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Mechanical Ventilation: State of the Art

Tài Pham, MD, PhD; Laurent J. Brochard, MD; and Arthur S. Slutsky, MD


Mechanical ventilation is the most used short-term life support technique worldwide and is applied daily
for a diverse spectrum of indications, from scheduled surgical procedures to acute organ failure. This state-
of-the-art review provides an update on the basic physiology of respiratory mechanics, the working
principles, and the main ventilatory settings, as well as the potential complications of mechanical venti-
lation. Specific ventilatory approaches in particular situations such as acute respiratory distress syndrome
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are detailed along with protective ventilation in patients with
normal lungs. We also highlight recent data on patient-ventilator dyssynchrony, humidified high-flow
oxygen through nasal cannula, extracorporeal life support, and the weaning phase. Finally, we discuss
the future of mechanical ventilation, addressing avenues for improvement.
ª 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2017;92(9):1382-1400

n the 16th century, Andreas Vesalius and Carl-Gunnar Engström, a Swedish anes-
provided what can be considered one of thesiologist, developed the first efficient me-
From the Interdepartmental the first descriptions of endotracheal intu- chanical ventilators.6 The first arterial blood
Division of Critical Care
Medicine, University of Tor-
bation and artificial ventilation, describing gas analyzers were built shortly thereafter.
onto, Toronto, Canada; and the insertion of a tube of reed into an animal’s The next major step in the evolution of MV
Keenan Research Centre for trachea and blowing air into the lungs to keep was the use of positive end-expiratory pressure
Biomedical Science, Li Ka
Shing Knowledge Institute, St.
the animal alive.1,2 Four centuries later, the (PEEP), mainly encouraged by the identifica-
Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, iron lung3 was the first negative-pressure tion of the adult (acute) respiratory distress
Canada. ventilator successfully used in clinical practice. syndrome (ARDS) by Ashbaugh et al.7 The
However, care of the patient was difficult us- Servo 900A (Siemens-Eléma) released in
ing the iron lung because the patient’s body 1972 was the first mechanical ventilator with
was entirely enclosed in a metal tank. Hence, PEEP, and the servo valves controlling flow
techniques that were remarkably similar to allowed the introduction of new modes of
what Vesalius used were employed during ventilation such as pressure-controlled ventila-
the golden era of mechanical ventilation tion and pressure support ventilation (PSV).8
(MV), which was inaugurated during the Ventilators became progressively more
poliomyelitis epidemics of the early 1950s. compact, user-friendly, and electronically
In Blegdams Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, based than pneumatic-based ventilators and
Bjørn Ibsen, an anesthesiologist trained in incorporated a host of modes of ventilation
Boston, Massachusetts, recommended trache- and advanced monitoring capabilities.9
ostomy and positive-pressure ventilation to A recent epidemiological study estimated
treat patients with paralytic poliomyelitis.4 that in the United States, approximately 310
Virtually overnight, mortality for these pa- persons per 100,000 adult population un-
tients decreased from 87% to 40%.5 Approxi- dergo invasive ventilation for nonsurgical indi-
mately 1500 medical students provided cations.10 Despite this extensive use of MV, no
manual ventilation by squeezing rubber bags precise recommendations exist summarizing
connected to endotracheal tubes for an esti- when to initiate MV for acute respiratory fail-
mated 165,000 hours.5 For logistical reasons, ure. The main indications are (1) airway pro-
these patients all received care in the same tection for a patient with a decreased level of
ward, essentially the first intensive care unit consciousness (eg, head trauma, stroke, drug
(ICU). overdose, anesthesia), (2) hypercapnic respira-
The difficulties with manual ventilation tory failure due to airway, chest wall, or respi-
highlighted the need for mechanical devices, ratory muscle diseases, (3) hypoxemic
and both Claus Bang, a Danish physician, respiratory failure, or (4) circulatory failure,

1382 Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004

www.mayoclinicproceedings.org n ª 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

in which sedation and MV can decrease the

oxygen cost of breathing. ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS
In this review, we provide an update on
d Mechanical ventilation is “a necessary evil”: a lifesaving technique
the principles underlying the management of
MV for critically ill adult patients. We summa- but with important potential complications.
rize the physiologic basis of MV, the interac- d Decades of physiologic and clinical research have led to the
tion with the patient’s physiology, and its concept of “protective ventilation” to minimize ventilation-
major adverse effects and complications. We induced lung injury but also minimize oxygen toxicity and
describe ventilation for specific patient groups
optimize hemodynamics.
such as those with ARDS11 and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), fol- d Patient-ventilator dyssynchronies are frequent and associated
lowed by an overview of the weaning phase. with worse outcomes, but it is not clear whether they cause the
Finally, we briefly address the future of MV. poor outcomes or are a marker of severity of the underlying
BASIC PHYSIOLOGY d Mechanical ventilation is part of a global strategy (“bundle”) and
Understanding of the basic physiology of res-
piratory mechanics is necessary to optimally not a stand-alone treatment: sedation management, etiologic
apply MV. Much of our progress in under- treatment, physiotherapy, and prevention of muscle loss are all
standing and managing acute respiratory dis- important considerations in the ventilated patient.
eases comes from this understanding. The d Minimizing the length of mechanical ventilation is the best way
physiologic measurements obtained in the to minimize complications: as soon as mechanical ventilation is
ventilated patient can be considered to be
initiated, clinicians should consider how and when to discon-
detailed pulmonary function testing and are
available on a breath-to-breath basis.12 tinue its use; and throughout its course, decide which weaning
The forces at play during ventilation at any strategy is most appropriate.
point in time are described by the equation of
motion of the respiratory system. Pressure,
volume, and flow changes during inspiration compliance of the respiratory system (CRS):
and expiration can be described by the simpli- ERS ¼ 1/CRS. The airway pressure measured
fied equation of motion of the respiratory sys- during an end-inspiratory occlusion is referred
tem (Figure 1): Paw ¼ P0 þ (R  flow) þ to as the plateau pressure (Pplat) and is a mea-
(Vt  ERS), where Paw ¼ airway pressure (at sure of the alveolar pressure, since the pres-
the airway opening), P0 ¼ initial alveolar pres- sure drop due to airway resistance is zero at
sure, R ¼ resistance to flow, Vt ¼ tidal vol- zero flow. Based on the equation of motion
ume, and ERS ¼ elastance of the respiratory in the absence of flow (inspiratory pause),
system. Each term of this equation impacts CRS ¼ Vt/(Pplat  P0).
the pressure applied to the airways. Resistance (R) represents the pressure dif-
P0 is the alveolar pressure at the beginning ference required to generate a given flow. The
of inspiration, which can be atmospheric pres- resistance can be calculated in situations of
sure (termed zero) or greater than atmospheric constant (square) inspiratory flow as the dif-
(called positive). In patients with airway ference between the peak inspiratory
obstruction (eg, COPD), the expiratory time pressure and Pplat, divided by the flow
may be too short to allow the respiratory sys- (R ¼ [peak pressure  Pplat]/flow). The ma-
tem to return to its relaxation volume. This jor part of the inspiratory resistance is often
aspect of airway obstruction can lead to dominated by the resistance of the endotra-
intrinsic PEEP or auto-PEEP, a situation in cheal tube.
which the alveolar pressure at the end of expi- Two simple maneuvers (end-inspiratory
ration is higher than the set PEEP. The airway and end-expiratory occlusions) allow determi-
pressure, measured by an end-expiratory nation of the major physiological abnormal-
occlusion (in a passive patients), is referred ities of the respiratory system, which are
to as total PEEP. characterized by high resistance (R) and
ERS reflects the elastic characteristics of the elevated total PEEP in COPD (or asthma), or
respiratory system and is the inverse of high ERS (low CRS) in ARDS (Figure 2).

