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A lightweight yet sound-proof honeycomb acoustic metamaterial

Ni Sui, Xiang Yan, Tai-Yun Huang, Jun Xu, Fuh-Gwo Yuan, and Yun Jing

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 106, 171905 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4919235

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 106, 171905 (2015)

A lightweight yet sound-proof honeycomb acoustic metamaterial

Ni Sui,1 Xiang Yan,1 Tai-Yun Huang,1 Jun Xu,2 Fuh-Gwo Yuan,1,a) and Yun Jing1,a)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
North Carolina 27695, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02139, USA
(Received 11 February 2015; accepted 12 April 2015; published online 27 April 2015)
In this letter, a class of honeycomb acoustic metamaterial possessing lightweight and yet sound-
proof properties is designed, theoretically proven, and then experimentally verified. It is here
reported that the proposed metamaterial having a remarkably small mass per unit area at 1.3 kg/m2
can achieve low frequency (<500 Hz) sound transmission loss (STL) consistently greater than
45 dB. Furthermore, the sandwich panel which incorporates the honeycomb metamaterial as the
core material yields a STL that is consistently greater than 50 dB at low frequencies. The proposed
metamaterial is promising for constructing structures that are simultaneously strong, lightweight,
and sound-proof. V C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. []

Lighter weight materials are always more desirable in resonant membrane-type AMs are the ones that have been
real-world applications and therefore have been actively pur- predominately investigated by researchers.14–16
sued in recent years.1,2 One critical shortcoming of these Honeycomb structures,17 which are composed of hollow
materials, however, is their suboptimal acoustical perform- cells (typically in a hexagonal shape) formed between thin
ance: they allow sound to pass through rather easily and vertical walls, are well known to yield minimum weight and
therefore yield a low sound transmission loss (STL). This material cost and have been widely used in constructing
phenomenon can be in part explained by the mass law, which lightweight yet strong structures. The honeycomb structures
states that the transmission of the noise through the material are typically bonded to high-modulus laminate facesheets to
is inversely proportional to the product of the thickness, the form honeycomb sandwich panels. However, the sandwich
density of the material, and the frequency.3 In other words, a panels are notorious for their poor acoustic performance at
lightweight material in theory translates to a high sound low frequencies due to the high stiffness and lightweight.17,18
transmission (i.e., low STL), particularly at low frequencies. Inspired by the wide-spread use of honeycomb structures
The optimal design of lightweight and high STL of the struc- and recent development of no-mass-attached membrane-type
ture would therefore usually require design trade-offs. AMs, a honeycomb acoustic metamaterial was designed, the-
Noise insulation methods aiming at achieving noise oretically studied and experimentally validated in this study.
reduction with minimum weight penalties were traditionally Figure 1(a) shows a unit cell of the honeycomb acoustic
employed by using porous materials,4,5 perforated media,6,7 metamaterial, where an isotropic membrane is adhered on
or acoustic blankets with mass inclusions.8 They have shown the top of the honeycomb structure. This material is termed
excellent performance in the high frequency region but fail as a lightweight yet sound-proof acoustic metamaterial.
at low frequencies. Extensive efforts have been made to de- More importantly, as will be shown later, such a material can
velop novel, lightweight materials that can achieve excellent be readily implemented as the honeycomb core material and
noise reduction particularly at low frequencies. Recent stud- thus can potentially make honeycomb sandwiched structures
ies on membrane-type acoustic metamaterials (AMs) appear possess simultaneously strong, lightweight, and sound-proof
to open up this possibility and have attracted much attention. properties.
The first membrane-type AMs for low frequency noise insu- The honeycomb cell structure is typically light in
lation was proposed by Yang et al.9 By attaching a small weight and its out-of-plane (x3 direction) effective Young’s
mass onto the membrane with clamped boundaries, a modulus is considerably greater than the isotropic in-plane
narrow-band negative dynamic effective mass was tuned (x1–x2) moduli.19 The proposed metamaterial can be consid-
located between the first two resonance frequencies which ered as a composite composed of an isotropic membrane
resulted in total reflection, therefore breaking the mass law. and a homogenized, transversely isotropic material, as
Noise reduction in broad-band can be achieved by stacking shown in Fig. 1(b). The effective static mass density for the
up several membrane panels10 and the total mass per unit metamaterial composite can be obtained as
area was only around 15 kg/m2. Shortly after, other research-
ers11–13 showed that no-mass-attached membranes or plates qm hm þ qc hc
q¼ ; (1)
clamped at boundaries could also introduce high STL at low h
frequencies. Although the no-mass-attached AMs could be
potentially lighter in weight, the mass-attached, locally where qc ¼ 2q0 t=½l cos hð1 þ sin hÞ is the effective static
mass density of the honeycomb cell structure,19 q0 is the
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mass density of the honeycomb material, qm is the membrane
addresses: and density, and h ¼ hm þ hc.

