Media Power: Gelsemium Sempervirens

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Media power
Dear Editor
Gelsemium Paul Rogers, MRC Eellow at
sempervirens In Johanna Clarke's excellent article (MHP, the Institute of Psychiatry and
(Yellow Jasmine) 7, 10, 16-19) on the stereotyping of mental Bristol University, has been
illness she rightly identifies both the negative appointed as professor in
No self-respecting and positive images of mental illness in the forensic nursing at the School of Care
herbalist is without yellow contemporary cultural media. On one issue, Sciences, University of Glamorgan and
jasmine in his or her however, I feel she may not have gone far Caswell Clinic, Bro Morgannwg NHS
dispensary. This is simply enough. She identifies, correctly, in my view, Trust. Dr Rogers, a long-standing
because among its plethora of medicinal the heavy influence the media has in member of MHP's editorial advisory
applications, the herb exhibits two key informing public opinion. I tend towards a board, said: This is truly a unique
modes of action that alleviate pain - a crucial cyncial view about this influence. Just as opportunity to further develop and study
part of clinical management. The herb is a ideology is caused by our self-perceptions the evidence base for forensic nursing
powerful antispasmodic and a CNS sedative. and consciousness, so our consciousness is and associated forensic health issues.'
Its analgesic and anodyne properties make it formed by our social existence. Our social While his remit relates primarily to mental
highly suitable for any clinical presentations existence creates the framework upon which health, it extends to all health matters
involving pain or the sensation of it. our own ideologies form. Thus, in the which challenge health and cnminal
uniquely monolithic media culture in which justice services when providing care,
The roots of this north American plant
we live, our personal ideologies and treatment and management for offender
contain an astonishing array of an important
stereotyping are built on the social existence or potential offender populations.
group of drugs known as alkaloids (the ergot
forced upon us by that monolithic media
type), to which its medicinal properties are
culture. The media does not inform, as much
attributed. Of these, it is the gelsemmine and Tim McDougall, another

create the social setting in which our
gelsemine alkaloids that are considered to be member of MHP's editorial
personal ideologies then function. The media
the most potent. The pharmacological study advisory board, is the new
is as much to 'blame' for our stereotyping of
of alkaloids demonstrate their potential nurse advisor for child and
mental illness as those of us who 'do' the
benefits within conventional medicine, but adolescent mental health at the
equally, the potential toxicity and damage Department of Health. He will work at
that can arise when recommended doses are One additional caveat. Ms Clarke suggests the DoH for three days a week, on
exceeded. This is why it is restricted to that Bntish public opinion has shifted away secondment from his current post as
practitioner's use only and not on sale to the from concerns about the abuse of power nurse consultant in adolescent psychiatry
general pubiic. Moreover, there are within psychiatric institutions, towards with Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS
important contraindications associated with anxiety about a lack of control within the Trust. He replaces Caroline Twitchett,
this herb, such as heart disease, hypotension, community. I suspect that, while the latter who has moved into the Home Office to
pregnancy and myasthenia gravis. may well be the case, the former is far more lead the juvenile prison health agenda.
Gelsemium is a powerful spinal depressant doubtful. Did the ordinary Jo(e) Bloggs in the
with its therapeutic uses ranging from street really care about what went on behind lain Ryrie has joined the Mental Health
neuralgia (particularly facial pain), migraine, closed walls? Just think about the public's Foundation as assistant director of
dysmenorrhoea and rheumatic pain, to concerns about mental health issues in research. A mental health nurse by
pertussis and asthma. As a motor nerve Guantanamo Bay. Silence, it is often said, background, Mr Ryrie was formerly head
depressant, it is particularly effective in can be deafening. of research at the Sainsbury Centre for
conditions involving muscular spasms, Mental Health. In addition, Andrew
muscular irritability and nervous excitement. Dr Peter Kalve, Northamptonshire Moffatt becomes the charity's director of
Clinical benefits have also been reported fundraising, while Graeme Sandell has
for hysteria, chorea and epilepsy, although Networking been appointed as assistant director of
further empirical evidence is needed to practice development.
support these findings. The psychotropic Dear Editor,
activity of the tannins is yet to be proved and
while the herb remains predominantly a CNS I would like to draw readers' attention to
depressant, some of the other active the Mental Health in Learning Disabilities
constituents paradoxically stimulate it. Lesser Network. It is an electronic network (email) for
known actions are as a hypotensive and a anyone interested in the mental health needs • I am a RMN working in a CAMHS in
hypoglycaemic with some antioxidant of people with learning disabilities and where Birmingham. I will be moving to
properties. over 300 members share information and
California in October and I am
examples of good practice. It is also a forum
experiencing difficulties accessing
Yaso Shan is a consultant medical herbalist for members to seek help and information.
suitable employment. Any advice?
based at the Brackenbury Natural Health To join the network (which is free), email Elizabeth Sykes
Clinic in London. me, Steve Hardy, training co-ordinator, Email:
Estia Centre (

10 mental health practice September 2004 vol 8 no 1

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