OpenSAP Bw4h2 Week 4 Transcript en

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Modern Data Warehousing with SAP BW/4HANA

Week 4 Unit 1

00:00:09 Hello and welcome to Week 4 SAP BW/4HANA-related topics.

00:00:14 Unit 1 Conversion Paths to SAP BW/4HANA.
00:00:19 As we already learned in our previous units, SAP BW/4HANA is our innovative code line
00:00:25 and we developed a complete new product here and that's why we removed legacy
00:00:32 and therefore, a simple upgrade is just not possible, but, of course, we offer a comprehensive
00:00:39 to convert your system from an SAP BW system to SAP BW/4HANA. In this unit, we will cover
and we will give you
00:00:50 an overview of the conversion paths we have, so we will introduce the new installation,
00:00:57 the system conversion, and the landscape transformation as an option to convert your system
00:01:06 Right, so let's have a closer look at a little bit more details about the conversion here.
00:01:12 On the left-hand side in this slide, you see functionality of SAP BW including BW on HANA.
00:01:16 On the right-hand side, you see corresponding functionality in SAP BW/4HANA and of course,
the goal was to automate
00:01:25 as much of the conversion as possible. Even if we removed functionality, the idea was always

00:01:30 to provide as much tool support as possible to make the shift to the new world.
00:01:35 We have to admit, and you see this in this slide as well, that some tasks require manual
00:01:41 Some tasks cannot be automated at all and are really 100% manual.
00:01:46 In other cases, we have some semi-automatisms where we basically have part of the work
00:01:53 by a tool, but also some manual steps in between. Now let's have a closer look at
00:01:58 some of the key features which I mentioned here. In the first line, that's a very interesting
00:02:03 and very important shift which we are doing. We are moving away from BEx Analyzer,
00:02:07 the BEx suite of front-end tools to the modern suite of SAP's analytics offering
00:02:12 including SAP Analytics Cloud and the BusinessObjects portfolio.
00:02:17 This shift is partially supported by tools, but also requires a lot of manual efforts, of course.
00:02:23 That's clear. You're switching from an old, legacy front-end tool,
00:02:27 or suite of front-end tools, to a new world, so basically, here, a significant amount
00:02:32 of adjustments is necessary. If you look at more the classic back-end side
00:02:36 with all the modeling objects, then we have a lot of automation here. For example, when it
comes to converting
00:02:41 InfoCubes, DSOs, MultiProviders into the new world of advanced DataStore objects and
CompositeProviders including the data actually,
00:02:49 all this is automated and we have tools which really convert the old objects,
00:02:54 into the new world, so there's no manual effort required here and that applies to queries, as
00:02:58 and a couple of other stuff, even to a large extent to source systems, so even when it comes to
00:03:06 from the old service API-based connectivity to, for example, an ERP system; switching this to
an ODP-style source system.
00:03:18 That would, for example, be automated. Another aspect which is interesting is on the content
00:03:24 Of course, the old business content in SAP BW was based on the old objects.
00:03:29 Here, we don't recommend or typically, don't recommend to do a conversion, but we actually
have delivered
00:03:35 a whole, new set of business content based on the new objects, also based on the new
00:03:41 the new architecture concepts which we covered in Week 2, so that's basically a complete,
00:03:47 new set of business content which you can leverage and maybe, a last aspect which I would
like to mention here
00:03:52 is the nearline topic, so nearline storage solutions of our partners are no longer supported in
00:04:01 We have a new concept here, right? Data tiering optimization.
00:04:05 You've learned about that already and one aspect which is also interesting here
00:04:13 is, of course, with SAP BW on HANA, at some point, we introduced our own nearline solution

00:04:18 based on the standard nearline interface which we also provided for partners and using, for
example, SAP IQ as a nearline storage.
00:04:28 This solution can be transferred to SAP BW/4HANA, so there is no problem if you're using
00:04:34 our nearline solution already. When you're using partner solutions, that's basically a manual
00:04:42 Another aspect which is very interesting. A lot of our customers use add-ons on top of SAP
00:04:47 So, how are we dealing with this? Of course, these add-ons to a certain extent
00:04:51 are using BW model objects, as well, so there we also have the question,
00:04:55 how do you get from the old world to the new world? A first add-on which is very relevant
00:05:01 especially for planning purposes is SAP Business Planning and Consolidation.
00:05:06 Here we have a new version which was developed dedicated for SAP BW/4HANA. That's SAP
BPC version 11
00:05:16 and that's available as an add-on on SAP BW/4HANA now. Apart from that, we currently don't
00:05:25 any other application add-ons, so there's, for example, no support for SEM, DSiM, for POSDM,
for TPM,
00:05:33 but the colleagues in these departments are currently working on support for BW/4HANA,
00:05:37 because we see the request coming by customers and basically the questions coming up
00:05:45 how to deal with these, how to continue the work with these add-ons, so they are relevant
00:05:48 and our developer colleagues in these departments are aware off that and working on it.
00:05:53 We have a couple of Notes which describe the status of that work, so describing the status of
00:06:00 of the relevant add-ons whether they are concrete plans for releasing the corresponding add-
on for BW/4HANA
00:06:11 or what the current status is basically. We also have a Note that describes how to uninstall an
00:06:16 In some cases, people... our customers are not even using add-ons. They just installed it at
some point in time

00:06:22 and now, they are basically preventing you to move to SAP BW/4HANA unless you can
uninstall it,
00:06:28 so that's also one part of the work that all these add-ons actually, at least,
00:06:32 working on an uninstallation procedure so that you can in case you don't really need it,
00:06:37 remove the add-on and then continue the work moving on in the direction of SAP BW/4HANA.

00:06:43 For the remote conversion which we'll cover soon, the DMIS add-on is required.
00:06:50 That's basically SLT functionality to move data from the old system to the new system.
00:06:56 We'll discuss the details in a second, so there's actually one dedicated add-on which is
00:07:00 for the conversion and, of course, we have certification programs for all the interfaces which
SAP BW/4HANA supports
00:07:10 and you can see a link to a blog which describes this in detail. So, what conversion paths do
we have?
00:07:17 In the end, we offer a couple of conversion paths here. The first one is to install a complete
new system.
00:07:25 To start greenfields and to start with a complete, new architecture and enter into new world.
00:07:32 That's possible, of course, possible. Installing a complete, new system and start complete
00:07:40 but you can, of course, convert a system from a classic BW system on any database.
00:07:46 Here, we have three different options. One option is the In-place conversion
00:07:52 which is a full system conversion. Then, you convert your existing system
00:07:57 to a BW/4HANA system, but you can, of course, use the so-called remote conversion.
00:08:03 Remote conversion in the end is installing a new system and transport and do the magic
between the transport into
00:08:11 a complete, new system based on BW/4HANA, of course, with data that's important here
00:08:17 that you can convert the system including the data to a new SAP BW/4HANA system and we
have the option
00:08:28 to use the so-called shell conversion which is a new installation, as well
00:08:33 or a new BW/4HANA system installation, but then, you convert only the shells;
00:08:38 only the objects without the data. That's the idea here
00:08:41 and we have the landscape transformation to consolidate different BW systems into one, new
00:08:48 system, of course, BW/4HANA and last but not least, when you are already on BW 7.5 on
00:08:56 then you have to jump-start to directly convert your system to a BW/4HANA system.
00:09:03 Right, so maybe let's have a slightly closer look at the new installation path.
00:09:08 Sure, a new installation is available, of course, for all customers.
00:09:12 They won't directly start with BW/4HANA. The idea here is that you can start fresh.
00:09:20 We already talked about the new kind of architectures we offer.
00:09:24 We already introduced that we have different ingredients to build a complete, new solution.
00:09:30 IT-driven, business-driven, agile, or classic and with you start with a complete, new installation,

00:09:38 then you can think about what is the best solution for my company and that's why we offer, of
00:09:44 this greenfield implementation. I think it's important to note that this is not only
00:09:50 an option for new customers who basically start with BW/4HANA and don't have any legacy
00:09:56 It's actually also something which we at least recommend to consider for customers who have
a system which is just totally outdated

00:10:03 and requires really serious rework. In that case, it might really make sense to just leave
00:10:09 the old system as it is and start considering things from scratch especially when it comes
00:10:13 to applying totally new architectures and that kind of stuff.
00:10:16 If the old system... if there's not much in the old system which you really want to carry over,
00:10:21 because you really want to do something completely different, then it's worth forgetting
00:10:26 about conversion tools and really think about a new installation.
00:10:29 Yeah. Right. You would really benefit from this more
00:10:31 than from trying to save what's good if that's just little pieces,
00:10:36 it's probably not worth the effort. Yeah and for that approach, of course,
00:10:40 you can shrink your database size as much as you can, because there is no need to have this

