Soal Try Out SMK

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TAHUN AJARAN 2015/2016


In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Question : 1 to 3.
For each item, there is a picture and four short statements about it on the tape. They are
spoken two times, and are NOT WRITTEN out on your test book, so you must listen
carefully. You must choose one sentence – (A), (B), (C), or (D)- that best describe the
picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Example :
Sample Answer
Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.

a. The basket is made of woven rattan. A B C D

b. They shot the ball to the basket.
c. Some fruit is put in the basket.
d. We need the basket for this stuff.

 Choice (a)- “ The basket is made of woven rattan” – best describe what can be seen
in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (a) on your answer sheet.
 Now let’s begin with picture number 1.


Part II: Question – Response

In this part of the test, you will hear several question spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You hear : “Will you be here this summer?” Sample Answer

You will also hear : (a) Yes. Summer is my favorite season. A B C

(b) Yes, They will be here soon.
(c) No, I won’t. I plan to visit my family.

 Choice (c) – “No, I won’t, I plan to visit my family” – is the appropriate response to
the question (will you be here this summer?). Therefore, you should mark (c) on your
answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number 4

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

Part III: Short Conversation.

In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. The conversation will
not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversation two times, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speaker say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark
it on your answer sheet.
You will hear: Girl : Are you sixteen yet?
Boy : Not yet, but my birthday is in March.
Girl : When in March?
Boy : It is March 20th.

You will read What do you learn from the conversation?

Sample Answer
a. The girl is sixteen years old.
b. The boy is twenty years old.
c. The boy was born in March. A B C D
d. The girl’s birthday is March 20th.

 Choice (c) – “The boy was born in March” – best answers the question (What you
learn from the conversation). Therefore, you should mark (c) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the woman want the taxi driver to do?

a. Drive to supermarket c. Serve the menu
b. Give her a lift d. Wait for her
9. What are they going to do?
a. Cook the dinner c. Climb a ladder
b. Paint the garage d. Wash the car
10. What are they doing?
a. Hanging a picture c. They are having exercise
b. Give a lesson to their d. Mount climbing
11. What is the man’s occupation?
a. Doctor c. Carpenter
b. Veterinarian d. Farmer

PART IV: Short Talk.


In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken just once.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and
remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each
question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Let’s begin with short talk number 12.

12. Where is the announcement being heard?

a. At the airport c. In the train
b. At home d. In the bus

13. Why are they requested to leave?

a. Because they refused to
pay c. Because there is a fire
b. Because they lose their belonging d. Because they were mad

14. Who will participate in the exercise?

a. All personal c. Only the supervisors
b. Only the workers d. Only the management

15. How long will the session last?

a. Thirty minutes c. One hour and a half
b. one hour d. All morning


Questions 16 to 20, choose the inappropriate structure in the following sentences or


16. Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give you the training
a b
for exprerience you need or want the better advise is to think carefully before
accepting any position and make sure the job is one you want to have.
17. She is confused whether to wear the velvet red gown ot the blue silk dress
a b c
on the her birthday party.
18. The accountant explained that the new software is more faster than old software.
a b c d
19. Fenny : You look so tired. Would you like me to help you brings you bag?
a b c
Yusuf : Yes please. That’s very kind of you.
20. Do you know how dangerous is it when you do not unplug a power cable when it is
a b c
raining and there is thunder outside?
Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following text.

Vietnam Airlines Grows Its Business

Vietnam Airlines has come a long way since it started out in 1956 with a fleet of
five small aircraft. Last year, it took delivery of five Airbus A321s and signed a
contract to buy ten Airbus narrow-bodied 321s of which the first plane will be
delivered in 2006. This July it signed an agreement with Boeing to purchase four
787 Dream liners. The expansion of Vietnam Airlines fleet which also includes new
Boeing 777s and Airbus A321s state of the art craft for regional travel is right on
In the first six months of 2005, the airline saw its passenger numbers increase by 25
percent, to almost 3 million. Over a third of those passengers are foreigners, and
their ranks grew this year as well, by over 30 percent. Travelers are drawn by
Vietnam Airlines strong domestic, regional, and international routes: the airline
flies to 16 domestic locations and 26 international destinations.
Vietnam Airlines

21. What's the main topic of paragraph two?

A. The kinds of planes in Vietnam Airlines' fleet.
B. The international destinations of Vietnam Airlines.
C. The number of A321 s purchased by Vietnam Airlines.
D. The increasing number of travelers flying with Vietnam Airlines.

