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Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC mode ALIGNMENT

for improvement of road Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor from Km 8.150 to Km 91.000 (Net length REPORT
82.850 Km) from existing IW/CL-9 specification to NHDL specification IN 45 BRTF area
under Project Chetak in Rajasthan State.


1.1 Project Background 1

1.2 Objective of Consultancy Services 3

1.3 Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor From Km 8.150 To Km 91.000 (Net 4

Length 82.85 Km)
1.4 Study of Project Corridor 5

1.4.1 Terrain & Land Use 5

1.4.2 Geography & Climate 5

1.4.3 Built-up Section 6

1.5 Details of Carriageway and Shoulder 6

1.5.1 Existing ROW details 9

1.5.2 Railway Crossing 9

1.5.3 Pavement Condition 9

1.5.4 Junctions 11

1.5.5 Bridges and Culverts 14

1.5.6 Cross Section of Proposed Bridges & Culverts and 18

1.5.7 Religious structures, educational institutes & tourist 23
1.5.8 Tourist places near the road 24

1.5.9 Congested locations along the alignment 26

2 CHAPTER 2: Traffic Data Analysis 27

2.1 Traffic Analysis Data 27

2.1.1 General 27

2.1.2 Sections of Proposed road 27

M/s. Infrastructure Development Consultants of Bhopal in JV with BORDER ROAD ORGANISATION,

M/s. Choice Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. CHIEF ENGINEER (P) CHETAK
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC mode ALIGNMENT
for improvement of road Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor from Km 8.150 to Km 91.000 (Net length REPORT
82.850 Km) from existing IW/CL-9 specification to NHDL specification IN 45 BRTF area
under Project Chetak in Rajasthan State.

2.1.3 Locations of CVC survey points and PCU 27

2.2 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 28

2.3 Seasonal correction factor 29

2.4 Projected Traffic 36

2.5 Vehicle Damage Factor 39

2.6 Trees to be cut 39

2.7 Utility to be shift 40

2.8 Black Spot / Accident Prone Area 40

2.9 Improvement Proposals 41

2.10 By-Pass Proposal 43

2.11 Justification of selection of existing alignment 44

3 CHAPTER 3: Horizontal Curve Report & Alignment 46

Presentation on Google Earth

3.1.1 Existing Horizontal Curve Report 46

3.1.2 Proposed Horizontal Curve Report 51

3.1.3 Alignment Presentation 53

4 CHAPTER 4: Compliance Report 54

List of Tables
Tables Page
1.1 Details of the stretch proposed for DPR preparation 1

1.2 Details of the Project Road planned for improvements 4

1.3 Built-up Section of project road 6

1.4 Carriage way and Shoulder width of the Project road 7

M/s. Infrastructure Development Consultants of Bhopal in JV with BORDER ROAD ORGANISATION,

M/s. Choice Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. CHIEF ENGINEER (P) CHETAK
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC mode ALIGNMENT
for improvement of road Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor from Km 8.150 to Km 91.000 (Net length REPORT
82.850 Km) from existing IW/CL-9 specification to NHDL specification IN 45 BRTF area
under Project Chetak in Rajasthan State.

1.4(a) Existing ROW details 9

1.4(b) Details of Pavement Condition of the Project road Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor 10

1. 5 List of Junction of Project road Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor 11

1.6 Details of Bridges in the Project road 14

1.6(a) List of Culverts & Causeways 16

1.7 Religious structures, educational institutes & tourist locations 23

2.1 Sections of Barmer to Kelnor road 27

2.2 Locations of CVC survey Points & PCU 27

2.3 Petrol Diesel Consumption and Seasonal correction factor 29

2.4 Locations for Average Daily Traffic 30

2.4(a) AADT Traffic at Location 1 Nimdi, CH: 14+500 32

2.4(b) AADT Traffic at Location 2 Bijdiyar, CH: 63+550 33

2.4(c) AADT Traffic at Location 3 Shobhla, CH: 72+150 34
2.5 Projected Traffic 36

2.6 Trees to be cut 39

2.7 Utility at Project Road 40

2.8 Black Spot / Accident Prone Area 40

2.9 Improvement Proposal 41

2.10 Proposed Chohtan By-Pass 44

3.1 Existing Horizontal Curve report 46

3.2 Proposed Horizontal Curve report 51

M/s. Infrastructure Development Consultants of Bhopal in JV with BORDER ROAD ORGANISATION,

M/s. Choice Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. CHIEF ENGINEER (P) CHETAK
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC mode ALIGNMENT
for improvement of road Barmer-Chohtan-Kelnor from Km 8.150 to Km 91.000 (Net length REPORT
82.850 Km) from existing IW/CL-9 specification to NHDL specification IN 45 BRTF area
under Project Chetak in Rajasthan State.

List of Figures
Figures Page
1.1 Location Map of the Project road with Proposed Location 2

1.2 Chart Showing Pavement Condition of project road 10

1.3 Proposed typical cross section of Bridges and Culverts 19

1.4 a Traffic composition at Location 1 Nimdi Ch. 14+500 35

1.4 b Traffic composition at Location 2 Bijdiyar Ch. 63+550 35
1.4 c Traffic composition at Location 3 Shobhala Ch. 72+150 36

M/s. Infrastructure Development Consultants of Bhopal in JV with BORDER ROAD ORGANISATION,

M/s. Choice Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. CHIEF ENGINEER (P) CHETAK

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