00:10:45 like in the classic LSA architecture model - one layer of persistency.
00:10:50 You can shrink the database size if this is need. Yeah.
00:10:53 Okay, so, that was not really a conversion topic. Now, let's really come to the more
00:10:57 hardcore conversions, so when do we recommend conversions? Well, conversions really
make sense if there's a significant
00:11:07 amount of objects or scenarios which you want to take over from your existing system, right?
00:11:12 So, if the system is actually in a relatively good state. If you have scenarios which are valid
and will stay
00:11:20 relevant for a few more years, then taking those over into the new world makes perfect sense,
00:11:28 We have tool support for all the steps: the database conversion, all the transition
00:11:33 on the application side - we will see this later on. And Gordon already described,
00:11:37 we have basically two different mechanisms. We have the so-called in-place conversion,
00:11:41 which really takes one system and converts it in several steps from the old world,
00:11:46 from an old SAP BW on AnyDB system into a BW/4HANA system. Or we have the remote and
shell conversions,
00:11:53 which basically work with two systems side by side where the old system is not touched
00:11:58 and the new system is step-by-step built up until it can replace the old one.
00:12:04 One of the benefits here is as opposed to a new installation, of course,
00:12:11 is that you don't have disruption in your existing processes. You can continue running and you
can continue
00:12:17 to work with the old system and then, carry or keep and then switch to the new system
00:12:24 at a point in time where it makes sense. We still have a lot of... we have the option to take over

00:12:31 all the valuable assets, but in all these options, you still have the possibility to do some re-
00:12:36 So it's not like you really take over 100% of the old system into the new world.
00:12:41 We are aware and we actually encourage people to really rethink and remodel certain things
00:12:46 in the architecture to really reap the benefits of HANA as well and that's possible with the
conversion tools
00:12:52 as well, so you should not think of conversion as something which gives you basically a one-
to-one copy
00:12:57 of the old world into the new world, but it's basically tools supporting you in minimizing
00:13:02 the effort of coming from the old world to the new world. Yeah, here, a little bit more details
00:13:08 about the various conversion paths. Yeah.
00:13:12 Here, we have an overview of the different paths we have. As we already explained, we have
the so-called

00:13:18 in-place conversion which fully converts your existing SAP BW system to a BW/4HANA
00:13:27 We will keep the same SID here. The system is more less the same,
00:13:31 but we will change the code from a BW on HANA code to a BW/4HANA code.
00:13:40 At the end, it's a step-by-step transfer, so we offer a variety of toolsets, of tools.
00:13:47 First of all, you have to install the so-called Starter add-on and then
00:13:50 you can start converting your system in different steps and then, once this is done, then the
00:13:56 is more less ready for the BW/4HANA upgrade and then, the conversion is more less
00:14:02 like an upgrade of an existing system, so you can imagine that you should start
00:14:09 with converting, let's say, classic objects into BW/4 objects.
00:14:14 This means converting InfoCubes, DSOs into BW/4HANA-related objects
00:14:20 like advanced DataStore objects. This is the in-place conversion and the in-place conversion
00:14:27 is already available for customers. You can directly start to convert your system.
00:14:33 On the other hand, we have the so-called remote conversion approach until you start with an
SAP BW/4HANA system.
00:14:43 You install that system and then you try to use existing content from your BW on HANA or BW

00:14:51 on AnyDB system and bring that content into your complete new BW/4HANA system, fully
supported by our tools
00:15:02 and this is possible in the end with data or without data. With data, it's then the so-called
remote conversion
00:15:09 and without the data, just convert the shells and rethink about the architecture;
00:15:16 remodeling, remodel your data flows and then load the data, maybe from the corporate
memory if you
00:15:25 an existing...of the old system. Of the old system.
00:15:27 If you have corporate memory in place or reload the data from the source.
00:15:31 Exactly. So, maybe a little bit of positioning.
00:15:34 My personal feeling. I don't know if you agree, Gordon,
00:15:36 is in-place conversion is very attractive if you are from a data modeling architecture
00:15:41 quite close to BW/4HANA already, so for example, customers who did a greenfield
implementation on
00:15:46 BW 7.5 on HANA and mainly use the new objects anyway. For those, the effort of a remote or
a shell conversion
00:15:55 with an additional system landscape would probably not make sense, so if the efforts are not
so big,
00:16:01 then in-place is a very good option. My personal feeling is the longer the journey is,
00:16:07 so the farther you are away from SAP BW/4HANA. If you're, for example, on an SAP BW 7.0
or 7.2, whatever.
00:16:16 7.2 I think it was never released to customers - 7.3. on AnyDB and you're still heavily in the old
object world,
00:16:25 then it makes sense to consider the remote or even the shell conversion to really
00:16:31 have the possibility to keep the old system running until you can retire it and bring the models
00:16:37 into the new world, start re-engineering, start remodeling and then, eventually retire the system

00:16:44 potentially scenario by scenario or in kind of a big bang. That's my personal

00:16:48 Fully agree. So, we two agree, I hope.
00:16:51 You too! Alright, so overview of the individual steps of,

00:16:57 for example, the in-place conversion. How does that work?
00:17:00 Yeah, we have two phases here. We have the so-called Discover/Prepare phase
00:17:05 followed by the Explore and Realize phase and we simply start fully tool-supported
00:17:10 with the so-called readiness check. The readiness check shows which objects are still ready
00:17:16 for BW/4 or can contain with BW/4. Once this is done, then we start the so-called
00:17:23 the conversion in the end. So, that's basically; the readiness check basically
00:17:27 gives you an assessment and tells you how big the efforts are.
00:17:30 What steps you have to do. How many objects you have to convert
00:17:33 just to get a picture and maybe, also do some planning so that you can basically start planning
the project
00:17:38 and know, okay, that will require that much time or here is a lot of work to do and here is not so
00:17:46 work to do, so basically give you the initial picture of the size of the conversion project.
00:17:52 Yeah, exactly. Gives you more or less an indication of what the effort is
00:17:56 and then, once this is done, then we start the conversion phase here.
00:18:01 This means we install the so-called Starter add-on. The Starter add-on is based or can be
installed on an SAP BW 7.5 system
00:18:11 and then, within the Starter add-on, we have a couple of tools and with these tools,
00:18:16 you can, let's say, convert the existing objects on your BW on HANA system to the BW/4
00:18:24 Fully tool supported. We will show that on. And including the data.
00:18:27 And, of course, including the data. Including the data.
00:18:30 And the tools, they are the Transfer Cockpit. Once this is done, you are still on the BW on
HANA system.
00:18:39 Once this is done, then the system is more less ready for the conversion and then we do the
00:18:44 upgrade in the end; technical upgrade is the system conversion, of course, with a downtime
00:18:50 and once this is done, we exchange in the end, the code line from on HANA...
00:18:55 The software component SAP BW will be replaced by Exactly.
00:18:59 the BW/4HANA software component, right? And then some post-conversion tasks are
necessary and you're ready to go live.
00:19:05 And as you see, in the bottom-line, this is really one system which goes through this whole
journey, right?
00:19:09 Yeah. It could initially be even older, right?
00:19:13 It could potentially be starting with a 7.0 on AnyDB and first bring this to 7.5 on AnyDB,
00:19:20 then to a HANA migration of the database so that you're on BW 7.5 on HANA, then continue to
00:19:27 as we just said a minute ago, that's probably not the recommended approach, but in principle,
it would be possible, right?
00:19:33 So, you can start anywhere and go through this long journey with... Yeah, and this is general
00:19:39 So, for the remote conversion, we basically have the same two phases.
00:19:42 That's a nice similarity between all the conversion options. They all basically follow this idea of
discover and prepare
00:19:52 phase which gives you an idea of an assessment of the work which you will have to do and the
explore and realize phase.
00:20:00 As you see, in the bottom here, we're working with two systems as we described already,
00:20:04 so you have the old system. Here we say, it's a SAP BW on AnyDB.