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004 1383


passively, and the patient does not actively

contribute to the breath; (2) partially sup-
ported or assistedda combination of venti-
lator assistance and patient effort occurs in
Flow (L/min) the same cycle; (3) unassisteddwhen the
inspiratory flow is generated entirely by the
patient’s respiratory muscles (Table 1).

Influence on Respiratory Muscle Activity and

Importance of Synchrony
45 Peak inspiratory pressure Measures of a patient’s effort are usually not
available during MV. Complex measurements
Resistive pressure
Paw (cm H2O)

are needed to determine the patient’s work

Plateau of breathing or the pressure-time product,
Elastic or driving pressure
both requiring an esophageal catheter14; the
15 oxygen cost of breathing requires measure-
ments of oxygen consumption. During respi-
ratory distress, the patient’s work of
0 breathing can be increased up to 6-fold15; a
0 1 2
major goal of MV is to reduce this work.
Time (seconds)
The patient’s respiratory drive is modulated
via chemoreceptors and modulated by seda-
FIGURE 1. Explanation of ventilator waves.
Paw ¼ airway pressure. tion and by PaO2, pH, and PaCO2. The trigger
sensitivity and the inspiratory peak flow also
have an important influence on the respiratory
drive and work of breathing.16-19
WORKING PRINCIPLES OF MV MODES A fundamental but as yet unresolved ques-
tion is to what extent a patient’s work of
Phase Variables of a Breathing Cycle breathing should be reduced by a particular
The modes of MV are commonly defined by 4 ventilatory strategy. It is important to relieve
elements determining the phases of the respi- dyspnea, decrease the oxygen consumption
ratory cycle (Table 1). The trigger phase initi- of the respiratory muscles, and avoid injury
ates a breath. When the ventilation is fully to these muscles. However, there is a growing
controlled, the trigger variable is time, ie, a body of evidence suggesting that excessive
breath is initiated at fixed intervals. When unloading can lead to muscle dysfunction
the ventilator synchronizes the breath delivery and atrophy, with subsequent weaning diffi-
with a signal related to the patient’s effort, culties.20 During the acute phase of the
inspiration is initiated when a given flow or patient’s illness, the patient’s effort needs to
pressure decrease is detected by the ventilator. be decreased or suppressed. Over the recovery
The target (or controlled) phase is the pressure period, ascertaining the optimal balance
or flow that will be maintained until the inspi- between the patient’s effort and ventilator
ration ends. The cycling phase determines the assistance is challenging for the clinician, in
end of the inspiratory phase. A pressure, flow, part because of a lack of adequate monitoring
or a preset time can cycle the breath. When and also a lack of data about the optimum
the variable reaches the preset value, the pas- ratio of effort to assistance.
sive expiratory phase starts. The expiratory Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony, defined
control variable is usually a pressure (PEEP). as a mismatch between the patient’s inherent
Any given breath can involve a combination inspiratory and expiratory times and those
of the patient’s breathing effort and a targeted delivered by the ventilator, is a frequent prob-
pressure/flow delivered by the ventilator.13 lem during MV, occurring in about one-third
Breaths can therefore be (1) fully of patients.21-25 There are a number of
controlleddtrigger and cycling are time different types of dyssynchronies during
controlled, the target variable is reached invasive24-26 and noninvasive27,28 ventilation,
n n
1384 Mayo Clin Proc. September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004

0 5 10 15


Flow (L/s)




Ppeak = 42
Paw (cm H2O)


Pplat = 19
PEEPtot = 11
10 PEEPe = 5

0 5 10 15
Time (seconds)


FIGURE 2. Ventilator waveform and values in a patient undergoing volume assist-control ventilation showing expiration flow limi-
tation. Note typical sign of expiratory flow limitation on the flow tracing: during the expiration phase, the flow waveform reaches a
peak higher than 1 L/s and abruptly returns to very low values and oscillates around this value until the next inspiration. The end of
expiration is interrupted by the next insufflation before flow reaches zero (arrows), indicating dynamic hyperinflation and intrinsic
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP); total PEEP (PEEPtot) is 11 cm H2O (obtained during end-expiratory occlusion [EEO]). In a
normal patient, the flow waveform would trace a quasi-exponential curve from the peak to 0. Plateau pressure (Pplat) is assessed
during the end-inspiratory occlusion (EIO: 19 cm H2O), resulting in a driving pressure of 8 cm H2O (Pplat e PEEPtot). The inspiratory
flow is 0.8 L/s, resulting in high airway resistance of 29 cm H2O per L/s ([peak airway pressure (Ppeak)  Pplat]/flow ¼ [42  19]/0.8 ¼
28.75). In an intubated adult patient with normal lungs, resistances are usually less than 10 cm H2O per L/s. E ¼ passive expiration;
I ¼ inspiration due to ventilator insufflation; Paw ¼ airway pressure; PEEPe ¼ external PEEP.