0003-6951/2015/106(17)/171905/4/$30.00 106, 171905-1 C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC


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171905-2 Sui et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 171905 (2015)

The metamaterial composite sample that was used for

the acoustic test is shown in Fig. 1(c). It had a diameter of
10 cm. The sound transmission measurements were con-
ducted in Bruel & Kjaer 4206 impedance tubes. The fre-
quency range of the acoustical test was 50 Hz–1600 Hz. The
corresponding wavelengths range from 6860 mm to 214 mm.
The wavelengths were at least two orders of magnitude
larger than the cell dimensions. Numerical simulations were
performed using the acoustic-structure interaction module of
COMSOL multiphysics. Due to the periodic repetition of the
honeycomb cells as well as to enable computationally feasi-
ble modeling, only a single unit cell was considered in the
model. The membrane was assumed to be ideally clamped at
cell boundaries. As will be shown below, in spite of these
assumptions, the simulation results still capture major trends
of the STL behavior.
Figure 2(a) shows the experimental and simulation STL
results for honeycomb cell structure only and the honeycomb
metamaterial. The STLs are shown in units decibel (dB).
Since the honeycomb cell structure is holely and lightweight,
FIG. 1. (a) Unit cell of the honeycomb acoustic metamaterial. The honey- as expected it exhibited very poor acoustical performance.
comb core was made from aramid fiber sheets with t ¼ 0.07 mm,
l ¼ 3.65 mm, hc ¼ 25 mm, and h ¼ 30 . The membrane material was latex As shown by the blue line in the figure, the sound is almost
rubber with a thickness hm ¼ 0.25 mm. Two side walls (one marked in the 100% transmitted. With membranes added, the resulting
figure and the opposing one) had a thickness of 2t. The other side walls had structure showed distinct STL improvement over the entire
a thickness of t. This is common and is a result of the traditional honeycomb
frequency range under consideration (red solid line). The
production method. (b) Side view of the acoustic metamaterial. (c) The
metamaterial prototype used for the acoustical test. STL was especially high (>25 dB) at low frequencies
(<500 Hz) and decreased monotonically as the frequency
The honeycomb cell structure of the proposed meta- increased before the STL dip at around 1100 Hz. The curve
material was made from aramid fiber sheets and q0 is continued to rise up afterwards. The average STL is 21 dB
1380 kg/m3. Dimensions are as follows: t ¼ 0.07 mm, over the 50–1600 Hz frequency range vs. 0.2 dB for honey-
l ¼ 3.65 mm, hc ¼ 25 mm, and h ¼ 30 . This specific h comb only. The simulated STL results by considering differ-
essentially resulted in a regular hexagon. This regular hex- ent loss factors for the membrane captured the same trend as
agon shape is advantageous because the highest crush experiment and the predicted STL at the STL dip frequency
strength per unit mass can be obtained.20 As will be seen increased as the loss factor increased (a loss factor at 0.2 was
later, such cell dimensions lead to the STL dip frequency chosen for the simulation thereinafter as it yielded the best
occurring at a high frequency ( > 1 kHz). The membrane agreement at the STL dip frequency).
material was latex rubber with a thickness hm ¼ 0.25 mm. The anomalous STL is reminiscent of what was theoreti-
The static mass density of the honeycomb structure was cally and experimentally described in the context of plas-
measured to be qc ¼ 32kg=m3 . The Young’s modulus, monic checkerboards21 (broadband extraordinary
mass density, and Poisson’s ratio for the latex rubber were transmission/absorption in the low frequency regime) and
Em ¼ 7 MPa, qm ¼ 1000 kg/m3, and  m ¼ 0.49, respectively. can be understood by the negative density induced by the
According to Eq. (1), the effective static density of the membranes.12,13,22 In this study, the lowest resonant fre-
metamaterial composite q was 41.58 kg/m3. The metamate- quency fr ¼ 1160 Hz separates the negative and positive
rial composite thereby inherits the lightweight property of effective density regions and has a zero effective density23,24
the honeycomb structure. The mass per unit area of the at which the membrane resonates and results in the STL dip.
metamaterial composite was 1.05 kg/m2. The zero effective dynamic density indicates an infinite

FIG. 2. (a) Experimental and simula-

tion sound transmission loss results for
honeycomb structure only and the
proposed metamaterial (honeycomb
structure with membranes). For the
simulation, multiple loss factor values
were considered to examine their
effect on the sound transmission loss.
(b) A subwavelength size tube with the
input acoustic impedance Z0 at x ¼ 0
and the acoustic impedance ZL at x ¼ L
where the membrane is located.

