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J. Pineal Res.

2001; 31:102–108

Interaction of serotonin and melatonin with

sodium, potassium, calcium, lithium and
Lack B, Daya S, Nyokong T. Interaction of serotonin and Barbara Lack1, Santy Daya2 and
melatonin with sodium, potassium, calcium, lithium and aluminium. Tebello Nyokong1
J. Pineal Res. 2001; 31:102 – 108. © Munksgaard, 2001 1
Department of Chemistry, Rhodes
University, Grahamstown, 6139, South
Abstract: In the present study, we investigated the ability of serotonin Africa; 2Department of Pharmaceutical
and melatonin to bind metals that occur naturally in the brain. An Sciences, Rhodes University, Grahamstown,
electrochemical technique called adsorptive cathodic stripping 6139, South Africa
voltammetry (AdCSV) was employed to study the metal–serotonin or
metal – melatonin interactions. The results show that both serotonin and
melatonin form stable complexes with lithium and potassium, with Key words: aluminium – calcium – lithium –
serotonin favouring lithium over potassium, and melatonin favouring melatonin – potassium – serotonin –
potassium over lithium. Coordination between either serotonin or sodium
melatonin and calcium was not favoured. The stability of the
Address reprint requests to Tebello
complexes formed between serotonin and the metals decreased with the
Nyokong, Department of Chemistry, Rhodes
metals as follows: Li + \ K + \ Al3 + \ Na + \ Ca2 + . The trend for
University, Grahamstown, 6139, South
melatonin – metal complexes was K + \ Li + \ Na + \ Al3 + \ Ca2 + . Africa, or Santy Daya, Department of
The binding and stable complex formation between both ligands, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rhodes University,
serotonin and melatonin with lithium, potassium and sodium is of Grahamstown, 6139, South Africa.
biological importance. The binding of serotonin to lithium could E-mail: or
provide an explanation for the therapeutic effects of lithium in
depression treatment, whereas the binding of aluminium by melatonin
could provide insight into the role of this element in the aetiology of Received April 29, 2000;
Alzheimer’s disease. accepted July 26, 2000.

Introduction reported to be modulated by melatonin [Petit et

al., 1998]. Melatonin has been shown to play a
The electrochemistry of serotonin, melatonin and role in regulation of potassium, sodium and chlo-
tryptophan in the absence of metals has been ride in the common dentex, Dentex dentex
described by Zoulis et al. [1990] and Radi and [Pavlidis et al., 1999]. The hormone also inhibits
Bekhiet [1998] using stripping voltammetry meth-
the activity of large conductance calcium-activated
ods. Recently, Limson et al. [1998] demonstrated
potassium channels [Geary et al., 1998], suggesting
the interaction of melatonin, and its precursors,
that melatonin inhibits endothelial potassium
with cadmium, copper, iron, lead, zinc and alu-
channels to decrease flow-induced release of nitric
minium dissolved in acetonitrile using adsorptive
cathodic stripping voltammetry (AdCSV). oxide and blocks smooth muscle potassium chan-
Melatonin, and its precursor serotonin, have nels to enhance vascular tone. Melatonin has also
been shown to interact with a number of metal been shown to interact with lithium [Lauber and
ions either by altering their actions or by altering Vriend, 1989] and aluminium [Limson et al., 1998].
their conductance through biological membranes. The actions of serotonin have been noted to mod-
Such interactions have been shown to have possi- ulate both calcium [Hirafuji et al., 1999] and
ble biological significance, particularly with refer- potassium currents [Herness and Chen, 2000].
ence to melatonin’s ability to protect against tissue In the present study, we describe the interaction
damage [Daya, 1999]. Melatonin is known to stim- of melatonin and serotonin with sodium, potas-
ulate voltage-dependent, sodium-selective currents sium, calcium, lithium and aluminium in aqueous
and also stimulate tetrodotoxin insensitive media and under biological pH conditions. The
voltage-dependent sodium current by a novel study was conducted using a stripping voltamme-
mechanism [Rich et al., 1999]. Potassium ion try technique, the AdCSV method [Wang, 1989;
channels and guanylyl cyclases have also been Zoulis et al., 1990; Wang et al., 1993; Zhang et al.,
102 Printed in Ireland — all rights reser7ed.
Interactions of serotonin and melatonin