which are summarized in Table 2. Figure 3 the severity of the underlying lung pathophys-
presents an example of a ventilator monitor iology. Although improving patient-
displaying reverse triggering with double ventilatory synchrony makes intuitive sense,
cycling. Often, these dyssynchronies indicate we lack definitive data proving that it
a mismatch between the ventilatory needs of improves patients’ outcomes.
the patient and the amount of ventilation
delivered. Although association does not COMPLICATIONS OF MV
imply causality, patients with greater numbers Mechanical ventilation is often lifesaving but is
of dyssynchronies have poorer outcomes associated with serious complications, in part
including longer durations of ventilation, because it is delivered to patients at high risk
longer ICU stays, and higher mortality.26,29,30 of lung or cardiac compromise. These compli-
In some cases, this worse outcome may be cations may be related to the direct mechanical
explained by increased Vts, breath stacking, effects of the intrathoracic pressures generated
intrinsic PEEP,31 or regional hyperinflation,32 by the ventilator, to alveolar and systemic
but dyssynchronies may also be a marker of inflammation, or to neural stimulation. There

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004 1385


TABLE 1. Main Ventilator Modes and Settings

Minute Plateau
Mode Trigger Cycling Inspiratory pressure Tidal volume Respiratory rate ventilation pressure Driving pressure PEEP FIO2
Ranges of values 1 to 5 L/min 1 second 10-30 cm H2O w200-600 mL 10-35 min1 w7-12 L/min 15-35 cm H2O 8-20 cm H2O 0-22 cm H2O 0.21-1.0
or settings 0.5 to 3 cm H2O 30%-70% peak flow 4-8 mL/kg PBW
A/C in volume Time (controlled cycles) Time Dep Var V V/P Dep Var Dep Var Dep Var V V
(or VC-CMV) Flow or pressure
(assisted cycles)
A/C in pressure Time (controlled cycles) Time V Dep Var V/P Dep Var V V V V
(or PC-CMV) Flow or pressure
(assisted cycles)
PSV (CSV) Flow or pressure Flow V Dep Var P P V/P V/P V V
SIMV (VC or Time (controlled cycles) Time V/P V/P V/P Dep Var V/P V/P V V
PC-IMV) Flow or pressure Flow
(assisted cycles)
PRVC (PC-CMV) Time (controlled cycles) Time V/P V/P V/P Dep Var V V V V
Mayo Clin Proc.

Flow or pressure
(assisted cycles)
APRV (PC-IMV) Time (controlled cycles) Time V Dep Var V/P Dep Var V V V V
PAV (CSV) Flow or pressure Flow P (in proportion to P P P NA NA V V
inspiratory effort)

NAVA (CSV) EaDi EaDi P (in proportion to P P P NA NA V V

September 2017;92(9):1382-1400

inspiratory effort)

CPAP (CSV) Flow or pressure Flow or pressure V P P P NA NA V V

Suggested Minimal value with no High % in obstructive NA 6 mL/kg PBW NA NA Keep <30 Less than w14 5 Minimal to
settings autotriggering lung disease, low in associated with keep SpO2
restrictive disease better outcome 90%-94%

Color Meaning
P Controlled by the patient
V Controlled by the ventilator

V/P Can be controlled either by the patient or the ventilator


Dep Var Dependent variable to be monitored (dependent on respiratory mechanics and effort)


A/C ¼ assist-control; APRV ¼ airway pressure release ventilation; CMV ¼ continuous mandatory ventilation; CPAP ¼ continuous positive airway pressure, with no inspiratory assistance above the set pressure level; CSV ¼
continuous spontaneous ventilation; Dep Var ¼ dependant variable; EaDi ¼ electrical activity of the diaphragm; FIO2 ¼ inspired fraction of oxygen; IMV ¼ intermittent mandatory ventilation; NA ¼ not applicable; NAVA ¼

neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (see text); P ¼ patient; PAV ¼ proportional assist ventilation (see text); PBW ¼ predicted body weight; PC ¼ pressure control; PEEP ¼ positive end-expiration pressure; PRVC ¼ pressure-
regulated volume control, which delivers pressure-targeted breaths, varying from breath to breath to reach a target volume; PSV ¼ pressure support ventilation; SIMV ¼ synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, which
mixes mandatory breaths and pressure support breath (PSV) each minute; SpO2 ¼ pulsed oximetry oxygen saturation; V ¼ ventilator; VC ¼ volume control.
Abbreviations adapted from Respir Care.13

