The Land Between Two Rivers

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What does Mesopotamia mean?

The land between two rivers. The word "Mesopotamia” derived

from ancient Greek, means "land between two rivers". The land of
fertile soil is not the correct meaning, but it applies, as
Mesopotamia had very fertile soil. Babylon was a kingdom within
Which of these was NOT a Mesopotamian civilization?
Indus. The Indus is an ancient river in India, where there was a
great civilization in the Indus valley. Both Babylonians and
Assyrians were very skilled inventors; they invented the wheel, the
clock, and the battering ram.

What two rivers was Mesopotamia located between?

Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamia was named because it was
between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Nile is the longest
river in the world, located in Africa, and the Yangtze and Yellow
rivers are located in China.

What modern day country is Mesopotamia now?

Iraq. Mesopotamia is modern day Iraq, located in the middle east.
Rejkjavik is the capital of Iceland. Uzbekistan and China are
modern Asian countries.

Mesopotamia was located in an area of land known as the fertile

True. Mesopotamia was located in the fertile crescent. The fertile
crescent was named that because it was crescent shaped, and the
constant flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers caused very
rich soil.

The Phoenicians sold a valuble dye of what color?

Purple. This purple dye attracted richer classes because most
clothing in that time was white or somewhat tan. The richer classes
would buy purple dye from the Phoenicians, this made their
clothes stand out from the ones of those who could not afford this

From where or what did the Phoenicians' valuable dye come?

Snails. The Phoenicians sold a valuable purple dye that came from
purple snails in their area, and by selling this dye, they became a
very rich kingdom. They sold it by sailing across the
Mediterranean sea; through this they became very skilled sailors.
What ancient writing form began in Babylon?
Cuneiform. Cuneiform was a complicated type of writing in which
only skilled scribes were able to write. Cuneiform was mainly used
for trading records.

What was the set of laws called that began in Babylon?

Hammurabi's code. Hammurabi's code is believed to be the first set
of written laws ever recorded. The ten amendments are the same as
the Constitution, both permanant laws of the US.

What concept was Babylon's laws based on?

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Hammurabi's code was
based on eye for an eye. 'Everyone is equal' is incorrect because
many laws of Hammurabi's code differed for different classes. The
victim was never killed but the culprit was often killed.


Two Court Officials

Khorsabad, New-Assyrian period 
Processional Avenue North 
Ishtar Gate, Babylon
Dragon of Marduk
Ishtar Gate, Babylon
Paintea Beaker
10,000 Immortals
Ancient Art
A bulla is a football shaped clay container used as a record
keeping source. It was sealed when clay was still wet. This way
nobody could see, change, or remove what tokens were inside.
Soon people began to make marks in the bulla. Historians
believe this led to the invention of writing.
Strangest facts involving the world’s first civilization!
1. Mesopotamian Religion did not believe in the after-life. They
believed that all good and bad people go under-ground as ghosts and
eat dirt.
2. They’re religion also believed that they were servants of god. If
you were to ask a person today why they are here they would say
because god loves me. Back in Mesopotamia they would say to be a
servant of the gods. Pretty depressing huh?
3. Mesopotamia invented the wheel, plow, irrigation systems and
the sailboat!
4. Priests would read the livers of chickens or lambs to see what the
gods wanted for sacrifices
5. Priests controlled the irrigation systems and also had more power
than the king and queen!
6. Mesopotamia was the very first civilization
7. The Mesopotamian king ordered the construction of the Hanging
Gardens for his wife because she grew up in the mountains and was
8. Mesopotamia was made up of individual City-states controlled by
different powers. They would eventually attack each other and end up
under 1 ruler. The people would retaliate and go back to being city-
states. This process was repeated many times.
9. Each City-state had its own god!
10. In the Mesopotamian religion there are 4 main gods of Earth, Water,
Air and the Heavens. And there were 3,000 lesser gods and each
represented an everyday item like a pickaxe. If you were mining and the
pickaxe slipped and fell on your foot, the god of the pickaxe hated you!



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