ejector
A number of product faults or packaging material faults are registered
and stored by the machine control.
 Empty packages
 Packages with incomplete content
 Packages with wrongly placed printed images
 Packages with splicing marks in the packaging material
Packages, which register as faulty, are ejected from the discharge belt
via a strong blast of air from the faulty package ejector nozzle 3.
Connected packages are ejected from the discharge belt by a combined
strong blast of air from Faulty package ejector 3 and Double package
ejector 4.

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3.11 Drives

3.11.1 Drive concept

The machine functions are driven by various drive systems. These drives
are mechanically independent and are electronically synchronized and
A reference point is necessary for the synchronization of each drive. This
reference point is defined by a proximity switch, an optical sensor or a
limit switch. After switching on and initial start-up of the machine, all
drives search out their reference point and then stop. This automatic
phase is known as the 'Homing sequence'. The drives are now
synchronized and the machine ready for operation.

3.11.2 Aligning belt drives

Motor 4 drives the conveyor belt 1. Motor 3 drives the lateral aligning belt

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3.11.3 Inline infeed drives

Motor 7 drives the first control belt 1. Motor 6 drives the second control
belt 2.
Motor 5 drives the cadence belt 3.
Motor 4 drives the two acceleration belts of the infeed chain.

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3.11.4 Pillow pack machine drives

Auxiliary unwinder drive

Motor 2 drives the auxiliary unwinder cylinder via Toothed belt 1 .
Infeed chain drive
Motor 3 drives the drive shaft 10 of the infeed chain via a diversion.
Longitudinal sealing, folding discs, discharge belt and transport aid
Using toothed belts and diversions, motor 4 drives the following drive
 Drive shaft 5 drives the transport aid
 Drive shaft 6 drives the discharge belt
 Drive shaft 8 drives the folding discs via a gear
 Drive shafts 9 drive the longitudinal sealing
Transverse sealing drive
Motor 7 drives the transverse sealing drive via a toothed belt, which
transfers the power to the transverse sealing unit via cardan shafts.

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3.12 Maintenance unit Compressed Air

1 Pressure monitor 3 Pressure reducing valve

2 Relief valve 4 Shut-off valve

Shut-off valve
Depending on the (manually adjustable) switching position, the shut-off
valve carries out the following functions:
 Compressed air supply from the supply side to the consumption side
is established.
 Compressed air supply from the supply side to the consumption side
is interrupted.
Pressure reducing valve
The pressure reducing valve limits the operating pressure on the
consumption side to a specified nominal pressure value, independent of
overpressure fluctuations on the supply side.
Relief valve
The relief valve separates the compressed air supply side from the air
consumption side, which is also vented, when either the main switch is
switched off or the safety circuit is activated.
Pressure monitor
The pressure monitor monitors continuously whether the current
operating pressure is above the specified minimum nominal pressure
value. If pressure falls below the minimum nominal pressure value, the
machine control system activates a positioned stop.

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3.13 Industrial vacuum system P-Ries 250 D

The industrial vacuum system 1 creates the necessary vacuum for the
machine. The vacuum tubes are connected to the connections 3. Each
connection pipe 3 contains a throttle flap 4, which can be used to adjust
the air flow.
The product and dust particles in the suctioned air are discharged by the
industrial vacuum system 1 and collected in the drawer 2.

Do not disconnect plugs when live
The industrial vacuum system is connected to the machine via an elec-
trical plug-in connection; this must not be disconnected when live.
 Machine damage
a) Disconnect plugs only when the main switch is switched off.

Observe additional documentation for the Industrial Vacuum System.

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Table of contents 4 Operating elements and displays,

operating modes

4.1 Overview 4-4

4.2 EMERGENCY STOP button 4-5

4.3 Electrical cabinet 4-5

4.3.1 Main switch 4-5
4.3.2 Control lamp, white 4-5
4.3.3 Time counter 4-5

4.4 Control panel 4-6

4.4.1 START key 4-6
4.4.2 STOP key 4-6
4.4.3 JOG key 4-6
4.4.4 Impulse rotary switch FILM HOME 4-6
4.4.5 RESET key 4-6

4.5 Touchscreen 4-7

4.5.1 Screen structure 4-7
4.5.2 Info bar 4-8
4.5.3 Menu bar 4-10
4.5.4 Operating elements 4-11

4.6 Lamp tower 4-13

4.7 Aligning belt 4-14

4.8 Inline infeed 4-15

4.9 Infeed chain 4-17

4.10 Packaging material feed 4-18

4.11 Longitudinal sealing 4-19

4.12 Package discharge 4-20

4.13 Maintenance Unit Compressed Air 4-21

4.14 Industrial vacuum system 4-22

4.14.1 P-Ries 250 D 4-22

4.15 Auxiliary devices 4-23

4.15.1 Threading aid 4-23

4.16 Operating modes / Operating programs 4-23

4.16.1 Operating mode 'Production' 4-23

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4.16.2 Operating program "Service" 4-23

4.17 Stopping modes 4-24

4.18 Power failure 4-25

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Chapter overview
In this chapter, the user is familiarized with all elements for the correct
operation of the system.
It is assumed that the machine is in perfect technical condition. Faulty
operating elements and displays can lead to malfunctions or false dis-
This chapter serves as a basis for Commissioning [ 5-1, Transport and
commissioning] and Operation [ 6-1, Operation].

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4.1 Overview

1 Electrical cabinet 8 Control panel

2 Aligning belt 9 Package discharge
3 Inline infeed 10 Maintenance unit Compressed Air
4 Infeed chain 11 Touchscreen
5 Packaging material feed 12 Lamp tower
6 Longitudinal sealing 13 Industrial vacuum system 250D
7 Transverse sealing

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Actuating EMERGENCY STOP triggers an immediate machine stop.

The machine is decelerated and stopped as quickly as possible,
regardless of the current machine position.
The EMERGENCY STOP striker button must be unlocked following
remedial action.

4.3 Electrical cabinet

4.3.1 Main switch

I ON: The machine is supplied with power.

O OFF: The machine power supply is interrupted.
+ TRIP: The power supply was interrupted automatically.
→ RESET: To reset +TRIP position.
The main switch may be turned to position I ON.

4.3.2 Control lamp, white

Illuminated: The machine is supplied with power.

Not illuminated: The machine power supply is interrupted.

4.3.3 Time counter

Counts the actual operating hours of the machine.

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4.4 Control panel

4.4.1 START key

 Pushing for the first time: remedied malfunctions are reset.

 Pushing again: the machine starts if there are no malfunctions.

4.4.2 STOP key

For a regular machine stop in a positioned state, taking the current

position of the machine elements into account, e.g. sealing elements

4.4.3 JOG key

Use during adjustment and inspection work.

The machine runs while the JOG key is pressed.

4.4.4 Impulse rotary switch FILM HOME

Manual synchronization of the packaging material

Actuating the impulse rotary switch activates the FILM HOME function.
The Packaging material runs as long as START is pressed.
This is of help, above all, when setting up the film.

4.4.5 RESET key

To reset faults once the EMERGENCY STOP striker button has been

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4.5 Touchscreen

The touchscreen is a touch-sensitive screen with an integrated machine

control unit. Switches, keys and function fields displayed on the
touchscreen can be touched with a finger.

Pointed implements can damage the surface of the screen.
a) The touchscreen may only be touched using a finger or a special
plastic touch pen

Data is stored on a compact flash memory card.

For more information please refer to the Touchscreen manual in the
separate electrical documentation.

4.5.1 Screen structure

1 Info bar
2 various screen contents
3 Menu bar

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4.5.2 Info bar

The info bar contains the most important information concerning status
displays for the machine and allows the production mode to be selected.

1 Menu info
Change to Info menu.
The info menu contains information regarding the current machine
status, for example:
 Details of the currently loaded format
 Current speed of the machine
 Quantity of produced packages

2 Status of downstream process

Shows the condition of the downstream process. If the downstream
process concerns several machines, the displayed arrow is in different
colors of field.
 Red arrow: the downstream process is not ready.
 Green arrow: the downstream process is ready.
 Gray arrow or gray field: no downstream process.

3 Operating mode
The operating mode selection field opens a pull-down menu and the user
selects the operating mode for the machine.
 Production: normal operation for production
 Service: operating mode for servicing and adjustments.
In Service mode, no production is possible.

4 Status of the upstream process

The condition of the upstream processes. If the upstream process
concerns several machines, the displayed arrow is in different colors of
 Red arrow: the upstream process is not ready.
 Green arrow: the upstream process is ready.
 Gray arrow or gray field: no upstream process.

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5 Alarm menu
Change to Alarm menu.
 Red key: there are errors or messages.
 Green key: there are no errors or messages.
All active errors or messages are listed in the alarm menu and have a
different text color depending on the category:
 Alarm messages are red and require immediate action by the
 Warnings are yellow and require medium-term action by the operator.
 Information is green and requires no action by the operator.

6 Help menu
When the help key is pressed, an assistance text is displayed
concerning either the present menu or the selected alarm or parameters.
A further pressing of the key removes the help text.
Not every mask has a help text available.

7 Date and time

Shows the current date and time.
The correction of values during a change to summer or winter time is
done in the menu System > Panel Setting.

8 Mask name and path

Shows the current menu and, if applicable, the submenu the user has

9 Current user.
Shows in which user-level the user is listed.
If nothing is displayed, no-one is listed and the user is in the 'operator'-

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4.5.3 Menu bar

The menu bar enables the user to select a menu from any mask.
The information and setting options are partly dependent on the user-
level in which the user is listed.

1 Operator menu
Change to Operator menu.
When the operator menu is selected, the most important machine
parameters can be changed. These changes are temporary and are lost
when the machine is switched off or there is a format change.

2 Format menu
Change to Format menu.
The parameters for various products processed by the machine are
defined in the Format menu.
Depending on authorization, the user can load a format, copy, insert,
rename, delete and view or edit the values.

3 Machine menu
Change to Machine menu.
The Machine menu provides the user with access to machine-specific
options and switches.

4 Statistics menu
Change to Statistics menu.
The user can call up listed production information using the Statistics
Data for the current shift as well as the two previous shifts are available.

5 Service menu
Change to Service menu.
In the Service menu, the user can access the functions for error
diagnosis of errors as well as machine servicing.

