1st Term Think Teen 2 Arx Unit 5 - 6 B

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1st term test think teen 2 units5-6 CLASS :C


My name is Deng and I come from China. I live in Beijing, which is a city of over 15 million people. Just before
dawn each morning, the streets are clean but by the end of the day there is enough litter to fill an Olympic sized
swimming pool! Because of the Olympic Games in 2008 the government wants to make the city clean and it is
trying to encourage people to change their bad habits and to be more responsible for their rubbish. Now it is a
crime to throw rubbish or litter in the street. For example, if you drop litter or throw cigarette butts on the road,
the police can fine you 500 Yaun on-the-spot. Although this is a good idea and they do it to help, I don't think
it will change anything. In a big city people always think someone else will clean up the mess. This is a disgrace.
They don't understand that it is everyone's responsibility to keep their city clean. Unless people learn to respect
where they live, nothing will change and the problem will remain the same. We need to educate people about
the importance of living in a clean environment. After all, it's for their own good, so why don't people want to
change their bad habits?

1. What is the environmental problem in Beijing?......................................................................................................


2. What does Deng suggest as a solution to the city’s problem?..................................................................................


3. Find the words from the text

a. to provide knowledge, training=

b. to give hope or courage to=
c. an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law=
d. shame=

A. Find the missing words about the environment

1. If school kids put their l……………..................................... in the bins, the schools will be cleaner.
2. Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of f......................................................

3. I need to clear out the attic and take everything I don't want to the d...................................
4. It is important to keep our e…………………….................clean.
5. After the heavy rain, the camp was a real m……………................ with litter and cans everywhere.

B. Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right

a. dump ……… 1.clean

b. drop ………. 2.people
c. keep ……… 3.waste
d. change …….. 4.respect
e. learn …….. 5.litter
f. educate…….. 6.habits

Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right

i) educate a) clean
ii) drop b) people
iii) keep c) respect
iv) change d) litter
v) learn e) habits

C. Match the solutions in A to the results in B. There is one extra result

A. Solutions
1. Give gifts and presents to friends in re-usable boxes…………….
2. Don't take a plastic bag when you buy something. ……………….
3. Wrap your presents and gifts in a cloth bag. ………………………
4. Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones. …………………………
5. Use re-chargeable batteries instead of new ones………………..
6. Go to the library to read a newspaper or book. ………………….
B. Results
a) If we do this, we won't waste so much petroleum and oil.
b) Unless we do this, we will have mountains of plastic bags.
c) If we do this, we can save ourselves money at Christmas time.
d) If we do this, we won't waste paper on wrapping up presents.
e) If we do this, we save ourselves money on our electronic games.
f) If we do this, we can wash them and re-use
g) If do this, we will help save lots of trees.

D .Put the verbs in the correct form

1. If it (rain) ....................................tomorrow, I ....................................(not water). the plants

2. If I .............................................(do) this test, I .....................................(improve) my English
3. If I ....................................(find) your ring, I ..........................................(give) it back to you
4. We .........................................(help) you if we ....................................(know) how.
5. If you…………………………………(have) a headache ,……………………………….(take) an aspirin
6. Unless you .........................(work) hard you ...............................................(not pass) your test.
7. You ...................................(not go )into bars unless you ...................................(be) over 18.
8. if you …………………………………(boil )water, it ………………………………………….(become)
steam .
9. If I ...............................(bake) a cake, ...............................................(you/have) some?
10. If I.....................................( drink), I never...................................( drive).

E.Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in past simple or present perfect.
1.She loves Paris. She ............................................. (be) there many times.
2.Bill ................................................................ (work) in that company for 3 years. (He still works there).
3.They ......................................................... .(go) to London on holiday last summer.
4.I .................................................................... (read) that book. It ́s good.
5.His parents .................................................... (be) here yesterday.
6.They ........................................................... (go) to Germany when he ............................... (be) only 4.
7.................... you ……......................... (watch) any film last night?
8.I .................................................................. (not see) you in class last Friday.
9..Shakespeare ................................................ (write) over one hundred sonnets.

Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
When we 1. ……………………… (move) to our new house by the sea, I was eight years old. Even before that, I 2.
……………………… (spend) every summer on a boat. My dad 3. ……………………… (teach) me to sail before I 4.
……………………… (learn) to ride a bike so I 5. ……………………… (know) how I wanted to spend my time at our new house
– I 6. ……………………… (plan) to get my own boat and sail it every day, which is exactly what I did. Now, when I 7.
……………………… (look back) on my childhood, I realise how lucky I was to grow up by the sea. I still 8. ………………………
(love) sailing

1. moved 4. learnt / learned7. look back

2. had spent 5. knew 8. Love
3. had taught 6. Planned

Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Although I 1. ……………………… (know) for years that exercise is important, I 2. ……………………… (not have) time to go to
a gym every day. Then a friend told me about a great new computer game, Wii Fit, that 3. ……………………… (help)
people get fit at home! He told me that after he4. ……………………… (try) this game, he 5. ……………………… (stop) going
to his gym! The next day, I 6. ……………………… (buy) Wii Fit. There are about 40 activities and the game’s special
graphics 7. ……………………… (help) you to do the exercises correctly. Wii Fit8. ……………………… (combine) fitness with
fun, so when I 9. ……………………… (read) that Wii Fit10. ……………………… (sell) at a current rate of 90 copies per minute, I
wasn’t surprised.

