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To Whom It May Concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend Kenneth Plont for a teaching position at your school.

I was Kenneth’s mentor teacher at Walton Charter Academy for 6 months. I supervised
his teaching, worked with him planning units and assessment, and gave him feedback on
his performance.

I enjoyed my time working with Kenneth and came to know him as a valuable asset to
any team. He is honest, dependable, hard-working, accepts feedback, and displays a
desire to improve his teaching craft every day. He handled difficult situations with poise
and professionalism. He taught a diverse group of students using multiple strategies and
techniques. He showed an ability to connect with students about subject material. He
showed continual improvement throughout his student teaching experience that
demonstrates his growth mindset.

Kenneth has always been a joy to work with. He is a true team player, and always
manages to foster positive, open discussions and bring unique perspectives to issues
concerning education and student well-being.

I recommend Kenneth Plont to join your school as a middle school/high school teacher.
As a dedicated and knowledgeable employee and an all-around quality person, I know
that he will be a great addition to your school.

Please feel free to contact me at 248-425-7388 or

should you like to discuss Kenneth’s qualifications and experience further. I’d be happy
to expand on my recommendation.

Best wishes,

Kris J Holtzclaw
Mr. Kris J. Holtzclaw
6th/7th/8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Walton Charter Academy

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