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Bradbury TSC® Productivity

Suite User Manual

User Manual for Bradbury TSC® Productivity Suite

Bradbury TSC® Productivity Suite User Manual


Table of Contents................................................................................................................................................... 2

TSC® Scheduler ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

Main Window ...........................................................................................................................................................6

Scheduler Views ........................................................................................................................................................7

Scheduler Menus ......................................................................................................................................................8

Application Windows ..............................................................................................................................................12

View Customization ................................................................................................................................................24

Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................................................24

TSC® Order Entry ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................26

Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................................................26

Tabs .........................................................................................................................................................................28

TSC® Pattern Editor .............................................................................................................................................. 31

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................31

Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................................................32

Pattern List ..............................................................................................................................................................33

Pattern Holes ..........................................................................................................................................................33

TSC® Profile Editor ............................................................................................................................................... 35

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................35

Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................................................35

Profile List ...............................................................................................................................................................36

Profile Settings ........................................................................................................................................................36

TSC® Security Manager ........................................................................................................................................ 38

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................38

Menu and Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................................39

Permissions .............................................................................................................................................................40

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TSC® View Editor.................................................................................................................................................. 41

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................41

Views .......................................................................................................................................................................42

Editing a View .........................................................................................................................................................42


TSC® Standard Part Editor .................................................................................................................................... 46

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................46

Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................................................47

Editing a Standard Part ...........................................................................................................................................48

TSC® Machine Definition Editor ........................................................................................................................... 49

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................49

Tool Bar ...................................................................................................................................................................50

Tabs .........................................................................................................................................................................51

Tool Type Editor ......................................................................................................................................................56

TSC® Report Module ............................................................................................................................................ 57

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................57

Menu and Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................................58

Standard Reports ....................................................................................................................................................59

Custom Reports ......................................................................................................................................................60

TSC® ComLink ...................................................................................................................................................... 61

Main Window .........................................................................................................................................................61

TSC® Import ......................................................................................................................................................... 62

Automatic Import ...................................................................................................................................................62

Manual Import ........................................................................................................................................................63

TSC® Cleanup Service ........................................................................................................................................... 64

User Authentication............................................................................................................................................. 65

Language Switching ............................................................................................................................................. 66

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Filter Editor .......................................................................................................................................................... 67

Creating A Filter ......................................................................................................................................................67

Special Values .........................................................................................................................................................67

Patterns ............................................................................................................................................................... 69

What Is A Pattern? ..................................................................................................................................................69

Example Patterns ....................................................................................................................................................69

How is a Pattern applied to a Part? ........................................................................................................................69

Non-Repeating Patterns .........................................................................................................................................70

Repeating Patterns .................................................................................................................................................73

Profiles ................................................................................................................................................................ 75

What Is a Profile? ....................................................................................................................................................75

Profile Settings ........................................................................................................................................................75

Standard Parts ..................................................................................................................................................... 78

What Is a Standard Part? ........................................................................................................................................78

Length and Profile Name ........................................................................................................................................78

Customization .........................................................................................................................................................78

Reference Points.................................................................................................................................................. 79

Short Part Logic.................................................................................................................................................... 80

What is the Short Part Logic? ..................................................................................................................................80

Terms ......................................................................................................................................................................81

Logic Flow Charts ....................................................................................................................................................82

Examples: ................................................................................................................................................................84

Nibbling Logic ...................................................................................................................................................... 86

What is the Nibbling Logic? ....................................................................................................................................86

Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................86

Bundling Logic...................................................................................................................................................... 87

What Is The Bundling Logic? ...................................................................................................................................87

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Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................87

Logic ........................................................................................................................................................................88

Units of Measurement ......................................................................................................................................... 89

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The TSC® Scheduler allows users to manage part production including scheduling, sorting, and other high level


Figure 1: TSC® Scheduler

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The main window of the Scheduler is divided into views. Each Part that exists in the software can only be in one
view at a time and each view serves a unique purpose. Each view contains a grid where the parts are displayed,
summary information for selected parts, and a menu that provides additional functions. Views are grouped
logically with views that show parts before production on the bottom and views that show parts during or after
production on the top.


The Import view displays parts that have been imported. Parts in this view can be sorted or manipulated before
they are sent to the Queue for production.


The Pending view displays parts that have been moved to the Pending view by a user. This view can be used
however the user wishes. Typical uses are as a staging area for sorting parts before they are queued or as a
temporary holding area for parts that need to be run at a later date.


The Queue view displays parts that have been scheduled for production. Parts in this view are always displayed in
the order that they will be run on the line so they cannot be sorted. As Parts are being produced on the line, they
will move from the top of the Queue view to the bottom of the In Progress view.


The In Progress view displays parts that are currently being produced on the line. Parts in this view are always
displayed in the order that they are being produced so they cannot be sorted.


The Completed view displays parts that have either been produced or reconciled by the operator. Parts in this view
are always displayed in the order that they were produced with the most recently completed parts at the top so
they cannot be sorted.


The Error view displays parts that have failed custom validation. Parts can only be placed in this view if custom
validation logic is being used and the part fails validation checks.

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The menu for a View can be accessed either through a right-click on the grid in that view or by a click on the Menu
button. The following are the commands that are available and the views that they are available on:


Available On: All Views

The Pause Update Timer command causes the Update Timer that refreshes the data on the current view. The
length of time that the timer is paused can be configured through the Application Configuration.


Available On: All Views

The Select All command selects all the Parts in the current view.


Available On: All Views

The Select Order(s) command selects all the Parts that are in the same Order as the selected part(s) in the current


Available On: All Views

The Select Job(s) command selects all the Parts that are in the same Job as the selected part(s) in the current view.


Available On: All Views

The Select Bundle(s) command selects all the Parts that are in the same Bundle as the selected part(s) in the
current view.


Available On: All Views

The Select None command clears the part selection in the current view so that no parts are selected.


Available On: Pending, Queue, and Error Views

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The Move To Import command moves the selected Parts to the Import view.


Available On: Import, Queue, and Error Views

The Move To Pending command moves the selected Parts to the Pending view.


Available On: Import, Pending, Queue, and Error Views

The Queue Selected Item(s) command moves the selected Parts to the Queue view. The Parts will be added to the
end of the Queue and the order of the Parts will remain the same.


Available On: Import, Pending, Queue, and Error Views

The Queue -> Hold command moves the selected Parts to the Queue view with a status of Hold. The Parts will be
added to the end of the Queue and the order of the Parts will remain the same.