1.have known 5. stopped 9. read

2. don’t have 6. bought 10. is selling
3. helps 7. help
4. (had) tried 8. combines

Use the following words to describe the situation in each of the sentences 1-6.
brand discount guarantee refund faulty model

1. The radio doesn't work. It's ____________ .

2. My father gets a ____________ at the store because he is the manager.
3. The shop didn't give me a ____________ but they gave me another CD.
4. What ____________ of toothpaste do you use?
5. The stereo has a one year ____________ so I am not worried if it breaks down.
6. The new ____________ of my phone costs more than the one I have got now.

Complete the sentences

1. If you help me with the garden, I ……………

I will help you, if you …………………. .

He sneezes if pepper …………….his nose.

a) We (have) …………… mountains of rubbish unless people become responsible for their environment.
b) If you want information about recycling, (ring) ………….. 801 11 111111
c) If someone (pollute) …………….. the environment, the police ( fine) ……. him.
d) Unless we all do something soon, the world (suffer)……………. from pollution.
e) People don't care about a problem unless it (affect) ……………… their lives.

) If he /burn/ the boxes / a lot of smoke

b) If he /leave / the tomatoes / smell
c) If he / not clean / the rubbish / neighbours complain
d) If he leave / boxes / attract mice
e) If he reuse/ the boxes / store other things
f)If he / reuse/ the bottles / create a piece of art
g) If he throw/ tomatoes / in garden / help the soil

Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.

Dear Nefeli,

You (tell) me on the phone last week, that last summer you (go) to Limnos on holiday. I (not be) to that
particular island but I (hear) that it is wonderful. As for myself, my family and I (fly) to Paris. I (enjoy) it
although the weather (be) awful. While we (be) there we (buy) lots of souvenirs and presents for our friends
and of course, we (take) many photographs of the city.

Complete the sentences with one of the following expressions.

In fact as for as you know that's all for now for ages All the best

1. We haven't seen our uncle ____________ .

2. Well, ____________ but I hope to be in touch again soon.
3. I think Yiota likes Crete. ____________, I am sure of it.
4. Andrew has written a letter but ____________, Steven, I am not so sure.
5. Dear Martin, ____________, we are in Russia on holiday.
6. At that I shall close. ____________, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Match the words on the left with those on the right.

 walk around

 a wide range  of

 on  up

 in  show

 queue  advance
 stay  with

Complete the sentences using the correct expression.

in advance queue up on show wide range of walk around stays with

1. In the afternoon, we decided to ____________ London and see the sights.

2. When my cousin from Germany comes to Greece she ____________ my family.
3. You can find a ____________ things to buy in that store.
4. In Britain people ____________ to get on the bus.
5. The worker asked me to pay him ____________ to fix my wall.

Complete the text with the missing words.

recycling contribute garbage preservation street pollution

planet parents separate forests

Everybody must ____________ to preserve our environment. Each day there is more and more
____________ that is threatening our ____________, our rivers and even our homes. It is up to us to
contribute to the ____________ of our ____________. So do your part and don't spend too much water. If
you can walk to a certain place, don't ask your ____________ to drive you there. Always ____________
your garbage and put it in the ____________ containers. And something which is also very important:
don't throw ____________ on the ____________.

Everybody must contribute to preserve our environment. Each day there is more and more pollution that is
threatening our forests, our rivers and even our homes. It is up to us to contribute to the preservation of our
planet. So do your part and don't spend too much water. If you can walk to a certain place, don't ask your parents
to drive you there. Always separate your garbage and put it in the recycling containers. And something which is
also very important: don't throw garbage on the street.

Complete the sentences using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Her phone (to ring) for ten minutes. It annoys me.

2. We (to walk) ten kilometers. We are so exhausted!

3. That boy (to eat) four ice-creams. Don't give him more.

4. I (not to talk) to him yet.

5. He (to sleep) since ten o'clock, it's time he woke up.

6. It (to rain) for two days now, there will be flood soon.

7. He (to teach) in this school for five years.

8. We (to hear) the news: Tom and Jill are engaged!

9. My aunt (to work) as an accountant since I remember.

10. I (to buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.

11. We (to miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk.

12. He (to be) Minister of Education since 1983.

Look at the following groups of words. Which preposition is missing?

collection of works of art development of Tower of London at the age of

b) Put the phrases into the sentences below.