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6 System menu
Change to Systems menu.
The system settings are in the system menu:
 Language choice
 User administration
 Machine settings
 Software versions
 Touchscreen settings
 Shift settings

4.5.4 Operating elements

All operating elements in the various touchscreen masks are presented
 Keys which can be selected appear slightly raised.
 When a key is touched it turns darker in color and lower in position.
 Keys which cannot be selected are grayed out.

Menu keys
The menu keys are for navigation within the menu structure and will
always cause a change of mask. They are distinguishable by their
rounded corners.

Function keys
Function keys trigger an action or offer various options.

Arrow keys for cursor control

Cursor moves one line
Cursor moves one page

Input keys
Input keys are white and contain values. If authorized, the user may alter
this value.

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Touching an input key opens a window with a keyboard. The value can
be entered using the number keys. Limit values for adjustments are
displayed above the keyboard.
 ESC = the window will be closed again without any value change.
 ¡ = the character left of the cursor will be deleted.
 Return = the latest value is adopted and the window closed.
These changes are only temporary. If a format change is affected or the
machine is switched off, these changes are lost.

Selection fields
Touching a selection field opens a window with the relevant selection. As
soon as a field is selected, the window closes. To make another
selection touch the selection field again.

Switches are used to switch functions or machine components on and
 Green: the function is switched on.
 Red: the function is switched off.

Display fields
Display fields are gray and show values.

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4.6 Lamp tower

Lamp, red: Centralized malfunction display

Flashing: EMERGENCY STOP triggered; must be reset by the
Illuminated: Machine stop, triggered by function monitoring

Lamp, orange: operation display

Flashing: Machine is in "service" mode
Illuminated: Operator intervention required, e.g. change packaging
material reel

Lamp, green: machine is running

Flashing: Machine is in readiness stop, can start at any time.
Illuminated: The machine is running; everything OK.

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4.7 Aligning belt

1 Lateral aligning belt locking

The locking device fixes the lateral aligning belt in the lower position.
Prior to lifting the lateral aligning belt, the locking device must be
disengaged first.

2 Belt run correction adjusting spindle

The adjusting spindle adjusts the lateral drifting of the belt of the
conveyor belt.

3 Protective cover locking

The locking device fixes the safety cover in the closed position. Turning
the locking device anticlockwise unlocks the protective cover.

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4.8 Inline infeed

1 Belt run correction adjusting screw

The adjusting screw adjusts the lateral drifting of the belt of control belt1.
To adjust the belt run the rear lateral guide must be swiveled upwards.

2 Restrainer locking
The locking device fixes the restrainer 6 in the upper position. To lower
the restrainer into the lower position (operating position) the locking
device must be unlocked.
To unlock, push the restrainer 6 down and simultaneously pull the
locking device 1 upwards.

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3 Belt run correction adjusting screw

The adjusting screw adjusts the lateral drifting of the belt of control belt2.
To adjust the belt run the rear lateral guide must be swiveled upwards.

4 Protective cover locking

The locking device fixes the safety cover in the closed position. Turning
the locking device anticlockwise unlocks the protective cover.

5 Protective cover fixture

The fixture is used the hang the protective cover if it has to be removed
for cleaning or maintenance.

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4.9 Infeed chain

1 Protective cover locking

The locking device fixes the safety cover in the closed position. Turning
the locking device anticlockwise unlocks the protective cover.

2 Protective cover fixture

The fixture is used the hang the protective cover if it has to be removed
for cleaning or maintenance.

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4.10 Packaging material feed

1 Rotary grip reel axle

The rotary grip fixes the packaging material reel onto the reel axle.

2 Reel brake pivot arm

The pivot arm releases the reel brake. To thread in the packaging
material move the pivot arm to its uppermost position.

3 Auxiliary unwinder hand lever

To lift up the presser roller of the auxiliary unwinder

4 Star grip for automatic packaging material strip control

For fine adjustment of the packaging material strip which is monitored by
a line sensor. Any deviations are automatically corrected by the machine
control system.

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4.11 Longitudinal sealing

1 Clamping screws with star grip

To remove and screw in the cover plates.

2 Tensioner screws for advance rollers and sealing rollers

To set the presser pressure of the advance rollers and sealing rollers.

3 Advance and sealing rollers hand lever

To open and close the advance and sealing rollers.

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4.12 Package discharge

1 Transport aid star grip

The transport aid is adjusted to the different package heights at the star

2 Transport aid locknut

The locknut secures the star grip for the height adjustment against
accidental shifting.

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4.13 Maintenance Unit Compressed Air

1 Shut-off valve
The manually operated shut-off valve interrupts or creates the
compressed air supply of the machine.

2 Pressure adjustment button

The pressure adjustment button adjusts the required operating pressure
of the machine.

3 Manometer
The manometer shows the operating pressure of the machine.

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4.14 Industrial vacuum system

4.14.1 P-Ries 250 D

1 Hand lever for air quantity regulation

The hand lever opens or closes the throttle cap. This can be used to
adjust the air quantity for the individual functions.

2 Hand lever to lock the drawer

The hand lever drops and releases the drawer 3 so that it can be pulled
out for emptying.

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4.15 Auxiliary devices

4.15.1 Threading aid

The threading aid is fitted to the holding plate at the packaging material
strip control.
Threading aid 1 pushes the packaging material between the splicing rolls
during threading.

4.16 Operating modes / Operating programs

4.16.1 Operating mode 'Production'

The machine is normally operated in operating mode 'Production'. The

automatic control and monitoring systems are active in this production
If the machine is switched on, the operating mode "Production" is set

4.16.2 Operating program "Service"

The operating program "Service" is intended for the installation and

testing mode of the machine.
During operating program "Service", the machine can not be used for
production. There is no product infeed and products currently on the
machine are ejected.
The monitoring of faults is partly switched off and the interfaces to the
upstream and downstream machines are no longer tested.
In the operating program "Service" it is possible to switch off individual
drives and to run the machine e. g. without products.

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4.17 Stopping modes

There are various reasons for a machine stop. Dependent upon the
reason, the following stop-modes are differentiated:
 Positioned machine stop
 Emergency stop
 Rapid stop
 Readiness stop

Positioned machine stop The positioned machine stop is the normal machine stop. The machine is
gently slowed down and stops in a defined position considering the
machine components. Provided the protective covers are not opened, the
drives remain live.
Examples of a positioned machine stop:
 Actuating a STOP.
 Heaters are either above or below set temperature.

Emergency stop

Do not use the emergency stop mode for normal machine stops!
EMERGENCY STOPS are safety devices and may only be used in ap-
propriate situations. They may not be used for routine machine stops.

The emergency stop is triggered if there is danger to personnel. The

machine is decelerated and stopped very quickly, with no regard to the
machine components. As soon as the machine comes to a standstill,
power to the drives is disconnected.
Examples of an emergency stop:
 Activating an EMERGENCY STOP.
 Opening of a protective cover.

Rapid stop A rapid stop is activated when there is a possible danger to the machine
or products. The machine is decelerated and stopped very quickly, with
no regard to the machine components. As there is no danger to
personnel, the drives are not disconnected from the power supply.
Examples of a rapid stop:
 A motor protection switch has been activated.
 The compressed air monitor has been activated.

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Readiness stop

Danger of injury due to automatic machine startup
 The machine can start at any time following a readiness stop
a) Do not place hands inside the stopped machine
b) Do not carry out any work on a stopped machine

A readiness stop is activated when the reason for the stop lies outside
the machine. At such a stop, the machine is only paused and not fully
stopped. The machine remains in readiness and will restart automatically
as soon as the reason for the readiness stop has been remedied. This is
displayed by a flashing of the appropriate lamp on the lamp tower.
Examples of a readiness stop:
 No product in the infeed chain.
 The upstream machine is stopped or not ready for operation.
 The downstream machine is stopped or not ready for operation.

4.18 Power failure

In case of a power failure the machine will run out in an uncontrolled

manner. The following measures must then be undertaken:
a) Switch off the main switch.
b) Remove any products from the in-feed and machine.

When the power supply is restored the machine may be started as per
the checklist [ 6-1, Operation] and operation resumed.

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en Transport and commissioning | 5-1/5-4

Table of contents 5 Transport and commissioning

5.1 Personnel qualification 5-3

5.2 Transport 5-4

5.2.1 Machine data 5-4
5.2.2 Installation conditions 5-4

5.3 Acceptance of the machine 5-4

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Chapter overview
The machine will be erected, assembled and commissioned by
Bosch Packaging Systems personnel.
The following technical documents are necessary for the commissioning
• Layout/workshop plan
• Dimensioned machine drawing
• Electrical diagram
•Operating manual
Following the successful test-runs, the production-ready machine is
transferred to the owner.
The machine can then be operated in accordance with the operating
manual [ 6-1, Operation].

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en Transport and commissioning | 5-3/5-4

5.1 Personnel qualification

The local regulations must be followed when connecting the machine to

local supply sources.

Mechanics Mechanical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
mechanics or by instructed personnel under the direction and supervision
of a qualified mechanic.
Work on gas, pneumatic and hydraulic systems may only be carried out
by specialized mechanics.
Only reliable, trained or instructed mechanics are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual is essential.

Electricians Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the electrical
engineering rules and regulations.
Only reliable, trained and instructed electricians are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual and access to
the electrical documentation is essential.

Commissioning personnel Mechanical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
mechanics or by instructed personnel under the supervision and direction
of a qualified mechanic.
Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the electrical
engineering rules and regulations.
Electronic work as well as setting operations on the machine may only be
carried out by a qualified electrician with electronic experience of the
relevant machine types or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of such a qualified electrician.
Only reliable, trained or instructed commissioning personnel are allowed
to carry out commissioning work on the machine. Knowledge of the
operating manual and access to the electrical documentation is essential.

Further information can be found under Important Information [ 1-1,

Important notes] and Technical Data [ 1-8, Technical data].

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5.2 Transport

5.2.1 Machine data

Overall dimensions and total weight: see Dimensions and Weight [ 1-8,
Technical data].

5.2.2 Installation conditions

The machine must be aligned and leveled horizontally. If possible, the

machine should be fixed to the floor. The maximum floor load must be
observed. Total weight: see Dimensions and Weight [ 1-8, Technical

5.3 Acceptance of the machine

Commissioning is usually followed by an acceptance run. Procedures

and criteria of acceptance are covered by the contractual agreement.