is evidence of cross-talk between the lung and and PEEP, especially in patients with ARDS,
the brain and between the lung and the kid- can result in a right-to-left shunting across a
neys, all influenced by MV.33,34 Many of the patent foramen ovale and worsen hypoxemia
complications of MV can potentially be in up to 20% of patients with ARDS.48
avoided or minimized. This factor is important
from a clinical perspective and is a major area Complications of Sedation
of current research. In the early phase of MV, sedation with or
without paralysis is often required, especially
Initiation of MV for patients with shock or ARDS or for those
Endotracheal intubation is a critical procedure “fighting the ventilator.”49 The slow meta-
in which patients are at risk of respiratory and/ bolism of sedative agents may unduly prolong
or circulatory compromise.35,36 Before intuba- the duration of MV and lead to detrimental
tion, the patient should be assessed for factors short- and long-term outcomes.50,51 Each
indicating a possible difficult intubation; there sedative agent has specific effects, and the
are specific scoring systems for the ICU.37 Pre- appropriate choice of the type and dose of
oxygenation is essential, and different tech- sedative drugs may impact outcome. Data sug-
niques such as noninvasive ventilation gest that benzodiazepines are particularly asso-
(NIV)38 or high flow delivered via nasal can- ciated with poorer long-term outcomes.52
nula have been proposed for patients with Propofol is frequently used because of a rela-
the most severe disease. To avoid gastric aspi- tively short half-life, but there are concerns
ration, rapid-sequence intubation using a associated with prolonged infusion.53 Dexme-
sedative drug and a neuromuscular blocking detomidine has been proposed as a promising
agent is often recommended.39 Recommenda- alternative to usual sedation because it reduces
tions and algorithms have been developed for the rate of delirium,54,55 but results from clin-
patients with a “difficult airway”.40,41 ical trials have not been consistent. If sedation
cannot be avoided, it is important to carefully
Hemodynamic Effects monitor the depth of a patient’s sedation and
Positive-pressure ventilation has long been to use a sedation protocol, including daily
known to have hemodynamic effects through interruption of sedation to avoid a state of
heart-lung interactions. These effects have deep sedation.56,57
been better understood, managed, and often
prevented over the past few decades by an Oxygen Toxicity
increased understanding of the following Mechanical ventilation allows patients to
mechanisms. First, high intrathoracic pres- receive a fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2)
sure, especially high plateau pressures can of up to 1.0, which may be necessary for pa-
negatively impact right ventricular afterload tients with severe hypoxemia. However, high
and function.42 Our understanding of auto- levels of oxygen have toxic effects, which
PEEP and the use of protective lung ventila- have been a concern since the early days of
tion have markedly reduced the incidence of MV.58 In low ventilation-perfusion ratio lung
hemodynamic complications through the use units, high FIO2 can lead to reabsorption atel-
of lower volumes and pressures.43,44 Echo- ectasis,59 which can be minimized using
graphic studies in patients with ARDS have re- higher levels of PEEP.60 Oxygen also has
ported a prevalence of acute cor pulmonale of extrapulmonary effectsdit can decrease car-
about 22%,45,46 which is still quite high, but diac output by decreasing parasympathetic
markedly lower than previously reported.44,47 tone61 and increasing vascular resistance, and
Second, hypotensive effects of sedative agents it has vasoconstrictive effects on cerebral and
acting via negative inotropy, vasodilation, or coronary perfusion.62,63 Several studies have
central mechanisms are managed by appro- suggested an independent association between
priate use of vasoactive drugs or fluids. Third, hyperoxemia and hospital mortality in some
the use of partial ventilatory assist reduces groups of patients (eg, those with cardiac
intrathoracic pressures and minimizes seda- arrest or stroke).64 Clinicians, however, tend
tion needs, facilitating the hemodynamic toler- to be much more sensitive to hypoxemia
ance of MV. Finally, pulmonary hypertension than to hyperoxemia. Recent preliminary

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004 1387


TABLE 2. Main Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchronies and Interactions

Dyssynchrony or
patient-ventilator interaction Description Pathophysiology Risks Main modes of MV Suggestions
During inspiration
Flow starvation Delivered flow does not d Insufficient peak flow d Dyspnea d A/C ventilation (volume) d Increase peak flow >50 L/min
match patient’s demand d High respiratory drive d High levels of work (direct setting or shorten
of breathing inspiratory time to obtain
the same volume faster)

Short cycles Continuation of inspiratory d Insufficient inspiratory time d Eccentric contractions of d A/C ventilation Increase inspiratory time
effort after the end of d High respiratory drive respiratory muscles (pressure or volume)
insufflation d Double triggering

Prolonged insufflation Continuation of insufflation d Inadequate cycling d Shorten neural expiration d A/C ventilation (pressure) Modify cycling to make the
after the end of inspiratory mechanism and promote gas trapping d PSV inspiration shorter
effort d Gas trapping d Dyspnea d NIV
Mayo Clin Proc.

Reverse triggering Diaphragmatic contraction Reflex mechanism in highly d Loss of protective ventilation d A/C ventilation d Paralyze if VT too high or
triggered by mechanical sedated patient d Monitoring of plateau (pressure or volume) double cycle
insufflation pressure inoperative d Decrease sedation
d Eccentric contractions of
respiratory muscles
September 2017;92(9):1382-1400

Double cycles (during inspiration or expiration)

Double cycles after reverse Reverse triggering of a second Reflex mechanism in highly Double the mechanical stress d A/C ventilation d Paralyze if VT too high or
triggering cycle sedated patient on the lung (pressure or volume) double cycle
d Decrease sedation
Double (or triple) triggering Continuation of inspiratory d Insufficient inspiratory time Double or triple the mechanical d A/C ventilation d Increase inspiratory time
after short cycles (breath effort after the end of d High respiratory drive stress on the lung (pressure or volume) d Increase VT
stacking) insufflation d PSV d Modify cycling to make
the inspiration longer

During expiration

Autotriggering Cycles not triggered by the d Leaks d Dyspnea d A/C ventilation d Inspect tubing


patient d Water in the circuit d Misleading information (pressure or volume) d Decrease trigger sensitivity
d Excessively sensitive trigger on breathing pattern d PSV

d Cardiac oscillations d Severe hyperventilation d NIV

(eg, arrhythmias, reduced
cerebral blood flow)
d Increase rate of lung stress

Continued on next page


data suggest that conservative oxygen therapy

Increase PEEP (to equal

d Decrease minute ventilation
Decrease hyperdynamic inflation:
targeting a PaO2 of 70 to 100 mm Hg or a

(decreased VT and/or RR)

Increase trigger sensitivity

pulse oximetry oxygen saturation (SpO2) of
d Increase expiration time

Increase expiration time

94% to 98% results in lower ICU mortality
d Decrease frequency

Decrease sedation
than a conventional, more “liberal” approach
with higher PaO2 and SpO2 targets.65

intrinsic PEEP)

