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Proceedings of the 9th InternationalConferenceon

Neural Information Processing (ICONIPOZ), Vol. 4

Lip0 Wan& JagaIh C Rajapakse, Klmihiko Fukushima,
SmYoung Lee,and Xin Yao (Editors)


G A Vijayalakshmi Pai*
S Sreeram**

* Lecturer (Senior Grade) in Computer Applications

**Graduate Student
Dept of Computer Applications
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore 641 004. India

ABSTRACT Simulated Annealiig technique could be employed to

identify the Military Target Images of the enemy.
The application of Simulated Annealing for the The images are enhanced using Thresholding
identificationof Military Targets, images of which can be technique and the enhanced images are given to a Moment
both noisy and noise free, nominal and transformed has Invariant based Feature Extractor to extract the features of
been investigated in this paper. The images of Military the images. Simulated Annealing is made use of in
Targets of an enemy are captured by an unmanned processing these feature vectors to identify the input
reconnaissance spy plane and then are interpreted by an images against a training set. Already SA has been
expert. In the absence of an expert, Simulated Annealing attempted for application in Object recognition[8].
can be used to identify the enemy targets. In this paper, the Simulated Annealing technique
The potential of Simulated Annealiig behaving as a has been presented in Sec. 2. A brief sketch on Military
Pattern Recognizer to recognize images even when they Targets has been reviewed in Sec. 3. Identification of
appear transformed, viz., rotated, translated and scaled, Military Target images using SA has been discussed in
besides noisy, has been studied Performance of Simulated Sec. 4. Results of the Performance analysis of SA has
Annealing during different temperatures has also been been presented in Sec. 5.
stndied on experimental cases.

Annealing is a process that involves heating a metal to

incredibly high temperature and slowly cooiig it down so
1. INTRODUCTION that the atoms settle to a particular pattern rendering it
swng so that it cannot be broken. Similarly we anneal the
A Neural Network is a massively parallel distributed Neural Network to a very high temperature and slowly
processor made up of simple processing units,which has a cool the network so that the input patterm settle to a
natural propensity for storing experiential knowledge and particular pattern. Simulated Annealing technique is used
making it available for use. to avoid local minima during m i n i i t i o n of an error
Simulated Annealing (SA) technique [2,4] function and it tries to settle to a global minimum.
borrowed from statistical mechanics, has turned out to be
an excellent optimizing technique which avoids local Algorithm
minimumand seeks global minimum.
Military is one of the many areas where crucial The following assumptions are made:
decisions need to be made. The images of Military (i) A library of images is ready with their
Targets of an enemy are captured using an unmanned category.
reconnaissance spy plane and then are interpreted by an (ii) Overlapping images are separated.
expert. n e decision making process is slow because the
expert is not in the plane. In the absence of an expert,

well known fact that civilians often suffer as casualties,
due to stray bombings that occur due to improper
Library of Moment invariants of the irnages identification. For example the bombing of the
which is the training set. headquarters of the Serbian State radio and television
Moment invariants of the target image that is to stations resulted in huge civilian casualties.
be identified. These incidents can be avoided on ethical
grounds if accurate identification of military targets are
Algorithm Steps made possible. Also, to avoid continuous threat from the
enemy and to have an upper hand in the military warfare,
1. Set T to the current temperature, r to the proper identification of military targets is a must. So to
annealing rate, I to the number of iterations cater to these needs the system aims to design a
mechanism that facilitates proper identification of
2. Select those set of invariants of images from military targets. Sample Military Targets taken for
library (Z) whose Euclidean distance from the training are showninFigs 3.1-3.8.
input invariant is less than a threshold say 7'H.
Let the accepted set be PR.

3. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 until the error functions

3 E(,.*, > E(!) do mx differ by

more than 1%.

4. F o r M = l t o I d o
4.1 PerhubPR.
4.2 Evaluate DEm the difference in
4.3 If DE" < 0 then accept the
peaurbedPR and updatethe
Fig 3.1 Plane Fig 3.2~Helicopter
accept petturbed PR with
probability =exp(-DE,,, / T )
and update theconfiguration.

End of For loop

5. T = r * T

End of Simulated Annealing. Fig 3.3 Airport Fig 3.4 Bridge


m t a r y targets U s d y involve communication

infrastructure, logistics, military power and other
financial i n f m s t r u c ~ s .During the two World Wars and
the recent NATO air strikes over foimer Yugoslavia,
some of the targets attacked were aiqorts, harbours,

planes, ships, helicopters, dams, ind bridges. The reason

for these targets being selected for military attack is to
Fig 3.5 Dam Fig 3.6 Harbou
cripple the enemy so as to minimize their counter attack
and to prevent the advances made by the enemy.
Though the laws of war include prohibition on
direct attack against civilians or civilian targets, it is a


In this paper, the identification of Military targets using

Simulated Annealing technique is discussed
The limitation of Simulated Annealing is that the
training set should be available during inference. Simulated
Annealing is iterative in nature and therefore is a little slow
as well. However Simulated Annealing could be
implemented as a learning algorithm over a Feed forward
Fig 3.7 Ship Fig 3.8 Tank network to avoid the storage of the entire training set.
Efforts are under progress to achieve the same.
TARGET IDENTIFICATION Table 1: Moment Invariants of some military
The Simulated Annealing Network is presented a training
set of images as illustrated in Figs 3.1-3.8. The images in
the training set are preprocessed and the Moment Invariant
based Feature extraction is done for the images. Several
Moment Invariant functions have been proposed[l,3,5].
However in this work, the Moment invariant functions
proposed by Rajasekaran and Pai [6,7] has been employed
Table 1 shows the Moment Invariants computed for a few
of the illustrated images.
During inference, the image from the scene is
prepmessed and the Moment Invariant based feature
vectom are extracted before presenting it to the Simulated
Annealing network for inference.


This section illustrates the results of the performance

analysisof SA.
Fig. 5.1 shows the performance of the system
when the images tracked are noisy. Fig. 5.2 shows the
performance of the Simulated Annealing technique under
different initial temperatures. Fig 5.3 illustrates the
performance of the system when images tracked are
rotated, scaled and translated. Here, ‘degree’ refers to the
rotation angle, ‘percentage’ to the scaling percentage and
‘pixel’ to the number of pixels the image was translated
The performance was tracked for rotation and translation
on an increasing scale and scaling on a decreasing scale.
Observe that the performance is a uniform 100%.
Fig. 5.4 illustrates the performance of the system
when images tracked appear rotated or translated. As 01 , , , . . , , , , ,
before, ‘pixel’ refers to the number of pixels the images IQ a, a 4 YI m m sa 9~ im
were translated and ‘angle’ to the rotation angle. Again,
both translations and rotations were carried out on an
increasing scale. Similarly, Fig. 5.5 shows the
performance of the system when the images tracked are
scaled and translated and Fig 5.6 the same when the Fig 5.1 PerformanceBased on Noise
images tracked are rotated and scaled.


Fig 5.2 P e r f o m c e Based on Initial Fig 5.5 Performance Based on Scaling

Temperature and Translation

Fig 5.3 Performance Based on Rotation

Fig 5.6 Performance Based on Rotation
Scaling and Translation
and Scaling

Fig 5.4 Performance Based on Rotation

and Translation


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