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en Operation | 6-1/6-18

Table of contents 6 Operation

6.1 Warnings 6-3

6.2 Personnel qualification 6-3

6.3 Start of production checklist 6-4

6.4 Production monitoring checklist 6-5

6.5 Production end checklist 6-5

6.6 Operating tasks 6-6

6.6.1 Pull in packaging material 6-6
6.6.2 Prepare packaging material reel for splicing 6-7
6.6.3 Replacing packaging material reels 6-8
6.6.4 Adjust packaging material strip control 6-9
6.6.5 Eject sample package 6-10
6.6.6 Setting of machine speed 6-11
6.6.7 Adjust printed image distribution 6-12
6.6.8 Adjusting the position of the product in the package 6-13
6.6.9 Adjusting position of product in infeed chain 6-14
6.6.10 Empty machine 6-15

6.7 Faults 6-16

6.7.1 Remedying of monitored malfunctions 6-17

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Chapter overview
The following checklists are essentially working documents for the oper-
ating personnel of Bosch Packaging Systems.
They serve as a memory aid as well as instruction sheets and checklists
for the day-to-day operations
• at start of work
• during production
• and at the end of production

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6.1 Warnings

The following operational warnings as well as Essential safety information

[ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be observed and acted upon!

Moving machine parts
 Severe injuries
a) Do not put hands into the running machine

The machine can start up automatically at any time when waiting in
production mode. Moving machine parts
 Severe injuries
a) Warn persons in the vicinity before machine start-up

The material web moves quickly
 Injury due to trapped or caught extremities and clothing
a) Do not touch the material web
b) Do not put a hand into the running machine

6.2 Personnel qualification

Operating personnel The machine may only be operated by reliable, trained or instructed
operating personnel. Knowledge of the operating manual is essential.
The operating personnel must be capable of reading and understanding
the machine displays.

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6.3 Start of production checklist

No. Task Comments

1 Ready material.  Packaging material for one shift or one day's production
 Double-sided adhesive tape for splice preparation
 Scissors
2 Pull in packaging material. See Operating Tasks, Chap. 6
3 Open SHUT-OFF VALVE for compressed
air supply.
4 Switch on the MAIN SWITCH.
5 Ensure auxiliary devices are operational.  Stamp and color cartridge at the printer
 Industrial vacuum for air extraction
6 Checks before machine start-up  Packaging material strip pulled in correctly?
 Pivot arm in operating position?
 Packaging material strip aligned correctly at the sides
(reel axle, splicing table registration mark detection)?
 Auxiliary unwinder advance roller closed?
 Sealing tools clean, possibly heated?
 Auxiliary devices operational?
 Are all collecting trays empty?
 Any foreign objects (tools, cleaning material) left on the
 Has the correct format been selected?
 Is the machine in operating mode Production?
7 Close all safety covers and disengage all
8 Reset any error messages. Using START on the control panel or RESET ALARM on
the touchscreen.
WARNING: Clearly warn all personnel before each
machine start-up!
9 Actuate START. Activates a homing sequence, all axles are synchronized,
followed by an automatic machine stop.
WARNING: Observe safety precautions at a
machine start. Do not put hands in the running
10 Actuate START. Production start: machine is running or waiting for product.

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en Operation | 6-5/6-18

6.4 Production monitoring checklist

Check Comments
Abnormal noises from the machine  Actuate EMERGENCY STOP to stop the machine
 Identify and eliminate the cause of the fault. This
procedure is described in chapter Error Diagnosis [ 8-
5, Fault diagnosis].
Faults or messages  Observe signals on lamp tower
 Read messages on the touchscreen and carry out
relevant measures
A packaging material reel is empty  Prepare packaging material reel for splicing, [Operating
Tasks, Chap. 6]
 Replace packaging material reel, [Operating Tasks,
Chap. 6]
Quality control of the finished package  Eject sample package [Operating Tasks, Chap. 6]
 Printed image incorrect? Adjust printed image
distribution, [Operating Tasks, Chap. 6]
 Longitudinal seam overlap incorrect? Adjust packaging
material strip control, [Operating Tasks, Chap. 6]
 Product not positioned in the center of the package?
Adjust position of the product in the package,
[Operating Tasks, Chap. 6]
 Sealing seams sealed incorrectly
- Sealing elements dirty?
- Check sealing temperature (for heat sealing)
Optical sensors dirty?  Clean optical sensors immediately.
Transportation belts dirty? Clean belts immediately (soiled belts may disrupt the
functioning of optical sensors).

6.5 Production end checklist

No. Task Comments

1 Allow production to run down until the Machine is in readiness stop mode
machine stops.
2 Actuate STOP Machine is stopped
3 Select Run empty Switch at touchscreen
4 Actuate START The product remaining on the machine is packaged.
5 Actuate STOP Only when the machine has run completely empty.
10 Switch off MAIN SWITCH
11 Close SHUT-OFF VALVE for compressed
air supply
14 Clean the machine [Cleaning, Chap. 7]

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6.6 Operating tasks

6.6.1 Pull in packaging material

Heavy packaging material reels require a suitable lifting device.
 Personal injury
a) Use a suitable lifting device to place heavy packaging material
reels into the reel axles.

Possibility of pinching when closing the advance roller pairs
 Crushing danger
a) Do not reach between the advance roller pairs

a) Place packaging material reel onto the reel axle observing the
rolling direction. Push packaging material reel to the stop and fix it
with the rotary grip.
b) Swing reel brake pivot arm upwards.
c) Use hand lever to release presser roller at the auxiliary unwinder.
d) Unwind packaging material strip and pull in as far as the folding
box according to the pull in diagram. Push packaging material strip
centered into the pillow pack former. Simultaneously push and pull
the packaging material strip up to the advance rollers and sealing
e) Check that each longitudinal seam overlap is placed correctly
between the advance rollers and sealing rollers and close the
advance roller pair with the hand lever.
f) Centrally align the packaging material strip in all of the packaging
material feed and move the pivot arm downwards.
g) Close the presser roller at the auxiliary unwinder with the hand

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6.6.2 Prepare packaging material reel for splicing

When one packaging material reel is finished, the packaging material

feed changes automatically to the other packaging material reel. This is
displayed with a message on the touchscreen and by lighting the relevant
lamp on the lamp tower. The empty reel must then be replaced by a new
one and prepared for splicing.

The new packaging material reel requires different preparations accord-
ing to whether hot or cold sealing film is used or the new reel is used for
the left or the right unwinder reel.
It is easier to prepare the new reel away from the machine.

Prepare packaging material reel

with cold sealing film for

a) Unwind some of the packaging material and cut evenly at a

distance of 150 mm from any registration mark 1. Packaging
material without registration marks 1 can be cut anywhere.
b) Cut both corners 3 at the packaging material end.
c) Stick a piece of double-sided adhesive tape 2 at a distance of 50
mm to the packaging material end across the whole width of the
packaging material:
 For the left unwinder reel stick the adhesive tape 2 onto the inside of
the packaging material, see figure a.
 For the right unwinder reel stick the adhesive tape 2 onto the outside
of the packaging material, see figure b

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If the cold sealing film is very sticky it can stick to the auxiliary unwinder
reel after splicing and can unwind. Such a film can be cut by an extra 25
mm and the film end 4 can be turned up. This is only necessary for the
right unwinder reel.

6.6.3 Replacing packaging material reels

The machine can be left running whilst the packaging material reels
are replaced
 Injuries from moving machine parts or the running film strip
a) Do not put hands into the running machine
b) Do not touch the running film strip

Heavy packaging material reels require a suitable lifting device.
 Personal injury
a) Use a suitable lifting device to place heavy packaging material
reels into the reel axles.

a) Release and remove the empty carton jacket from the reel axle.
b) Place the prepared packaging material reel onto the reel axle and
fix with the rotary grip.
c) Pull in the packaging material, thread around the diversion rollers
and place onto the splicing table.
d) Align the packaging material laterally and longitudinally according
to the registration mark and fix with the brake finger.
e) Push packaging material end downwards between the splicing
reels with the threading aid.
f) Remove protective strip from the double-sided adhesive tape.
g) Manually turn the packaging material reel to unwind ca. 50 mm
extra packaging material. This small bit of extra packaging material
is necessary so that the adhesive tape can safely run between the
splicing rollers during the splicing procedure before any
mechanical pressure is placed on the splice.
h) Check that the packaging material on the splicing table remains
correctly aligned with the registration mark.
i) Actuate START (RESET function)
 The message on the touchscreen is reset and the relevant lamp on
the lamp tower goes out.

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6.6.4 Adjust packaging material strip control

a) Check the longitudinal seam flaps 1 on a finished package. A

packaging material strip which is adjusted incorrectly creates a
longitudinal overlap 2 or a longitudinal overlap 3.
b) Depending on which side it is worn, the packaging material strip
must be corrected in the opposite direction at the star grip of the
packaging material strip control. To make this easier, colored
marks have been put on the star grip and the machine. Turning the
star grip towards red corrects the packaging material strip to the
side of the red mark.
c) Affect corrections only in small increments and wait until the
relevant packaging material section has left the machine. Then re-
check the packages again and correct again, if necessary.
 The packaging material strip control is set correctly when both
longitudinal flaps 1 have the same length.

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6.6.5 Eject sample package

 A sample package is required for quality control.

a) Place an empty padded container under the package discharge.
b) At the touchscreen select menu 1 Machine.
c) Actuate key 2 Eject Sample Package.
 A correct package is blown out on the discharge belt and drops
into the prepared container.

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6.6.6 Setting of machine speed

It is possible for the operator to manually adjust the machine speed. The
speed is adjusted for emptying or filling the machine; this function is also
used for the service mode. The entered values are stored only
temporarily and are not saved to format.

a) At the touchscreen, select Menu 1 Operator.

b) Actuate Key 2 Manual Mc Speed.
 The input field appears.
c) Key in new value and confirm.
 The machine runs at the new speed

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6.6.7 Adjust printed image distribution

 The printed image is not distributed correctly on the package.

a) Use the sample package to determine how much and in which
direction the printed image has to be adjusted. Example: the
printed image is too far forward by 3 mm in the direction of the
b) At the touchscreen, select Menu 1 Operator.
c) Actuate key 2 Registration Mark Offset.
 An input window appears.
d) Because the printed image in the example needs to be corrected
against the direction of flow, the value must be corrected by -3 mm,
confirm with Return.
 The new value is accepted.
e) After a short waiting period, eject another sample package and
check the printed image distribution, correct the value again, if

The changes by the operating personnel are only temporary and will be
lost when the machine is switched off or a format change takes place. To
store these changes permanently, edit this value in the Format menu.