00:20:11 It could potentially, of course, also be a BW on HANA system if you want to go for the remote
conversion in that case
00:20:19 and the difference is now that at some point in time after the assessment is done, you basically
00:20:24 with the system provisioning of your BW/4HANA, then install the DMIS add-on on, I think,
00:20:30 both of the systems, right? You need it on the source system
00:20:32 and you need it on the target system to be able to transfer the data
00:20:35 from the old to the new system. Then, you do the steps with the Conversion Cockpit
00:20:39 basically selecting a scope in the old system, bringing the objects to the new system via
00:20:46 the transport mechanism. In the new system, they will be converted
00:20:50 into new objects, right? The transport will contain things like MultiProviders
00:20:54 and InfoCubes, because that's what exists in the old system and during the import phase in the
new system,
00:21:00 new objects will be created out of the old ones, so when you see a MultiProvider in the
00:21:07 the system will actually create a CompositeProvider out of it. If you see an InfoCube on the
00:21:12 it will be turned into an aDSO and so on, so these steps will be carried out automatically
00:21:17 including the transfer of data using the DMIS functionality. Then, of course, some custom code
00:21:23 are necessary, because we have some incompatibilities here, as well.
00:21:27 Again, some post-conversion tasks and you are ready to go and you can decide at what point
in time
00:21:32 you actually want to retire the old system. What's nice about this solution is, of course,
00:21:37 you still have the old system in place for reference, so you can really compare the results
00:21:42 of the old system, the query results of old systems, and check with the new systems and really
00:21:46 very carefully that everything is still correct. Okay.
00:21:51 Shell conversion is very similar. Yeah, it's very similar to the remote conversion,
00:21:56 but here we don't need the DMIS add-on. Exactly.
00:22:00 Because; It doesn't transfer the data.
00:22:02 Yeah, it doesn't transfer the data. So the idea here is bring the data from a BW on HANA or on
00:22:09 to an SAP BW/4HANA system and then start your, let's say, remodeling
00:22:14 and optimizing the data flows. Once this is done, then you can, of course,
00:22:19 start data loading from the old system via corporate memory if corporate memory is already in
00:22:26 or start reloading from the sources. I think that's the main motivation for the shell conversion in
general, right?
00:22:31 Why would you not carry over the data? Well, the point is carrying over the data
00:22:38 makes it more difficult to do remodeling afterwards and you would typically start dropping the
data again,
00:22:42 so if you know in advance that you want to do some major remodeling in certain areas, then
the shell conversion
00:22:49 is actually more suitable for that, right? Because, you have the data model;
00:22:53 without the data, you can start reworking, redesigning this and after it's done,
00:22:58 you can think about how to load it. As we said, using either the old system

00:23:02 or using the source system, so that's basically... the more you want to remodel, the more you
will benefit
00:23:07 from the shell conversion as opposed to the remote conversion. Okay, and a little bit of an
00:23:13 for the consolidation of systems. Yeah, and last but not least,
00:23:16 we have the so-called Landscape Transformation. The idea is to consolidate different systems

00:23:22 into complete one, new system. It's more or less based on the remote conversion
00:23:29 functionalities, so here, we will offer a comprehensive toolset to convert more than one system
00:23:38 a complete new BW/4HANA system based on SLO functionalities. I mean, we don't have to go
too much into detail here
00:23:46 because this is currently planned. What's the idea here and what's the motivation for this?
00:23:51 Well we have a lot of customers who have kind of a zoo of BW systems and that very often
comes from the past;
00:23:59 from architectures where some customers put a BW system next to every ERP system.
00:24:04 Right? They didn't really have an EDW strategy in general,
00:24:09 but just for the reporting purposes, they needed a BW system next to ERP systems
00:24:14 and therefore, basically having multiple ERP systems for divisions of your company basically
also led
00:24:20 to a quite complex landscape of BW systems and that is in many cases not appropriate
anymore these days, right?
00:24:26 You would like to consolidate these data warehouse systems especially if you're thinking about
enterprise data warehousing.
00:24:32 You actually want one central system and not a zoo of satellites in many cases,
00:24:39 so in that situation, this landscape transformation will be very, very helpful.
00:24:44 Exactly. Okay, so let's summarize.
00:24:46 Let's summarize, yeah. In this unit, we explained the available paths
00:24:54 for converting a BW on HANA system or BW on any database to a BW/4 system which is fully
00:25:02 Some them are already available, so we introduced the new installation.
00:25:09 We introduced the possibilities for an in-place conversion, for a remote conversion as well as
for a shell conversion
00:25:15 and the interesting thing is that, of course, all BW customers can start now and can convert
00:25:22 their system to a BW/4 system and choose the right direction here.
00:25:29 Alright, and besides the possibility to start with your BW/4HANA implementation now,
00:25:35 we also recommend to start working on the self-test.

Week 4 Unit 2

00:00:08 Hello, and welcome to Week 4, Unit 2, Conversion Tools.

00:00:14 In the previous unit, we talked about the conversion paths to BW/4HANA and in this unit we
will talk about
00:00:22 the available documentation, the guides, and the tools for the BW/4HANA conversion.
00:00:28 We will give you an overview of the tool support we offer. Right, so let's maybe start with a
small, short recap
00:00:35 of the slide which we saw in the last unit already. We're basically dealing with the paths 2a, b,
and c
00:00:42 and we're going to show you, or at least guide you, through all the information which you need

00:00:48 for these conversion paths. Let's start with the Simplification List.
00:00:53 The Simplification List basically contains all the delta information between SAP BW
00:00:58 and SAP BW/4HANA. So remember in the last unit we described
00:01:02 some of the differences in functionality. Some of the things which have to be changed
00:01:06 because functionality is not supported any more. We've covered this in multiple units before.
00:01:12 The Simplification List really provides you with all the details you have to know.
00:01:15 So each delta item is basically described in detail there and this is basically the single version
of truth
00:01:24 when it comes to questions like, what objects do I have to convert,
00:01:29 what can I take over, what modifications are necessary? You'll find a link here.
00:01:33 You'll find also a link to a Note where you get this information.
00:01:38 So with this I think you're prepared to get a good understanding of what the delta between BW

00:01:43 and BW/4HANA is really in detail. We offer, as well, the so-called Conversion Guide.
00:01:49 The Conversion Guide covers all the aspects of the available conversion paths.
00:01:57 The guide is explaining all the steps which are necessary for the different conversion phases.
00:02:05 Like the Preparation phase or the Realization phase. And this end-to-end guide is already
00:02:12 and a perfect start for all who are interested in such a conversion from a classic BW
00:02:20 or BW on HANA to a BW/4HANA. It's really an extended documentation
00:02:24 which gives you an understanding of the end-to-end process and the tools involved.
00:02:28 It's a very good source of information as well. For new installations we have a similar
00:02:34 which also describes the differences in setting up a BW/4HANA system
00:02:40 as opposed to a classic SAP BW system. Remember there are some changes like we
00:02:44 don't have a Java stack anymore required. Also, on the ABAP side we have some changes
00:02:50 because we don't have the full NetWeaver stack anymore, but only a slimmed down stack.
00:02:55 So all these differences and what that means for setting up a new system is described
00:03:02 in this First Guidance Document which we link here. Now the Migration Cockpit.
00:03:10 The Migration Cockpit is a tool which many of you might know from the times when it was
about moving
00:03:15 from classic SAP BW on AnyDB to BW on HANA. So we've basically supported
00:03:22 and released these tools quite a few years ago. It always helped customers with this step
00:03:27 with preparing the database migration and optimizing, for example, ABAP code
00:03:32 for the HANA environment. All that kind of stuff was covered in the Migration Cockpit.

00:03:36 We have now extended the Migration Cockpit to also cover the transfer and the conversion
from BW,
00:03:41 either a classic BW system on AnyDB or BW on HANA to BW/4HANA. So that's basically
extended functionality
00:03:49 in the Migration Cockpit which supports you with this. So, what does the In-Place Conversion
look like?
00:03:55 Here you see a screenshot of the tool. Maybe, Gordon will give us some details here.
00:03:58 Here you can see, as Ulrich already mentioned, this is a screenshot of the so-called Transfer
00:04:04 The Transfer Cockpit is part of the Migration Cockpit. It's basically the extension which I just
00:04:10 Exactly, that you can directly jump from the Migration Cockpit into the Transfer Cockpit.
00:04:14 And the Transfer Cockpit has different sections here. We have one section for the Prepare
00:04:22 and one section for the Realization phase. Once you have executed the pre-checks then,
00:04:27 of course, the system statistics are available. The systems statistics give you an overview
00:04:33 of the available elements in the systems. Of the objects, of the top 10 objects
00:04:38 which have the most records in the system and gives you an overview
00:04:45 of the system and what is needed in the Prepare phase and in the Realization phase and you
can jump directly
00:04:53 into different execution modes. So maybe let's have slightly closer look
00:04:57 at what you do in the Prepare phase and what information you get here.
00:05:00 If you execute the pre-checks, this is what you see.
00:05:04 Okay, so the pre-checks really give you detailed information about what object types have to
be changed,
00:05:10 how many objects of the corresponding object type. If you look at this here, for example,
00:05:13 you'll see how many MultiProviders you will have to convert,
00:05:16 how many DataSources you will have to convert. All that is basically listed here in detail
00:05:22 so that you get a good overview and while you're preparing the conversion project
00:05:26 of how much effort this is going to be. And this is, of course, valid for both the In-Place
00:05:32 Migration, or In-Place Conversion and for the Remote Conversion as well.
00:05:36 Right, the workload is, the amount of work is in principle the same, so the tool is also the
00:05:42 Now for the Shell Conversion this looks slightly different. Yeah, of course, it's more or less
00:05:47 to the In-Place Conversion. I mean the Transfer Cockpit is more or less the same,
00:05:52 but as you can see, as I already told you, after executing the pre-checks,
00:05:57 you have the statistics in place. In the Prepare phase you can run the pre-checks,
00:06:04 you can run a sizing report, you can scan the code, everything is available here.
00:06:08 But in the Realization phase, due to the fact that we have a complete new system in place,
00:06:13 a complete new BW/4HANA system, that's why not all the necessary steps
00:06:20 compared to the In-Place Conversion are necessary. Like authorization, transferring
00:06:25 and conversion and stuff like that. That's why not that many steps are needed in the...
00:06:34 Realization mode. Yeah, exactly.
00:06:36 That's done in a different way because it happens with the...
00:06:38 basically with the import in the target system. Now, one aspect which is specific to the Remote
00:06:47 is the data transfer. And, of course, for the data transfer we also have a cockpit