1993; Limson and Nyokong, 1997; Limson et al., ing solutions of the ligands with an excess of the
1998]. metal ions and freeze drying the solution. Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance (1HNMR) data in de-uter-
Materials and methods ated dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO [D6]) was
recorded with the Bruker EMX 400 NMR
All reagents were of analytical grade, and distilled spectrometer.
deionised water was used for the experiments.
Solutions of Na + , K + , Ca2 + , Li + and Al3 + were
prepared from the corresponding metal chloride
salts. Serotonin (as a creatine sulphate complex; The reduction peak for serotonin in the absence of
Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) and mela- metal ions was observed in this study at −1.76 V
tonin (Sigma-Aldrich) solutions were prepared versus Ag AgCl. For melatonin, the AdCSV peak
daily; serotonin was dissolved in distilled water, in the absence of metal ions was observed at
while melatonin was dissolved in absolute ethanol
−2.18 V versus Ag AgCl. The shapes of the peaks
and subsequently diluted with distilled water. The
shown in Figs. 2 and 3 for metal– serotonin and
final ethanol concentration in the solution was
metal –melatonin complexes, respectively, are sim-
0.2% (v/v). A solution of 0.05 mol dm − 3 tetra-
butylamoniumbromide (TBABr; Sigma-Aldrich) ilar to those of the metal alone, thus suggesting
was used as an electrolyte for the electrochemical that reduction of the metal –serotonin or metal –
experiments (Fig. 1). melatonin complex occurs at the metal. Reduction
Stripping voltammograms were obtained with peaks, as a result of serotonin or melatonin alone,
the BioAnalytical Services (BAS, Lafayette, IN, are not evident in Figs. 2 and 3 at concentrations
USA) CV-50 W voltammetric analyser. A Con- of serotonin and melatonin employed.
trolled Growth Mercury Electrode (CGME; BAS The enhancement in the reduction currents,
Model MF-9058) was employed as the working upon addition of serotonin to the metal containing
electrode. A silver/silver chloride (3 mol dm − 3 solution, is an indication of the in situ formation
KCl) and a platinum wire were employed as the and accumulation of the metal –serotonin or
reference and auxiliary electrodes, respectively. So- metal– melatonin complex onto the Hg electrode.
lutions containing the metal ion and the ligand The shift in the reduction peaks to more negative
(serotonin or melatonin) were de-aerated for a potentials upon addition of serotonin or mela-
minimum period of 5 min, after which a flow of tonin to solutions containing the metal ion,
nitrogen gas was maintained over the solution suggests that the metal – serotonin or metal –
throughout the measurement. The metal –ligand melatonin complexes formed are more difficult to
complex is expected to have formed at this stage. reduce than the free metal. The extent of the shift
A deposition potential ( − 1,200 mV for Al3 + and in reduction peak potential of the metal on addi-
Li + , and −1,400 mV for Na + , Ca2 + , K + ) was tion of serotonin or melatonin is a good measure
applied for a deposition time of 120 s. The adsorp- of the stability of the metal –serotonin or metal –
tion of the metal –ligand complex onto the elec- melatonin complex formed in situ. Table 1 lists the
trode occurs at this stage. The deposition potential
shifts in peak potentials, DEp, for the reduction of
values given above were obtained from optimisa-
the metals on addition of serotonin or melatonin.
tion of the deposition potential for each metal–lig-
and complex at fixed deposition time and at
constant concentrations of the metals and ligands.
The deposition time was similarly optimised using
the optimal deposition potentials and constant
concentrations of the metal and the ligand. The
voltammograms were recorded in a negative direc-
tion from the accumulation potential to at least
0.2 V beyond the reduction peak of the metal
complex. A scan rate of 25 mV s − 1 was applied
during the stripping step. AdCSV experiments
were also performed for the metal ion in the
absence of the ligand or for the ligand in the
absence of the metal ion.
Solid complexes formed between the metal ion
and serotonin or melatonin were prepared by mix- Fig. 1. Molecular structure of serotonin and melatonin.

Lack et al.