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6.6.8 Adjusting the position of the product in the package

 The product is not in the center of the package.

a) Use the sample package to determine how much and in which
direction the position of the product inside the package has to be
corrected. Example: the product is too far back in the direction of
the flow by 2 mm.
b) At the touchscreen, select Menu 1 Operator.
c) Actuate key 2 Position in Package.
d) Because the product in the example has to be corrected in the
direction of the flow, the value must be corrected by +2 mm. Press
Return to confirm the new value.
e) Eject another sample package after a short waiting period and
check the position of the product inside the package, re-adjust the
value, if necessary.

The changes by the operating personnel are only temporary and will be
lost when the machine is switched off or a format change takes place. To
store the changes permanently, edit the value in the Format menu.

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6.6.9 Adjusting position of product in infeed chain

a) At the touchscreen select menu 1 Operator.

b) Actuate key 2 Position in Infeed Chain.
 The input field appears.
c) Key in new value and confirm.
 Moves the product forwards or backwards during cadencing into
the chain pitch.

The changes by the operating personnel are only temporary and will be
lost when the machine is switched off or a format change takes place. To
store the changes permanently, edit the value in the Format menu.

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6.6.10 Empty machine

The Empty machine mode is selected from the Machine menu.

The empty mode can not be activated if the machine is already empty or
belt cleaning is activated.
If the empty mode is selected while the machine is still running, the
machine is stopped.

a) At the touchscreen select menu 1 Machine.

b) Click on Function key 2 Empty Machine.
 Empty mode is activated.
c) Start machine by actuating the START key at the operator panel.
 The machine continues to empty until the operator pushes the stop
button at the operator panel or the machine is empty.

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6.7 Faults

Important machine functions are monitored by the control unit. Incorrect

functions trigger a machine stop. Location and cause of the incorrect
function are displayed at the touchscreen. For further information on
diagnostic and remedial action, see: Remedy monitored faults.

Automatic fault monitoring The Automatic fault monitoring is mainly employed where the packaging
program requires a multitude of forming, filling and sealing operations at
various machine stations.
The most important functions are monitored automatically to eliminate
production faults and stoppages due to possible damaged machine
When faults occur (beginning of faulty production, incorrect functions),
the automatic fault monitoring has three tasks:
1. Triggering an immediate or positioned machine stop
If a fault occurs a machine stop is triggered by a light sensor, light
barrier or proximity switch. The machine can no longer be started
before the malfunction is remedied and reset. The optical display goes
2. Automatic Identification of fault
The most important packaging stations are monitored by light sensors,
light barriers and proximity switches etc. These register any
abnormality in normal production flow at the stations.
3. Optical display of the error source and cause
This allows the immediate localizing of the cause and position of the
The display remains until the error has been remedied and the
message eliminated.
The optical display can follow via:
­ A field on the touchscreen
­ Lamps concerning web and product infeed
­ Luminous numbers on malfunction indicators
­ etc.

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6.7.1 Remedying of monitored malfunctions

Causes and locations of faults are defined exactly by optical indicators.

Primary or secondary malfunction?
The displayed error can also be a follow-on of some other error occur-
ring at a non-monitored position. Careful examination of the fault is
therefore necessary, because the primary fault could easily re-occur if
not found.

 Machine stops automatically and an error message is displayed.

a) Danger of accident! Activate the lockable <EMERGENCY STOP>
to avoid a machine start during the investigation.
b) Find the cause of the error and observe the display on the
c) Eliminate the cause of the fault.
d) Disengage EMERGENCY STOP.
e) Reset error (RESET function). Only actuate once!
f) Danger of accident! Clearly warn every person working on or near
the machine.
g) Press START when all starting conditions are met.
 The machine runs and produces product.

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en Maintenance | 7-1/7-30

Table of contents 7 Maintenance

7.1 Maintenance warnings 7-4

7.2 Personnel qualification 7-5

7.3 Cleaning 7-6

7.3.1 Explanations 7-6
7.3.2 Cleaning warnings 7-6
7.3.3 Cleaning agents and equipment 7-7

7.4 Cleaning schedule 7-7

7.4.1 Definition of time intervals 7-7
7.4.2 General cleaning schedule 7-8
7.4.3 Aligning belt cleaning schedule 7-8
7.4.4 Inline infeed cleaning schedule 7-9
7.4.5 Cleaning schedule infeed chain 7-9
7.4.6 Packaging material feed cleaning schedule 7-10
7.4.7 Tube former cleaning schedule 7-10
7.4.8 Longitudinal sealing cleaning schedule 7-10
7.4.9 Transverse sealing cleaning schedule 7-10
7.4.10 Package discharge cleaning schedule 7-11
7.4.11 Cleaning schedule Industrial vacuum system 7-11

7.5 Cleaning operations 7-12

7.5.1 Cleaning the touchscreen 7-12

7.6 Lubrication 7-13

7.6.1 Explanations 7-13
7.6.2 Lubrication warnings 7-13
7.6.3 Lubricant 7-14
7.6.4 Recommended lubricants 7-15

7.7 Lubrication schedule 7-15

7.7.1 Definition of time intervals 7-15
7.7.2 Aligning belt lubrication schedule 7-16
7.7.3 Inline infeed lubrication schedule 7-16
7.7.4 Infeed chain lubrication schedule 7-16
7.7.5 Transverse sealing lubrication schedule 7-16

7.8 Lubrication work 7-17

7.8.1 Marbaise gear oil change 7-17

7.9 Inspection 7-18

7.9.1 Explanations 7-18
7.9.2 Inspection warnings 7-18

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7.10 Inspection schedule 7-19

7.10.1 Definition of time intervals 7-19
7.10.2 Inspection plan: machine (general) 7-20
7.10.3 Aligning belt inspection schedule 7-20
7.10.4 Inline infeed FBFC inspection schedule 7-21
7.10.5 Inspection plan: infeed chain 7-21
7.10.6 Packaging material feed inspection schedule 7-22
7.10.7 Longitudinal sealing inspection schedule 7-22
7.10.8 Transverse sealing inspection schedule 7-22
7.10.9 Package discharge inspection schedule 7-22

7.11 Inspection work 7-23

7.11.1 Check EMERGENCY STOP function 7-23
7.11.2 Check safety switch function 7-24
7.11.3 Tension check on drive toothed belts 7-25

7.12 Format change 7-26

7.12.1 Explanations 7-26
7.12.2 Format change warnings 7-28

7.13 Work involved in format change 7-29

7.13.1 Carry out format change 7-29

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Chapter overview
The Maintenance chapter is divided into:
• Cleaning
• Lubrication
• Inspection
• Format change
Repair work is described in Corrective maintenance [ 8-12, Setting
and repair operations].

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7.1 Maintenance warnings

The following warnings apply to the whole chapter on Maintenance.

To avoid frequent repetition throughout the chapter they are summarized
These operation-specific warnings, as well as the Basic Safety
Instructions [ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be observed. The
measures described therein must be applied.

A switched-on machine can start up during maintenance. Danger
through moving machine parts
 Severe injuries
a) Switch off MAIN SWITCH during every maintenance
b) Secure with padlock against accidental restart.
 Main switch pilot lamp is not illuminated

Objects left lying around can get into the running machine
 Machine damage
a) After each maintenance check that no tools/machine
parts/cleaning materials are left in the machine
b) Check that the machine has been completely and correctly

During standstill machine parts can be moved manually.
 Trapping hazard
a) Do not reach between machine parts while moving others

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7.2 Personnel qualification

Maintenance personnel Only reliable, trained or instructed personnel are allowed to carry out
cleaning and lubrication on the machine. Knowledge of the operating
manual is essential.
The maintenance personnel must be capable of reading and
understanding the machine displays.

Mechanics Mechanical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
mechanics or by instructed personnel under the direction and supervision
of a qualified mechanic.
Work on gas, pneumatic and hydraulic systems may only be carried out
by specialized mechanics.
Only reliable, trained or instructed mechanics are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual is essential.

Electricians Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the electrical
engineering rules and regulations.
Only reliable, trained and instructed electricians are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual and access to
the electrical documentation is essential.

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7.3 Cleaning

7.3.1 Explanations

Regular cleaning is essential to ensure,

 continued efficiency of the machine,
 increased efficiency by preventive cleaning measures
 hygiene standards are maintained.

Complex cleaning work is fully described in Cleaning [ 7-12, Cleaning


7.3.2 Cleaning warnings

The following warnings apply to the whole chapter on Cleaning.

To avoid frequent repetition throughout the chapter they are summarized
These operation-specific warnings, as well as the Maintenance Warnings
and Basic Safety Instructions [ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be
observed. The measures described therein must be applied.

Contamination of the machine due to insufficient cleaning
 Lack of hygiene
 Loss of performance and efficiency of the machine
a) Carry out cleaning and observe intervals of the cleaning schedule
b) Clean heavily contaminated parts immediately, if required

Cleaning the machine with compressed air
 Dirt can get into chains, bearings and guide systems and
accumulate in places which are difficult to access
a) Do not clean the machine with compressed air
b) Use only approved cleaning agents and utensils

Water can infiltrate the electrical components and the machine
 Death by electrocution
 Machine damage
a) Water must not flow or drip over the machine
b) Wipe machine parts with a damp cloth only

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7.3.3 Cleaning agents and equipment

Industrial vacuum cleaners, paint brushes, dusters, paper towels, cloth or

brush as well as warm water and food-safe cleaning agents are suitable
for cleaning. They are listed in the cleaning schedule.

7.4 Cleaning schedule

The cleaning schedule is in tabular form, showing all cleaning work and
the relevant intervals.

7.4.1 Definition of time intervals

The following intervals are listed in the cleaning schedule:

[h] Minimum interval
8 once a day
40 once a week
200 once a month
1000 once every 6 months
2000 once a year
10000 once every 5 years
([h]: Operating hours of the machine)

The cleaning of the machine is to be carried out according to the number

of operating hours or at least according to the minimum intervals.
Intervals are designed for standard operation and average soiling. They
must be adjusted in case of high or very low levels of soiling.
In case of heavy soiling the machine parts most affected must be cleaned

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7.4.2 General cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Crumb plates 8 Warm water Vacuum cleaner, Vacuum first, then wipe with a
underneath the piece damp cloth damp cloth
Touchscreen 40 Water, possibly with Damp cloth Clean touchscreen.
some detergent
Protective cover 40 Water with little Damp cloth Transparent protective
detergent cover: Do not rub dry
because of build-up of static
Electrical cabinet 200 A contaminated filter mat leads to increased temperature in the cabinet!
ventilation filter mat Check for soiling. The filter mat's replacement interval is dependent on dust
levels and operating hours.
If required: Rinse in water of up to approx. 40°C, with possible addition of a
mild detergent. Do not wring out!