Available On: Queue view

The ReQueue Selected Item(s) command changes the status of the selected Parts too Queued.


Available On: Queue and In Progress views

The Reconcile Selected Item(s) command moves the selected Parts to the Completed view. Reconciling Parts is
recommended over deleting Parts since any coil usage associated with a deleted Part will be lost.


Available On: Queue and In Progress views

The Hold Selected Item(s) command changes the status of the selected Parts to Hold. When Parts are in the Queue
or In Progress only parts that are on Hold can be modified so this function can be used if a Part needs to be edited.


Available On: Import, Pending, and Queue views

The Split Batch command displays the Split Batch dialog. See Split Batch Application Window.

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Available On: Import, Pending, and queue views

The Bundle Selected Item(s) combines the selected Parts into the same Bundle. For this function to succeed the
Parts must all be in the same Order and Job and they must all use the same Profile.


Available On: In Progress and Completed Views

The Print Bundle Ticket command prints the Bundle Ticket(s) for the selected Parts if a Bundle Ticket Printer is


Available On: Import, Pending, and Queue Views

The Delete Selected Item(s) deletes the selected Part(s) from the database. If the deleted Parts leave Orders or
Jobs with no Parts then those will be deleted as well.

WARNING: This function will result in the loss of data if a Part has been partially completed when it is deleted. It is
highly recommending that the Reconcile Selected Item(s) function be used instead.


Available On: In Progress and Completed Views

The Remake Selected Item(s) command displays the Remake dialog. See Remake Application Window.


Available On: Import, Pending, Error, and Completed Views

The Modify Filters command displays the Filter dialog. See Filter Editor.


Available On: All Views

The Edit/View Details command displays the Edit/View Details dialog. See Edit/View Details Application Window.


Available On: Queue View

The Adjust Scrap Quantity command is used for reconciling scrap on the line with a good part. For instance if a Part
was being produced and was finished but not yet sheared when the line dropped to manual. The operator could

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jog the material until the shear is positioned correctly, shear off the Part and then use this function to tell the
software that the last part was good so it is not produced again from the next coil.


Available On: All Views

The View Optimization command displays the View Optimization dialog. See View Optimization Application


Available On: All Views

The Part Viewer command displays the Part Viewer dialog. See Part Viewer Application Window.

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Figure 2: Application Configuration - General

The General Tab provides the following settings:

 Base Unit of Measurement: The unit of measurement that is used for the software. See Units of
 Number of Days to keep records: The number of days before completed Parts will be deleted from the
database by the TSC® Cleanup Service. See TSC® Cleanup Service.
 Max Records: The maximum amount of records that will be displayed in a view. A value of 0 means that
no maximum will be used.
 Refresh Rate (ms): The time in milliseconds between each refresh of the data in a view.

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Figure 3: Application Configuration - Line Settings

The Line Settings Tab provides the following settings for each Line:

 Name: The name of the Line. Typically this will be the name that must be specified in the Import files.
 Description: A description of the Line.
 Minimum Part Length: The minimum Part Length that can be run without a Leader. Parts shorter than
this length will be given a Part Leader by the Short Part Logic. See Short Part Logic.
 Maximum Part Length: The maximum Part Length that can be produced on the Line. Parts longer than
this length will cause an error.
 Maximum Accumulated Part Length: The maximum length of a stick of Parts that the Short Part Logic will
join together with Partial Shears before starting a new stick. See Short Part Logic.
 Heavy Partial Shear: If the Unit of Measurement is Metric this is the minimum material thickness which
will receive a Heavy Partial Shear. All material thicknesses lower than this value will receive a Light Partial
Shear. If the Unit of Measurement is Imperial this is the heaviest Gauge which will receive a Heavy Partial
Shear. All smaller Gauges will receive a Light Partial Shear.
 Enable Nibbling: Enables the Nibbling Logic. See Nibbling Logic.
 Nibbling ToolType: The ToolType that will be used by the Nibbling Logic. See Nibbling Logic.
 Min Nibbling Width: The minimum width that can be nibbled from the side of a strip. See Nibbling Logic.
 Max Nibbling Width: The maximum width that can be nibbled from the side of a strip. See Nibbling Logic.

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Figure 4: Application Configuration - Bundle Marking

The Bundle Marking tab is used to configure Bundling options. The following settings are available:

 Weight overrides bundle quantity: Causes Weight to override Quantity in the Bundling Logic. See
Bundling Logic.


Figure 5: Application Configuration - Modules

The Modules Tab is used to configure the paths to the Tools that are available on the Tools Menu.

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Figure 6: Application Configuration - Advanced

The Advanced Tab provides the ability to enable the Performance Monitor for diagnosing performance issues.

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The Edit/View Details window allows the User to view detailed information about a specific Part or group of Parts.
The values that are displayed on the Order, Job, Bundle, and Part tab can be customized using the View Editor (See
TSC® View Editor). If a single Part is being edited the Hole, Pattern, and Notch tabs will be enabled and the user will
be able to edit those items. If multiple parts are being edited those tabs will be disabled, but the user will be able
to modify multiple Parts at once.

Example: If the user chooses 5 parts in the Scheduler and selects Edit/View Details they could enter a requested
quantity of 10 and all 5 parts would be changed so that their Requested Quantity is 10.

If multiple parts are being edited, any fields that are not the same on all the parts will display a placeholder value
of <<Multiple Values>>.


Figure 7: Data Editor - Order

The Order tab displays Order Information for the Part(s) being edited.

Note: Changing multiple Parts so that their Order Information is the same will not actually combine the Parts into
the same Order.

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Figure 8: Data Editor - Job

The Job tab displays Job Information for the Part(s) being edited.

Note: Changing multiple Parts so that their Job Information is the same will not actually combine the Parts into the
same Job.


Figure 9: Data Editor - Bundle

The Bundle tab displays Bundle Information for the Part(s) being edited.

Note: Changing multiple Parts so that their Bundle Information is the same will not actually combine the Parts into
the same Bundle.

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Figure 10: Data Editor - Part

The Part tab displays Part Information for the Part(s) being edited.


Figure 11: Data Editor - Holes

The Hole tab displays Hole Information for the Part when a single Part is being edited. The user can edit existing
Holes, add new Holes, or delete existing Holes through the right-click menu.