22. When did Vietnam Airlines fleet consist of only five small aircraft?
A. In 1956
B. In 1957
C. In 2005
D. In 2006

23. Why is the expansion of Vietnam Airlines said to be "right on schedule"?

A. Because the airline has come a long way since 1956.
B. Because the purchase includes state of the art aircraft.
C. Because the number of the airlines' passengers is increasing.
D. Because the Airbus will deliver the narrow bodied A321s on time.
Questions 24 to 26 refer to the following text.

Elizabeth has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can (24) ....
before work. She doesn't have much time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays
during the winter. Elizabeth often rides a horse in a stable near her home. She
sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. She
loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in
church on Sundays. She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts
in the city. She seldom watches TV (25) ..... she likes doing things outside. She usually
goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone because she has a lot of
friends. She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does her (26) ..... with
one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

24. A. run. B. ran C. runs D. has run

25. A. after B. because C. by D. from

26. A. activiting B. active C. actually D. activities

Questions 27 to 29 refer to the following recipe

Ingredients :
250 cc hot water
50 gram instant porridge
1 tablespoon of soya sauce
1 tablespoon of chili
10 gram meat floss

Suggested preparation :

1) Put instant porridge into a bowl.

2) Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well.
3) Leave if for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened
4) Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like)
5) Then, spread crackers and meat floss.
6) The porridge is ready to be served.

27. What’s the goal of this text?

a. To show how many ingredients.
b. To make meat loss porridge
c. To make instant porridge
d. To serve the instant plain porridge.
28. What should we do after stirring the porridge ?
a. Put the instant porridge into a bowl
b. Add soya sauce and chili sauce.
c. Add creakers and meat floss.
d. Wait for about 3 minutes
29. “........until the porridge thickened.”
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. To become solid
b. To get weak.
c. To raise the volume
d. To become powder.

Questions 30 to 32 refer to the following text

Battelle Insurance Company

Chicago, Illinois
WilliamP. Mervin
23 Dribble Drive
Horbart, IL 33456

Policy Number:
A987 Ford Escort
Car Description:
1993 Ford Escort

Enclosed is your latest divided check. Since Battelle’s claim costs continue
to be less than anticipated, our Board of Directiors has authorized payment of this
dividend on your auto insurance policy.
If you have any question about your auto policy, or about insurance for
your home, life, or health, please call me.
We are pleased to send you this divided and to take this opportunity to
thank you for selecting Battelle as your insurer.

Joe Mullee
Battelle Insurance Agent

30. For what insurance is the coverage on the above policy?

a. Life
b. Home
c. Health
d. Automobile
31. What has William Mervin received from his insurance company?
a. A payment on a claim
b. A rebate on this payment
c. A bill for insurance coverage
d. A notice of his policy cancellation
32. “ take this opportunity to thank you...” (last paragraph)
The underlined word refers to......
a. Profit
b. Chance
c. Payment
d. Information

Text for question number 33 to 34!

FROM : Mr. A. Busse
SENT : 10:15 A.M. Monday, April 10, 2006
TO : Sales Staff
CC : Mr. D. Off and Ms. R. Fowler
SUBJECT: Annual Meeting
I am writing to remind you that our annual meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18. I want
everyone to be ready with ideas, strategies, and sales forecast for next year. I will be out
of town attending a conference on the new products of LCD projectors in Osaka,
Wednesday and Thursday. Remember that next Monday is a holiday. Therefore, should
you have something urgent to discuss, please see me on Friday, April 14.
Thank you.

33. Why did Mr. Busse write the letter?

a. To tell them about the new products of LCD
b. To remind the sales staff about their annual meeting.
c. To discuss something very urgent about a conference.
d. To ask Mr. Off and Ms. Fowler to see him on Friday, April 14.
34. What might the sales staff do after reading the letter?
They might ...
a. Plan how to spend the extended weekend
b. Display the new products of LCD projector
c. See Mr. Busse before he leaves for the conference
d. Think about strategies and sales forecast for next year.