00:06:51 which is contained in this toolset. And it basically gives you an overview of the steps
00:06:57 which the data transfers which are currently going on, their status, the progress of these steps

00:07:03 and basically guides you through the process of bringing the data from the old system
00:07:08 to the new system, as well. So, also for the data transfer, we have a set of tools
00:07:12 which help you start the transfer, monitor the transfer, understand the status, and all of that.
00:07:19 So, let's come to the availability of these various options. Yeah, let's talk about availability of
the In-Place
00:07:28 and the Shell Conversion. The In-Place and Shell Conversion are released for customers
00:07:33 so this means these types are generally available. For installation, we created a SAP Note.
00:07:41 In this SAP Note you can see what is needed for setting up the system, which prerequisites
00:07:47 need to be met and so on and so forth. And in the unlikely case of an incident,
00:07:53 then we have a component where you can open an OSS call. I think no messages so far on
this component, right?
00:08:02 Not really. All works nicely.
00:08:04 For the Remote Conversion, the situation is slightly different.
00:08:07 At the time of this recording the Remote Conversion is still in an Early Adopter Care phase.
00:08:13 In the link here you can basically, if you're interested, apply to the Early Adopter Care program.

00:08:18 If you're watching this course or working through this course at a point in time
00:08:21 when the Early Adopter Care program is closed and the Remote Conversion is generally
00:08:26 probably this link will also give you an indication that this is the case now and Remote
00:08:32 is generally available for all customers. For the Early Adopter Care phase,
00:08:39 there's also a special component in the support portal which allows you to get in touch with an
SAP consultant
00:08:46 who would guide you through the process and then set up the project together with SAP
00:08:52 to guide you through the Remote Conversion and do these first steps.
00:08:55 We also have a Note which tells you exactly what you have to do to set up the software
00:08:59 for the Remote Conversion. And, again, in the less likely event
00:09:05 of incidents, not accidents! There's a component in the SAP Support Portal.
00:09:15 Now, let's summarize. Basically, the key idea of this unit was not to give you
00:09:22 really hands-on impressions of the tools, but to give you rough idea of what tools are available,

00:09:26 what documentation is available. Also, give you links to the relevant sources,
00:09:32 to basically have a point or a place from where you can navigate and start to learn more.
00:09:39 It's probably far too, would have been far too complex to really go through the conversion
00:09:44 in such a short video. But at least you should have gotten in the last two units
00:09:49 a rough idea of how it works and basically links and hints to all the detailed information
00:09:55 so that you can start learning and know who to contact, for example,
00:09:59 in the case of the Remote Conversion program or so on. And I guess with that it's time for the
self-test again.

Week 4 Unit 3

00:00:09 Welcome to Week 4, Unit 3 focusing on SAP Analytics Cloud for BW/4HANA.
00:00:16 My name is Katharina Doerr and I am part of the Analytics product management at SAP.
00:00:23 Let's take a look on the agenda. First of all, I would like to talk a bit
00:00:27 about what SAP Analytics Cloud is and how we position the product.
00:00:32 Then we will shortly talk about how we handle sensitive data in connection with the live
00:00:39 After that, I would like to give you a demo so that you know what I have been talking about all
the time
00:00:44 and after that, I would also like to give you a short outlook on what we are currently
00:00:49 showing you parts of our product plan. We will sum this up with talking about the key
00:00:57 of this course. Okay SAP Analytics Cloud is, in general,
00:01:03 a Software-as-a-Service offering that tackles the business by providing modern visualizations
that you can use
00:01:11 on desktop or even mobile devices. It's an end-to-end analytics product
00:01:17 focusing not only on business intelligence scenarios, but also on organizational planning,
00:01:23 and this all is enhanced with predictive capabilities. Furthermore, we are currently developing
00:01:29 application design which gives the techie user the possibility to build custom applications.
00:01:39 Now SAP Analytics Cloud is set in a hybrid framework. That means that you can access data
00:01:46 that is lying in your on-premise systems very easily and by that we protect your existing
00:01:54 Furthermore, you can also connect to cloud sources. Being ready for the future and positioning
this product
00:02:01 as a true cloud product for the future. Let's talk a bit about BW/4HANA and the live connection.

00:02:11 So, basically, what we provide with SAP Analytics Cloud is a front end for BW/4HANA,
00:02:17 using the information access service as an interface, it's very easy to access your queries
00:02:24 and basic functionalities that you're already aware of are supported.
00:02:30 Let's say you have a hierarchy that is in a time-dependent format for instance.
00:02:35 Or you have a query with two structures, you have defined already specific variants or
00:02:42 and all these concepts can be used and leveraged within SAP Analytics Cloud.
00:02:47 Furthermore, one advantage of the live connection is that we
00:02:58 use the authorization and the user management that has already been defined in the back
00:03:05 So, you do not have to take care about setting up any security concepts,
00:03:10 taking care about user management because this is simply leveraged coming
00:03:15 from the back end BW/4HANA. Now, also for this point on the live connection,
00:03:25 what we do is we want to keep your data safe, and therefore your data never leaves the
company network,
00:03:33 that means that your sensitive transactional data is not replicated into the cloud.
00:03:39 So we do have a concept where we have an import connection or a live connection.
00:03:44 now I'm talking about the live connection where you easily consume queries without replication
into the data.
00:03:53 As already said we are using existing authorizations that are already defined in the back end.
00:03:59 So you do have to take care and have additional costs for that part.

00:04:04 By that you will be in the full control, giving business users the freedom
00:04:08 and will be able to create powerful insights using pretty dashboards
00:04:14 also as you do not replicate data into the cloud, you will have a single source of truth
00:04:21 and there is no point for failure. Now, I would also like to give you a short demo.
00:04:29 Therefore, I would like to talk about the BW hierarchy handling,
00:04:32 how it looks if you use variants that have been defined before,
00:04:37 and how we can also add custom calculations on top defined within SAP Analytics Cloud and
00:04:45 in the back end in BW/4HANA. Therefore, let me jump to the demo.
00:04:51 And now we are looking at a dashboard that is consuming data live.
00:04:58 Coming from BW/4HANA system. And we are, let's imagine, we are a sales company
00:05:03 that sells beverages. And we are now interested in our numbers.
00:05:09 And what I can do now is I can in this pie chart, simply click on the part of the West location.
00:05:16 And as you have recognized all the other charts on this page have been filtered now to West,
00:05:22 this is the so-called linked analysis that is very easy to handle.
00:05:27 Also, on live data. On the right side, we do have a bar chart showing us
00:05:32 different product groups and here in the back end a hierarchy has been defined, so what I can
do now
00:05:41 I can click on soft drinks because I'm interested in the soft drinks,
00:05:45 drill down on that you see all the charts again get updated and focus now only on soft drinks
and I get
00:05:54 the underlying layer and level underneath. I can simply also jump back again, drill up, down
00:06:04 you can also see that we are capable of providing time-based information.
00:06:11 Here is the time frame telling me how my sales value was in 2017 over the month.
00:06:16 And let's now jump to the detailed analysis page. Now basically, this page shows us a table
and gives us hints
00:06:28 about the sales value and the forecast value on location and product.
00:06:33 And what I can do now, if I do have a lot of users for this dashboard,
00:06:38 everyone is able to use the slider input control forecast multiplicator to change it, the way he is
00:06:47 the forecast will be like and as you have recognized, the column down here, the forecast
column has changed
00:06:56 and it's reflecting now this forecast multiplicator. Basically, this is an edit calculation on top.
00:07:02 But it has been defined in SAP Analytics Cloud and not in the back end.
00:07:07 So what I can do now I can show you how to define that. Therefore, we go into the edit mode, I
will open
00:07:13 the designer panel, select the table and on the right side, I do have
00:07:21 the option here to add a custom calculation for this table. Then let's say I would like to we got
the feedback
00:07:30 from our users of this dashboard that most of them use the same forecast multiplicator,
00:07:37 so this is why I am now setting a fixed one so let's call this fixed forecast.
00:07:46 And let's say the formula is the sales value multiplied with my forecast, multiply 1.5 for
instance, click OK.
00:07:58 Let's go back into the view mode again and as you can see, now, the table also includes the
fixed forecast
00:08:06 where I'm multiplying the sales value with 1.5 and this is now being processed in the back end,