7.4.3 Aligning belt cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Piece track 8 Warm water Vacuum cleaner, Vacuum first, then wipe with a
damp cloth damp cloth
Belts 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Belt scrapers 8 Warm water Spatula, damp cloth
Diversion rollers and 8 Warm water Spatula, damp cloth
Lateral guide 8 Warm water Damp cloth Remove lateral guide for
Avoid mix-up.
Optical sensors and 40 Dry cloth

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7.4.4 Inline infeed cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Piece track 8 Warm water Vacuum cleaner, Vacuum first, then wipe with a
damp cloth damp cloth
Belts 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Belt scrapers 8 Warm water Spatula, damp cloth
Diversion rollers and 8 Warm water Spatula, damp cloth
Lateral guides 8 Warm water Damp cloth Remove lateral guides for
Avoid mix-up!
Restrainer 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Vacuum funnel 8 Warm water Damp cloth Remove collection container,
empty and clean
Vacuum hose 1000 Compressed air Disassemble hose and blow
Optical sensors and 40 Dry cloth

7.4.5 Cleaning schedule infeed chain

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Piece track 8 Warm water Vacuum cleaner, Vacuum first, then wipe with a
damp cloth damp cloth
Belts 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Belt scrapers 8 Warm water Spatula, damp cloth
Diversion rollers and 8 Warm water Spatula, damp cloth
Lateral guides 8 Warm water Damp cloth Remove lateral guides for
Avoid mix-up!
Carrier 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Vacuum funnel 8 Warm water Damp cloth Remove collection container,
empty and clean
Vacuum hose 1000 Compressed air Disassemble hose and blow
Optical sensors and 40 Dry cloth

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7.4.6 Packaging material feed cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Diversion rollers 40 Dry cloth
Packaging material 40 Dry cloth
Optical sensors and 40 Dry cloth

7.4.7 Tube former cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Guide rollers 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Folding box 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Folding plates and 8 Warm water Damp cloth
folding unit
Product brake 8 Warm water Damp cloth

7.4.8 Longitudinal sealing cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Cover plates, lateral 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Air extraction nozzle 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Air extraction hose 1000 Compressed air Disassemble hose and blow
Longitudinal sealing 8 Brass wire brush, dry
rollers cloth
Folding discs 8 Warm water Damp cloth

7.4.9 Transverse sealing cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Transverse sealing 8 Brass wire brush, dry
jaws cloth
Separating knives 8 Brass wire brush, dry

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7.4.10 Package discharge cleaning schedule

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Belt - discharge belt 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Upper belt transport aid 8 Warm water Damp cloth
Optical sensors and 40 Dry cloth

7.4.11 Cleaning schedule Industrial vacuum system

Module / component [h] Cleaning agents Cleaning equipment Task/Note

Industrial vacuum 8 Remove drawer and empty
system RIES 250 D

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7.5 Cleaning operations

7.5.1 Cleaning the touchscreen

The frame of the touchscreen is fitted with infra-red sensors. For this
reason careful and regular cleaning of the frame is required.

Pointed or sharp objects and certain liquids may damage the
a) Do not use pointed or sharp objects, e.g. knives, for cleaning.
b) Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.
c) Avoid any liquids penetrating into the touchscreen.

 Machine is switched off.

a) Clean touchscreen and infra-red frame with a clean, damp cloth.
b) For persistent stains, add some dishwashing detergent to the
damp cloth.

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7.6 Lubrication

7.6.1 Explanations

Regular lubrication is the prerequisite for,

 continued efficiency of the machine,
 increasing machine life.

More complex lubricating operations are described in detail in Lubrication

[ 7-17, Lubrication work].

7.6.2 Lubrication warnings

The following warnings apply throughout the whole chapter on

To avoid frequent repetition throughout the chapter they are summarized
These operation-specific warnings, as well as the Maintenance Warnings
and Basic Safety Instructions [ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be
observed. The measures described therein must be applied.

Lubricant leakage
 Contamination of product and packaging material
 Damage due to contaminated product and packaging material
a) Do not exceed recommended fill quantity
b) Remove leaked lubricant

Disregard of lubrication schedule
 Impairment of machine function
 Reduction of machine life
a) Carry out lubrication within the prescribed intervals
b) Only use recommended lubricants
c) Follow instructions in the lubrication schedule

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Over-filled lubrication points
 Damage to seals and bearings
 Damage due to leaked lubricant
a) Do not exceed recommended fill quantity
b) Remove leaked lubricant

7.6.3 Lubricant

Lubricant for the food industry In the lubrication schedule lubricants for the food industry are named as
FM Food Machinery A general term for the oils and greases used
for lubrication in the food industry.
NSF H1 lubricants When occasional contact with foodstuff /
lubricant cannot be technically excluded.
NSF H2 lubricants When the contact with foodstuff / lubricant
can be excluded.
(NSF: National Sanitation Foundation)

Non-aging lubricants In gears, which are lubricated for life, synthetic or semi-synthetic oils are
used because of their non-aging qualities.

Mixing of different types of lubricants
 Lubrication characteristics are altered
 Gear damage
a) Use recommended lubricants
b) Do not mix lubricants with different specifications
c) Avoid mixing lubricants from different manufacturers
d) If necessary, contact lubricant supplier

Improper handling of lubricants
 Pollution
 Injuries e.g. chemical burns and poisonings
a) Observe environmental regulations
b) Observe instructions for proper handling of lubricants
c) Observe lubricant's safety data sheet

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7.6.4 Recommended lubricants

Type of lubricant Manufacturer Name Notes

Standard oil, NSF H1 Shell Cassida Fluid GL 220
Standard grease, NSF Shell Shell Cassida Grease EPS 2
Standard grease, NSF Klüber Klübersynth UH1 14-151

7.7 Lubrication schedule

The lubrication schedule is a tabular chart of all lubrication work, the

relevant intervals and the necessary lubricants.

7.7.1 Definition of time intervals

The following intervals are listed in the lubrication schedule:

[h] Minimum interval
8 once a day
40 once a week
200 once a month
1000 once every six months
2000 once a year
10000 once every 5 years
([h]: operating hours of the machine)

The lubrication of the machine is to be carried out according to the

number of operating hours or at least according to the minimum intervals
The intervals specified in the lubrication chart apply to normal production
conditions. Products generating high dust levels or extremely dry packing
conditions require shorter intervals between lubrications.

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7.7.2 Aligning belt lubrication schedule

Lubrication point [h] Lubricant Fill quantity Task/Note

Relex gear - Klübersynth - Lifetime lubrication
UH1 14-151 NSF H1

7.7.3 Inline infeed lubrication schedule

Lubrication point [h] Lubricant Fill quantity Task/Note

Relex gear - Klübersynth - Lifetime lubrication
UH1 14-151 NSF H1

7.7.4 Infeed chain lubrication schedule

Lubrication point [h] Lubricant Fill quantity Task/Note

Relex gear - Klübersynth - Lifetime lubrication
UH1 14-151 NSF H1

7.7.5 Transverse sealing lubrication schedule

Lubrication point [h] Lubricant Fill quantity Task/Note

Transverse sealing 10000 Tribol Food Proof 0.85 l see [Marbaise Gear, Chap. 7]"
drive 1800/460, NSF H1 Midway oil level
Marbaise gear indicator

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7.8 Lubrication work

7.8.1 Marbaise gear oil change

Replace lube oil  Main switch is switched off and secured with a padlock to prevent
a) Open drain-off screw 3 and completely drain oil.
b) Check drain-off screw sealing ring for damage and replace if
necessary; tighten drain-off screw 3.
c) Remove filling screw 1 and fill up the gear with new oil (approx.
0.85 liter) up to halfway of the oil level indicator 2. For type of oil
see following table.
d) Fit filling screw 1 and tighten.

Recommended lubricants Manufacturer Name

Castrol, Tribol Food Proof 1800/460 (Initial
filling) *)
BP, Energol SG-XP 460
Klüber, Klüberoil 4 UH1-460 *)
Mobil, Glygoyle HE 460
SHELL, Tivela SD
*) Food industry compatible NS H1

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7.9 Inspection

7.9.1 Explanations

Regular and conscientious inspection is a requirement for:

 continued efficiency of the machine,
 increasing machine life,
 avoiding unexpected machine failures,
 recognizing wear early,
 the timely ordering of spare parts.

The inspection schedule is a tabular chart of all inspections and the

relevant intervals. More complex inspections are fully described in
Inspection [ 7-23, Inspection work]. Any faults detected must be
recorded and remedied without delay.

7.9.2 Inspection warnings

The following warnings apply throughout the whole chapter on

To avoid frequent repetition throughout the chapter they are summarized
These operation-specific warnings, as well as the Maintenance Warnings
and Basic Safety Instructions [ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be
observed. The measures described therein must be applied.

Disregard of inspection schedule
 Malfunctions
 Reduction of machine life
 Reduced availability and performance of the machine
a) Use only original spare parts and recommended tools
b) Follow instructions in the inspection schedule

Current-carrying parts in the electrical cabinet
 Electrocution
a) Observe personnel qualifications
b) Switch off MAIN SWITCH and secure with padlock against restart

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Faulty settings or faulty assembly
 Machine damage
a) Do not perform any adjustments or change-overs if the
consequences are not clear
b) Prior to adjusting any component or module its original position
must be marked or noted down

7.10 Inspection schedule

The inspection schedule is a tabular chart of all inspections and the

relevant intervals.

7.10.1 Definition of time intervals

The following intervals are listed in the inspection schedule:

[h] Minimum interval
8 once a day
40 once a week
200 once a month
1000 once every six months
2000 once a year
10000 once every 5 years
([h]: operating hours of the machine)

The inspections of the machine are to be carried out according to the

number of operating hours or at least according to the minimum intervals.
Any faults detected must be recorded and remedied without delay.