A/C ¼ assist-control; MV ¼ mechanical ventilation; NIV ¼ noninvasive ventilation; PEEP ¼ postive end-expiratory pressure; PSV¼ pressure support ventilation; RR ¼ respiratory rate; VT ¼ tidal volume.
Effects on Respiratory Muscles and
Respiratory Infections

Mechanical ventilation has been associated

with respiratory muscle dysfunction and
Main modes of MV

Any assisted mode

Any assisted mode

weaning difficulties.20,66-68 Disuse atrophy of

the diaphragm appears to be a key mechanism
for these detrimental effects, suggesting the
need to better monitor respiratory muscle


activity. Partial modes of ventilation do not

always prevent this atrophy. Several studies

examining diaphragm biopsies have found

Repeated pleiometric work
Poor diaphragm function

that changes in structure occur early after intu-

Hemodynamic effects

bation.66 More than 50% of patients experi-

Erroneous display of

Prolonged duration

ence dysfunction related to an excessive level

Ineffective efforts

respiratory rate

of assistance (controlled or partial

of ventilation

ventilation) or to insufficient assistance.67

Limb muscle weakness, referred to as
ICU-acquired weakness, and diaphragm

dysfunction have only minimal overlap. Respi-

ratory muscle dysfunction is at least twice as
prevalent as limb muscle weakness at the

Low respiratory drive

time of separation from MV and has a strong

Large time constant
Inadequate cycling
Excessive support

impact on weaning.20
High time constant

Intubated and ventilated patients are at

risk for ventilation-acquired pneumonia due
to microaspiration from the oropharyngeal
cavity and diminished host defense due to

decreased cough efficiency and impaired

mucociliary clearance. Recent guidelines
Next inspiration starts before

Effort unable to trigger the

recommend limitation of sedation and short-


ening the duration of MV in order to minimize

end of exhalation

the risk of ventilation-acquired pneumonia.69


Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury

Mechanical ventilation can induce or worsen
lung injury, referred to as ventilator-induced
lung injury (VILI).70-75 This disorder has
patient-ventilator interaction
During expiration, continued

become a major concern in the modern era

Dyssynchrony or

of MV, profoundly modifying the clinical tar-

TABLE 2. Continued

gets of MV. Ventilator-induced lung injury

Ineffective effort
Gas trapping

may impact a large number of patients, most

specifically those with or at risk for ARDS. Pre-
vention is described in greater detail in the
“Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome”

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004 1389


have an in-hospital mortality of 30% and a

1-year mortality rate as high as 60%.82 Inter-
estingly, most ARDS survivors regain virtually
normal pulmonary function in a few months,
Paw but their major functional disabilities are often
a consequence of ICU-acquired weakness and
complications of bed rest.83 A recent study
also found that caregivers of patients with pro-
longed ventilation had increased depressive
symptoms 1 year after ICU discharge.84