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Figure 12: Data Editor - Patterns

The Pattern tab displays Pattern Information for the Part when a single Part is being edited. The user can edit
existing Patterns, add new Patterns, or delete existing Patterns through the right-click menu.


Figure 13: Data Editor - Notches

The Notch tab displays Notch Information for the Part when a single Part is being edited. The user can edit existing
Notches, add new Notches, or delete existing Notches through the right-click menu.

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Figure 14: Data Editor - Multiple Parts

The Data Editor will automatically hide the Hole, Notch, and Pattern tabs when multiple Parts are being edited.
Any values which are different for the Parts being edited will display as <<Multiple Values>>. These values can still
be edited like any other fields and the changes will affect all the selected Parts.

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The Machine Definition Selection window will be displayed automatically whenever a command is run that uses
the Machine Definition if more than one Machine Definition is defined so that the user can choose which Machine
Definition to use. For example when the user runs the View Optimization command, they will be prompted with
this dialog to determine which Machine Definition will be used to run the optimization.

Figure 15: Machine Definition Selection


The Optimization Viewer allows the user to see the commands that will be sent to the line when a Part is
produced. This tool exists primarily for debugging purposes and can be used to verify that the correct number of
stops will be used when a Part is produced.

Figure 16: Optimization Viewer


The Part Viewer shows a graphical representation of what a Part will look like when it leaves the Press System. This
tool can be used to verify that Holes, Patterns, and Notches are called out at the correct locations.

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Figure 17: Part Viewer

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The Remake Window allows the User to remake a Part. The User must specify the Quantity to be remade and a
reason as well as the Line and Stations where the Part must be remade. Any time a Part is remade it is
automatically placed in the Queue, but through this window the user can choose whether the Part is placed at the
top or bottom of the Queue and whether the Part is immediately placed on Hold or not.

Figure 18: Remake Parts window


The Split Batch window allows the User to split Parts into batches by specifying the maximum number that can be
in each batch.

Example: If a Part has a quantity of 100, splitting the batch into quantities of 20 would result in 5 batches of 20

Figure 19: Split Batch window

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The columns that are displayed in the View Editor and the Edit/View Details dialog can all be customized to show
whatever data the user prefers. See TSC® View Editor.



The Close button closes the program.


The Change User button allows the user to login in as a different user. See User Authentication.


The Language button allows the user to switch the interface into a different language. See Language Switching.


The Tools button displays a list of Tools. The following Tools are available:

 App Config: Opens the Application Configuration window. See Application Configuration.
 Config Views: Opens the TSC® View Editor. See TSC® View Editor.
 Security Manager: Opens the TSC® Security Manager. See TSC® Security Manager.
 Help: Opens this User Manual.


The Modules button displays a list of Modules. The following Modules may be available:

 Import: Opens the Import Module for a Manual Import. See TSC® Import.
 Order Entry: Opens the TSC® Order Entry program. See TSC® Order Entry.
 Profile Editor: Opens the TSC® Profile Editor. See TSC® Profile Editor.
 Pattern Editor: Opens the TSC® Pattern Editor. See TSC® Pattern Editor.
 Reports: Opens the TSC® Report Module. See TSC® Report Module.

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These buttons allow the user to move the selected Part(s) up or down in the current View.

Note: For these buttons to work in the Import and Pending View, the View must be sorted ascending
by the PriorityIndex column. They will not override any custom sorts applied to the Views.

Figure 20:
Promote &

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The TSC® Order Entry program allows the user to create Parts that can be imported into the Bradbury TSC®
database. The main window is organized into tabs on the right side where the user can enter information about
Orders, Parts, etc… and a view on the left that shows the structure of the data.


Figure 21: TSC® Order Entry



The Close button closes the program. Any unsaved data will be lost.


The Open File button displays a File Open Dialog so the user can select an existing import xml file and load it into
the program.


The Save button saves the data entered by the user to a new xml file located in the default location that has been

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The Save As button displays a File Save Dialog so the user can select a location and name for the new xml file and
saves the data to the file.


The Edit button shows the Edit dialog for the currently selected item in the tree on the left.


The Delete Selected button will delete the item that is currently selected in the view on the left side of the
program and all of its children if it has any.


The Delete All button will delete all the items in the view on the left side of the program.


The Reset All button will reset all the fields on the right side of the program to their default values.


The Switch Language button shows the Language Selection dialog so that the interface can be switched to a
different language. See Language Switching.

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Each tab in the program represents a different level in the hierarchical tree. Each level can contain multiple
children. For example an Order can contain multiple Jobs, a Bundle can contain multiple Parts, etc… Each tab has
buttons to add the current item and reset the fields on the tab to their default values.



The Order tab is used for entering information about a single Order. The fields on this tab are customizable. See
the Part Detailing and Download Information document for field definitions.

Note: If no fields are used on the Order tab, the tab will be disabled.


The Job tab is used for entering information about a single Job within an Order. The fields on this tab are
customizable. See the Part Detailing and Download Information document for field definitions.

Note: If no fields are used on the Job tab, the tab will be disabled.


The Bundle tab is used for entering information about a single Bundle within a Job. The fields on this tab are
customizable. See the Part Detailing and Download Information document for field definitions.

Note: If no fields are used on the Bundle tab, the tab will be disabled.


The Part tab is used for entering information about a single Batch of Parts within a Bundle. The fields on this tab
are customizable. See the Part Detailing and Download Information document for field definitions.

The Part tab has an additional Standard Part Editor button which will open the Standard Part Editor. See TSC®
Standard Part Editor.

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The Hole tab is used for adding Holes to a Part. A list of Hole types that are available on the machine is displayed at
the top and fields for entering the coordinates of the Hole are on the bottom.

The following fields are available:

 Hole Type: Shows the name of the selected Hole Type from the list at the top.
 X Offset: The Offset of the Hole relative to the reference point.
 Y Offset: The Offset of the Hole relative to the center of the material. Positive numbers are toward the
drive side of the line and negative numbers are toward the operator side of the line.
 Reference: The reference point for the X offset. See the Reference Points section for more details.
 Station: The Station where the Hole will be punched.

The Hole tab has an additional Add Mirrored Pair button. This button will add two holes on opposite sides of the
Part across the Y Axis. For example if the user enters a Hole at X: 5, Y: 3, the Add Mirrored Pair button would add
two holes of the same type. One would be at X: 5, Y: 3, and the other would be at X: 5, Y: -3.

Repeating Holes:

At the bottom of the Hole tab there is a Repeat Hole button. This button will bring up more fields that can be set to
create a repeating Hole.