00:08:13 but has been defined in SAP Analytics Cloud. Now, what do you also see on this page
00:08:19 is here the text box that gives us hints on what our current selection is looking at,
00:08:25 what we can do now is we can change the selection and apply our variants.
00:08:30 Therefore, I'm opening this window here and I'm seeing now my variants here in this case,
00:08:38 I only have one West Juices, which is only focusing on location West
00:08:43 and my product Juices. If I hit set, my table has changed and also my dynamic text here telling
00:08:52 what the current selection is, has also been reflected. What I can also do is, besides applying
00:08:59 I can change the variables that should be shown, let's say, West Central and East location
00:09:05 should also be shown on the dashboard. I hit OK and it has now been reflected
00:09:13 in the table and for the dynamic texts. Now, for this table, we also have the opportunity
00:09:21 as a consumer of this dashboard to jump into the Explorer mode.
00:09:26 This is basically the option for users who have only consuming rights or viewing rights
00:09:36 to play a bit around with the data, so what I can do now is I can simply say
00:09:42 what kind of measures I'm interested in. let's say, I'm interested in the sales value,
00:09:48 not in product and let's leave location, but I don't like this table format view
00:09:55 so basically, the Explorer mode gives you the option to play around with the data
00:10:00 and create your own visualizations. If they are not already within the dashboard.
00:10:06 What I can do now is I can also show a heat map and let's take the product empty location into
00:10:15 And what I can do now here as well as I can drill down on location Central, and then I see for
my location Central
00:10:24 the combination for sales value with location and my product and see here, for instance, that
00:10:32 beverages are really often sold in Texas. So let's jump back again into our dashboard and let's
00:10:44 a short look also on the last page, this one is basically a short example of a query
00:10:48 with two structures. So I do have my measure structures up here, I do have time
00:10:53 period structure up there and do see also defined calculations here and on top of that, you
could also now
00:11:03 create, again, a calculation within SAC. That's it for the demo.
00:11:09 And now I would like to go on and talk a bit about the product plan that we are currently using
00:11:17 or focusing on. And the most important point here is that the data planning
00:11:24 will be enabled to have your BW/4HANA source coming from a live data connection
00:11:31 being blended with imported data. Let's say you have a table that shows your sales value
00:11:37 per location and you have a table that shows the quantity per location and now you can match
both tables
00:11:44 on location having the key location and show both tables within one visualization and that is
00:11:53 what the data planning is talking about. So, we talking about the live connection
00:11:58 with the BW/4HANA system. And imported, so replicated data in the cloud,
00:12:03 lying in the cloud. What we will also announce is that we
00:12:10 are continuously focusing on specific chart type support. By means that is like a waterfall chart
or time series chart
00:12:19 will be enabled soon and also conditional formatting with measure comparison will be enabled.

00:12:25 Conditional formatting can be done already within SAC and this is also an enhancement here.

00:12:32 Last but not least, we do have the feature called search to insight which belongs to the smart
assist group
00:12:39 of functionalities in Analytics Cloud and by that you can type in a text,
00:12:46 let's say, show me the sales value for country or for location West, for instance
00:12:53 and then you will get a predefined built chart back, which tells you the answer of your question.

00:13:01 So this is basically using natural language to create charts and to explore data.
00:13:10 Now let's sum this up and talk a bit about the key takeaways of this course, so basically, what
you should have learned
00:13:17 is that you can directly consume your SAP BW/4HANA data, without data replication, using the
live connection
00:13:24 that we offer at SAP Analytics Cloud. You can then natively utilize the query concepts that you

00:13:31 have already in place and to get most out of your data. And last but not least, I hope you saw
in the demo
00:13:39 that it is pretty easy to use. It's an intuitive front end
00:13:42 and it's our way to go into the cloud. Thank you very much for watching this course.
00:13:49 And good luck with the self-service test.

Week 4 Unit 4

00:00:10 Hello, and welcome to Week 4, Unit 4 On-Premise Clients for SAP BW/4HANA.
00:00:16 I'm Alexander Peter. My name is Jie Deng. We both are
00:00:20 product manages for the SAP Analytics team. We're talking today about on-premise clients
00:00:28 for SAP BW/4HANA and we're concentrating on Lumira and Analysis for Office.
00:00:35 When we talk about clients for BW/4HANA, we have on the one side, SAP Analytics Cloud,
00:00:42 which you might have already talked about in the previous session, and we have
00:00:50 we have still investments going into the on- premise world, mainly in those clients on the right
side here,
00:00:57 SAP Analysis Office, which is our Microsoft Office extension to Analytics.
00:01:06 SAP Lumira, which provides you with the option to create very flexible dashboards or
00:01:14 and Web Intelligence and Crystal Reports, which provides you best in-class reporting,
00:01:19 formatted and pixel-perfect reporting. I will start with a demo on Analysis Office.
00:01:28 I'm talking about the comment integration into SAP BW/4HANA, and I'm also talking
00:01:35 about end user modeling in terms of creating custom hierarchies, calculations, and more.
00:01:47 Let's start with a commentary integration into BW/4HANA. There is a new commentary
00:01:54 and a new commentary repository into BW/4HANA and you can set this in the settings:
00:02:01 when you talk about Comments Storage, you set it to Business Warehouse.
00:02:07 If you create or insert a data source, you can add comments. The comments are stored in a
so-called Document Store
00:02:16 in BW/4HANA, which is also set and you can find it here in the Components tab of the side
00:02:24 When you create comments, you can see in the comments page the complete history of these
00:02:31 So you can see that there is already one, and if you edit that one, and save it,
00:02:38 it will create another version of this comment. The comments in BW/4HANA are part of the
OLAP engine,
00:02:50 that means they really know the context of the current navigation, so if I create,
00:02:56 for example, a restricted measure, I can do it here on the fly for order quantity,
00:03:04 and I would just set it for life cycle close, you can just add a comment.
00:03:10 And just remember this value, here, because when I now change the navigation,
00:03:18 and showing the life cycle comments, you will see this exact comment also in the basic
00:03:26 or the unit for the closed life cycle stages. So it really knows the context.
00:03:31 So this is definitely an advantage of having comments as part of the OLAP engine.
00:03:39 Now I'm talking about modeling for the end user. I'm just adding a query on BW/4HANA
00:03:47 in that I can create here a local hierarchy. Just picking three values, three members and group
00:03:56 you can give a name for the node, you can do that in several iterations
00:04:02 and also in several levels, of course. So I'm - just did it quickly here,
00:04:06 so that you can see the notebooks and screens notes. And this is a normal hierarchy
00:04:17 which can also be used and also removed again. The second step is creating restricted
00:04:26 Creating here a restricted measure here for specific countries or countries in Europe,
00:04:33 on the one side, and another restricted measure for USA on the other side,

00:04:38 removing the original basic measure here in this case. And I can also create some own
00:04:47 and even formatting, so by just creating or inserting new lines.
00:04:53 One of these new lines after every result of the product category dimension,
00:04:59 one of these lines is just a formatting result, so I'm keeping that gray, more or less,
00:05:04 just as a separator; and another one is called contribution, and I'm adding here an Excel
00:05:13 So calculating the share of the net value Europe, to the overall net value in this case,
00:05:22 and I can also extend that to the whole line, more or less, and it calculates it everywhere,
00:05:28 and it's fully flexible, so even when I change navigation,
00:05:32 it keeps calculating this formula. In the next step, I'm adding some information
00:05:42 which is outside my query, so just an Excel table that describes which supplying plant
00:05:50 I have for a specific product category, and I can add a new column
00:05:55 which does a vlookup to this table. So everyone who is a little bit familiar
00:06:03 with Excel knows this option and loves this option at the end of the day because I can just
00:06:09 join arbitrary sources, and I can also extend this
00:06:15 and auto-complete this for the whole column at the end of the day and it reads
00:06:19 always the supplying plant. And even if I navigate, it keeps the right references
00:06:25 for all calculations and also for the vlookup here. Yeah, last, not least, we have a option to use