Assist-control ventilation using volume or
pressure as the target and PSV are currently
Volume the 3 main modes of ventilation used world-
wide.85,86 These modes allow the clinician to
set FIO2, PEEP, and a target variable (pressure
or volume). There is, however, a wide variety
of pressure-controlled modes, including
Time-trig Patient-trig Time-trig Patient-trig airway pressure release ventilation or dual
breath breath breath breath
modes, which has been addressed
FIGURE 3. Tracings of airway pressure (Paw), flow, and volume in a sedated
patient undergoing assist-control mechanical ventilation, depicting classic
and frequent dyssynchrony of double cycling. Despite a set rate of 20/min, Oxygenation
the actual rate is 40/min. Diaphragmatic electrical activity signal (EaDi), Although FIO2 can be set from 0.21 to 1.0, it
superimposed on the Paw curve, provides the mechanism, called should be set at the lowest value required to
reverse triggering. Diaphragmatic contractions are triggered by the reach the oxygenation target. This target varies
mechanical insufflations on a 1:1 basis and explain the second cycle.
from patient to patient, but an SpO2 of 92% to
Patient-trig ¼ patient-triggered occurring after each mandatory breath;
96% is a reasonable goal. Of note, in patients
Time-trig ¼ time-triggered.
with a large shunt, increasing FIO2 has only
minimal impact on arterial oxygenation.
PEEP can be adjusted to improve oxygen-
Long-term Consequences ation in patients with collapsed lung units (eg,
Mechanical ventilation of at least one week’s patients with ARDS), mainly by increasing
duration is associated with important conse- functional residual capacity. In recruitable
quences on the long-term physical, cognitive, lungs, PEEP can maintain open recruited
and mental health of ICU survivors.76 lung areas and hence reduce repeated alveolar
Whether this condition, sometimes referred opening and closure.88 PEEP can also lead to
to as the posteintensive care syndrome,77 is overdistention of the more compliant areas
specific to MV or a manifestation of critical of the lungs and can decrease cardiac output
illness is unclear. For instance, cognitive and oxygen delivery even in the presence of
impairment is a devastating complication in an increased PaO2.89
ICU survivors, with 26% of patients having a
cognitive score 1 year after ICU admission, Ventilation
similar to patients with mild Alzheimer dis- The target variable for assist-control ventila-
ease.78 It is likely that the impairment is multi- tion can be volume or pressure; neither has
factorial, including factors such as the patient’s proven to be superior in terms of outcome.90
pre-ICU trajectory, severity of illness, sedation, Pressures must be monitored when the Vt is
delirium, and sleep disruption79,80 linked set, and volumes must be monitored when
to MV.81 the pressure is set. Table 1 provides a sum-
Survivors of ICU care who have under- mary of possible settings based on the mode
gone prolonged MV (more than 2 weeks) of MV.
n n
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In the past, a major goal of MV was to electrical activity of the diaphragm and is
ensure that patients had normal arterial blood called neurally adjusted ventilatory assist
gas levels, with little regard to the harms (NAVA). The only setting required from the
caused by MV. Currently, a priority is to clinician is the amount of assistance: during
ensure that VILI is minimized while maintain- proportional assist ventilation, it is set as a per-
ing adequate, but not necessarily normal, gas centage of assistance, and for neurally adjusted
exchange. The best oxygenation is not always ventilatory assist, it is set by the proportional-
the most protective, and moderate levels of ity factor between electrical activity of the dia-
hypercapnia are considered acceptable. In the phragm and pressure. For both modes, Vt,
past, high Vts were recommended on the basis frequency, and pressure are not set by the
of studies in anesthetized patients that found clinician. Both modes are very effective in
that small Vts led to atelectasis and hypox- reducing dyssynchronies and in adapting to
emia.91 Atelectasis was related to the com- changes in ventilatory demand, explaining
bined effects of high FIO2, anesthesia, and improvement in sleep quality observed with
lack of PEEP. It took years of research to their use.97-99 However, few outcome data
realize that high Vts, despite having favorable are available.100,101 Some experimental or
effects on oxygenation, were harmful for the human data suggest that they may allow a
lungs and increased mortality.92 safer control of ventilation than routine lung
Current recommendations for setting Vt are protective ventilation.102,103
based on predicted body weight (PBW) and
not actual body weight because (normal) lung ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS
size scales with PBW. One formula is: PBW SYNDROME
(kg) ¼ 50.0 þ 0.91 (height in cm  152.4) No other ICU syndrome has been studied as
for males and PBW (kg) ¼ 45.5 þ 0.91 (height much as ARDS. Understanding the impact of
in cm  152.4) for females. The recommended MV on patients with ARDS has resulted in
range is 6 to 8 mL/kg PBW. major changes in ventilator management over
Partial modes of assist are very popular, the past 25 years.
based on the delivery of a pressure support A consensus definition of ARDS was
level. They are frequently used and generally released in 1994, more than 25 years after its
well tolerated.93 There are 2 concerns with initial description.104 The most recent Berlin
these modes. One is that patients can be easily definition tried to overcome some of the limi-
overassisted29,94; experimental68 and clinical67 tations of previous definitions.11,105 ARDS is
data suggest that despite the use of partial sup- currently defined by a new onset or worsening
port, insufficient muscle use can lead to atro- of respiratory symptoms with bilateral opaci-
phy and dysfunction. Second, because the Vt ties on chest radiography and a PaO2:FIO2
cannot be controlled, patients with high respi- ratio 300 mm Hg or less while receiving
ratory drive may generate excessive Vts, which PEEP of 5 cm H2O or higher. Concomitant
can lead to a form of patient self-inflicted lung heart failure can be present, but if no known
injury.95,96 risk factor for ARDS has been identified,
congestive heart failure must be objectively
Proportional Modes of Ventilation ruled out.
Two modes of ventilation are based on a There are many predisposing factors that
different principle and address some of the can lead to the development of ARDS, but
concerns discussed previously. These 2 the lungs of patients with ARDS share several
modes, which require a relatively preserved common biological, cellular, and mechanical
neuroventilatory drive, deliver pressure in pro- characteristics. The lungs are edematous and
portion to the patient’s demand and let the heavy, adding considerable superimposed
patient regulate Vt. One mode called propor- pressure to the dependent lung regions.
tional assist ventilation requires real time Normally aerated tissue is greatly reduced
calculation of the equation of motion of the and has been described as a “baby
respiratory system based on automated mea- lung.”106,107 The baby lung concept explains
surements of respiratory system compliance the low respiratory system compliance, high
and resistance. The second mode uses the pressures, and high risk for VILI. Minimizing

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the risk of VILI has improved survival.70,74,108 patients with a PaO2:FIO2 ratio higher than
In contrast, pharmacological approaches for 200 mm Hg.73 The high PEEP strategy
treating ARDS have been disappointing. improved several secondary end points such
Different techniques have been used to try as hypoxemia, use of rescue therapies, and
to prevent intubation in patients with acute duration of organ failure and MV.
hypoxemic respiratory failure, including NIV. Measurement of esophageal pressure to
A high-flow nasal cannula is used increasingly estimate transpulmonary pressure at end-
in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory expiration is a promising approach.119,120 A
failure and has improved comfort, decreased strategy titrating PEEP on the basis of transpul-
dyspnea, and decreased mouth and airway monary pressures revealed improved oxygena-
dryness sensation compared with conven- tion and compliance compared with standard
tional oxygen therapy.109,110 A recent study settings,121 and a larger clinical trial of this
found a similar rate of intubation but a approach is currently ongoing (NCT01681225).
reduced mortality rate in the group of patients Recently, a reanalysis of 9 of the main ran-
treated with high-flow nasal cannula domized controlled trials (RCTs) in ARDS
compared with NIV or standard oxygen.111 compared the impact of Vt, PEEP, Pplat,
Intubation was reduced in those with a and driving pressure (DP ¼ Pplat  PEEP)
PaO2:FIO2 ratio lower than 200 mm Hg. It on outcomes. Driving pressure change was
may work in part by reducing the oropha- the variable that best predicted mortal-
ryngeal dead space by a washout effect and ity,122,123 perhaps because it is equal to (Vt/
by increasing end-expiratory pressure.112 CRS)die, Vt normalized to respiratory system
The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome compliance, the latter being related to lung
Network Lower Tidal Volume (ARMA) trial size. Conversely, PBW is a good predictor of
was the first large multicenter clinical trial to lung size in healthy individuals but not in pa-
document the benefit of a lung protective tients with ARDS, who can have markedly
strategy using lower than traditional Vts (w6 decreased lung volumes. The recent interna-
mL/kg PBW) and limiting Pplat to 30 cm tional multicenter observational LUNG SAFE
H2O.113 Since then, accumulating evidence (Large Observational Study to Understand
has demonstrated that low Vts, with or the Global Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory
without a certain degree of acidosis (permis- Failure) study also found an association
sive hypercapnia), are efficient in limiting between both higher Pplat and DP with
VILI.114 Reducing instrumental dead space mortality.86 These studies suggest that a safe
(eg, filters) is necessary, and increasing the res- ventilatory strategy should first use a Vt of
piratory rate to 35 breaths/min is recommen- 6mL/kg PBW, while limiting plateau and
ded to minimize hypercapnia. There is some driving pressure. Keeping DP below a risky
evidence that decreasing Vt even further may level (eg, <15 cm H2O) may help, although
improve outcomes.115 Clinical trials are no prospective data are available. High PEEP
exploring the impact of lower Vts using extra- levels (>10-15 cm H2O) seem beneficial
corporeal circulation to remove carbon in moderate and especially severe ARDS
dioxide.116 (PaO2:FIO2 ratio <200 mm Hg).
How to best set the PEEP level for any In moderately severe to severe ARDS with a
patient has been a matter of debate for 5 PaO2:FIO2 ratio of less than 150 mm Hg,
decades. The initial focus was to improve adjunctive therapies such as neuromuscular
oxygenation with higher PEEP, but the current blockade for the first 48 hours49 or prone posi-
thinking is that any improvement in outcomes tioning also result in improved survival.124,125
with higher PEEP levels is due to decreased Implementation of the prone position requires
VILI. Individual trials have failed to document training by the clinical team, but the evidence
decreased mortality with a higher PEEP strat- strongly suggests that it should be applied
egy,71,117,118 but an individual patient data when the PaO2:FIO2 ratio remains lower than
meta-analysis found that higher PEEP was 120 mm Hg despite protective ventilation.
associated with a 5% lower mortality rate in Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
patients with moderate or severe ARDS may be beneficial in patients with the most
(PaO2:FIO2 ratio <200 mm Hg) but not in severe ARDS and is currently under
n n
1392 Mayo Clin Proc. September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004

