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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mariam Juma.

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)
Manage children behaviour.

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

My target is to manage children behaviour and avoid misbehaving by apply different techniques to children.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

I will apply several techniques to discipline children behaviour and encourage them to follow the classroom rules
by use I massage, positive reinforcement, reward system, and eye contact.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)

I will know if I achieved my PDP goal by hear my MST advice and saw her assessment note about my
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (MOE code and words):

By the end of lesson, children will be able to:

Kg 2-A Math - Understand the meaning of the
- Recognize the colours in the sequence
- Create a pattern by using materials.
- Identify what a pattern is and predict
what should come next in patterns.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Open activity:
- Computer to play the pattern song.
- Colours flashcards.
Activities: Key vocabulary
- Abacus - Colours name such as red, yellow, blue, green
and so on……
Middle: - Materials names such as blocks, abacus and
- Cubes.
- Picture of pattern.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

- I will welcome the student.

- I will play the patterns practice song in the computer and ask children to sing.
- When the song has finished, I will be asking children

what do you see in song?

How was the colour order?

- I will be explaining for the children what a pattern means by show them the flashcards and
ask them which colour is first? What next? With what colour, can we complete this pattern?
- Show them example of pattern to make it clear and understood.

- I will explain every centres activity to assist children to know what the will do with

For example:
Low activity: Create the pattern by follow the picture shows in abacus or create pattern by use
3D shapes.
The instructions are:
- Work in peer
- Take abacus
- Follow the pictures shows in abacus by put the cubes

Middle activity: Complete the Pattern.

The insertions are:
1- Work invalidly
2- Each child will get on pattern
3- Put cubes in the empty space.
Time: 15 min

High activity: Create pattern by use blocks.

The instructions:

1- Work as group.
2- Create pattern by build blocks.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Low activity: Create the pattern by follow the picture shows in abacus or create pattern by use 3D
What teacher do:
- Observe children while they apply the activity.
- Motivate children by parsing them.

What children do:

- Apply the activity by follow the pattern picture.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Middle activity: Complete the Pattern.

What teacher do:
- Observe children.
- Help them if they need.
- Parsing student.

What children do:

- Work individual.
- Complete the pattern picture by put cubes.
Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

High activity: Create pattern by use blocks.

What teacher do:
- I will assess and evaluate this group by use checklist.
- I will evaluate children understanding by asking them questions, which are:
Can you build a pattern for 3 colours? What colour you will put after?

What children do:

- Build blocks as a pattern.
- Responded to my questions.
15 min

- I will play clean up song, and l will request the children to return the materials back. Pattern
- I will give each child flashcard with colour.

- I will request them to make pattern by stand in the line.


I will evaluate children understanding by observing their skills when they implement the activities and
answering the questions by use checklist.

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