The following fields are available:

 Start Offset: The Offset of the first Hole in the set of repeating Holes.
 Repeat Offset: The distance between the repeating Holes.
 End Offset or Number of Repeats: Allows the user to select whether the repeat will end at a specified X
Offset or a certain number of repeats. The entered value will either be the end offset if end offset is
selected or the number of repeats if number of repeats is selected.

Example: To repeat a Hole every 5 inches for 25 inches the following settings could be used:

X Offset: 0
Y Offset: 2
Start Offset: 5
Repeat Offset: 5
End Offset: 25

This would result in the following Holes:

Hole X: 5 Y: 2
Hole X: 10 Y: 2
Hole X: 15 Y: 2
Hole X: 20 Y: 2
Hole X: 25 Y: 2

Note: The repeating logic will still use the X Offset that is entered for the Hole so if a Hole is created like this:

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X Offset: 1
Y Offset: 2
Start Offset: 10
Repeat Offset: 5
End Offset: 20

The following Holes would be added:

Hole X: 11 Y: 2
Hole X: 16 Y: 2


The Pattern tab is used for adding Patterns to a Part. A list of Patterns is displayed at the top and fields for
specifying where the Pattern will be applied to the Part are at the bottom.

The following fields are available:

 Start Offset: For a non-repeating Pattern this is the offset that will be applied to all the Holes within the
Pattern. For a repeating Pattern this is the offset that will be applied to the first Pattern in the repeating
 Part Reference: The reference point for the Start Offset and End Offset. See Reference Points.
 Is Repeat: This checkbox allows the user to specify whether the Pattern will be repeated on the Part. If it
is checked then the Repeat Offset and End Offset will be used.
 Repeat Offset: The distance between each repeat of a repeating Pattern. This field is not used if the Is
Repeat checkbox is not checked.
 End Offset: The End Offset of a repeating Pattern.

See Patterns.


The Notch tab is used for adding Notches to a Part. A list of notching tools is displayed at the top and fields for
entering the dimensions of the notch are at the bottom.

The following fields are available:

 Point 1 X Offset: The X Offset of the leading edge of the Notch relative to the reference point.
 Point 1 Y Offset: The Y Offset of one edge of the Notch relative to the center of the material.
 Point 2 X Offset: The X Offset of the other side of the Notch relative to the reference point.
 Point 2 Y Offset: The Y Offset of the other edge of the Notch relative to center of the material.
 Reference: The reference point for the X offsets. See the Reference Points section for more details.
 Station: The Station where the Notch will be punched.

The notching logic will calculate the necessary Holes to create a Notch that fills the specified area.

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The TSC® Pattern Editor allows the user to define Patterns that are used on multiple Parts. For more information
about Patterns see Patterns.


The main window of the TSC® Pattern Editor consists of a tool bar at the top, a Pattern List on the left, and an
editable list of Pattern Holes on the right.

Figure 22: TSC® Pattern Editor

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The Close button closes the program.


The Reload button will reload patterns from the database.


The New Pattern button creates a new Pattern to which the user can then define a name and add Holes.


The Copy button copies all the Holes from the currently selected Pattern to a new Pattern which the user can then
modify without affecting the original Pattern. A new name will be required for the pattern copy, the default name
will be a Copy of the pattern copied.


The Delete button deletes the currently selected Pattern.


The Load button displays the holes of the currently selected pattern on the right side.


The Save Changes button saves changes made to patterns. This must be done to save changes or pattern(s) will
default back to original settings.


The Switch Language button allows the user to switch the interface into a different language. See Language


The Change User button allows the user to login as a different user. See User Authentication.

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The Patterns list is displayed on the left side of the Pattern Editor. This list
contains all of the Patterns that are defined in the database. A Pattern can be
loaded for editing by either selecting the Pattern from the list and clicking the
Load button or double-clicking on the Pattern.
Figure 23: TSC Pattern Editor - Patterns


The Pattern Holes list is an editable list of the Pattern Name, Description, and Holes assigned to the currently
selected Pattern. The Add button creates a new Hole and the Delete button deletes the selected Hole(s). The Date
Created and Last Modified will be updated automatically. Changes to a Pattern will not take effect until the Save
Changes button is clicked.

Figure 24: TSC® Pattern Editor - Pattern Holes

Holes in a Pattern can be defined however the user wishes, but consideration should be given to how the Pattern
will be used. For example if there are many Parts that all have this same set of Holes:

Hole X Offset Y Offset

R58 5 -2
R58 5 2

There are many different ways that a Pattern for these Holes can be defined and each will require that the Pattern
is referenced in a different way on the Part.

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Option 1: Define the Pattern Holes at an X Offset of 0 and when applying the Pattern use a starting offset of 5.

Option 2: Define the Pattern Holes at an X Offset of 5 and when applying the Pattern use a starting offset of 0.

Note: The Order Entry program will display the Min, Max X Offsets in each Pattern and the Middle of each Pattern
to make applying Patterns to Part easier.

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The TSC® Profile Editor allows the user to view and edit the Profiles that are defined in the TSC® software. See


Figure 25: TSC® Profile Editor



The Refresh Profiles button reloads the list of Profiles on the left side of the program.


The New Profile button creates a new Profile. The user can then assign a name and configure the settings for the
Profile before saving it.


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The Copy Profile button copies the currently selected Profile to a new Profile. The user can then assign a new name
and make changes to the new Profile without affecting the original Profile.


The Delete Profile button deletes the currently selected Profile.


The Save button saves any changes that have been made to the current Profile.


The Reload Profile button reloads the currently selected Profile so that any changes that have not been saved will
be undone.


The Language button allows the user to switch the interface into a different language. See Language Switching.


The Hide button minimizes the Profile Editor window so that the user can do something else without having to
save their changes and close the program.


The Exit button closes the program.


The Profile List is located on the left side of the program. This list shows all the Profiles that are defined in the


The Profile Settings are located on the right side of the program. These settings are divided into the following
logical groups:


The Profile Settings tab is used for general settings for the Profile. See Profiles - General Settings.


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The Profile Offset Editor is used for applying offsets to Holes on Parts which use the Profile. See Profiles - Profile


The Axis Positions tab allows the user to view and edit the machine setup positions for each axis in the rollformer.
See Profile - Axis Positions.


The Manual Settings tab allows the user to view and edit the operator instructions for manual operations that
must be performed to setup the machinery for the profile. See Profile - Manual Settings.