investigation. The results of the EOLIA (Extra- reduction in postoperative complications and
corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe in the requirement of postoperative MV with
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) trial this strategy compared with conventional
(clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01470703) ventilation in patients undergoing major
will provide valuable information.126,127 At abdominal operations.139 Other studies in
present, it seems reasonable to apply extracor- patients undergoing thoracic and abdominal
poreal membrane oxygenation if prone surgical procedures have documented reduced
positioning is ineffective. postoperative pulmonary and extrapulmonary
Alveolar recruitment techniques vary and complications with lower health care utiliza-
may have adverse effects. Recent data indicate tion when a protective ventilation strategy
that most of the effect of a sustained inflation was used.139,140 Protective ventilation is not
(35-40 cm H2O) is obtained after 10 seconds, associated with additional risk of intraopera-
suggesting that such maneuvers can be termi- tive complications.
nated relatively early before adverse events In intubated ICU patients not presenting
occur.128 Even if recruitment maneuvers sub- with ARDS on admission, a strategy using
stantially improve oxygenation, this effect is lower Vts was associated with shorter duration
transient, and the benefit on patient outcomes of MV.141 A meta-analysis examining surgical
is still controversial.129,130 and ICU patients found that lower Vts were
Two RCTs using high-frequency oscilla- beneficial for all important outcomes
tion found no benefit for moderate and severe including evolution to ARDS, pneumonia,
ARDS, and one of them even found a higher hospital length of stay, and mortality.136
mortality rate for patients treated with this Finally, in brain-dead potential organ
technique.131,132 Therefore, high-frequency donors, a lung protective ventilation strategy
oscillation is not recommended as first-line maintaining sufficient PEEP and avoiding
therapy for patients with ARDS. However, a derecruitment allowed optimization of lung
recent meta-analysis suggests that it may be transplant leading to a 2-fold increase in
beneficial in very severely hypoxemic pa- harvested lungs compared with a conventional
tients.133 Inhaled nitric oxide can lead to vaso- strategy with the same rate of success and
dilation of the well-ventilated alveoli with 6-month survival rate.142
subsequent improvement in oxygenation but
has been found in multiple studies to not VENTILATION IN PATIENTS WITH COPD
impact mortality and may have adverse effects Exacerbations of COPD are characterized by a
such as increased risk of renal marked worsening of respiratory mechanics
dysfunction.134,135 secondary to increased airway resistance, expi-
ratory collapse of small airways limiting expi-
PROTECTIVE VENTILATION FOR PATIENTS ratory flow, development of auto-PEEP and
WITH RELATIVELY NORMAL LUNGS hyperinflation, and increased work of breath-
There is accumulating evidence for the benefi- ing. The development of auto-PEEP has
cial effects of lung protective ventilation in important consequences including increased
patients without ARDS,136 including those un- work of breathing (inspiratory threshold
dergoing major surgical procedures, patients loading), decreased respiratory muscle effi-
without ARDS at presentation, and in brain- ciency (flattened diaphragms), and hemody-
dead patients who are potential lung donors. namic compromise. Patients are unable to
For surgical patients with previously achieve sufficient Vts despite strong respira-
healthy lungs, the conventional strategy has tory efforts and have markedly elevated
previously been to combine high Vts oxygen cost of breathing. In these patients,
(w10-15 mL/kg) with high FIO2 using low the physiologic rationale for NIV is very
or no PEEP. The goal with this strategy was strongdNIV improves ventilatory efficiency,
to prevent atelectasis.137,138 In recent years, decreases respiratory rate, decreases the work
several studies have examined lung protective of breathing, and increases alveolar ventilation
ventilation strategies (low Vt, PEEP with or by increasing Vt.143 This approach often imp-
without recruitment maneuvers) in the oper- roves the patient’s level of consciousness.144
ating room. One study reported a 3-fold Many studies have found that the use of NIV

