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c ircu it intu itions

Ali Sheikholeslami

A Capacitor Analogy, Part 3

Welcome to the 12th article in the Because the switch is either open Given v s (t), we can now write an
“Circuit Intuitions” column series. or closed, it appears that either the equation for the current through the
As the title suggests, each article current through the switch or the switch. Because the switch is placed
provides insights and intuitions into voltage across it is always zero. Con- in series with the two series ca-
circuit design and analysis. These sequently, it may be concluded that pacitors (with an equivalent capaci-
articles are aimed at undergraduate the power consumed by the switch tance C/2), its current is the same as
students but may serve the interests is always zero! those of the two capacitors. Thus, we
of other readers as well. If you read This is, indeed, true for t 1 0 can write
this article, I would appreciate your (when the switch is open) and for t 2 0
Cdv s
comments and feedback, as well as (when the switch is closed), but not i (t) =- = C Vd (t),
2dt 2
your requests and suggestions for for t = 0 (when we turn the switch on).
future columns in this series. Please To see this, let us begin by identifying where d (t) represents the Dirac delta
e-mail your comments to me at ali@ an equation for the voltage across the function. We can now write an expres- switch as a function of time v s (t) . For sion for the instantaneous power con-
In the previous two articles in this t 1 0, we already know that v s (t) = v. sumption of the switch p (t), v s (t) i (t),
series, “A Capacitor Analogy, Part 1” For t 2 0, v s (t) = 0 because the switch as follows:
and “A Capacitor Analogy, Part 2,” is closed. If we assume v s (t) is half-
we described how a glass of water way between these voltages at t = 0, p (t) = C V 2 (1 - sgn (t)) d (t) .
with cross-section area C and water then we can write an equation for
height V is analogous to a capacitor v s (t) as follows: This power is clearly zero for any
with capacitance C and voltage V time before and after zero, but it is
across the capacitor. At the end of v s (t) = V (1 - sgn (t)), infinity at t = 0. However, the inte-
Part 2, we asked readers to contem- gral of this power, which provides
plate the process of charge sharing where sgn (t) is defined as the energy consumption of the ideal
between two capacitors, as shown switch in this circuit, is well defined.
in Figure 1, when the switch is ideal ]] -1 t 1 0 We can write
(i.e., has zero resistance) to see if sgn (t) = [ 0 t = 0 .
the energy wasted in this process ] +1 t 2 0
E switch = #-+33 p (t) dt = 14 CV 2 .
is still half the initial stored energy.
Also, we asked if the water sharing This equation confirms that an ideal
between two glasses follows the switch consumes half of the energy
+ vs(t ) –
same process, i.e., has a similar solu- initially stored in the capacitor.
tion. This article focuses on provid- R=0 Let us now return to our analogy
ing answers to these questions and and see what happens if we use an
exploring a similar problem in our + + ideal pipe and valve in water shar-
C i (t ) C
glass of water analogy. V 0 ing between the two glasses. First,
An ideal switch is characterized we need to imagine ways to reduce
by the following equations: – – the friction, perhaps by using pol-
ished glasses with no surface rough-
i = 0 when the switch is open
) . ness and by increasing the pipe
v = 0 when the switch is closed Figure 1: A capacitor charged to initial
voltage V shares its charge with a dis-
diameter. One way to do this would
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2016.2622981 charged capacitor of equal capacitance via be to replace the valve and pipe with
Date of publication: 23 January 2017 a switch with zero resistance. a wall between two polished glasses