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The TSC® Security Manager allows the user to configure User accounts, Groups, and security settings.


The main window of the Security Manager shows a list of Users and Groups on the left. When a User or Group is
selected the right side shows the permissions for that User or Group.

Figure 26: TSC® Security Manager

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The following commands are available on the menu and tool bar:


The Log In command allows the user to log in as a different User.


The New Group command prompts the user for a name and creates a new Group.


The New User command prompts the user for User Name, Password and Group and creates new User.


The Save Current User/Group command saves the current permissions for the selected User or Group.


The Edit Current User/Group command allows the user to rename a Group or User or assign a User to another


The Reset Password command allows the user to change the password for a User account.


The Delete Current User/Group command deletes the selected User or Group.


The Exit command exits the program.

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Permissions in the TSC® software can be granted or denied for either a single User or an entire Group. Group
Permissions can either be set to allow (Checked) or deny (Unchecked). Permissions for a User can have three
states: Inherit, Grant, or Deny. If inherit is set the User will be given the same permission as the Group that they
are a member of. In this way a group of Users could all be given the same permissions, but one User could be given
more or less access. When a User is selected the Effective Permissions will show the permissions that will actually
apply to that User based upon their Group and User Permissions.

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The TCS View Editor allows the user to customize the data that is displayed in each of the Scheduler Views, the
Edit/View Details dialog, and the HMI Schedule Views. Views can be customized for each Group or for each User. If
a view is customized for a User that configuration will override the configuration of the Group.


The main window of the TSC® View Editor shows a list of Views that are used throughout the TSC® software. When
a View is selected the right side is populated with a list of available fields for that view, a list of which fields are
currently in the view, and properties for each field.

Figure 27: TSC® View Editor

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The following Views are defined for use within the software and can be edited using the TSC® View Editor:

 Import: The Import View of the TSC® Scheduler.

 Pending: The Pending View of the TSC® Scheduler.
 Queue: The Queue View of the TSC® Scheduler.
 Error: The Error View of the TSC® Scheduler.
 In Progress: The In Progress View of the TSC® Scheduler.
 Completed: The Completed View of the TSC® Scheduler.
 Edit Orders: The Order tab of the Edit/View Details dialog.
 Edit Jobs: The Job tab of the Edit/View Details dialog.
 Edit Bundles: The Bundle tab of the Edit/View Details dialog.
 Edit Parts: The Part tab of the Edit/View Details dialog.
 Edit Holes: The Hole tab of the Edit/View Details dialog. Note: This view is obsolete and is no longer used.
 HMI Queue: The Queue View on the HMI Schedule.
 HMI Completed: The Completed View on the HMI Schedule.


View Configurations are either specific to a Group or to a single User. When the user accesses a view the software
will look for a view configuration for that User. If no view configuration is found, it will then look for a view
configuration for the User’s Group and use that. When the View Editor is started the user will be prompted to
select the Group or User for which they will be editing the Views. The Views of another User or Group can be
edited by clicking the Select Other User/Group button.

When a View is selected from the list on the left side of the program the Available Columns and Current Columns
will be populated. The Available Columns list shows columns that are available but are not currently displayed in
the view. The Current Columns list shows columns that are currently displayed in the view. The Left and Right
arrow buttons can be used to move columns between the two lists and the Up and Down arrow buttons can be
used to reorder the columns in the Current Columns list.

When a column is selected from the Current Columns list the Column Properties can be edited. These include the
following properties:

 Alias (Display Name): The name that will be displayed in the column header for this column.
 Text Alignment: The horizontal alignment of the text in the column. The value can be either Left, Right, or
 Numeric Format: The formatting that will be applied to the values in the column. This property should
only be specified for columns which contain numeric values. The following formats are available:
 No Format: No formatting will be done.
 Custom Format: No formatting will be done.
 Decimal Inches: Numbers will be displayed as decimal inches with a double quote character.
 Decimal Feet: Numbers will be displayed as decimal feet with a single quote character.
 Feet and Inches Short: Numbers will be displayed as feet with a single quote character and
fractional inches with a double quote character.

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 Feet and Inches Medium: Numbers will be displayed as feet with a label of “ft.” and fractional
inches with a label of “in.”
 Feet and Inches Long: Numbers will be displayed as feet with a label of “feet” and fractional inches
with a label of “inches”
 Millimeters: Numbers will be displayed as decimal millimeters with a label of “mm”
 Centimeters: Numbers will be displayed as centimeters with a label of “cm”
 Decimeters: Numbers will be displayed as decimeters with a label of “dm”
 Meters: Numbers will be displayed as meters with a label of “m”

Note: No conversion between units of measurement will occur if for example an Imperial numeric
formatting is chosen for numbers when the Unit of Measurement is Metric.

 Frozen: A checkbox that allows the user to freeze a column so that it is always in view when horizontal
 Sort: Specifies the order that the column will be sorted. Possible values are None, Ascending, and
 Visible: Specifies whether the column will be visible in the View.
 Allow Edit: Specifies whether the column will be editable in the Edit/View Details dialog. This field only
applies to the Edit Views.
 Column Type: Specifies the type of editor that will be used for the column in the Edit/View Details dialog.
This field only applies to the Edit Views.
 Max Input Length: The maximum length that can be entered for text fields in the Edit/View Details dialog.
This field only applies to the Edit Views.
 Auto Size Mode: This value determines how the column will be sized within the data grid. Any value other
than None will allow the data grid to auto size the column and the user will not be able to override the
size. The following Auto Size Modes are available:
 None: The width of the column will not be auto sized. The user will have complete control over the
sizing of the column.
 Not Set: This is the same as Fill.
 Column Header: The width of the column will be auto sized so that the entire header will be visible.
 All Cells Except Header: The width of the column will be auto sized so that the content of all cells will
be visible, but the header may be trimmed.
 All Cells: The width of the column will be auto sized so that the content of all cells and the entire
header will be visible.
 Displayed Cells Except Header: The width of the column will be auto sized so that the content of all
the cells that are visible on the screen will be visible, but the header may be trimmed.
 Displayed Cells: The width of the column will be auto sized so that the content of all the cells that are
visible on the screen and the entire header will be visible.
 Fill: The width of the column will be auto sized so that the remaining area of the data grid will be
filled. If multiple columns are set to fill, the columns will be assigned space based upon the fill weight
of each column.
 Fill Weight: The weight assigned to a column when the column is set to Auto Size Mode Fill. The higher
the number the more area a column will be given when the columns are auto sized.
 Width: The width of the column as manually set by the User. This field is only used when the Auto Size
Mode of the column is set to None.

