First Preliminary Examination in English 4

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First Preliminary Examination in English 4 (Principles and Theories of SLA) November 29, 2018

Directions: Take your time because haste makes waste. It is best to practice honesty at such a time as this.

TEST I. TRUE or FALSE. Read each of the statement carefully and analyze whether the statement is true or
false. Write the word in your answer sheet. (2 pts. each)

1. The construction of a number of potential properties of Universal Grammar will help us understand language
2. The LAD can differentiate speech sounds from other sounds in the environment.
3.When someone can recall information previously acquired, learning has taken place.
4. In order for learning to happen, the learners' passive participation is required.
5. Language indicates the cultural, racial and social identity of an individual.
6. Language is made up of purely concrete symbols.
7. Language acquisition involves the ability to send and receive messages.
8. The arbitrary symbols in language explains the abstract quality of language.
9. Connectionists believe that language acquisition doesn’t require a separate module of the mind because children learn
well from experience.
10. Emergentism is a functional perspective in understanding first language acquisition.
TEST II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following questions carefully and write down the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheets. (2 pts. each)

1. Which of these best defines the 'telegraphic' stage of a child's language development?
A. Singles words but used in the right context. C. Two to three worded- sentence, but lack support word classes.
B. A complete range of speech, close to full adult communication. D. Babbling noises that sound almost like words.
2. Which of the following is true about a child's language when learning grammar?
A. Sentences that children use generally follow the right syntax.
B. Children tend to use 'support' words, such as determiners and auxiliary verbs accurately.
C. Grammatical rules can be applied by children to words they have never heard before.
D. Children start to use accurate grammar at the age of one.
3. The notion of _______________ claims that all learning is the result of operant conditioning.
A. connectionism B. behaviorism C. functionalism D. modularity
4. ___________ provide the foundation for ________________, and the outcomes of_________________ help us to
refine and even replace our ______________ over time.
A. Scientific studies, theories, scientific studies, theories C. Theories, scientific studies, theories, scientific studies
B. Scientific studies, theories, theories, scientific studies D. Theories, scientific studies, scientific studies, theories
5. Which one of the following is not about ‘Behaviorist’?
A. Imitation and practice are the primary processes in language development.
B. It’s not enough to explain for the acquisition of the more complex grammar that children acquire.
C. Children have a specific ability to discover for themselves the underlying rules of language system.
D. Once new elements became solidly grounded in children’ language system, they stopped imitating.
6. Which one of the following is not about Chomsky innatist perspective?
A. Children are biologically programmed for language.
B. Children are born with specific innate ability underlying rule of language.
C. All children successfully acquire their native language.
D. Focus on the interplay between the innate learning ability of children and the environment.
7. Who first argued that children are born with a specific innate ability to discover for themselves the underlying rules
of language system on the basis of the samples of a natural language they are exposed to ?
A. Noam Chomsky B. B.F Skinner C. Piaget D. Vygotsky
8. What CAN'T Behaviourist theory be explained learning in terms of ?
A. imitation B. practice
C. innated endowment D. reinforcement or feedback on success
9. By the age of two, most children reliably produce at least fifty different words and some produce many more. About
this time, they begin to combine words into simple sentences such as 'Mommy juice' and 'baby fall down'. These
sentences are es called:
A. telecommunication B. postcard C. telegraphic D. postscripts
10. Read the passage and find number which has the most suitable words in each blank.
In his 1959 review of B. F. Skinner's book Verbal Behavior, ________ challenged the behaviourist explanation for
language acquisition. He argued that children are biologically programmed for language and that language develops in
the child in just the same way that other biological functions develop .
A. Piaget - The behaviourist perspective C. Vygotsky - Interactionist perspective
B. Dan Slobin - The innatist perspective D. Chomsky - The innatist perspective
11. Which theoretical view assumes that cognitive development, including language development, arise as a result of
social interactions?
A. Behaviorist B. Nativist C. Mediation D. Functionalist
12. Which is the correct representation about connectionism?
A. Connectionists see need to hypothesize the existence of a neurological model dedicated exclusively to language
B. Connectionists attribute greater important to the role of the environment than toany specific innate knowledge in the
C. Connectionists argue that what is innate is not simply the ability to learn, some specifically linguistic principles.
D. All of these.
13. This hypothesized that reinforcement is an important phenomenon to develop language.
A. Behaviorist B. Nativist C. Mediation D. Functionalist
14. Which among the following ideas do not belong to the group?
A. In all languages, learning meaning depends on cognitive development.
B. Language function extends beyond cognitive thought and memory structure.
C. Language development is driven by the growth of conceptual and communicative capacities.
D. The development of a child's linguistic system emerge as a result of multiple interactions.
15. Which among the following explains the strength of the funtional approach to understanding language?
A. It gives more attention to the structure of language. C. It considers the role of context in lingusitic meaning.
C. It clarified the fuzzy rules in UG. D. It moves beyond the scientific method.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man;true nobility is being superior to your former self.
E. Hemingway

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