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004 1393


can prevent the need for intubation and A common framework is important to enable
reduce mortality,145,146 often in very severe comparison of weaning duration among
cases.147-149 groups of patients. Shortening this period is
If the patient requires intubation because essential because weaning duration is associ-
of a decreased level of consciousness, severe ated with survival.152 Minimizing sedative
respiratory acidosis despite NIV, or because drugs56 and neuromuscular blocking agents
the initial presentation is too severe for an to prevent muscle weakness,20 switching early
NIV attempt, the goals of MV can be consid- to a mode of ventilation that allows sponta-
ered within the context of 2 distinct periods. neous breathing, use of weaning protocols,153
In the first, often short, period, the aim is to or even automated weaning154 are all reason-
minimize dynamic hyperinflation while able strategies to shorten the weaning period.
obtaining reasonably acceptable values of pH Determining when a patient can be sepa-
and oxygenation but not normal PaCO2. To rated from the ventilator is challenging while
achieve these goals, the patient usually the patient is still undergoing MV. Therefore,
undergoes ventilation in a controlled pressure general criteria have been defined to systemat-
or volume mode. The strategy largely consists ically screen patients for their ability to breathe
of minimizing minute ventilation and alone, whatever the ventilator settings. These
increasing inspiratory flow to prolong the criteria have challenged the notion that wean-
duration of expiration and permit lung ing should always be gradual and progressive.
deflation in the presence of a high respiratory How to perform the test to decide for
system time constant150 (Figure 2). extubationdusually referred to as a sponta-
In the second period, the major goal is to neous breathing trial (SBT)dis a matter of
wean the patient from the ventilator while debate,155 as explained below. A recent study
decreasing the work of breathing. In this classified weaning on the basis of the timing
period, the patient is allowed to generate of weaning success after the first separation
spontaneous breathing efforts, often using attempt (defined as an SBT or any extubation
PSV. Appropriately set external PEEP (just attempt)155 and reported increased mortality
sufficient to overcome auto-PEEP) may help for patients having prolonged weaning. Recent
reduce the added elastic load at the start the guidelines for liberation from MV recommend
inspiration. Care must be taken to avoid exces- using protocols for sedation and weaning,
sive levels of pressure support (and Vts), mobilization of patients as early as possible,
which are associated with lengthening of the performance of an SBT with PSV rather than
inspiratory time and ineffective efforts that a T-piece, cuff leak tests and corticosteroid
are strongly associated with poor outcomes.151 administration if there is no leak, and prophy-
When the patient undergoes PSV, the level of lactic NIV for patients at high risk for
pressure should be set to decrease the work of reintubation.156
breathing but also to limit Vt; high Vts lead to The choice of the appropriate SBT tech-
dynamic hyperinflation and ineffective effort, nique is not as simple as it appears. A recent
and dyssynchronies are observed very physiologic meta-analysis found that
frequently in these patients. Tidal volumes of compared with all other SBT modalities,
approximately 6 mL/kg PBW may be neces- both T-piece and ventilation with no PSV
sary to minimize ineffective efforts.29 and no PEEP best and equally simulate the pa-
tient’s postextubation scenario.157
WEANING After extubation, prophylactic use of NIV
The weaning process can compose as much as may benefit patients at risk for respiratory fail-
40% of the total duration of MV.152 However, ure and reintubation, such as elderly patients
many uncertainties exist when one tries to with COPD or congestive heart failure.158,159
describe this phase of the MV journey because Noninvasive ventilation in the weaning strat-
various aspects are ill-defined. For example, egy might reduce the rate of ventilation-
when does the weaning start? As soon as the acquired pneumonia and mortality.160 In 2
patient is intubated, or when the sedation recent RCTs, the high-flow nasal cannula tech-
decreased, or when the ventilator is switched nique was noninferior to NIV in postextuba-
to a mode allowing spontaneous breathing? tion settings for patients at high risk for
n n
1394 Mayo Clin Proc. September 2017;92(9):1382-1400 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.05.004

respiratory failure161 and even decreased the during the acute phase has a strong impact
rate of reintubation for patients at low risk.162 on long-term outcome and disabilities, and
this focus on long-term outcomes will be a
AVENUES FOR IMPROVEMENT focus for future research. The MV journey is
Our understanding of the pathophysiology of making progress but is still far from its ulti-
acute respiratory diseases, the impact of venti- mate destination.
lator settings on dyssynchronies, and the com-
plications of MV have all markedly improved
during the past few decades. Nevertheless,
many unanswered questions remain. Given We thank Dr Lu Chen for providing the trac-
ings used in Figures 1 and 2.
the potential iatrogenic consequences of inad-
equate delivery of MV, one might assume that
avoiding invasive MV at any cost would Abbreviations and Acronyms: ARDS = acute respiratory
distress syndrome; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary
benefit the patient. However, recent data sug- disease; CRS = compliance of the respiratory system; ERS =
gest that spontaneous ventilation can also lead elastance of the respiratory system; FIO2 = fraction of
to lung injury in patients with high respiratory inspired oxygen; ICU = intensive care unit; MV = mechanical
drive.163 Patients breathing spontaneously, ventilation; NIV = noninvasive ventilation; DP = pressure
whether intubated or not, can experience change; PBW = predicted body weight; PEEP = positive
end-expiratory pressure; P0 = initial alveolar pressure;
self-inflicted lung injury due to high minute Pplat = plateau pressure; PSV = pressure support venti-
ventilation and increased Vts.96,164 Thus, lation; RCT = randomized controlled trial; SBT = sponta-
spontaneous ventilation can also be harmful, neous breathing trial; SpO2 = pulse oximetry oxygen
and very high respiratory drive with the devel- saturation; VILI = ventilator-induced lung injury; Vt = tidal
opment of very large Vts may be an indication volume
for intubation with heavy sedation or neuro- Potential Competing Interests: Dr Slutsky is a consultant
muscular blocking agents. Identifying which for Baxter, Novalung/XENIOS AG, and MAQUET Holding
spontaneously breathing patients are at B.V. & Co. Dr Brochard’s laboratory has received grants or
increased risk for this type of injury is an equipment from Covidien (research on PAV), Maquet
(NAVA), Fisher Paykel (high flow), Philips (sleep), Air
important area of future research. Liquide (Helium, CPR), General Electric (lung volume,
A promising approach to limiting compli- ultrasound).
cations from MV in patients with ARDS or
COPD is the use of extracorporeal life support. Correspondence: Address to Arthur S. Slutsky, MD,
Keenan Centre for Biomedical Research, Li Ka Shing Knowl-
These techniques range from extracorporeal edge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, 209 Victoria St, Room
carbon dioxide removal, which is the least 305, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8, Canada (slutskya@smh.ca).
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