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 Resizable: A checkbox which indicates whether the column is resizable by the user.
 Minimum Width: The minimum width that the column can be manually resized to by the user.
 Divider Width: The width of the divider in pixels between neighboring columns and the column being

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The following buttons are available along the bottom of the program:


The Copy All Views button displays a menu which allows the user to select another User or Group to copy the view
configuration to.

Warning: The view configuration of the selected User or Group will be completely overwritten by the view
configuration in the editor.


The Copy Current View button displays a menu which allows the user to select another User or Group to copy the
view configuration for the current view to.

Warning: The view configuration for the current view of the selected User or Group will be completely overwritten
by the current view configuration.


The Select Other User/Group button allows the user to change the User or Group whose view configurations are
being edited.


The Language button allows the user to change the language of the interface. See Language Switching.


The Apply button saves the current view configuration.


The OK button saves the current view configuration and closes the program.


The Cancel button discards the current changes to the view configuration and closes the program.

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The TSC® Standard Part Editor allows the user to define Standard Parts that can be reused for many batches. See
Standard Parts.


The main window of the Standard Part Editor consists of a tool bar at the top, a list of Standard Parts on the left,
and editable fields for the current Standard Part on the right.

Figure 28: TSC® Standard Part Editor

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The following buttons are available on the tool bar:


The Close button closes the program.


The Reload button reloads the list of Standard Parts.


The New button creates a new Standard Part.


The Copy button creates a new Standard Part by copying the selected Standard Part.


The Delete button deletes the selected Standard Part.


The Load button loads the selected Standard Part for editing.


The Save Changes button saves any changes to the current Standard Part.


The Switch Language button allows the user to switch the interface into a different language. See Language


The Switch User button allows the user to log in as a different user. See User Authentication.

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When a Standard Part is loaded for editing the Name, Length, and Profile Name can be changed and Holes,
Patterns, and Notches can be added or removed from the Standard Part. See Standard Parts for more information
about these fields.

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The TSC® Machine Definition Editor allows the user to setup machine configurations.


The main window of the Machine Definition Editor shows a list of Machine Definitions that have been created on
the left and tabs with the various settings for each Machine Definition on the right. Selecting a Machine Definition
from the list will load the settings for that Machine Definition on the right for editing.

Figure 29: TSC® Machine Definition Editor

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The following buttons are available on the tool bar at the top of the program:


The New Machine Definition button creates a new Machine Definition.


The Delete Selected Definition button deletes the selected Machine Definition.


The Save button saves any changes to the current Machine Definition.


The Edit Tool Types button displays the Tool Type Editor for configuring the types of tools that are available
throughout the TSC® software.


The Language button allows the user to switch the interface to a different language. See Language Switching.


The Hide button minimizes the window.


The Exit button closes the program.

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Figure 30: TSC® Machine Definition Editor - Machine Definition Tab

The Machine Definition tab provides the following settings:

 Machine Number: This is a number that uniquely identifies a Machine Definition. It should usually not be
 Description: A description for the Machine Definition.
 Datum Point: A predefined point on the machine.
 Tonnage: The maximum tonnage that the Press can fire in a single hit. If this value is 0 then no maximum
will be used.
 Die Crash Safety Margin: The minimum distance that will be maintained between two opposing press dies
so that they will not collide.
 Slug Width: The width of the slug that is taken out by the shear. This value should be 0 if the shear does
not take out a slug.

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Figure 31: TSC® Machine Definition Editor - Toolsets Tab

The Toolsets tab is divided into 3 regions:

 Toolsets List: This list displays all the Toolsets that are defined in this Machine Definition.
 Toolset Properties: This region allows the user to edit the selected Toolset.
 Toolset Gags: This region allows the user to set which Gags will fire when this toolset is called.


A toolset is a way to map a tool type to a specific tool in the press bed for optimization. A toolset includes the
following properties:

1. Toolset Number: This is a unique number that is used to identify a toolset.

2. Tool Type: This is the type of hole that will be punched in the material when this toolset is used.
3. Distance From Shear (X): The distance from the shear to the reference point of the tool. Typically the
reference point is to the center of the tool.
4. Center Face Offset (Y): The distance from the center face of the die on which the tool is located to the
reference point of the tool. Typically the reference point is to the center of the tool.
5. Enabled: Enables or disables the toolset. Disabled toolsets will not be used. This can be useful if a tool is
damaged or needs to not be used for some other reason.
6. Tonnage: The tonnage that will be used by this toolset when it is used. This should be 0 if the press is not
limited by tonnage (Hydraulic presses, etc…)
7. Y Axis: The Press Axis on which this tool is located.

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Figure 32: TSC® Machine Definition Editor - Press Axis

The Press Axis tab displays a list of Press Axes that are defined and provides the following fields for editing the
selected Press Axis:

 Axis Number: This is a unique number that is used to identify a Press Axis. These are predefined and must
match what is defined in the PLC program. Axis 0 is special and is reserved for the Feed axis which does
not move on the Y Axis.
 Description: A description of the Press Axis.
 Minimum: The minimum Y Offset of the Press Axis. This is the farthest that the die face can be jogged
toward the operator side of the press.
 Maximum: The maximum Y Offset of the Press Axis. This is the farthest that the die face can be jogged
toward the drive side of the press.

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Figure 33: TSC® Machine Definition Editor - Rollformer Axis

The Rollformer Axis tab displays a list of Rollformer Axes that are defined and provides the following fields for
editing the selected Rollformer Axis:

 Axis Number: This is a unique number used to identify a Rollformer Axis. These are predefined and must
match what is defined in the PLC program.
 Name: The display name of the Rollformer Axis. This is the name that will display in the Profile Editor.
 Axis Type: The type of the Rollformer Axis. This controls what type of drawing is used for the Axis in the
Profile Editor.
 Is Enabled: Indicates whether the Rollformer Axis is enabled.
 Display Row: This is the index of the row on which this axis will be displayed in the Profile Editor. Row
numbers start at 0.
 Display Column: This is the index of the column on which the axis will be displayed in the Profile Editor.
Column numbers start at 0.