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171905-3 Sui et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 171905 (2015)

wavelength in the sample since k / qef f (k is the wave- two membranes combined can enhance the STL by as much
length). The high STL at low frequencies is attributed to the as another 20 dB. The STL at low frequencies (<500 Hz)
negative density which introduces exponentially decaying was consistently greater than 45 dB. The average STL was
waves with a decaying length Dd / jqef f j. Since the mag- 37 dB over the frequency range from 50 to 1600 Hz. This re-
nitude of the effective density increases with decreasing fre- markable result was achieved at a very low mass per unit
quency, the decaying length Dd of the evanescent wave area (1.3 kg/m2). The overall STL of the metamaterial with
reduces as the frequency deviates from the lowest eigenfre- two membranes attached is not a simple summation of the
quency, leading to a greater STL. A simple model of a sub- STL of two single membrane metamaterials. This is due to
wavelength size tube with a clamped membrane inside can the mutual interaction between the two membranes, as multi-
also be utilized to interpret the high STL at low frequencies. ple reflections occur between them. Naturally, standing
As shown in Fig. 2(b), the input acoustic impedance at x ¼ 0 waves could be generated. According to the normal mode
and the acoustic impedance at the membrane position x ¼ L theory, the lowest frequency normal mode would have a
are Z0 and ZL, respectively. Since kL  1, the low-frequency wavelength twice as long as the distance between the two
pressure reflection coefficient of this structure can be membranes, such that the normal mode frequency will be
obtained as25,26 around 6.8 kHz, considerably higher than the frequency
range of interest. In fact, if there were a sufficient number of
ZL  Za membranes arranged in series, Bragg scattering will prevail
rp  ; (2)
ZL þ Za at this frequency and lead to a STL peak. It is also noticed
that two hybrid modes can be seen for the double membranes
where Za ¼ qac/A, A is the cross-sectional area, qa is the air system if no damping is considered, as shown by the black
density, and c is the speed of sound in air. At low frequencies line in Fig. 3, where the first STL dip frequency represents
(below the first resonance frequency of the clamped mem- the two membranes vibrating in unison and the mode fre-
brane), the acoustic impedance of the membrane Zam can be quency (1160 Hz) is independent of the number of the mem-
approximated by 1/(jxCam),27 where Cam is a parameter branes. This can be validated from the one membrane system
associated with the mechanical and geometrical properties of as shown by the dotted red line in Fig. 2(a), where the STL
the membrane. Therefore, ZL ¼ Za þ Zam  Za þ 1/(jxCam) dip frequency occurs at the same frequency. The second STL
(the first term accounts for the plane wave generated behind dip frequency (1340 Hz) is for the case where the two mem-
the membrane and has an acoustic impedance of Za). branes vibrate out of phase. However, when damping is
According to Eq. (2), as x approaches zero, rp approaches taken into account which counteracts the resonances, the
1.0, implying total reflection. Furthermore, the acoustic im- STL curve is smoothened as shown by the blue dashed line
pedance of the membrane at the first resonant frequency van- in Fig. (3) and it appears that the first “resonance frequency”
ishes, so that ZL  Za. Accordingly, the pressure reflection has shifted upwards compared with the one membrane sys-
coefficient is 0, implying perfect transmission without con- tem. It is anticipated that the overall STL can be further
sidering the damping from the membrane. enhanced by stacking more membranes in series with the
To further improve the acoustical performance, the sacrifice of weight. Furthermore, the existence of the STL
metamaterial with membranes adhered on both the top and dip is not a critical issue. It occurred at a relatively high fre-
bottom sides of the honeycomb structure was also explored. quency (above 1 kHz) in this case as we intentionally
The effective static density of the metamaterial composite designed and there are many low weight-penalty solutions
was increased to q ¼ 50.98 kg/m3. Figure 3(a) shows that, available in reducing the high frequency noise.28 This STL
comparing with the sample with only a single membrane, dip frequency could be further shifted to a even higher value
by reducing the unit cell size or increasing the membrane
thickness. This, however, will increase the static density of
the metamaterial. The low STL at this frequency can be also
improved by adopting a membrane material that has a high
loss factor, as suggested by Fig. 2(a). Videos of the acousti-
cal testing are available demonstrating aurally the perform-
ance of the metamaterial.26
A great potential of the proposed acoustic metamaterial
lies in that it can be readily modified to make honeycomb
sandwiched structures which could potentially be simultane-
ously strong, lightweight, and sound-proof. While conven-
tional honeycomb structures comprise a honeycomb panel
sandwiched between two face sheets and are well known to
have extremely high stiffness to weight ratios,19 a different
sandwich structure would consist of two face sheets with one
or more membranes sandwiched between honeycomb panels.
Such a structure with one membrane incorporated was meas-
FIG. 3. Comparison of the sound transmission loss for the metamaterial
sample with two membranes attached on the top and bottom surfaces of the
ured in comparison with a conventional sandwich panel for
honeycomb walls and the metamaterial sample with a single membrane. their STL and the results are shown in Fig. 4. The two face-
Each membrane had a thickness of hm ¼ 0.25 mm. sheets are made of carbon fiber and had a thickness of 1 mm.
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171905-4 Sui et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 171905 (2015)

extremely useful for aerospace and other transportation


Ms. N. Sui would like to thank the financial support

from China Scholarship Council in pursuing her Ph.D.
dissertation. Y. Jing acknowledges the financial support from
NC Space Grant New Investigator award.
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