The Use of TV Series in Formation of Therapeutic Skills in Psychology Student Abstract IJETHE

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The use of TV series, in formation of therapeutic skills in Psychology.

Raudelio Machin Suarez

Liudmila de la C. Santana Romero

Key Words: Television Series, Therapeutic Skills, Psychology, Psychotherapy Training

Abstract: The technical difficulties in the formation of professional skills in Psychologists are
widely known. These become even complex when it comes to specialization in psychotherapy;
particularly when it relates to traditional forms of education. The pitfalls in the formation of
psychotherapies could be identified mainly related to theoretical and technical-ethical difficulties.
In the article, the topic of training through alternative routes such as the use of ICTs is discussed.
We present a study with the use of television series as a means of training procedural skills in
psychodynamic psychotherapy.

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

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