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Figure 34: TSC® Machine Definition Editor - Manual Settings

The Manual Settings tab displays a list of Manual Settings that have been defined and provides the following fields
for editing the selected Manual Setting:

 Setting Number: This is a unique number that is used to identify a Manual Setting.
 Name: The name of the Manual Setting. This is the name that will be displayed in the Profile Editor.

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Figure 35: TSC® Machine Definition Editor - Tool Type Editor

The Tool Type Editor allows the user to view and edit the Tool Types that are available throughout the TSC®
Software. A Tool Type contains the following properties:

 Tool Type: A unique name for the Tool Type. This name is usually a short abbreviation for the tool type.
 Description: A longer description of the type of tool that is represented by the Tool Type.
 Is Special Type: Indicates whether the Tool Type should be hidden from the user when they are able to
choose from a list of tools. For Example: Shears are typically marked as special types so that the user does
not see them in the list of Tool Types in the Order Entry software.
 Drawing Path: The Path Language code that can be used to draw the Tool Type. This is used by the Part
Viewer to draw the holes on the Part. The Path Markup Syntax documentation can be found online at:
 Tool Length: The length of the tool if it is a rectangular tool that can be used for notching or nibbling. This
dimension is used for calculating the hits in a Notch.
 Tool Width: The width of the tool if it is a rectangular tool that can be used for notching or nibbling. This
dimension is used for calculating the hits in a Notch.
 Is Lead Trail Punch: Indicates whether the Tool Type spans the shear line. This is used when the Shear
removes a slug to guarantee that the tool is not hit an extra time.

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The TSC® Report Module allows the user to generate reports on production activity.


The main window of the Report Module shows a list of available Reports on the left side. Double clicking on any of
these reports will run the report and cause it to be displayed on the right side.

Figure 36: TSC® Report Module

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Allows the User to login as a different user. See User Authentication.


Displays the New Report window.


Displays the Print Dialog for printing the current report.


Displays a Print Preview for the current report.


Closes the application.


Displays the Edit Report window.


Allows the user to delete the selected report.


Displays the Configure Settings window.


Displays the Language Select dialog. See Language Switching.

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Filters: Import, Pending, and Queued

The Coil Forecast Report shows the amount of material that will be required to run the parts in a view. Each Filter
limits the Report to the Parts in the Import, Pending, or Queue Views.


Filters: All Dates, Last Week, This Week, Today, and Yesterday

The Coil Usage Detail Report shows the amount of each Coil that was used and the Parts that were produced
during the specified time frame.


Filters: All Dates, Last Week, This Week, Today, and Yesterday

The Coil Usage Summary Report shows the amount of each Coil that was used during the specified time frame.


Filters: All Dates, Last Week, This Week, Today, and Yesterday

The Down Time Report shows the history of down time on the machine during the specified time frame.


Filters: All Dates, Last Week, This Week, Today, and Yesterday

The Down Time Summary Report shows the total down time on the machine by reason during the specified time


Filters: All Dates, Last Week, This Week, Today, and Yesterday

The Production Detail Report shows the history of production for each Part during the specified time frame.


Filters: All Dates, Last Week, This Week, Today, and Yesterday

The Production Summary Report shows the history of production for each Part during the specified time frame.

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Custom Reports can be created by applying filters to the Standard Reports. Custom Reports are shown under
either My Custom Reports or Global Custom Reports in the Report List. When a Report is created the user must

 Report Type: The Standard Report type that the custom report will be based on. The custom report will
use the same layout as the standard report.
 Report Name: The name for the new report.
 Scope: The accessibility of the new report. Private reports can only be seen by the user who created
them. Public reports can be seen by everyone.

The user will then be prompted to specify the filters that will be used for the report. See Filter Editor.

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The TSC® ComLink is a program that handles the communications between the PLCs that run the line and the TSC®
software. For the most part this program is hidden from the user and runs silently in the background. If an error
occurs in the ComLink a message will be displayed on the HMI. If more information is needed to resolve the
problem the user can open the ComLink window by pressing the TSC® ComLink button on the HMI. Once the
window is open the user will be able to see a more detailed error message that should help resolve the problem.


The main window of the TSC® ComLink is a tabbed interface. Each tab is a different communication process with
the line. The names of tabs are configurable, but common tabs with their default names are:

 Feed System: This tab controls the downloading of part information to the PLC.
 Rollformer: This tab controls the downloading of Profile setup information to the PLC as well as saving the
current Profile Setup when the operator uses the Save Set Points button on the HMI.
 Coil Validation: This tab provides the coil validation when Coil Validation logic is being used.
 Down Time: This tab provides down time tracking when Down Time Tracking is being used.

Note: If a tab has settings that can be modified a Settings button will be shown on the tab. Clicking this button will
bring up the Settings window for the current tab.

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The TSC® Import handles importing data into the TSC® database. This can be done in two ways:

 Automatic Import: The Import will be run as a service which can be configured to monitor a specific
directory for files that will be automatically imported.
 Manual Import: The Import program can be run manually to import a file. The user will be able to select
which file to import and see the status. If a file is failing to import the Manual Import is a good way to see
the error message that is causing the file to fail.


The automatic import service can be configured to monitor one or more directories for files. Any files that are
added to the directory will be automatically imported. The configuration for these directories is accessible only as
an INI file in the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bradbury\Ini\Import.ini

The number of import directories can be configured the ‘ImportFolderCount’ setting in the ‘Settings’ section. Each
folder that will be monitored should have a section called ‘ImportFolder#’ where # is a number that starts at 1 and
goes up to the ‘ImportFolderCount’ value. The following settings can be used in an ImportFolder section:

 FolderPath: The Path to the folder which will be monitored for import files. This can be a network path,
but it is recommended to use a local path.
 Filter: A filter that will be applied to import files. Only files which match the filter will be imported.
 AutoQueueParts: Indicates whether Parts that are imported from this folder will be automatically sent to
the Queue in the Scheduler. Can be either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
 CompletedImportMoveFile: Indicates whether files that are successfully imported will be moved to the
folder defined in the ProcessedPath. Can be either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
 ImportErrorMoveFile: Indicates whether files that generate an error will be moved to the folder defined
in the ErrorPath. Can be either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
 ProcessedPath: The folder where files which are imported successfully will be moved. The file names will
be appended with a timestamp of when they were imported.
 ErrorPath: The folder where files which generate an error during import will be moved. The file names will
be appended with a timestamp of when they were attempted to be imported.

Note: It is highly recommended to let the software move files that are either imported or fail to import so that
they will not be imported more than once.