00:06:36 SAPGetData formula to really place specific values of my data source

00:06:44 at any place I would like to see it, so I'm just adding a new formula.
00:06:52 So if you are in this formula mode, you see that you have a restricted side panel,
00:06:56 and you can see that you can use the SAPGetData formula here to reference a
00:07:02 specific measure like order quantity and also a specific life cycle, as you can see it,
00:07:08 and after a refresh, it calculates it correctly, and even if you are changing maybe
00:07:14 the life cycle stages here, after a refresh, it shows you the respective value.
00:07:24 You can also add in another filter, like on the product, and you can just add this filter
00:07:30 at the end of the SAPGetData formula, so it takes it also into consideration.
00:07:36 So I use it for the whole column in this case and I refresh it and it only calculates
00:07:41 the value of this measure order quantity for this particular product, and if I change it,
00:07:47 after a refresh it shows the respective value. I'm at the end of my demo.
00:07:56 Thanks, Alex. Now, let's actually get into SAP Lumira Designer.
00:08:01 So I'm going to show you the demo, that one is a typical dashboard example.
00:08:06 You know we use Lumira Designer using scripting, using CSS capabilities, you can base on
the BW/4HANA data
00:08:14 to build a very interactive dashboard that you will see the interactive visualizations,
00:08:20 and also the responsive design on the mobile devices. The second example I would like to
00:08:25 is a typical analytical application example that shows you that, based on using the Lumira
00:08:33 you can actually use your OLAP features, that coming from BW like select hierarchies,
00:08:41 structures, and do the slice-dice analysis. Now let's get into the demo.
00:08:50 In front of you, you see a typical dashboard example, that's called KPI Cockpit.
00:08:55 You see a lot of KPI key figures are shown you, like expense, short-term sickness,
00:09:02 and also the shortfall, et cetera. So that's your home page.

00:09:06 So we can also navigate to the tab Human Resources, then you see all of the key figure KPI
00:09:13 are related to the human resources, and we also can go to the financial area,
00:09:18 real estate area, and also grantor management. So let's start at first with the home.
00:09:25 Home means that's your homepage. So here you are able to personalize your homepage,
00:09:30 means you can add some other key figures you still want to see on the home page,
00:09:36 so if I click on the home button here, so for example I can select different key figures,
00:09:43 potential separations for example, click on OK, then if - you will see this key figure are
displayed here.
00:09:49 So at the same time, this homepage is personalized for you. In case you want to display this
home page
00:09:56 in different mobile devices, we also provided the responsive container, means for example,
00:10:04 if I actually make my screen small here, you that's actually my screen is smaller,
00:10:10 then you see the three key figures are displayed in the same row.
00:10:13 Then if I, for example, my screen is even getting smaller, I'm on an iPhone device,
00:10:19 then you see the KPI tiles are actually moved down. Now if I go to the big screen,
00:10:26 then we see the four KPI tiles are displayed in parallel.
00:10:30 So here, it depends on where are, actually how big are your screens?
00:10:35 The representation of the dashboard will adjust itself. So let's go to the full-screen mode again.

00:10:42 So that's the homepage. So within the homepage you see actually this,
00:10:47 each KPI tile are structured the same: has the title, has the key figure,
00:10:52 and key figure green means that's okay; if getting red, means it's some serious happening,
00:10:59 and if you click on this detail, then we will see each KPI tile can be also displayed in this
detailed page.
00:11:06 Detailed page can be maximized and also minimized. Each KPI will show you its current
00:11:15 the KPI compared to the previous period, and you see the monthly development,
00:11:20 and you see also a description of this particular And here you can also write your comment.
00:11:26 If you going to jump into the homepage, then you are getting to the home again.
00:11:32 And here I can mark actually this reset home page, I can write some really commentary,
00:11:39 so for my homepage, or for the whole application, and I can also maybe do some search
00:11:45 For example, click on the search, and for the whole KPI library,
00:11:50 I would like to search for the women quota. I want to know the women quota in my company.
00:11:57 So click on the search button, so we see that's one, it's women quota,
00:12:01 click on that and it will ask me should I directly show the details of a women quota,
00:12:07 or navigate to the tabs which are related to this I say, I want to see the details directly.
00:12:13 So click on the details, then we see the comparison between this period to last period,
00:12:18 we see it's actually the women quota is going down, comparing to the last period.
00:12:24 Then here I go to the description, I can write a commentary say women quota goes down.
00:12:38 For example, I can save. So this commentary could be global commentary
00:12:42 or a private commentary I can now share with my colleague. So I can now go back to the
homepage here, again.
00:12:51 So now we have - let's look into the human resources, for example, for this tab, and each tab
00:12:57 as I mentioned before is always constructed with this KPI tile.
00:13:01 This KPI tile is actually from technical point view, a composite; the whole dashboard is based
on one composite.

00:13:08 Depends on different parameters, this composite can contain chart,
00:13:13 or without chart, but each composite is structured in the same way: you see the text, you see
the key figure,
00:13:18 some are with a chart, some without a chart, and if you click on the details,
00:13:23 and you see actually the, really the details, evaluation detailed analysis of this key figure.
00:13:30 As I said, that's a monthly development. We see the description of this key figure
00:13:34 and we can also go to the extended evaluation here. Here you can use the drag-and-drop
slice-dice analysis
00:13:41 to further analyze your data. For example, I'm not really interested in the gender;
00:13:47 I just drag and drop, move the gender out of the table and I can do some filter,
00:13:53 I can go to the chart to see details, actually go to the table.
00:13:58 So here you have the detailed evaluations of a particular key figure: number of employees.
00:14:04 Now you go back to home, then we actually see the homepage again.
00:14:10 So, and also, another information I want to show is we also, we have a help, that means
00:14:17 if the end user sitting in front of dashboard, they don't know, where should I click?
00:14:21 So we can also provide some help, guidance, if on the home I can say, okay, what is -
00:14:27 what can we do with home? So we can configure our home page,
00:14:31 so if you go to the Human Resources tab, we can click on the question mark again to see,
00:14:36 oh what should I do with the number of employees? And here explain again how this KPI tile is
00:14:43 That, you can also do that with your dashboard. So that's a typical dashboard scenario
00:14:49 that I demonstrate the responsive design, composite concept, commentary features,
00:14:54 slice-dice analysis, and this dashboard you can also download free from the SCN KPI Cockpit.

00:15:03 You can use that as a reference, as your example, to build this dashboard.
00:15:08 So now let's get into another dashboard. I'm going to the generic analysis,
00:15:19 so let me go to the full screen again. So here we see a typical different analytical application
00:15:27 that we call generic analysis, we are delivering that as a predefined template
00:15:32 with Lumira Designer. And here, you can use this template
00:15:36 based on the BW/4HANA data to do your slice- dice analysis. So here, the first, the first, if I
00:15:45 actually, this application, the first is, step is you can choose your BW/4HANA query
00:15:53 or InfoProviders as a data source. Either you go to Systems to click a different system,
00:15:59 and then select your query, or we can also go to the Recently Used list,
00:16:03 so I click on my Recently Used list, click on OK. So that's my favorite query that I always use.

00:16:10 So now you see that left side is navigation panel, here is actually my table to show the data
from this query.
00:16:18 So now I would like to, using the drag-and-drop, just to add the calendar month into the table.
00:16:25 Now I can use the context menu, so that's the slice-dice analysis what we have,
00:16:30 so you have a bunch of options, how you can analyze your query.
00:16:33 So very typical scenario is in BW we have hierarchy, right? So I select hierarchy and we see
my data
00:16:40 is displayed in a hierarchical way. And then we have an overall result, since Lumira 2.2
00:16:46 we can just easily the drag and drop to remove the overall result to my screen.
00:16:51 Here we can see is that we have the calendar year 2011, 2012; it's a lot of data,
00:16:58 and then we use the Lumira 2.2, you can have the variant features,

00:17:04 means here, now I can select a variant that is already either defined in the BW back end
00:17:10 or I define in the Lumira Designer. So I select my variant is 2018,
00:17:15 so to show me the data only from 2018 and the euro as currency; click on OK.
00:17:21 So we only see the variant of 2018, so if I click on that, you see that's exactly
00:17:27 the hierarchical representation from year, quarter, and also month.
00:17:31 If I click together, that's altogether. Of course, you can also from the Lumira Designer
00:17:37 runtime to define your variant. So here you can add something, you can go to the variant,
00:17:43 click on this Edit Variant, you see all of the predefined variants,
00:17:47 this variant could be public or user-specific. So if you define default it's user-specific,
00:17:54 means it's only valid for you, but if you click on, you can also use this added button to change it