Fig. 2. Adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammograms obtained for 6.7×10 − 8 mol dm − 3 serotonin in the presence of (A) Ca2 + ,
(B) K + , (C) Na + , (D) Li + and (E) Al3 + . (a) Voltammograms for metals alone and (b) voltammograms in the presence of
serotonin. Metal concentration=3.3×10 − 9 mol dm − 3. Scan rate=25 mV s − 1. Electrolyte = 0.05 mol dm − 3 TBABr.

Interactions of serotonin and melatonin

Fig. 3. Adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammograms obtained for 6.7×10 − 8 mol dm − 3 melatonin in the presence of (A) Ca2 + ,
(B) K + , (C) Na + , (D) Li + and (E) Al3 + . (a) Voltammograms for metals alone and (b) voltammograms in the presence of
melatonin. Metal concentration=3.3×10 − 9 mol dm − 3. Scan rate=25 mV s − 1. Electrolyte =0.05 mol dm − 3 TBABr.

Lack et al.

Table 1. AdCSV parameters for the metal–serotonin or metal–melatonin complexes

Metal Ep (mV vs. Ag AgCl)a Ep (mV) Slopeb (A/mol dm−3)

Serotonin −1760
Sodium −2246 −41 1.97 (0.995)
Potassium −2254 −77 1.04 (0.985)
Calcium −2266 +27 0.88 (0.991)
Lithium −2348 −123 0.59 (0.967)
Aluminium −2360 −71 0.81 (0.955)
Melatonin −2181
Sodium −2290 −85 1.39 (0.996)
Potassium −2318 −141 1.29 (0.991)
Calcium −2309 −16 1.02 (0.986)
Lithium −2323 −97 0.39 (0.982)
Aluminium −2333 −44 0.65 (0.987)

[serotonin]=[melatonin] =6.7×10−8 mol dm−3. Ep = peak potentials of the metal–ligand complexes. Ep is the difference
between the peak potentials of the metal ions and those of the metal–ligand complexes. a Metal concentration=3.3×
10−9 mol dm−3. b Regression coefficients shown in brackets.

For serotonin, the high negative shift observed The current increased with increases in concentra-
(DEp = −123 mV) on addition of serotonin to tion of melatonin and serotonin for concentrations
Li + solutions reflects the stability of the resulting ranging from 1 ×10 − 9 to 1 ×10 − 8 mol dm − 3.
lithium–serotonin complex when compared to the The 1HNMR spectra of melatonin and sero-
other metal –serotonin complexes. The high nega- tonin in the presence and absence of the metal ions
tive DEp value also shows that the resulting com- suggests that an interaction occurs between the
plex is more difficult to reduce when compared to ligands and the metal ions (Tables 2 and 3). For
the reduction of the free metal and the other both serotonin and melatonin, the data presented
metal–serotonin complexes. For melatonin, a high here do not give clear evidence of the actual coor-
negative Ep value was observed for the potassium – dination site of the metals.
serotonin complex showing that a more stable
complex is formed between potassium and mela-
tonin when compared to the other metal –mela-
tonin complexes.
Based on the magnitudes of the shifts in reduc-
tion potentials of the metals on addition of sero-
tonin, the relative stability of the in situ complexes
formed between the metals and serotonin de-
creases with the metal as follows: Li + \ K + \
Al3 + \Na + \Ca2 + . For the complexes between
melatonin and the metals, the stability of the com-
plexes increases with the metal as follows: K + \
Li + \Na + \Al3 + \ Ca2 + . Thus, both Li + and
K + form more stable complexes with serotonin
and melatonin when compared to the other metal
complexes under consideration. Both melatonin
and serotonin do not favour coordination to Ca2+.
Peak currents for the metal–serotonin or
metal– melatonin complexes increased with in-
creases in the concentration of the metal as shown
in Fig. 4 for serotonin and melatonin complexes,
respectively. The plots are linear with regression
coefficients listed in Table 1. The slopes of the
plots shown in Fig. 4 are listed in Table 1. Fig. 4. (A) Variation of currents with metal ion concentra-
tion for 6.7× 10 − 8 mol dm − 3 serotonin and (B) for 6.7×
AdCSV currents increased with increases in the 10 − 8 mol dm − 3 melatonin. Ca2 + ( ), K + (
), Na + (),
concentrations of serotonin and melatonin as Li + () and Al3 + ( ). Scan rate= 25 mV s − 1. Electrolyte =
shown in Fig. 5 at constant concentration of K + . 0.05 mol dm − 3 TBABr.