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7.10.2 Inspection plan: machine (general)

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

All lamps 40 Function of illuminants Activate the touchscreen function Lamp
test; all lamps illuminate. If one or more
lamps do not illuminate, they must be
EMERGENCY STOP 1000 Function, fixture, connections See Inspections [ 7-23, Check
buttons (all) EMERGENCY STOP function]
Safety switch for 1000 Function, fixing, position, See Inspections [ 7-24, Check safety
protective cover connections switch function]
Optical sensors and 1000 Fixtures, Position,
reflectors Connections
Motors 1000 Cleanliness, connections,
Screw connections 2000 Firm seat Tighten loose screws with the appropriate

7.10.3 Aligning belt inspection schedule

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Belt - conveyor belt 200 Belt run See [Adjust Belt Run, Chap. 7]
Belt - conveyor belt 1000 Wear, cracking, tension Visual check of the belt,
for belt tension see [Tension Long Belt,
Chap. 8]
Belt, lateral ruler 1000 Wear, cracking, tension Visual check of belt
Belt scrapers 1000 Setting
Diversion roller 1000 Condition, running properties
Diversion roller scraper 1000 Setting The scraper must not touch the diversion
Lateral guide 1000 Function, setting For settings see Changeover Instructions
Gas pressure spring 1000 Safe holding in open position
Control valve 1000 Function, connections
Pneumatic tubing 1000 Tightness
Pneumatic connections 1000 Tightness
Gear 1000 Tightness Replace gearbox in the event of any

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7.10.4 Inline infeed FBFC inspection schedule

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Belt, control belt 1000 Wear, cracking, Visual check of the belt,
tension for belt tension see [Tension Long Belt,
Chap. 8]
Belt, cadence belt 1 1000 Wear, cracking, Visual check of the belt,
tension for belt tension see [Tension Long Belt,
Chap. 8]
Belt scrapers 1000 Setting
Diversion roller 1000 Condition, running properties
Diversion roller scraper 1000 Setting
Lateral guides 1000 Function, setting For settings see Changeover Instructions
Vacuum hose 1000 Tightness, Soiling Disassemble and blow out, possibly wash
Gas pressure spring 1000 Safe holding in open position
Gear 1000 Tightness Replace gearbox in the event of any

7.10.5 Inspection plan: infeed chain

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Belts 1000 Wear, cracking, Visual inspection of the belt,
tension Setting belt tension for short belts
Lateral guides 1000 Function, setting For settings see Changeover Instructions
Carrier 1000 Wear, damage, function
Roller chain 1000 Wear, tension, chain stretch Replace roller chain, if tension range is
Proximity switch 1000 Fixtures, connection
Gas pressure spring 1000 Safe holding in open position
Control valve 1000 Function, connections
Pneumatic tubes, 1000 Tightness
Gear motor Tightness Replace gear motor in event of any

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7.10.6 Packaging material feed inspection schedule

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Diversion rollers 1000 Ease of action, Condition
Reel brake 1000 Wear
Brake disc 1000 Wear
Toothed belt 1000 Tension, wear, cracks See [Tension check on toothed drive belts,
Chap. 7].

7.10.7 Longitudinal sealing inspection schedule

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Guide rollers 1000 Ease of action, Condition
Advance rollers and 1000 Wear
sealing rollers
Sealing roller scraper 1000 Wear Heat sealing only.
Toothed belt 1000 Tension, wear, cracks See [Tension check on toothed drive belts,
Chap. 7].

7.10.8 Transverse sealing inspection schedule

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Sealing elements 1000 Damage, wear
Separating knife 1000 Sharpness, wear
Toothed belt 1000 Tension, wear, cracks See [Tension check on toothed drive belts,
Chap. 7].

7.10.9 Package discharge inspection schedule

Module / component [h] Check for Task/Note

Belt - discharge belt 200 Belt run
Belt - discharge belt 1000 Tension, wear, cracks Visual check of the belt,
for belt tension see [Belt, Discharge Belt,
Chap. 8]
Belt - transport aid 1000 Setting, tension, wear
Toothed belt 1000 Tension, wear, cracks See [Tension check on toothed drive belts,
Chap. 7].

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7.11 Inspection work

7.11.1 Check EMERGENCY STOP function

Test function a) Start the machine

b) Actuate EMERGENCY STOP at the operator panel
 The machine is decelerated and stopped as quickly as possible.
c) Check if red indicator at lamp tower is illuminated
d) Check if relevant alarm signal is correctly displayed at touchscreen
e) Actuate START
 Machine must not start

Reset function a) Disengage EMERGENCY STOP at operator panel

 Machine must not start
b) Actuate RESET
 Red indicator at lamp tower goes out
 Alarm signal at touchscreen goes off

Check other EMERGENCY If the machine is fitted with further EMERGENCY STOPS, each one must
STOPS be checked. These checks should all follow the same pattern but must be
carried out when the machine is at standstill.
b) Check if red indicator at lamp tower is illuminated
c) Check if relevant alarm signal is correctly displayed at touchscreen
e) Actuate RESET
 Red indicator at lamp tower goes out
 Alarm signal at touchscreen goes off

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7.11.2 Check safety switch function

Test function a) Open a movable protective cover

b) Check if red indicator at lamp tower is illuminated
c) Check if relevant alarm signal is correctly displayed at touchscreen
d) Actuate START
 Machine must not start
Reset function a) Close protective cover.
 Red indicator at lamp tower goes out
 Alarm signal at touchscreen goes off

Check other movable protective If the machine is fitted with further protective covers, each one must be
covers checked. These checks should all follow the same pattern.
a) Open movable protective cover
b) Check if red indicator at lamp tower is illuminated
c) Check if relevant alarm signal is correctly displayed at touchscreen
d) Close protective cover.
 Red indicator at lamp tower goes out
 Alarm signal at touchscreen goes off

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7.11.3 Tension check on drive toothed belts

For axle distances below 500 Using a thumb, it must be possible to depress the toothed belt by 7 mm
mm at the center of the maximum axle distance.

For axle distances above 500 Using thumb and index finger, the toothed belt must be able to be turned
mm by 90° +/- 10° at the center of the maximum axle distance.

If tension is insufficient a) Tighten toothed belt using the tensioning device accordingly.

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7.12 Format change

7.12.1 Explanations

Format This machine can be equipped to process several formats that are
differentiated by various capital letters: A, B, C, ...

L Length W Width H Height

The format is the dimension and position of the product or product groups
(multi-packs, portions, etc.) relevant to the direction of the product flow,
including packaging material dimensions.

Format change Format changes are necessary when products of different dimensions,
position or grouping are to be packaged on the machine.

Adjustment parts / exchange In case of a format change, the exchange parts must be replaced and the
parts adjustment parts must be reset to the setting values.

Notice supplementary documentation

The exchange parts and setting values are given in the separate
changeover instructions.

The setting values were established during trial runs with the available
test material. It is possible to correct these in production. Such
corrections must be entered in the changeover instructions.
More detailed instructions are described in the chapter on Format
Change [ 7-29, Work involved in format change].

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Name of the adjustment parts

Adjustment parts remain on the machine and are designated by a one to

three-digit number, which is given in the changeover instructions.

Name of the
exchange parts

Exchange parts have the format name A, B, C etc. as well as a one to

three-digit number. In addition each of these named exchange parts
shows the last three digits of the machine number and must only be used
on this machine.

Example of numbering of exchange part

Format Position Machine number
D 1 098

Scales Scales are fitted to the machine for the adjustment and, to a certain
extent, also for the change parts.
The setting values in the changeover instructions correspond to the scale
divisions of the scales or the digital counter.

Additional formats If an additional format is to be processed on the machine, the owner must
contact Bosch Packaging Systems or one of its agencies. New
interchange parts are required and the machine must be set up for the
new format.

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7.12.2 Format change warnings

The followings warnings apply throughout the whole chapter on Format

To avoid frequent repetition throughout the chapter they are summarized
These operation-specific warnings, as well as the Maintenance Warnings
and Basic Safety Instructions [ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be
observed. The measures described therein must be applied.

Faulty settings and faulty assembly
 Machine damage
a) Do not carry out any tasks during format change with unclear
b) Adjustments should be carried out with precision and in the order
specified in the changeover instructions.

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en Maintenance | 7-29/7-30

7.13 Work involved in format change

7.13.1 Carry out format change

Mechanical tasks  MAIN SWITCH is switched off and secured with a padlock to
prevent restart.
a) Dismantle all change parts.
b) Adjustments should be carried out with precision and in the order
specified in the changeover instructions.
c) Reset all adjustment parts corresponding to the new format
according to the details in the changeover instructions.
d) Fit all clean exchange parts corresponding to the new format onto
a clean mount and reset according to the specifications in the
changeover instructions.
e) Thoroughly clean dismantled change parts and store neatly.

Format change on the  Mechanical tasks have been completed fully and correctly.
a) Switch on MAIN SWITCH (position I).
b) Select new format on touchscreen.
c) Using the new format, slowly insert some products into the
machine for packaging and check the result for quality.
 The machine is now ready for production with the new format.

To avoid production disruptions through incorrect adjustments or incom-
plete format changes, it is recommended to tick off each completed ad-
justment and fitting of exchange parts during the format change in the
changeover instructions.

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7-30/7-30 | Maintenance en

01989_HSM_461 | Version: 1 | 11.2011 Bosch Packaging Systems

en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-1/8-20

Table of contents 8 Troubleshooting and repair

8.1 Warnings 8-3

8.2 Personnel qualification 8-4

8.3 Fault diagnosis 8-5

8.3.1 Fault description 8-5
8.3.2 Changes 8-6
8.3.3 Causes 8-7
8.3.4 Measures 8-9

8.4 Trouble shooting 8-10

8.4.1 Troubleshooting list to fill in 8-11

8.5 Setting and repair operations 8-12

8.5.1 Replace separating knife and counter holder 8-12
8.5.2 Separating knife setting with supports 8-13

8.6 Basic settings 8-14

8.6.1 Basic setting pivot arm end position 8-14
8.6.2 Basic setting pivot arm angle encoder 8-15
8.6.3 Basic setting packaging material reel brake 8-16

8.7 Spare parts 8-17

8.7.1 Mechanical spare parts 8-17
8.7.2 Electrical spare parts 8-18
8.7.3 Addresses of Bosch Packaging Services 8-18

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8-2/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

Chapter overview
The fault diagnosis is an aid in the systematic search for the cause of a
The trouble shooting lists provide information about common faults and
are meant to be amended with own experiences.
Furthermore, this chapter lists the adjustments and repairs.
Cleaning, lubrication, inspection and changeover operations are detailed
in Maintenance [ 7-1, Maintenance].
In conclusion, here follows information about spare parts and spare part
ordering and the Bosch Packaging Services addresses.

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-3/8-20

8.1 Warnings

The following operational warnings as well as Essential safety information

[ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be observed and acted upon!

