List of Topics For Students To Come Prepared For The Workshop

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List of topics for students to come prepared for the workshop

1) Motivation Theories
a) Maslows hierarchy of needs
b) Theory X & theory Y
c) Herzberg’s Two factor theory
d) Mcclellands theory of needs
e) Cognitive evaluation theory
f) Goal setting
g) Equity theory
h) Expectancy theory

4) Leadership
a) Trait theories
b) Contingency theories of leadership
c) Hersey and Blanchards situational theory
d) Transformational leadership

HR Topics-Day-2
Faculty: Prof Y.G.Chouksey, S.Jayaraman

5) HR management and Jobs

a) Difference between work and job
b) Workflow analysis
c) Job design
d) Job enrichment and enlargement
e) Job rotation
f) Characteristic of jobs
g) Consequences of job design
h) Oldham Hackman model
i) Job analysis ( techniques, process, behavioral aspects)
i. Job specification
ii. Job description ( components )
6) Competency Based HRM
a) Competency Models
b) Competency Mapping
c) Competency Profiling
d) Competency Dictionary
e) Competency based HR practices
a) Difference between Recruitment and selection
7) a)Types of validity

8) Training and development

a) Training process
b) Learning theories
c) TNA
d) Training design
e) Training methods
f) Evaluation of training- Kirkpatrik’s model
i. Cost benefit
ii. Cost effectiveness

g) Kolb’s learning cycle model

9) Performance Management
a) What is PMS, elements of PMS and performance management cycle
b) Goal Setting process and KRA’s and KPI’s
c) Performance Appraisal approaches
d) Feedback effectiveness
e) Balanced Scorecard

10) Compensation

a) Hay’s Model
b) Components of compensation
i. Financial, non-financial benefits
ii. Perks
iii. Allowances
iv. Bonus, PF, gratuity, ex-gratia
v. Tax considerations
c) Broadbanding
d) Job evaluation
i. Process
ii. Hays’ Model
iii. Factor comparison
iv. 3P model
v. Time Discretion model
vi. Decision Band Model
vii. Ranking method
IR Topics-Day 3
Faculty: Prof Y.G.Chouksey, S.Jayaraman
a)ID act
ii. Scope
iii. Objective, definition
iv. Strike, lock outs, layoff, awards, retrenchment
v. Authorities under the act and their duties
vi. Procedure for enquiry
vii. Notice of change
viii. Arbitration
ix. Prohibition of strikes and lockouts, illegal strike
x. Section 22 & 23

b) Industrial employment Standing order act, 1946

i. Objective, scope and extent
ii. Definition ( appropriate authority, workmen, standing order,
industrial establishment, wages, certifying officer )
iii. Procedure for cetification
iv. Model standing order/ certified standing order
v. Penalties and procedure

c) Trade union act, 1926

i. Definition ( executive, office bearer, registered trade union,
registrar, trade dispute, trade union)
ii. Registration of TU( mode of registration)
iii. Withdrawal or cancellation of TU
iv. Objects on which general funds may be spent
v. Amalgamation of TU
vi. Powers of TU
vii. Penalties and procedure

d) Factories Act, 1948

i. Scope and objective
ii. Definition ( manufacturing process, worker, factory, occupier)
iii. Health provision
iv. Safety
v. Welfare
vi. Working hours of adults, children, holidays
vii. Employment of young person
viii. Annual leave with wages
ix. Penalties and procedure
Other Topics
a) Collective bargaining
b) Minimum wages act
c) Employees PF Act
d) Gratuity Act
e) Payment of Bonus Act
f) HRM intervention
g) Change models
h) T-Groups
i) Force field analysis

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