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War You

Can’t See
“Oh yeah, look at that, right. Right through the windshield!
Hah hah!”
- Jacques-Louis
“Anthem 72” uses the
rhetorical concepts of
ethos, pathos, and logos to
promote a message that
can be decentered by other
perspectives, according to
new historicism (Tyson pp).

-”Anthem 72”
-Afghan Girl giving Soldier a Flower
First appeal: Ethos.

“Anthem 72” appeals to the ethos by

- Saying that the U.S. Marines “fulfil their promises.”

- Showing the persistence of the U.S. Marines throughout their variers battles
throughout time.
- Utilizing the Frontier Myth, with the help of racially divisive imagery.
- Appealing to a general sense of patriotism/jingoism
Second appeal: Pathos.

“Anthem 72” appeals to Pathos by

- Having an emotional score.

- Depicting the emotion of varies individual U.S. Marines throughout its history.
- Using racist Islamophobic imagery, of which connects to the Frontier Myth.
Third appeal: logos

“Anthem 72” appeals to logos by

- Using a simplistic, informal argument that is supposed to convince the viewer

that they ought to join (or at least support) the U.S. Marines.
- This argument is: (1) One ought to be honorable, (2) the U.S. Marines are
most likely honorable, because they have a history of being honorable, (3)
those that join the U.S. Marines either become honorable, or infer that one is
honorable, (4) therefore, one ought to join the U.S. Marines ethier to become
honorable, or to continue to be honorable.
- (1) Hon, (2) Hist→ M→ Hon, (3) H→ HP, (4) You should Join the U.S.
What is New Historicism?

- New Historicism is a theory of history that the truth is best attained not
through the single hegemonic perspective of those in power, but a multitude
of perspective, all of which contribute to the truth.
- These new perspective decenter the previously single hegemonic worldview.
Just War Theory

- A way to determine if a war is just.

- Determine if those that conducted/consented to a war were acting in
accordance with justice.
- Is implied whenever people talk about whether a war is “right.”
- Is implied whatever people say that one side are “the good guys.”
- Has to do with “Just ad Bello,” and “Just in Bello.”
What is “Just ad Bello?”

- Describes the necessary predicates pre-war for a war to be just, they are
- (A) Just Cause
- (B) Legitimate Authority
- (C) Right Intention
- (D) Reasonable prospect for success
- (F) Proportionality
- (G) Necessity
What does “Just in Bello?”

- Describes the necessary predicates for a war to be just while the war is being
fought to be just, they are
- (A) Discrimination
- (B) Proportionality
- (C) Necessity
What was the Iraq war (2002)

- Followed 9-11
- Was conducted by the Bush Administration.
- Justification given included WMD’s, connections to 9-11, and the dictatorship
of Saddam Hussein.
- The U.S. set up a new government, which is a republic
- Lasted until 2014 (but we still have troops there).
Was the Iraq War (2002)
justified? U.S. perspective.

Just ad Bello Just in Bello

- (A) Discrimination :
- (A) Just Cause: - (B) Proportionality:
- (B) Legitimate Authority: - (C) Necessity:
- (C) Right Intention:
- (D) Reasonable prospect for
- (F) Proportionality:
- (G) Necessity:
-Afghan Girl giving Soldier a Flower
Was the Iraq War (2002)
justified? Iraqi perspective

Just ad Bello Just in Bello

- (A) Discrimination :
- (A) Just Cause: - (B) Proportionality:
- (B) Legitimate Authority: - (C) Necessity:
- (C) Right Intention:
- (D) Reasonable prospect for
- (F) Proportionality:
- (G) Necessity:
The U.S. military is
decentered by many

- The Second World War: decentered

- The Korean War: decentered
- The Vietnam War: decentered

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