Machines ready for operation can start up automatically. Danger
from moving machine parts.
 Severe injuries
a) Switch off MAIN SWITCH before commencing any repairs
b) Secure the MAIN SWITCH with a padlock against accidental

Current-carrying parts in the electrical cabinet
 Electrocution
a) Observe personnel qualifications
b) Switch off MAIN SWITCH before commencing any work on the
electrical cabinet

During standstill machine parts can be moved manually.
 Trapping hazard
a) Do not reach between machine parts while moving others

Electrical welding at the machine
 The electrical welding current can cause data loss and damage
drive and control unit.
a) There must be no electrical welding at the machine.
b) Parts to be welded must always be removed.
c) When welding near the machine, there must be no conducting
connection to the machine.

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8-4/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

8.2 Personnel qualification

Mechanics Mechanical work on the machine may only be performed by a qualified

mechanic or by instructed personnel under the direction and supervision
of a qualified mechanic.
Work on gas, pneumatic and hydraulic systems may only be carried out
be specialised mechanics.
Only reliable, trained or instructed mechanics are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. A good knowledge of the operating manual is

Electricians Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of such a qualified electrician in accordance with the
electrical engineering rules and regulations.
Only reliable, trained or instructed electricians are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual and access to
the electrical documentation is essential.

We recommend that a log book be maintained for each machine. All
incidents, work carried out and especially modifications to the machine
and the environment are noted herein.
A complete log book is a valuable aid in troubleshooting.

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-5/8-20

8.3 Fault diagnosis

Faults, which are not detected by the automatic fault monitoring, can
often only be detected by their effects. The search for the unknown cause
is only targeted and successful, if it is carried out systematically.
The following diagnostic system for troubleshooting has two functions:
1. To guide and support the efforts to locate the fault and find the cause
of the fault.
2. Checklist to collect and record all possible facts around the fault. Work
through and answer the questions completely before inquiries to the
manufacturer. This facilitates the help for troubleshooting.

Record all information and considerations in writing in the following
check list. The following pages can be copied and filled in.
Only collect facts, not suppositions!

8.3.1 Fault description

WHAT is different from what it should be?

On which part:

What are the symptoms:

WHERE does the fault occur?

On the part in question:

On the machine:

On other machines:

WHEN does the fault occur?

First noticed:

How often since:

Interval (seldom, always, regularly):

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8-6/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

Parts are affected:

Of the part is affected:


Observations, comments
General observations or comments associated with the fault described:

8.3.2 Changes

WHAT changed WHEN? Have changes been carried out or noticed on:

Basic setting:
Adjustment parts:
Exchange parts:
Electrical devices:

Manufacturing process:

Packaging material/adhesive
Quality (material, print):
Storage conditions:

Operating personnel:
Maintenance personnel:

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-7/8-20

Upstream systems:
Downstream systems:
Hall (temperature, humidity, etc):

WHEN has WHAT been:

changed over:
set up:

8.3.3 Causes

Possible causes
List of all possible causes for the fault described:
 Changes:
 Experience:
 Specialist knowledge:

Probable causes
Comparison of each possible cause with the fault description.
On the basis of the fault description which cause is logical?

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8-8/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

How can it be shown that the most probable cause is the actual cause?

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-9/8-20

8.3.4 Measures

Faulty settings or unsuitable measures during troubleshooting
 Loss of production or machine damage
a) Do not take any measures with uncertain consequences or which
have not been agreed with the manufacturer beforehand
b) Prior to any changes the original position must be marked or
noted down
c) Changes which do not make an improvement must be reset to the
original position.

Possible causes
 Compare the possible causes established with the fault description
 Deal with the most probable cause first
 Change only one situation at a time
 Note down changes performed exactly.

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8-10/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

8.4 Trouble shooting

The following troubleshooting lists contain common faults and their

possible causes. These lists are incomplete, new faults can occur at any
time. In these cases, the cause must be detected and remedied by
applying the fault diagnostic or with the aid of the manufacturer, if
necessary. The addresses for Bosch Packaging Services are listed under
Spare Parts [ 8-17, Spare parts].
Only newly developed faults should be noted in the Troubleshooting list
to fill in.
Thus the information is available if the same fault occurs again.
We are grateful for information to extend and amend these
troubleshooting lists. This enables us to amend and improve future
operating manuals.
Please forward observations and findings about faults and causes to the
following address. Thank you very much.

Bosch Packaging Systems AG

Documentation (PACB/MAT3)
Industriestrasse 8
CH-8222 Beringen


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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-11/8-20

8.4.1 Troubleshooting list to fill in

Problem Possible cause Measure Safety measure

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8-12/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

8.5 Setting and repair operations

8.5.1 Replace separating knife and counter holder

Damaged and worn separating knives lead to machine faults and waste.
Separating knives and counter holders are wearing parts which must be
replaced periodically.

The separating knife has a very sharp edge. Danger of injury.
 Lacerations
a) Carry out work on the separating knife only when wearing leather

 MAIN SWITCH is switched off and secured with a padlock.

 Open protective covers over the sealing rollers.
a) Loosen clamping screw 5 with locknuts.
b) Pull out separating knife 1 and remove.
c) Loosen clamping screw 6 with locknuts.
d) Pull out counter holder 4 and remove.
e) Place new counter holder 4 in the lower sealing element 3 .
f) The surface of the counter holder 4 must be flush with the base of
the sealing element profile.
g) The counter holder 4 must be flush against the fixed stop.
h) Engage clamping screw 6 , do not clamp.
i) Place new separating knife 1 in upper sealing element 2 and
secure clamping screw 5.

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-13/8-20

j) Check counter holder 4 and separating knife 1 for good fit.

k) Clamping screws 5 and 6 must be engaged, then tighten locknuts.

8.5.2 Separating knife setting with supports

The separating knife has a very sharp edge. Danger of injury.
 Lacerations
a) Carry out work on the separating knife only when wearing leather

 EMERGENCY STOP actuated.

 Open protective covers over the transverse sealing unit.
 Transverse sealing jaws must be heated (operating temperature).
a) Loosen clamping screw 1 with locknuts.
b) Support the separating knife with the enclosed knife supports 2 in
increments of ten until it starts to cut.
c) Engage clamping screw 1 (do not clamp) and tighten locknut.

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8-14/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

8.6 Basic settings

8.6.1 Basic setting pivot arm end position

In its end position Pivot arm 3 (operating position) must be a distance of 5

mm to Diversion roller 4.
 MAIN SWITCH is switched off and secured with a padlock.
a) Slacken Pivot arm 3 .
b) Slacken Fastening screw 1 of Stop lever 2 .
c) Place a 5 mm thick Spacer 5 between Pivot arm 3 and Diversion
roller 4.
 Spacer 5 must rest on the rear end of Diversion roller 4 on its shaft.
d) Rest Pivot arm 3 on Spacer 5 by its own weight.
e) Tighten Fastening screw 1 .
f) Remove Spacer 5 .

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-15/8-20

8.6.2 Basic setting pivot arm angle encoder

This setting was carried out at the factory. After replacing the angle
encoder at the rear of the pivot arm axle, this setting must be reset.
 The auxiliary unwinder pivot arm must be slackened and in the
mechanical end position.
 Machine control must be switched on.
a) Remove the protective cap at the angle encoder and press the
button underneath once, refit protective cap.
b) Pivot arm position value on the touchscreen must now be 0.
c) Moving pivot arm slightly, the value must change.
 Angle encoder is set correctly.

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8-16/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

8.6.3 Basic setting packaging material reel brake

 MAIN SWITCH is switched off and secured with a padlock.

a) Move the pivot arm upwards to the stop.
b) Slightly loosen the locknut of the cam bushing 1 .
c) Rotate the cam bushing and set a space of 0.2 mm between the
brake jaw 5 and the brake drum 6 .
d) Tighten the locknut of the cam bushing 1 .
 If a space of 0.2 mm cannot be set the brake jaw 5 is worn and
must be replaced.
a) Move pivot arm to its working position (lower position).
b) Loosen the fastening screw of the control cam 2 and rotate the
control cam until it is flush against the cam bushing 4 without play.
c) Tighten the fastening screw of the control cam 2 .

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-17/8-20

8.7 Spare parts

A spare parts catalog and electrical documentation are included in the

delivery along with this operating manual. Spare parts can thus be clearly
identified and ordered.
To ensure the speedy and correct delivery of spare parts all orders must
contain complete and correct specifications. This will avoid time-
consuming inquiries and wrong deliveries.
Spare parts must be protected against corrosion and stored in an easily
accessible, dry location.

8.7.1 Mechanical spare parts

The spare part catalog lists all mechanical parts. Using the illustrations
and parts list, spare parts can be identified and ordered.
The following specifications are required for ordering spare parts.
 Machine type and number; see nameplate
 Date of issue of the spare parts catalog
 Drawing and item numbers for clear identification of the spare part
 Description of spare part, e.g. shaft, gearwheel, lever
 if applicable, the number stamped on the part to be replaced
 Required quantity.

Is the part difficult to identify?
If in doubt, use a digital camera to produce an image of the spare part
and send via e-mail.

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8.7.2 Electrical spare parts

The electrical and electronic parts are listed in the electrical

documentation. Electrical parts can be identified and ordered with the aid
of the circuit diagram and the equipment list.
The following specifications are required for ordering spare parts:
 Machine type and number, see nameplate.
 Circuit diagram number.
 Details of the electrical item number and article number that positively
identify the spare part.
 Designation and function of the part, e.g. Motor AC servo for infeed
chain drive.
 Required quantity.

