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Student-Teacher: Alia Ali Date: 4/11/2018

EPC 2903 Primary Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: Grade 2

Subject: English (long O vowel)
Learning Outcome : By the end of this lesson students will be able to..

 Identify long O sound and write some words that include long O vowel.
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before
Pre- reading:
 Flash card that have new words with  Prepare the smart board and keep it ready
long O sound. to show the video and the story.
 Smart board to show the student a
video about long O. Also, it’s to engage  Prepare the students discs with the
the students before reading. materials that they need such as
worksheets, pencils, and rubber.

While- reading:
 Online story that the teacher will read it
with the students as shared reading. Key vocabulary/ Target Language
And it has words that include long O
(  Mole.
 Hole.

Post-teaching:  Slope.
 Power point to model the activity to the
students.  Grove.
 White board to review the new words.
And decode the words with the  Stone.
students so they can identify the sound
of long O.  Stove.
 Worksheets for three different abilities.
 An online timer that can helps the
student finish their activity in suitable
time. (
 Smart board to play an online game so
they can listen to the long O sound and
recognize how to spill it well.
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

 The teacher asks the student what the long O sound is. And ask them what prediction
is by showing the student one picture.
 The teacher shows the students a power point slide to introduce the prediction and
Time: 15 min

explain what it is and how we can predict.

 The teacher will show the student a video that talk about long O to engage the
 Then they will have a shared reading. The teacher will read an online story with the
student and during the reading the teacher always ask the student to guess what will
happen next.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

The low-level student will have a worksheet and they should draw and thing have long O
sound. Then they should write about what did they draw and describe their drawing using
long O words.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

The average student should write sentences using the words that have long O sound. So,
40 min

they will practice the sound and the vocabulary and connect between them. And if they
finish early they will have a card to match between the word and the picture to practice the
new vocabulary.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

The high-level students should write a story with including the words with long O sound. So,
they will practice the words and they can use new words to create sentences and link
between them to have a paragraph. And if they finish early they will have a card to write a
sentence draw any word that have long O sound.
Closing (review learning -LO)
5 min

Student will play with the teacher, so each student should give a long O word and the

teacher should try to draw it on the board.


Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)

Achieving the activity easily. And write the long O correctly. And giving the teacher the long O
words correctly and write it on the board.

Frahat, M. (2014, November 18). long o. Retrieved from YouTube website:

Jensen, N. (n.d.). Rose's Birthday. Retrieved from Reading A- Z website: https://www.readinga-

long O. (n.d.). Retrieved from star fall website:

Reflection WWW/EBI

The lesson was about long O. there are many thigs went well for me as a teacher such as
delivering the information to the student, having variety to resources, and prizing the student
individually according to my MST and MCT advices. And for the student the video was perfect
because they learned new words that have long O others that I taught them. Also, the activity was
perfect because they should use the words that thy learned. Even better if I had a group that have
all the weak students, so the teacher can help them to achieve the learning outcome. And for the
student it will better if they played the game after the activity, so they can link between the words in
the game and the activity. Moreover, it will better it I had a transition to manage the student from
the carpet to the disks.
Behaviour management

The behavior management as perfect in this class. The student was listening because the teacher
had a prize and the MST wasn’t there and there was another teacher in the class.


I had three different differentiated activities. The low student will draw and write, the average
student will write sentences, and the high students will write a story. Also, I joined the three groups,
so they can help each other. According to Vygotsky's theories “interest in collaborative learning,
suggesting that group members should have different levels of ability so more advanced peers can
help less advanced members” (McLeod, 2018). The activity was perfect because the student was
able to achieve the leaning outcome throw it and they learned new words that have long O sound.
Next Steps in learning and teaching

In the next class the teacher should focus more on the activity and be sure that the activity is
supporting the learning outcome and it helps the student to get the information in a nice way.

McLeod, S. (2018, August 5). Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved November 10, 2018, from
simply psychology website:

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