00:18:01 to the public or to the user-specific. Now we have seen the data from the 2018
00:18:08 for the variant, and now, using the Lumira 2.2, you have the option here to add your
00:18:17 calculated key figures, so click on Add Dynamic Calculations, Custom Calculations,
00:18:22 I just write anything here, and using the formula we providing,
00:18:26 here you are able to define your own calculated key figure. For example, I can here say,
00:18:35 and also using the net value in statistics currency, and to add the percentage share,
00:18:43 and you can use any fancy mathematic formula as you want, and click on OK, then we have
actually added
00:18:50 our calculated key figure within this table. What we also can do is go to the chart,
00:18:56 then we see how is it displayed in the chart. Now I would like to, for example, only see the
00:19:01 net value in statistics currency in my chart, so I can really configure this chart so
00:19:06 which key figure should be added to Y-axis, and I want to see the calendar year month in the
00:19:13 and I want to see the product category as color, if I want to say, okay, it's only show me the
00:19:20 I can go to the configure tab, see? Now let's actually show no hierarchy,
00:19:26 that I can see the data from January to December. So if I go to the chart here again,
00:19:33 I can also change the chart type, say it should as a line chart, and so you have a bunch of
00:19:42 to configure your chart and also formatting your chart, using the context menu, you can add a
trend line,
00:19:48 add a reference line, so let's add a reference line. Dynamic reference lines should be average

00:19:54 to the statistics currency, click on OK. Then we see here we get a reference line;
00:19:59 that's also the new feature for the Lumira 2.2. So now you can actually, here, then change
00:20:04 the display options, chart table or table chart, and we can also save that as a bookmark,
00:20:10 for example, I can add a bookmark here, and add a global bookmark here,
00:20:15 and add a title as openSAPBW, and save, then we have add a bookmark that.
00:20:22 And we can add the - we see the meta data information of my query, and I have also the
export options
00:20:30 that means I can export to Excel, CSV, PDF, and I can also export data to the Analysis Office

00:20:37 that persons who are familiar with AO can further analyze that.
00:20:42 Okay, so that's the Lumira part of the demo, so you have seen the two demos:
00:20:47 one typical dashboard, and one typical analytical application demo.
00:20:52 So now let's go back to the slides. So now you have seen the demo for the AO for Lumira,
00:21:00 you know we have very strong integration with BW/4HANA, and we have strong investments

00:21:06 into the clients like SAP Analytics Cloud, and Analysis Office, and Lumira, what you have
00:21:12 And you have seen that all of the BW features like hierarchy, some variant commentary
00:21:19 are automatically seamlessly supported, also in our client's AO and also Lumira,
00:21:24 so we have the best integration between clients and the source.
00:21:28 Okay, thank you very much, hope you enjoyed our presentation,
00:21:32 we wish you a lot of success with your self-assessment; thank you.

Week 4 Unit 5

00:00:08 Hello and welcome to our week four and to unit five, Planning with SAP BPC 11.0 and SAP
Analytics Cloud.
00:00:15 My name is Gerd Schöffl. I'm a product owner and working in the area of
00:00:19 SAP Analytics Cloud, or briefly SAC, planning. So, what will be the content of the talk today?
00:00:25 So, first of all we will talk a little bit about in general about BPC 11.0 as a planning tool on
00:00:32 and then I will go a little bit more into detail with integration of BPC 11.0 and SAP Analytics
00:00:40 So, first of all let's have a look at what BPC 11.0 comprises. It's our next-generation planning
application on BW/4HANA.
00:00:50 So, we first of all will see BPC 11.0 as the planning tool on BW/4HANA. Then the scope of
BPC 11.0 comprises a new user experience.
00:01:05 We have the new integration in SAP Analytics Cloud, which we will go into in detail as well.
00:01:10 And we also have very close support with cloud Amazon Web Services, SAP HANA Enterprise
Cloud, and also for Microsoft Azure.
00:01:19 I will not go into detail with the cloud support because I think this is quite self-explanatory, but I
will go into detail with the three other topics.
00:01:28 So let's have first a look at BPC 11.0 as a general planning tool on BW/4HANA. So this
planning tool is... I'm sorry...
00:01:39 This planning tool concentrates on four main pillars, its simplicity, openness, modern interface,
and a high performance.
00:01:48 Let's have a look at simplicity first. So, what's very important, BPC 11.0 is the only planning
tool on BW/4HANA.
00:01:56 As you might know, in BW 7.50 or 7.40 we had BW-IP as a planning tool, then we had the
00:02:03 planning applications kit, we had the BPC, with the BPC embedded and the BPC standard.
00:02:08 So we had a various heterogeneous landscape, with BW/4HANA we have tidied up this
landscape so we have just one
00:02:14 planning tool on BW/4HANA, and this is the BPC 11.0, with its two flavors, the BPC embedded
and the BPC standard.
00:02:23 Thus we have simplified our offering to make it easier for costumers because it's the only
planning tool BW/4HANA.
00:02:29 And what's very important, there is no planning in BW/4HANA itself anymore.
00:02:34 All the planning is done within the BPC 11.0. On the other hand when we are talking about
00:02:40 we are also using the new objects of BW/4HANA. As you have learned in this openSAP
00:02:48 we have tidied up our BW, we have new objects like the advanced DataStore objects,
00:02:52 the composite providers, and so on, and do not make use of the old objects like InfoCubes
00:02:57 and this is the same for the BPC 11.0. We also leverage the new BW objects.
00:03:03 Let's have a look at openness. So on the one hand, as we're using the BW/4HANA,
00:03:07 as the underlying platform, we can use any data that the BW/4HANA can use - that means we
can have
00:03:13 third-party data, we can use Big Data, we can use all various kinds of data
00:03:19 in our BPC 11.0 for planning. On the other hand, we are also open for sending data out
00:03:25 to other products - that means we have a very tight integration into SAC, SAP Analytics Cloud,

00:03:31 and this is a topic we will cover a little bit later in more detail. Then we have our modern
00:03:37 We have completely redone the screens for BPC 11.0. The modern interface now comprises
basically three layers.
00:03:46 We have the modern analytics interfaces like Analysis for Office and Lumira.
00:03:51 We have completely done a new home page under the Web admin client, it now has a
completely new design, new navigation paradigm.
00:04:01 And last but not least, we are for sure using the new BW modeling techniques,
00:04:07 which are the BW modeling tools. As a fourth pillar for our BPC 11.0 we have our high
00:04:15 As we are using BW/4HANA and thus HANA as a database, we are able to rely on that and
can always push
00:04:22 very costly operations, costly calculations down to the HANA layer, and thus have a very good
00:04:29 thus have much higher speed in our planning. With the highest speed, we can treat much
higher data volumes
00:04:34 and thus shorten the planning cycles, and thus make the user, enable the user to be able to
run planning cycles
00:04:46 more often and also with better accuracy. Now let's have a brief look at the system setup,
00:04:54 and as an example here on the left-hand side I have taken a BW 7.50. In BW 7.50 we had our
database SAP HANA and then we had the BW.
00:05:03 In the BW, we had, with the insulation of BW with the BW-IP as a planning tool, we had the
planning applications kit,
00:05:09 and we also had in the insulation the BPC embedded and BPC standard.
00:05:15 You could use the BW-IP with a NetWeaver license but for other planning applications, BPC
embedded and BPC standard,
00:05:23 you would have to use the BPC license. In BW/4HANA or BPC 11.0 we have tidied up, and
00:05:31 In BW/4HANA now, we do not have any planning capabilities. So all the planning capabilities
now are
00:05:39 bundled into one add-on that you have to install if you want to use any planning on
00:05:45 This is the BPC 11.0 add-on, which now comprises all the well known planning components
00:05:51 BPC embedded, BPC standard, and, inside the BPC embedded, also the BW-IP and planning
applications kit.
00:05:58 And in order to use any planning on BW/4HANA, you have to have the BPC license.
00:06:07 Now I told you about our new user experience, and we have various areas where we have this
new user experience in Web admin client,
00:06:16 On the one hand, we have the new home page. In the home page, this is the start screen
00:06:21 that the user and the business user, and also the business administrator will see when
entering the Web admin client.
00:06:27 And here the user has the ability to change the screen, and to modify the screen in such a way

00:06:33 that it best suits his planning needs. On the other hand, we also have redone the navigation,
00:06:41 so it's not anymore this sort of boring navigation we had in BPC 10.1, but we have a different
navigation scheme
00:06:48 with a hamburger bar on the top-left side - I will show you in the demo - and also we have

