4 - Body Parts

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Jawaher Ahmed – H00328599

Lesson Plan

Name of Student Teacher: Jawaher Ahmed School: Al Darari Kindergarten

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)
1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
- Classroom management.
- Using my teacher voice, speak clearly and loudly (not screaming).

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
- I will try to have an interesting & easy lesson, to make the students understand and enjoy the lesson.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
- I can tell by observing the student’s behavior, by listening to MST & MCT feedback and see how much did
they understand by asking questions.

Grade Level: KG 2 S1

Subject: English/ Science (Body Parts)

Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson students will be able to…
- Identify body parts (eyes/ nose/ lip/ ears/ head/ chin/ leg/ foot/ arm).
- Draw themselves by looking at their reflection on the mirror.
- Name their body parts and develop their physical while dancing to the song.
- Identify (up/ down) directions after dancing to the song.
- Listens actively to the teacher.
- Asks and answers specific questions related topic.
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)
- Small white board.
- Small White papers. - Make sure the laptop works.
- Colors. - Make sure that all the materials are available.
- Hello song and one little finger song.
- Markers.
- Mirrors. Key vocabulary/ Target Language (ex. developing
- Pencils. phonics/ days of the week)
- USB. - Point
- Put
- Draw
- Look
- Wave
- Show
- Developing and understanding the concept of body

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

15 min

- I will start the lesson by greeting the students and playing the hello song afterwards. Then I will introduce
the lesson to the pupils by showing them one picture of a girl, and start telling them what do we name
Jawaher Ahmed – H00328599

each part (eyes/ nose/ lip/ ears/ head/ chin/ leg/ foot/ arm). Later I will show them another picture but
this time they will try to identify the body parts by themselves.
- I will ask students to stand up and play the (one little finger) song. If we were able to finish things
smoothly I will draw a face on the white board and ask students to draw the body parts.
- The teacher (I) will explain the activity they’re going to do next.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)
- (During the circle time) Drawing the body parts as a whole class.
Time: 30 min

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Each time four students will sit on the English activity table to do the given activity:

- I will ask the students to look at their reflection on the mirror and draw themselves using colors/
The other big group will be taken by the Arabic teacher to do her lesson’s activity.
The rest of the students will be playing in the centers/ corners till their turn comes.


- After the activities and playing the Arabic teacher will ask the students to clean up before going to the

playground, so there is no closing unless I was given time later on the day to ask them questions.
(questions are included in the assessment part)
Show me your ________ (eyes/ nose/ lip/ ears/ head/ chin/ leg/ foot/ arm) – during the activity.
What do we call this __ (pointing at one part of the body) __? – can be done anytime.

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