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Year 1 and 2 Term 2 As Theologists, we will be answering the key

questions— does celebrating Chanukah make

Jewish children feel closer to God?
There will also be a whole school Christmas
Celebration of Learning— RE day.

WOW Event— campfire with

Mrs Shuttleworth As Artists, we will be exploring
drawing using a variety of mate-
As Technologists, we will be learn- As Musicians, we will be learning and perform- rials. We will create a self
ing about how technology has been ing songs in our Christmas performance— Little
used as a means of communication Drummer Boy— written by Mr Bird.
over the years.
As Athletes, Year 2 children will be taught our PE lessons by Bristol Rugby (Weds afternoons.)
Year 1 children will be taught PE on Thursday afternoon.
WE shall be learning to play badminton in Term 2.

As Geographers we will be answering the following key questions.

Can I identify features of my local area?
Can I identify human features?
Can I identify physical features?
Can I understand geographical similarities and differences?
Can I observe changes across the four seasons?
Can I describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies?
As Mathematicians, this term we will be focusing on
 Using and using expanded column methods (sandwich) for addition
and subtraction. (Year 2)
 Interpreting and collecting data using tally charts, pictograms and
As Writers, this term we will be focusing on bar charts.

 Writing simple sentences using correct punctuation .  Recognising coins and making different amounts of money.
 Understanding fractions and recognising equivalent fractions.
 Continuing to use cursive handwriting (joined). For ex-
amples see  Reading the time on an analogue clock (to 5 minute intervals for
year 2)
 Learning through a text based unit on Stickman (Julia
 Naming and reasoning about 2D shapes.
 Writing stories based on Stick man As readers, we are focusing on
 Writing recounts (diaries and postcards).  Reading common exception words at speed
 Learning about play scripts.  Understanding what we have read by answering simple
 Developing our use of expanded noun phrases, con- questions about the text.
junctions, past tense, suffixes (er and est) and adverbs  Using expression when reading aloud.
To improve our spelling, we will
 Learn to spell common exception words by heart
In all writing we will be expecting children to use alongside learning new phonic spellings
cursive writing.

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