English Lesson Plan 2

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Student-Teacher: Alia Ali Date: 30/10/2018

EPC 2903 Primary Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: Grade 2

Subject: English (procedural text)
Learning Outcome : By the end of this lesson students will be able to..
 Write verbs to complete the steps.
 Read the steps.
 Identify new words that related to the gardener.
 Plant their own sunflower depending of the procedural text that they learned.
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before
Pre- teaching:
 A sunflower picture to guess the topic.  Preparing the materials such as watering
 Flashcards that introduce the new can, soil, cork cups, and plastic spoons.
vocabulary and the steps of how to  Preparing the cleanup song.
plant sunflower seeds.  Preparing the board for example writing the
learning outcomes.
While- teaching:  Preparing the flashcards.
 Power point to explain the steps of how  Cut out the name label and make it ready to
to plant a seed. stick on the cork cups.

Post-teaching: Key vocabulary/ Target Language

 Worksheet that helps the student be
sure of their understanding and helps
the teacher to assess student Pot – Soil – Sunflower seeds – Watering can –
understanding. Name label.
 Cork cups, soil, watering can,
sunflower seeds, plastic spoons, and Fill – Dampen – Place – Cover – Pour.
name label so the students can plant
their own sunflower using the steps
that they learned in the lesson and the
name label to write their names on the
 An online timer that can helps the
student finish their activity in suitable
time. (https://www.online-
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

 The teacher will show the student a sunflower picture and ask them what they think
the lesson about.
 Then the teacher interduce the new words in the lesson. And ask they student to ask
Time: 15 min

their partner where they can find these objects.

 After, the teacher explains the lesson using power point slides. And repeat the new
word with the student so they can memorize and understand the words.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

The low ability students should read and sequence the steps with the teacher scaffolding.
After reading they should follow the steps and plant their own sunflower using the materials
that the teacher provides in each student drawer.
10 min

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

The average and high-level student should memorize what they need to plant a sunflower

and write it down. Also, they should read and fill in the blank with correct verbs from the
flashcard on the board.
After reading they should follow the steps and plant their own sunflower using the materials
that the teacher provides in each student drawer.
Closing (review learning -LO)

The teacher will play a cleanup song and the student should clean their classroom then
5 min

make a line to stick their cork cups in front of the windows. Before sticking it the teacher will

ask they student to give one step s/he can stick their cup. And in the same line the student
will go to the toilet to wash their hands.

Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)

The teacher can assess the student understanding while they are doing the worksheet or when
they want to stick their cups because each one of the student should tell one steps (in order) to the


Saddleback Kids. (2015, July 14). Clean Up Song. Retrieved October 26, 2018,
from youtube website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ACJUBKnkZc
Reflection WWW/EBI

The lesson was a procedural text of how to plant a sunflower. The explanation was perfect the
student understood the steps and they were able to do the activities easily. And for me the
transition was good and the planting activity because the students enjoyed it and it support their
understanding of the steps. For the next lesson it will be better if I had extra activities as my MCT
said but my MST said that student will have a trip, so I only have 30 minutes to complete my
lesson. And for the student it will better if I mix up the student with different levels, so they can work
and help each other.
Behaviour management

Student were in good behavior, but they should be quite in next lesson so they all can focused and
pay attention. The transitions were amazing to manage student’s behavior but in next time it
shouldn’t be a song because they will start dancing.

I grouped the student into four groups. Two groups we low level student and they had a simple
activity that helps them to read. And the other two groups were mixed average and high-level
student and they had a writing activity but also, they should read.
Next Steps in learning and teaching

In the next step the teacher should practice the bossy verbs and how to write the text and when to
use the verbs. Then the student can copy from the board to be sure that they understood the verb
and how to use them. After that in the next lesson the student can try to write the steps alone.
According to Bruner’s method of Inquiry-Based Instruction. This popular theory encourages
learners to build on past experiences and knowledge (Pappas, 2014). Also, he believed that
“learning is not transmitted but it is constructed by the student.” (Kalokyri,2016).

Kalokyri, A. (2016, April 10). 6 Education Theorists All Teachers Should Know. Retrieved October 25, 2018, from
anastasiakalokyri website: https://anastasiakalokyri.wordpress.com/2016/04/10/6-education-theorists-all-teachers-

Pappas, C. (2014, October 8). Instructional Design Models and Theories: The Discovery Learning Model. Retrieved
from e Learning Industry website: https://elearningindustry.com/discovery-learning-model

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