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Student Teacher: Catherine Li

ESL CYCLE 2 & 3 Daily lesson plan

Group: 303 Grade level /Program: 3 Period length: 60 mins
Goals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)
o By the end of the class I want the students to be able to identify body parts
o I will know they can do this when they are able to write the correct word for each body part in the English handout and to participate in the Simon Says game by the end of the period.
Competencies to be developed Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)
o C1: Interacts orally in English C1: __Participation in exchanges __ Pronunciation
C2: __Carrying out tasks __Demonstration of understanding of key elements and overall meaning
o C2: Reinvests understanding of texts

Functional Language for speaking & writing o Instructions and classroom routines (e.g. Open your binder. Let’s write the date.)
(CHOOSE 2-3 FOCUS expressions) o Identification (e.g. What’s this? This is…, It’s…, My name is…, Who is it? I am/ I’m…, There

Learning strategy – Resourcing (making use of human and material resources: word and expression banks,
(CHOOSE ONE) graphic organizers, posters, checklists, quick references, books, thematic and visual
dictionaries, information technology)
Vocabulary Focus: Vocabulary Focus:
(Up to 8 words you want students to learn (Up to 8 words you want students to learn today)
today) o Theme-related vocabulary ( e. g. sports, recreation, pastimes, food, animals, clothing,
WRITE THEM HERE: special events)
Head Arm
Ear Hand
Eye Neck
Nose Mouth

Language Conventions (Grammar, o Spelling words found in explicit models and resources targeted for carrying out tasks
Spelling, punctuation…)

Teacher-centred techniques: Cooperative learning techniques: Other Techniques

[ ] Teacher-led discussion [ ] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti [ ] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition [ ] Scaffolding
[ ] Individual Work [ ] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] Jigsaw [ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming [ ] Storytelling [ ] Puppets /
[ ] Cold calling Realia [ ] Music

Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)
­ Settling down
­ Attendance
­ Menu on board

1. Activity Teaching techniques Rationale Min.

 Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for students Individual / paired / groups – (Your pedagogical reasons / Goals
 Write the instructions you will give students cooperative learning structure?) What teaching STEP is this?)
knowledge)(Activate prior Intro

Scishow Kids (What Happens If You Swallow Gum?) Teacher-led Build 10

1.Show a video from Scishow Kids Part of the routine is to show

2.Discuss about what was said in the video a Scishow kids video to the
 What is gum made of? (Rubber + Sugar) students. This can expose
 Explain vocabulary: stomach, chewing, small students to English words
intestine, rubber from other subjects that are
 Does it stay in your body? not covered in class. The
 Where does gum go after we swallowed it? video allows them to make
connections and learn about
things that they see in their
Link with the lesson: “so this happens when we swallow daily lives.
gum after chewing it in our mouth. What is a mouth? It is a
part of our body and today, we are talking about parts of the

2014-2015 Daily lesson planning template

1. Activity Teaching techniques Rationale Min.
 Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for students Individual / paired / groups – (Your pedagogical reasons / Goals
 Write the instructions you will give students cooperative learning structure?) What teaching STEP is this?)
Development (activities. of 5-10 minutes)

Parts of the Body Teacher-led Model 15

1. Show the picture of the boy (Annexe A) on the The teacher will model the
SmartBoard pronunciations of the target
2. Complete the body parts using the words in the vocabulary words.
wordbank as a group
 “This is my head. Which letter represents the head Build and Practice
of the boy? Is it letter A or B or C…?”
 “How do we spell the word head?” Students will learn words
 Mention about the plural form of the word foot related to body parts by
connecting the words to the
pictures. They will practice
spelling the words and their

Bubbletime Individual / Pairs Practice and Assess 15

1. Give the handout “Parts of the Body” (Annexe B) to Students will practice what
students they learned during the
2. Explain the instructions (We did part 1 together and lesson by writing the correct
now, they have to write the correct word on each word on each line of the
line) handout. The teacher will
3. Model part 2 of the handout (“Write True or False” walk around to assess by
of Annexe B) observing what they wrote
 Explain what does true/false mean on their paper and by asking
4. Finish previous handouts from their folder them questions.
Simon Says Game Teacher-led Practice and Assess 10

Rules: Students will practice their

1. The teacher is designated as Simon and the others listening skills and their
are the players. spelling by obeying to the
2. Simon tells players what they must do by saying actions during the game.
“Simon Says” The teacher can assess their
3. Players must only obey commands that begin with competency 2.
the words “Simon Says.”
4. Players who incorrectly obey or do not obey
Simon’s command must correctly spell the word
(parts of the body) asked by the teacher in order to
stay in the game

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015

1. Activity Teaching techniques Rationale Min.
 Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for students Individual / paired / groups – (Your pedagogical reasons / Goals
 Write the instructions you will give students cooperative learning structure?) What teaching STEP is this?)

Simon Says Actions

Touch your nose

Jump on your foot
Kiss your hand
Open your mouth
Clap your hands two times / Clap your hands one time
Turn your head
Touch your neck / Touch your ears
Shake your arms
Close your eyes / Open your eyes / Open your mouth

Exit Card Individual Assess 5

Goal? Closure:

1. Ask the students to write one word that they The teacher can assess
learned during the lesson and to draw a small which word was really
picture representing this word learned during the lesson.

End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next class
­ Collect all the exit cards
­ Put the English handout in the folder
­ Put the folder away
­ Push your chair
­ Line up

Anticipated problems Solutions/Plan B

­ Technical problem with the SmartBoard  ­ Explain the Scishow kids video and draw a 
character quickly on the chalkboard for the 
­ Students are too excited during the Simon  ­ Before the game, tell students that we keep 
Says Game the volume down and no screaming. If they 
are acting too silly, we will stop the game 
­ Stronger students finish the English handout  after the first warning
faster ­ Have a plan B activity for those who finished
all the handouts in their folder

Materials to prepare Homework (to assign and collect)

­ Parts of the body handout - No homework

­ Exit card

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015

Annexe A

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015
Annexe B

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015


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