8.7.3 Addresses of Bosch Packaging Services

EURO-HUB - Food Continental Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, New
Bosch Packaging Services AG
Industriestrasse 8 Phone: +41 58 674 88 11
8222 Beringen Fax: +41 58 674 64 07

EURO-HUB - Pharma Continental Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, New
Bosch Packaging Services AG
Euro Hub Pharma Phone: +49 7951 402 1
c/o Robert Bosch GmbH Fax: +49 7951 402 429
74564 Crailsheim

UK-HUB United Kingdom, Ireland

Bosch Packaging Services Ltd.
Unit 2A, Meteor Business Park Phone: +44 1332 62 62 62
Meteor Centre, Mansfield Road Fax: +44 1332 62 62 88
Derby DE21 4SU

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en Troubleshooting and repair | 8-19/8-20

USA-HUB USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico

Bosch Packaging Services Inc.
2440 Sumner Boulevard Phone: +1 919 877 08 86
Raleigh, NC 27616 Fax: +1 919 877 08 87

Bosch Packaging Services K.K.
2-2-2 Nishiura Phone:+ 81 47 435 25 48
Funabashi- City Fax: +81 47 432 81 81
Chiba 273-0017

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8-20/8-20 | Troubleshooting and repair en

01989_HSM_461 | Version: 1 | 11.2011 Bosch Packaging Systems

en Decommissioning and disposal | 9-1/9-10

Table of contents 9 Decommissioning and disposal

9.1 Warnings 9-3

9.2 Personnel qualification 9-4

9.3 Decommissioning 9-5

9.3.1 Preparation of decommissioning 9-5
9.3.2 Removal of energy sources 9-5

9.4 Re-commissioning following longer interruptions of

operation 9-6
9.4.1 Thorough cleaning 9-6
9.4.2 Connect energy sources 9-6
9.4.3 Re-commissioning 9-6

9.5 Storage 9-7

9.5.1 Storage conditions 9-7
9.5.2 Ambient conditions 9-7

9.6 Packaging 9-8

9.6.1 Preparation for packaging 9-8
9.6.2 Selection of packaging material 9-8
9.6.3 Mark packaging 9-8
9.6.4 Attaching transport locks 9-8

9.7 Disposal 9-9

9.7.1 Disposal of equipment and materials 9-9
9.7.2 Disposal centers, local government offices 9-10

Bosch Packaging Systems 11.2011 | Version: 1 | 01989_HSM_461

9-2/9-10 | Decommissioning and disposal en

Chapter overview
The chapter Decommissioning, Disposal consists of:
• decommissioning
• re-commissioning
• storage
• packaging
• disposal

01989_HSM_461 | Version: 1 | 11.2011 Bosch Packaging Systems

en Decommissioning and disposal | 9-3/9-10

9.1 Warnings

The following operation-specific warnings and safety advice as well as

Basic Safety Instructions [ 2-5, Basic safety instructions] must be
observed and carried out!

Current-carrying elements in the electrical cabinet
 Severe injury through electric shock
a) Switch off the main switch before starting work
b) Completely separate the power supply from the machine

Inappropriate transport
 Severe injury or machine damage
a) Observe the transport regulations
b) Observe technical data

Leakage of liquids
 Burns or other health risks
a) Wear protective gloves
b) Dispose of liquids such as lubricants and cold or hot glue in
accordance with regulations

Bosch Packaging Systems 11.2011 | Version: 1 | 01989_HSM_461

9-4/9-10 | Decommissioning and disposal en

9.2 Personnel qualification

Mechanics Mechanical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
mechanics or by instructed personnel under the direction and supervision
of a qualified mechanic.
Work on gas, pneumatic and hydraulic systems may only be carried out
by specialized mechanics.
Only reliable, trained or instructed mechanics are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual is essential.

Electricians Electrical work on the machine may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed personnel under the direction and
supervision of such a qualified electrician in accordance with the
electrical engineering rules and regulations.
Only reliable, trained and instructed electricians are allowed to carry out
work on the machine. Knowledge of the operating manual and access to
the electrical documentation is essential.

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en Decommissioning and disposal | 9-5/9-10

9.3 Decommissioning

Prior to decommissioning, various maintenance operations must be

performed on the machine.

9.3.1 Preparation of decommissioning

Packaging material and product Remove packaging material and all product residue from the machine
and clean the machine.


Notice supplementary documentation

The devices are described in the relevant manufacturer's operating

9.3.2 Removal of energy sources

Electrical source Switch off the mains switch in the electrical cabinet and, if necessary,
separate the machine from the electrical supply.

Pneumatic energy source Disconnect the compressed air tubing from the maintenance unit.

Notice supplementary documentation

The device is described in the relevant manufacturer's operating manual.

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9-6/9-10 | Decommissioning and disposal en

9.4 Re-commissioning following longer interruptions of operation

9.4.1 Thorough cleaning

Remove dirt, dust and preserving agents.

9.4.2 Connect energy sources

Electrical source If necessary, connect the machine to the power supply. Fit the clean filter
mats in the electrical cabinet.

Pneumatic energy source Reconnect the compressed air tubing to the maintenance unit.

9.4.3 Re-commissioning

Resumption of operation is described in Start of production Checklist

[ 6-1, Operation].

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en Decommissioning and disposal | 9-7/9-10

9.5 Storage

9.5.1 Storage conditions

To keep an unused machine in functioning condition, even over longer

periods of time, the following points must be observed:
 The storage room must be dry and clean.
 Store the machine on an even surface to prevent warping.
 Secure the machine against tilting and unintentional start-up.
 Clean the machine and apply an acid-free oil film to blank non-
stainless steel metal parts to prevent corrosion.
 Cover the machine completely, so that there can be no dirt or dust

9.5.2 Ambient conditions

Minimum storage temperature: 10° C

Maximum storage temperature: 55° C

Minimum air humidity: 0%

Maximum air humidity: 80 %

Floor load capacity: 2000 kg/m²

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9-8/9-10 | Decommissioning and disposal en

9.6 Packaging

For inspections at the manufacturer, the machine is to be disassembled

into parts suitable for transport.

9.6.1 Preparation for packaging

Preparation measures: see also Decommissioning [ 9-5,

Safety equipment All safety equipment must be either disassembled or fixed to the machine
and locked.

Electrical cables All electrical cables must be rolled up and fixed to the machine.

Electrical cabinet All doors on the electrical cabinet must be locked.

Auxiliary devices Gauges, knives, scrapers, metal brushes, change parts etc must be
packed in separate crates and protected from corrosion.

Documentation All documentation relating to the machine is to be collected and

packaged (see title page).

9.6.2 Selection of packaging material

If possible, use original packaging (crates, timber frames, etc).

9.6.3 Mark packaging

Specific local requirements as well as weight and mode of transport are

to be marked on the packaging.

9.6.4 Attaching transport locks

Attach transport locks (supports etc)

Further information is provided in the spare parts catalog.

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en Decommissioning and disposal | 9-9/9-10

9.7 Disposal

Disposal of the machine is carried out by the user or owner.

Bosch Packaging Systems will not accept the return of any parts for
disposal purposes. The owner may dispose of or otherwise utilize the
machine in accordance with legal requirements.

9.7.1 Disposal of equipment and materials

Equipment Disposal of equipment is the responsibility of the user or owner of the

This applies, above all, to:
 Lubricant
 Cleaning agents
 Consumables
 Worn-out machine components
 All types of refuse

Disposal of liquid refuse
a) Liquid refuse should be considered hazardous to groundwater and
must be collected in approved, closed containers for proper
b) Oil leakages must be treated at once with binding agents and
professionally disposed of
c) Observe internal and legal regulations for any disposal

Materials When disposing of the machine (dismantling, scrapping), the different

materials (resources) should be separated and, preferably, recycled.
Following the complete emptying and cleaning of lubrication systems,
gearboxes etc, the following materials may be collected during
 Metals
 Plastic or rubber parts
 electrical and electronic components and devices
 Gas pressure springs

Bosch Packaging Systems 11.2011 | Version: 1 | 01989_HSM_461

9-10/9-10 | Decommissioning and disposal en

Gas pressure springs are under high pressure
 Danger of injury through trapping and crushing
 Explosion of gas pressure springs through incorrect opening
 Material damage
a) Note the manufacturer's instructions concerning disposal carefully
b) If necessary, request disposal instructions from
Bosch Packaging Systems

9.7.2 Disposal centers, local government offices

Responsibilities Disposal of the machine may have to be reported to local authorities and
Bosch Packaging Systems should be notified.
According to the EU regulations 75/442/EEG with revisions 90/656/EEG,
91/156/EEG, 90/692/EEG and 94/3/EEG, the user is responsible for the
prescribed disposal of the machine. An approved disposal agency can be
called in to dispose of the machine.

01989_HSM_461 | Version: 1 | 11.2011 Bosch Packaging Systems

en Appendix | 10-1/10-3

Table of contents 10 Appendix

10.1 Personal notes 10-2

10.2 Appendix 10-3

10.3 OEM documentation 10-3

10.3.1 SICK KT5 10-3
10.3.2 RIES 250 D 10-3
10.3.3 FESTO PEV 10-3
10.3.4 FESTO LFR 10-3

Bosch Packaging Systems 11.2011 | Version: 1 | 01989_HSM_461

10-2/10-3 | Appendix en

10.1 Personal notes


01989_HSM_461 | Version: 1 | 11.2011 Bosch Packaging Systems

en Appendix | 10-3/10-3

10.2 Appendix

10.3 OEM documentation

10.3.1 SICK KT5

See the following document by the manufacturer

10.3.2 RIES 250 D

See the following document by the manufacturer

10.3.3 FESTO PEV

See the following document by the manufacturer

10.3.4 FESTO LFR

See the following document by the manufacturer

Bosch Packaging Systems 11.2011 | Version: 1 | 01989_HSM_461

1 Important notes 1 Important notes

2 Safety instructions 2 Safety instructions

3 Construction and function 3 Construction and function

4 Operating elements and displays, 4 Operating elements and displays,

operating modes operating modes

5 Transport and commissioning 5 Transport and commissioning

6 Operation 6 Operation

7 Maintenance 7 Maintenance
Cleaning Cleaning
Lubrication Lubrication
Inspection Inspection
Format change Format change

8 Troubleshooting and repair 8 Troubleshooting and repair

9 Decommissioning and disposal 9 Decommissioning and disposal

10 Appendix 10 Appendix
Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction
Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Bosch Packaging Bosch Packaging Bosch Packaging Bosch Packaging Bosch Packaging Bosch Packaging
Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems
Machine-No. Machine-No. Machine-No. Machine-No. Machine-No. Machine-No.
J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461

Version: 1 Version: 1 Version: 1 Version: 1 Version: 1 Version: 1

Date of issue: Date of issue: Date of issue: Date of issue: Date of issue: Date of issue:
11.2011 11.2011 11.2011 11.2011 11.2011 11.2011

Instruction Ma- Instruction Ma- Instruction Ma- Instruction Ma-

nual nual nual nual

Bosch Packaging Systems Bosch Packaging Systems Bosch Packaging Systems Bosch Packaging Systems

Machine-No. Machine-No. Machine-No. Machine-No.

J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461 J-01989-HSM-461

Version: 1 Version: 1 Version: 1 Version: 1

Date of issue: Date of issue: Date of issue: Date of issue:

11.2011 11.2011 11.2011 11.2011

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