1. There is a huge …………………… statues in the Parthenon Museum.

2. The ……………………… was used as a prison for Henry's wives.
3. The Tsar visited London …………………… 25.
4. The Hermitage Museum houses ……………………. from all over the world.
5. The exhibition shows the …………………… the culture of the country.

Read the text below and complete the gaps with the correct from of the verb in parentheses.

The Greek island of Crete 1.(become) ………………………… a popular tourist destination in recent years.
Many foreigners 2.(discover)………………………… the wonders of this island and go back year after year.
The Minoans first 3.(inhabit) ………………………… this island around 2500 years ago, and people
4.(live) ………………………… there ever since. It was in 1878 that Minos Kalkaiinos
5.(discover) ………………………… two of the palace storerooms but the Turkish owners of the land
6.(make) ………………………… him stop digging. It wasn't until 1900 that the Minoan civilization
7.(become) ………………………… famous when Sir Arthur Evans excavated the site of a Minoan palace
near Heracleon. The Palace today is different from what it was when Evans excavated it. The people who have
restored it 8.(use) ………………………… materials that had nothing to do with the Minoan civilization. This
method of restoration 9.(receive) ………………………… criticism from many Greek archaeologists, but it
10.(help) ………………………… many visitors who come to see the palace to understand the Minoan

Complete the expressions with one of the words in the box.

1. To the best of my …………………., Andreas has never seen the hope

pyramids. met
2. My dear friend Mary, it all seems so long since we last …………………. . haven't
3. Don't forget, we …………………. to see you here soon! wish
4. We are having a wonderful time. I …………………. you were here! doing
5. Dear Markos, Sorry, I …………………. written for so long. knowledge
6. Hi! How are you ………………….?

. Read the text.

Dead Sea in Danger

The Dead Sea, the saltiest body of water of the earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becom¬ing smaller and
smaller because of decisions by people to use part of its waters.

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point of the earth, almost 400 metres below sea level. It is 50 kilometres long.
Just 40 years ago it stretched 80 kilometres in length.

One of the main reasons for the sea's shrinking is lack of water. 90% of the waters that flow from the Jordan River,
which traditionally goes into the Dead Sea, is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan.

Besides, local industry adds to the Dead Sea's problems. They use the water for getting necessary minerals. It's a
real disaster for the Sea.

Now hundreds of thousands of tourists come to the Dead Sea every year. Its water is so salty that a man can read a
newspaper comfortably while lying on his back on the water. The water contains a lot of sulphur, and the thick
black mud that is found at the sea's beach is very use¬ful for people with skin diseases. Tourists treat their bodies
with the black mud, but they don’t think about the Dead Sea's troubles.

It can be saved — but time is running out.

1. Where is the Dead Sea located?

a) At the highest point of the Earth

b) At the hottest place of the Earth

c) At the lowest point of the Earth

d) At the coldest place of the Earth

2. According to the text how long is the Dead Sea now?

a) 400 metres

b) 50 kilometres

c) 80 kilometres

d) 40 kilometres

3. What are two main reasons for taking off part of the Dead Sea's water?
a) Thousands of tourists come to the Sea to treat their diseases; the Dead Sea's water is used by local industry.

b) People take water from the Jordan River for their needs; they use the Dead Sea's water for getting necessary

c) Local industry uses its black mud; people take the Sea's water for agriculture and drinking.

d) 90% of the Jordan waters is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan; thousands of tourists come
to the Sea for treating.

3. Write a short answer.

1. Find and write down the sentence that says why the Dead Sea is in danger?


2. Why does the text finish with the words:

It can be saved — but time is running out? Explain your answer.


4. Match the words (and phrases) with their antonyms (words which have opposite meanings).

1. to prohibit a) to damage

2. to protect b) to clear rubbish away

3. to pollute c) to be out of danger

4. to throw d) to allow

5. to drop litter e) to enjoy doing something

6. to be in danger f) to clean

7. to avoid doing something g) to catch

5. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protect, is thrown,

in danger, prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up
People get a lot of food from the sea. But we have made the sea a very dirty place. If we are not careful,
1________________ will kill many of the animals and plants in the sea.

A lot of rubbish 2_____________ into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are 3__________________. Some
animals try to eat the 4__________________, they die.

Oil (нефть) from big ships, chemicals and waste 5_________________ the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and
sea birds.

Luckily many people realize now that we must look after the sea and 6______________ it. They say polluting the
sea should be strictly 7________________. Groups of people who care about the 8______________________
spend their free time 9____________________ litter from the beaches. People collect 10_______________, bottles
and 11___________________ and put them into different 12_____________ for further recycling.

