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Pam Henry’s MISS GRACIE Pattern

Smaller size
Additions by Sue Needham

Work both fronts first.

Sizes 16 – 18

Left Front:

Cast on 11 sts and knit 3 rows (garter st)

Row 4:- K3. P5, K3
Row 5:-Knit
Repeat rows 4 & 5 x 9 times
Row 24:- K3, P5, K3
Row 25:- K3, K2 yo K1 yo K2, K3 (13 sts)
Row 26:- K3, P7, K3
Row 27:- K3, K2 yo K3 yo K2 , K3 (15sts)
Row 28:- K3, P9, K3
Row 29:- K3, K2 yo K5 yo K2 , K3 (17 sts)
Row 30:- K3, P11, K3
Row 31:- K3, K2 yo K7 yo K2, K3 (19 sts)
Row 32:- K3, P13, K3

Row 33:- ( Inc row) cast on 3 sts at beginning of row, K to end (22 sts)
Row 40:- K3, P13, K6

*Repeat rows 25 to 32 centring pattern above previous one. i.e. K6, ( band) K6 yo K1 yo K6, K3

Row 49:- K
Row 50:- K3, P to last 6 sts, K6*

Repeat from * to * 3 more time so you have a panel with 5 chevrons. Keeping knitted bands correct
and centring pattern as before.
The third chevron should be K6 ( band) K10 yo K1 yo K10, K3 (band)

You should now have 54 sts.

Lace edging

Row1:- K7, P2, K1, yo K1 P3 (K1, yo, K1, P3) rep to last 5 sts K5
Alternate rows knit the knit stitches and purl the purl sts as they present themselves as you would
when knitting a rib. Purl all yo from previous row.
Row3:- K7, P2, K2, yo, K1, P3 (K2, yo, K1, P3) to last 5 sts K5
Row 5:- K7, P2, K3, yo, K1, P3 (K3, yo, K1, P3) to last 5 sts K5
Row 7:- K7, P2, K4, yo, K1, P3 ( K4, yo, K1, P3) to last 5 sts K5
Row 9:- K7, P2, K5, yo, K1, P3 (K5, yo, K1, P3) to last 5 sts K5
Row 11:- K7, P2, K6, yo, K1, P3 (K6, yo, K1, P3) to last 5 sts K5

Cast off.

Right Front.

Work as Left front up to and including row 32.

Row 33 ( inc row) Knit to end and cast on 3 stitches.

Row 34:- K6, Purl to last 3 sts K3
Row 35:_ K3, K6, yo, K1, yo, K6, K6
Row 36:- K6, P15, K6
Row 37:- K3,, K6, yo, K3, yo, K6, K6 (26 sts)
Row 38:- K
Row:- 39 K
Row 40:- K
Row 41:- K4, yo, K2tog (K5, yo, K2tog) x 3 K3
Row 42:- K

Lace edging

Row 1:- K3, (P3, K1, yo, K1) x 3, P3, K5

All alternate rows as on Left Front.
Row3:- K3, (P3, K2, yo, K1) x 3, P3, K5
Row5:- K3, (P3, K3, yo, K1) x 3, P3, K5
Row7:- K3, (P3, K4, yo, K1) x 3, P3, K5
Row9:- K3, (P3, K5, yo, K1) x 3, P3, K5
Work an alternate row
Cast Off.


With ride side facing pick up 11 stitches along cast on edge of right front. Cast on 9 sts then pick up
11 stitches from cast on edge of left front ( rs facing)
31 sts

K4 rows starting with ws row.

Row 5:- K4,P23,K4

Row 6:- K
Repeat rows 5 & 6 x 9 then row 5 once more.

Row 26:- K4, *K11* yo, K1, yo, K to end.

Row 27:- K4, P to last 4 sts K4
Row 28:- K4 *K11* yo, K3, yo K to end
Row 29:- As Row 27
Row 30:- K4 *K11* yo, K5, yo, K to end
Row 31:- As Row 27
Row 32:- K4 *K11* yo, K7, yo, K to end
Row 33:- As row 27
Row 34:- ( Inc row) CO 11 Knit to last st CO 3 ( 53 sts)
Row 35:- K7 P to last 15 sts K15

Repeat rows 26 to 35 4 more times. NOTE. Row 34 will read Knit only for these 4 repeats ( No

85 sts

Lace edging

Row 1:- K1, (K1, yo, K1, P3) to last 4 sts K4

All alternate rows as on Left Front.
Row3:- K1, (K2, yo, K1, P3) to last 4 sts K4
Row5:- K1, (K3, yo, K1, P3) to last 4 sts K4
Row7:- K1, (K4, yo, K1, P3) to last 4 sts K4
Row9:- K1, (K5, yo, K1, P3) to last 4 sts K4
Row 11:- K1, (K6, yo, K1, P3) to last 4 sts K4
Cast Off.

Sew left side seam rs together. Fold right side in to form correct armhole shape and sew 1 button
onto that facing. Line up the short right side with the front band of the left front and sew iother
buttons on the left frond band to match the button holes.

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