Interactions of serotonin and melatonin
Table 3. HNMR peaks observed for NH2 and OH resonances
for serotonin in the presence of the metal ions

d (ppm)*

Metal OH NH2

Lithium 8.804 8.430

Potassium 8.638 8.261
Sodium 8.651 8.244
Calcium 8.578 –

* The low solubility of serotonin in de-uterated DMSO did

not allow for clear observation of the OH and NH2 peaks;
Fig. 5. Variation of currents with ligand concentration for however, in the presence of the above metal ions, the
serotonin () and melatonin (
). [K + ]=3.3×10 − 9 mol solubility improved. Solvent, DMSO (D6).
dm − 3. Scan rate =25 mV s − 1. Electrolyte=water containing
TBABr. The finding that serotonin forms a strong and
stable complex with Li + is also important in terms
Discussion of the possible mode of action in the psychophar-
macology of this metal. The mode of action of
The binding and stable complex formation be- Li + in the treatment of manic-depressive disorder
tween both ligands, serotonin and melatonin, with has not yet been characterised. One possible expla-
lithium, potassium and sodium is of biological nation offered by the present study is that the
importance. It is known that melatonin inhibits formation of a serotonin Li complex could intro-
the activity of large conductance calcium-activated duce an increase in the half-life of serotonin by
potassium channels [Geary et al., 1998] and also preventing its rapid destruction by enzymes such
reduces the KCl-induced insulin response to glu- as monoamine-oxidase. This would allow for a
cose [Peschke et al., 1997). The reason for this greater pool of serotonin in the neurons. The
could be as a result of direct chelation of potas- finding that melatonin also binds this metal with
sium by melatonin. Although this study shows tenacity, but to a lesser degree than serotonin,
that calcium forms a very weak and unstable com- could explain why this metal reduces plasma,
plex with melatonin, in light of the findings that pineal and ocular melatonin levels [Lauber and
melatonin inhibits neuronal calcium overload in Vriend, 1989]. It is possible that the melatonin –Li
mouse brain cells [Zhang and Zhang, 1999], chela- complex is not detected as melatonin per se, or
tion of potassium by melatonin could prevent that the serotonin– Li complex prevents the con-
version of serotonin to melatonin.
opening of the voltage gated calcium channels. In
The binding of Al3 + by both serotonin and
this respect, melatonin is known to enhance acti-
melatonin is of significance in Alzheimer’s disease
vation and inactivation kinetics in lens epithelial
where this metal in known to accumulate in the
cells and trabecular meshwork cells and to also brain [Limson et al., 1998]. Whilst it is uncertain
stimulate the voltage-dependant selective currents whether Al3 + does indeed play a role in the aetiol-
in these tissues [Rich et al., 1999]. Whether this is ogy of Alzheimer’s disease, its introduction into
as a result of chelation of metals is not known. the brain can mimic many of the pathological
features of Alzheimer’s disease, except for the cor-
Table 2. 1HNMR shifts observed for the serotonin or melatonin
tical somatostatin deficit [Beal et al., 1989]. It thus
NH peaks following addition on the metal ions appears that chelation of metal ions by these in-
doleamines, as shown in the present study as well
d Shift (ppm) as the stability of the complexes formed, indicate
that such complexes can have important biological
and pharmacological consequences.
Metal Ring Chain Serotonin In conclusion, all the metals investigated formed
complexes with both serotonin and melatonin.
Lithium +0.241 +0.278 +0.169 However, the stability and affinity for the ligands
Potassium +0.144 +0.020 +0.022 to the various metals varied greatly. Both Li + and
Sodium +0.084 +0.095 +0.029 K + formed more stable complexes with serotonin
Calcium +0.030 +0.040 +0.004
and melatonin when compared to the other metal
Solvent, DMSO (D6). Positive values represent downfield complexes under consideration. Melatonin and
shifts, negative values upfield shifts. serotonin do not favour coordination to Ca2 + .

Lack et al.


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