2. 1. c); 2. b); 3. b).

4. 1. d); 2. a); 3. f); 4. g); 5. b); 6. c); 7. e).
5. 1. Pollution; 2. is thrown; 3. in danger; 4. rubbish; 5. pollute; 6. protect; 7. prohibited; 8.
environment; 9. clearing up; 10. cans; 11. packaging; 12. bins.

dangerous land fresh air late problem noise air rubbish serious
water roadworks smoke safe

The pollution in Hong Kong is a ___________ problem.

We have _____________ pollution which makes the rivers and the sea very dirty. Some seafood is no longer
______ to eat now.

We have __________ pollution because of the ________made by cars and factories.

____________ pollution is also getting worse because of the ________ and traffic in our streets.

If we allow this to go on, Hong Kong will become a ________ place to live in. Therefore we must do something
before it is too ______.

If we don’t stop making a lot of smoke, we won’t have _____________ to breathe

The pollution in Hong Kong is a serious problem.

We have water pollution which makes the rivers and the sea very dirty. Some seafood is no longer safe to eat now.

We have air pollution because of the smoke made by cars and factories.

Noise pollution is also getting worse because of the roadworks and traffic in our streets.

If we allow this to go on, Hong Kong will become a dangerous place to live in. Therefore we must do something
before it is too late.

If we don’t stop making a lot of smoke, we won’t have fresh air to breathe.
Global Warming

Scientists say the temperature of the earth could rise by 3ºC over the next 50 years. This may cause drought in
some parts of the world, and floods in others, as ice at the North and South poles begins to melt and sea levels rise.
Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. Normally, heat from the sun warms the earth and then escapes
back into space. But carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere trap the sun’s heat, and this is slowly
making the earth warmer.

The Ozone Layer

The Ozone layer is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth that helps to protect it from the sun’s
ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins and cause cancer. Scientists have recently discovered holes in the
Ozone Layer, caused by substances called CFCs (clorofluorocarbons) CFCs are used in refrigerators, aerosol cans
and in the manufacture of some plastic products. Some companies now make aerosols that do not contain CFCs,
and these are often marked “Ozone Friendly”


Rainforests help to control global warming because the absorb carbon dioxide. In recent years, large area have
been destroyed, as the trees are cut down for wood or burned to clear the land for farming. The burning releases
large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Many rainforests grow on poor soils, and when they are cut
down or burned, the soil is washed a way in the tropical rains, so that the area may turn to desert. Many plant and
animal species that live there could become extinct.


Factories, power stations and motor vehicles pump large quantities of carbon dioxide and other gases into the air.
This is a major cause of the greenhouse effect. A lot of petrol contains lead, which is very poisonous and can cause
brain damage in children. Most cars use unleaded petrol today and hybrid cars use batteries and petrol to use less
petrol. Some poisonous gases dissolve(διαλυονται) in water in the atmosphere and then fall to the earth as acid
rain. Acid rain also damages trees and buildings, and can kill fish in lakes and rivers. Rivers can also be polluted by
industrial waste from factories and chemical fertilizers and pesticides used by farmers.

Alternative Energy

Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas. But these will not last for ever, and burning them is
slowly harming the atmosphere. We need to look for other ways of supplying energy. Solar Power is a way of using
the sun’s energy as heat or to make electricity. We can also use wind-power by building modern windmills that spin
in the wind. There are several types of water-power: river water in mountainous areas can be used to generate
hydroelectric power, and we can also create electricity from sea water flowing in and out with the tides.


Recycling is the processing of used objects and materials so that they can be used again. About 60% of rubbish from
homes and factories contain materials that could be recycled. Recycling saves energy and raw materials, and also
reduces damage to the countryside. Glass, paper and aluminium cans can all be recycled very easily. Many towns
have special bins for bottles and cans where people can leave their empty bottles and cans for recycling. A lot of
paper bags, writing paper and greeting cards are now produced on recycled paper.

1.What are CFCs and how do they affect the environment?

2.What alternative forms of energy do you know?

3.What is the Ozone Layer? What does it do? What is happening to it?

4.How are forests good for the environment? What is happening to them?

5.What is a hybrid car? How does it help the environment?

6.What is acid rain?

7.What is recycling? How does it help the environment?

8.What is the Greenhouse Effect?

What do you do to save energy and protect the environment?

Why Should We Recycle? You know that you should recycle, but do you know

why you should recycle?

1.Reduces the amount of waste we have to dispose of in landfill sites.
2. Recycling uses less energy, e.g. fuel and electricity, than manufacturing new materials
and so reduces pollution.
3. If we recycle, we don’t need to keep going back to nature to get more raw materials.
Obtaining raw materials causes serious damage to the environment.

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