00:06:53 the lookup of the screens, we have adapted our screen look up to the Fiori, and we are now
using the Belize theme.
00:07:01 Let's have a look at that in the... Before we look at that, let's briefly talk about the BW side.
00:07:08 So when you're using BPC embedded, you have to do some customizing on the back-end
side, on the BW side,
00:07:14 and here we are also using the new front-end tool, which is the BW management tool,
00:07:19 and that means that you don't only customize your advanced DataStore objects, for example,
in the BW modeling tools
00:07:25 but you also now have your characteristic relationships, the data slices, the aggregation levels,
the plan queries,
00:07:33 and also plan sequences or planning functions, which can now be modeled in the BW
modeling tools.
00:07:39 But now it's time to have a look at the new front in BPC 11.0. This is how the home page looks
for a user.
00:07:46 So this user already has done some customizing, as you can see. On the left-hand side we
have some favorites.
00:07:52 On the right-hand side we have my activity timeline. So in the favorites you can have a link to
any planning report,
00:08:00 to any input schedule, or to any report, or to any customizing step the user wants to see on
this home screen.
00:08:10 So when you click, you obviously go into one of the screens, and let's go back and continue a
little bit on the favorites.
00:08:18 Obviously with all favorites you can edit the favorites, you can remove things from the
favorites, so it's really up to
00:08:24 the business user to create a screen that is just the way he needs it for good working.
00:08:33 Okay, so these were the favorites. If we have a look at this home screen again,
00:08:41 here you also see my activity timeline, so in my activity timeline you see all the BPF -
00:08:47 business process flow - steps that are attributed to this user. That means this is the work that
the user
00:08:53 has to do in the next couple of days. So currently we only have one topic and we have to do
some planning using BPC.
00:09:00 Right now in the middle we have an empty space, and I will show you how we can fill that
empty space.
00:09:05 Let's assume we go into the 2017 data and the user has a graph with some very important
data that he needs every time
00:09:15 when he is working with the system, that he would like to see at the beginning when he opens
the system.
00:09:20 So this is the graph, and if the user wants to see the graph on the home page, it's very easy -
you just have to go to "Pin to Home"
00:09:30 and you see that was successful. And if you go back to the home screen, you see that now
00:09:35 a graph is inserted, and you can even go ahead and enlarge this graph or move it around and

00:09:43 adapt the screen just as you like, as a user. You can only also move the graph to the right-
hand side,
00:09:49 down, up, left - wherever - and you can also have multiple graphs. So you might ask yourself
where are the other things
00:09:57 that you need to do with a Web admin client. They are hidden behind this hamburger bar,
00:10:01 so if you press this hamburger bar you will find the normal menu that you know from BPC 10.1,
for example, Administration here,

00:10:09 creating a business process flow, business process templates, and business process
00:10:14 And any of this steps that you can see in the customizing you can pin to your home screen as
a favorite,
00:10:20 as we have seen here with the Process Templates and the Process Instances.
00:10:24 So this is what I want to show you with BPC 11.0. Let's go back to our slides.
00:10:31 And... let's have a closer look at the integration of BPC 11.0 and SAC, SAP Analytics Cloud.
00:10:41 So as we have two different models in BPC, the BPC embedded and the BPC standard, we
also have
00:10:46 two different ways of integrating into SAP Analytics Cloud. We have a replication scenario for
the BPC standard
00:10:54 and we have a live connection with our replication for the BPC embedded. So, the replication
enables the user to have a
00:11:04 very close integration between BPC standard and SAC, and it's a very smooth synchronizing
of data
00:11:12 that can also be done by the end user or the business user, and we're also using delta logic for
00:11:20 On the other hand for BPC embedded, we have a live connection.
00:11:25 Let's have a bit of a closer look at our different connections, and let's first of all have a look at
the BPC standard connection.
00:11:34 So here we're truly replicating the data from BPC standard into SAC, so you can just have a
connection from SAC to BPC,
00:11:43 you replicate the entire scenario, entire model, and the entire set of data. That means you can
use the full capabilities we have in SAC -
00:11:52 the business intelligence, the planning capabilities, and also the predictive because you have
all the data within SAC and it's SAC data.
00:12:01 Obviously also you can use, or you do use, the HANA engine, the EPM engine in SAC to
retrieve the data from the system,
00:12:10 display the data, save data, and so on. Like this, we meet a lot of business requirements,
00:12:16 we have the model inside SAC, the model can be enhanced, the user can work on the model,
and so on.
00:12:22 And we have different ways of, again, writing back data or synchronizing data between SAC
and BPC 11.0 - it can either be done
00:12:32 via scheduled jobs, or it can be done by the single user by just clicking a button to refresh the
00:12:41 or, on the other hand, by clicking a button to save the data, and when the data is saved, the
data is saved to SAC and BPC 11.0 as well.
00:12:50 Now let's have a look the BPC live connection. Here we go a little bit a different way.
00:12:55 We do not replicate any data, we do not replicate any model into SAC, but data and model
stays within the BPC embedded.
00:13:03 So we directly consume the data from the BPC embedded. That means we don't have to
replicate the data,
00:13:10 and it also means that all your data stays within the firewall - no data goes outside and is
exposed to the Internet.
00:13:19 A big advantage of this approach is that you can directly use any BPC embedded model, you
don't have to do any modeling in SAC.
00:13:27 We just use the modeling in BPC embedded. We can also use the access control of BPC
00:13:34 that means the BW analysis authorizations, the environment authorizations, also the data
access profiles.

00:13:41 And as we're grabbing the data in real time, and usually the user only wants to see
00:13:47 a limited amount of data, we do not have to replicate too much data but only grab that data
that we
00:13:52 at a given point in time, present it to the user, and the data is then saved again back to the
BPC embedded system.
00:14:00 Also here I have a demo. So here we are already in an SAC system, SAP Analytics Cloud,
00:14:09 and I will show you how easily you can create a model, a live model to BPC embedded.
00:14:18 You just have to go ahead and say, "Create", "Model", and you say what is the data source,
00:14:25 it should be a live data connection, and it should be a live data connection to BPC.
00:14:32 So, the administrator has to create the connection beforehand, so that's already done, you just
have to specify
00:14:38 what is the environment, and what is the model which you want to use - that's for example
necessary for the data access profiles.
00:14:46 And then as we are relying on queries, you have to specify what is the query that
00:14:50 you want to use as a basis for your connection, and just have to give it a name.
00:15:02 Whatever... and press OK. And now the system will generate a model inside SAC,
00:15:09 it will retrieve all the columns of the query as measures. So we have a query that has actual
data for 2018,
00:15:17 planned data for 2019 for the revenue, and the same thing for the actual sales and the planned
00:15:25 plus some calculated inverse formulas where you can enter
00:15:30 the increase in sales or the increase in revenue. If you have a look at the dimensions, you see
all the characteristics
00:15:36 which are available in the query, either on the drill-down or in the free characteristics,
00:15:41 so we have the calendar month, the product, the country, and the product group. You could
also rename those dimensions
00:15:48 and that's all you have to do - you just press Save. And now let's create a story where we can
use that data.
00:15:58 So add just a canvas page, add a table. We pick the correct model we just have created.
00:16:09 And now SAC is retrieving the live data from BPC embedded. So I can enlarge that a little bit.
00:16:20 And so here this is the live data, and you can see this is my actual revenue from 2018.
00:16:25 And as you can see, also the query settings are used here in my SAC connection because my
actual revenue data
00:16:32 comes from a non-input-enabled advanced DataStore object, so this column is input off.
00:16:39 I have my plan revenue obviously input enabled, and I have my calculated input-enabled key
00:16:44 the increase in revenue which I can enter, and then will calculate the planned revenue.
00:16:49 Let's just enter something here so we can see how that works. If I enter something, then the
revenue is recalculated
00:16:57 and SAC also marks all the cells that have been changed. What I can also do is I can enter on
a note level,
00:17:03 on the total, and the BPC embedded system will do the redistribution to the underlying notes.
00:17:11 And what's very important, you will notice that no data goes to the product group Ice Tea, and
this is the case because
00:17:18 we have locked the product group Ice Tea via a data slice in BPC embedded. One more
example where you can see that,
00:17:25 here our SAC regards the structure that we have defined in our query. You can now use a lot
of these query features of SAC,
00:17:33 for example, you can filter things. You can filter, for example, by a product group.

00:17:40 You can... now if it lets me. Yes, now it is for a, let's say...
00:17:45 We just have a look at Water and Juice - you can filter by the country, you can also use
hierarchies here,
00:17:53 let's just filter to one country. And you can also change the drilldown.
00:17:58 For example, you're now also interested in the products in Water and Juice, so we just go
ahead and say, "Add Measures/Dimensions",
00:18:06 and you add the product. And now we can also drill-down by products.
00:18:10 That means you can also use many of these superior features that we now have in SAC for
00:18:18 So, let's go back to our presentation. This is basically the end of this talk.
00:18:26 So I would make sure that you memorize four key takeaways. So first of all, BPC 11.0 is the
single and only planning tool on BW/4HANA.
00:18:35 BW/4HANA itself does not have any planning. If you want to use planning on BW/4HANA,
00:18:39 you have to use the BPC add-on. BPC 11.0 uses the new BW objects and technology.
00:18:47 It has a completely new look and feel compared to BPC 10.1. And last but not least, we have a
very close integration into SAC.
00:18:56 So, this is the end of this chapter, so thank you very much for your attention
00:19:01 and I wish you good luck with your self-test.


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