The following text for questions 35 and 36

Over the past two years the company has spent $6 million, about half per year, on
environmentals for plants and facilities. The company estimates that such expenditures
will increase by approximately $2 million per year for the next two years. Future
expenditures will be dependet to some extent upon pending enviromental regulations.
35. How much did the company spend on the environment this year ?
a. $ 3 millions
b. $ 5 millions
c. $ 6 millions
d. $ 8 millions
36. How much do they expect to spent next year ?
a. $ 3 millions
b. $ 5 millions
c. $ 6 millions
d. $ 8 millions

Question 37 and 38 refer the following the text.

Sent : Monday, 1 April 9 : 20 – 11 : 32 A.M.
To : Gavin Realtor
Subject : Your Pictures are ready.
Dear Customers,
Thank you for using DIGICAM. Your digital photos are ready. Please pick
them up at Cherry Mall. The total cost $28. 92. If you are not happy with your
pictures, please call us at 555-4756. Enjoy your photos.
37. Where can customers get their photo?
b. At Cherry Mall
c. In the team base
d. In Gavin Realtor’s place
38. If the customers do not like their photo, what can they do ?
a. Return their photos anywhere
b. Call Cherry Mall
c. Contact DIGICAM
d. Ask for a refund directly
39. The fact that sleep deprivation cause numerous harmful affect ...... that the body
requires sleep to restore itself.
a. Suggests
b. Suggested
c. Has suggested
d. Had suggested
40. Student : excuse me, ma’am. My spoken English is not good. What do you
Teacher : Well, ....
a. Take some writing test
b. Read some English newspapers
c. Practice it a lot with your friends
d. Buy a good English – English dictionary
41. Some workers were loading the containers into the van.
a. Were loaded
b. Were loading
c. Be loaded
d. Were being loaded
42. Ria : I Heard that you spent your vacation in Bandung.
Agustin : Yeah, i visited my sister. She works and lives there.
Ria : .......
Agustin : She is a teller in a bank.
a. What does she do ?
b. Where is her office ?
c. How does she go to work ?
d. Does she live near her office ?
43. Chilla : Would you like to join us for dinner ?
Dira : I’m sorry i have to go now. I wish . . .
a. I can stay longer.
b. I cannot having dinner here.
c. I could stay longer.
d. You tell me first.
44. Jesica : Why didn’t you come to the seminar yesterday?
Joanna : What seminar was it?
Jesica : It was about new business strategic
Joanna : No ......
a. I would have called her if i had come
b. I would have asked her if i had received it
c. I would have come if she had told me about it
d. I would hve send it to her if she had asked me
45. Linda : I won the first prize for the dancing contest last night.
Elsa : ....
Linda : Thanks.
a. That’s great!
b. That’s embarrasing!
c. How dare you!
d. What a small prize!
46. Dewi : What happened with your cell-phone?
Andra : I broke it down into pieces when...
a. I walk down the street to school
b. I was running for a bus to school
c. I am ridding my motorcycle to school
d. I am on my way back home school

Name : Dewi Sulastri, S. Pd

Place and Date of birth : Klaten, November 4th 1979
Sex : Female
Religion : Moslem
Nationality : Indonesian
Address : Ngemplak, Rejosari RT 01 RW 15 No 11 Gayengan, Solo 57130
Mobile Phone : 081-32900000008
Email :
1. SDN Pedan 2 Klaten 1985-1991
2. SMPN 2 Pedan Klaten 1991-1994
3. SMUN 1 Cawas Klaten 1994-1997
4. D3 English Degree UNSOED Purwokerto 1997-2000
1. TOEFL Course, at Sinar Surya College Purwokerto 1999
2. Computer Course, at Almabank Solo 2001

1. English teacher at TOEFL Course Institution 2000-
2. English teacher at Genta Exacta Course, Klaten 2001
3. Reservation and Ticketing Staff at Broad Travel, Klaten 2001-
4. Homeroom teacher at SDN 4, Sumbawa 2005-now

I undersigned all of the information above are made truth.

47. Which is not belong to the function of the letter above?

A. to show someone’s personal information
B. to tell someone’s educational background.
C. to give description of someone’s working experiences.
D. to show off someone’s abilities and disabilities.
48. How many years Dewi has been a teacher in a formal institution?
A. 2 years
B. 7 years
C. a year
D. 3 years
49. “ …… are made truth “ What’s the antonym of the underlined word?
A. deceitful
B. trustworthy
C. honest
D. reliable
50. The close meaning of “nationality” …….
A. City
B. Country
C. Town
D. Hometown

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