and to assume that this wall can be sider L, we can see that L stores the
removed instantly, corresponding t<0 equivalent of kinetic energy (which
to turning the valve on. is the energy stored in the magnetic
As shown in Figure 2, water is ini- field), and this gives the possibility
tially trapped on the left side of the of oscillation similar to the case of
wall. When we instantly remove the the two glasses. Let us now revisit
wall, the water rushes from left to V the two-capacitor problem and see
right, gaining kinetic energy while 0 what happens when R approaches
losing some of its potential energy zero, while we assume a nonzero L
on the path, then losing the kinetic C C in the circuit.
energy to the potential energy again When the switch is open, all the
and moving back to the left, then to t >> 0
energy is stored in the capacitor
right, and so on. In fact, if there is on the left. There is zero current in
no resistance in the path of water the circuit; therefore, there is zero
motion that turns kinetic energy to energy stored in the inductor. As
heat, we would expect the energy we turn on the switch, there will be
to oscillate back and forth between 0 a current in the circuit. Note that,
potential energy and kinetic energy. V/2 initially, the inductor impedes the
Readers can verify experimentally at rise of the current and will force the
home that this behavior is not lim- 2C current waveform to be continuous.
ited to the ideal situation we have However, as the current begins to
imagined. In fact, even with a simple Figure 2: (a) An imaginary wall (in red) increase, there will be more energy
U-tube and a valve, as shown in Fig- separates two glasses. At time zero, the stored in the inductor, and some
wall disappears instantly, allowing the
ure 3, turning the valve on quickly will energy is wasted in the resistor. If
water to move to the right glass without
create oscillations in the water level, much resistance. (b) After some time, the the resistance is small enough, cor-
albeit damped because we could not water level settles to V/2. responding to an under-damped
remove friction completely. behavior (R 1 2 2L/C ), the stored
Why is there such a difference in energy will oscillate back and forth
behavior? Why can we not observe between the capacitor and the induc-
a similar behavior in capacitors? Or tor until the current goes to zero,
can we? Readers are encouraged to storing the remaining energy in the
ponder these questions before con- capacitor. Again, during this process,
sidering the answers that follow. half the initial stored energy is lost
The energy stored in the two t<0 t≥0 to heat in the resistor, no matter how
Valve Is Valve Is small the resistor is or how fast the
glasses can take the form of either
Closed Open
potential energy (when the water oscillations settle. In case the resistor
is still) or kinetic energy (when the is large enough (R $ 2 2L/C ), there
Figure 3: Upon opening the valve, water
water is moving). The stored energy will oscillate between the two branches of will be no oscillation, corresponding
changes form as we open the valve a frictionless tube. to either an over-damped or a criti-
and allow water to move (i.e., store cally damped behavior. In this case,
energy in kinetic form). However, a portion of the energy does move to
at any moment in time, part of the the inductor, but it will be wasted in
R L t=0
stored energy is in kinetic form, and the process in the resistor, never to
part is in potential form. After the + + return to the capacitor. In this case,
water settles, due to friction, only C C too, half the initial energy is wasted
V 0
potential energy will be left in the in the resistor
two glasses. – – Finally, we reconsider the ques-
In our capacitor example, how- tion of what happens when R is
ever, we h ave on ly consider ed exactly zero, while we have a non-
potential energy, and that is the Figure 4: Inductance L is included as part zero inductance in the circuit. In
energy stored in the capacitor. How of the charge-sharing circuit between two this case, the energy stored initially
about the kinetic energy? What is capacitors. in the capacitor will swing back and
the equivalent of kinetic energy in forth between the capacitor and the
our capacitor example? The answer accurate representation of our cir- inductor and, because it will have
is the magnetic energy in an induc- cuit must include an inductance L no place to be consumed, will result
tance that we have totally ignored so in series with the resistance R, as
far in our capacitor circuit. A more shown in Figure 4. Once we con- (continued on p. 51)


level intuition to detailed mathematical
equations as well as many interesting
real-life design examples. This seminar
will also be available as an SSCS webi-
nar in the spring of 2017. Please feel
free to attend the webinar and ask your
long-time design questions live online
from Prof. Pavan after the webinar in
the dedicated Q&A session.

An analog/mixed-signal designer en­­
counters time-varying circuits every-
where—sample-and-holds, chopper
stabilized amplifiers, mixers, switched-
The speaker, David Robertson, receiving a certificate of appreciation from the Silicon Valley capacitor amplifiers and filters, dis-
Chapter and the SSCS Society webinar program (from left): Haitao Li, David Robertson, crete and continuous-time delta-sigma
Michael Perrott, and Mojtaba Sharifzadeh. modulators, and N-path filters. The
analysis of signals and noise in these
circuits is often associated with messy
mathematics and algebra.
This talk aims to demystify linear
(periodically) time-varying circuits.
Starting from first principles, intu-
ition behind various aspects of time-
varying circuits and systems will
be given. This intuition is illustrated
with case studies of practical circuits
and systems, like chopper-stabilized
amplifiers and continuous-time delta-
Prof. Shanthi Pavan from IIT-Madras and Silicon Valley Chapter officers and seminar sigma modulators.
attendees at Maxim Inc. in San Jose.

companies in Silicon Valley attended prehensive and interactive short course —Mojtaba Sharifzadeh
the talk, and some Maxim employees format, with the attendees engaged in Chapter Vice Chair
watched the live broadcast online. The learning. He covered many aspects of Silicon Valley SSCS Chapter
speaker arranged the seminar as a com- time-varying linear systems from top- 

circuit intuitions (continued from p. 8)

in a sustained oscillation. This is, sharing between two capacitors If we assume R = 0 but L ! 0, there
indeed, the situation in an LC oscil- when separated by an ideal switch. If will be no waste of energy in turn-
lator, where the inherent resistance we assume R = 0 and L = 0, as shown ing on the switch. The initial energy
in the inductance and wiring is com- in Figure 4, we expect the voltages in the capacitor will remain indefi-
pensated for by a negative resis- across the capacitors to settle to their nitely in the system, swinging back
tance, so as to yield a zero effective final values instantly. In this process, and forth between the capacitor and
resistance in the circuit. one half of the initial stored energy is the inductor.
In summary, we provided two consumed in the ideal switch, and the
answers for the question of charge other half remains in the capacitors. 


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