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This file would cause any files with a .xml extension that are placed into C:\Bradbury\Imports\ to be automatically
imported. If the file is imported successfully it will be moved to C:\Bradbury\Imports\Processed.. If an error occurs
during import the file will be moved to C:\Bradbury\Imports\Error\.


The Manual Import can be accessed through the Scheduler Modules Tool Bar button or through the Start Menu.
When the program is run, the user will be prompted for the file that will be imported. Once the user selects the file
it will be imported and the status will be displayed to the user.

Settings for the Manual Import can also be configured in the INI file. The following settings in the [ManualImport]
section can be used:

 AutoQueueParts: Indicates whether Parts that are imported from this folder will be automatically sent to
the Queue in the Scheduler. Can be either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
 CompletedImportMoveFile: Indicates whether files that are successfully imported will be moved to the
folder defined in the ProcessedPath. Can be either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
 ImportErrorMoveFile: Indicates whether files that generate an error will be moved to the folder defined
in the ErrorPath. Can be either ‘True’ or ‘False’.
 ProcessedPath: The folder where files which are imported successfully will be moved. The file names will
be appended with a timestamp of when they were imported.
 ErrorPath: The folder where files which generate an error during import will be moved. The file names will
be appended with a timestamp of when they were attempted to be imported.

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The TSC® Cleanup Service is a windows service that automatically cleans up data in the database. The primary
purpose of this service is to remove old Parts from the database. The length of time before Parts are removed from
the database can be configured through the Scheduler. See Scheduler - Application Configuration. It is generally a
good idea to keep as little data as possible in the database for performance reasons. Bradbury’s recommendation
is to keep 30 days worth of data on the HMI.

Note: The Cleanup Service will only delete completed Parts that are older than the number of days that are being
retained. Parts that have not yet been made will not be deleted.

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The User Login window is displayed whenever the user needs to login to use a program or when the user has
executed a command to log in as another user. The dialog contains fields for the user to type a User Name and
Password and select the Data Source that the software will connect to.

Figure 37: TSC® User Login Window

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The Language Select dialog is displayed whenever the user executes a command to switch the language of an
application. Using the dialog, the user can select which language the interface should be displayed in from a list of
translations that have been created.

Figure 38: TSC® Language Select Window

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The Filter Editor window allows the user to specify complex filters.

Figure 39: Filter Editor


To create a filter:

1. Click the Add button to create a new row.

2. If this is not the first filter, select whether this filter should be applied together with the previous filters
(AND) or whether it should be applied separately (OR). See AND / OR Operations below.
3. Select the Column that will be filtered.
4. Select the action (=, ≠, >, >=, <, <=, BETWEEN, or LIKE)
5. Enter the Value or Values (Multiple values should only be used for the Between Action)
6. If another filter is required, go back to step 1.


The following values are special and are replaced with a date/time value at the time the filter is executed:

 NOW: This value is replaced with the current date and time.
 WEEK: This value is replaced with the date of the first day of the week.
 DAY: This value is replaced with the current day.
 MONTH: This value is replaced with the date of the first day of the month.
 YEAR: This value is replaced with the date of the first day of the year.

These special values can also be used in mathematical operations. Supported mathematical operations are
addition and subtraction. The scope of each addition or subtraction operation is the dependent upon the special
value that is used.

 NOW: Addition and subtraction units are hours.

 WEEK: Addition and subtraction units are weeks.

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 DAY: Addition and subtraction units are days.

 MONTH: Addition and subtraction units are months.
 YEAR: Addition and subtraction units are years.

Note: Only addition and subtraction of whole numbers is supported.


These examples will all assume that the current date/time is 2011-02-23 13:42:00.

Value Result
NOW 2011-02-23 13:42:00
WEEK 2011-02-20 00:00:00
DAY 2011-02-23 00:00:00
MONTH 2011-02-01 00:00:00
YEAR 2011-01-01 00:00:00
NOW – 1 2011-02-23 12:42:00
NOW + 1 2011-02-23 14:42:00
WEEK – 1 2011-02-13 00:00:00
WEEK + 1 2011-02-27 00:00:00
DAY – 5 2011-02-18 00:00:00
DAY + 3 2011-02-26 00:00:00
MONTH – 4 2010-10-01 00:00:00
MONTH + 2 2011-04-01 00:00:00
YEAR – 1 2010-01-01 00:00:00
YEAR + 1 2012-01-01 00:00:00

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A Pattern is a group of holes in a defined configuration. It can be defined to include as many or as few holes as the
user wishes. Patterns are one way to reduce the amount of data that must be entered to add a standard set of
holes to a part. After a pattern is defined it can be applied to a part by referencing only its name and the location
where it should be applied to the part. A Pattern includes the following properties:

 Pattern Name: This is a unique value that is used to represent this grouping of holes.
 Description: A description of the pattern.
 A List of Holes. Each Hole includes the following:
 Hole Type: Used to specify the type of hole that will punched in the part
 X Offset: Used to specify an offset from the X Offset where the Pattern is applied.
 Y Offset: Used to specify the Y Offset from the center of the part where the hole will be punched
in the part.


These are some examples of patterns that could be defined.

Pattern Name: Pattern A


Hole Type X Offset Y Offset

Round 0 15
Round 0 -15

Pattern Name: Pattern B


Hole Type X Offset Y Offset

Square 10 15
Square 10 -15


Every part has a list of Patterns that are needed to produce that part. By default this list is empty, but it can include
as many patterns as the part creator wishes to include. When a Pattern is added to a part the following
information must be supplied:

 Pattern Name: The name of the Pattern to apply.

 Start Offset: The X Offset at which the pattern will be applied.

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 Part Reference: The Reference Point from which the Start Offset and End Offset will be measured. See
Reference Points.
 Is Repeat: This indicates whether the Pattern will be applied as a repeating Pattern. This must be either
“True” or “False”.
 Repeat Offset: The distance between each repeat in a repeating Pattern. This field is used only when
IsRepeat = True.
 End Offset: The X Offset at which repeating will stop in a repeating Pattern. This field is used only when
IsRepeat = True.



The following are examples of the results of applying a Pattern to a part with varying references and offsets. All
examples are on a Part with a length of 100 units.

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: Leading

Pattern Name: Pattern B Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: Leading

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Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 0 Part Reference: Middle

Pattern Name: Pattern B Start Offset: 0 Part Reference: Middle

NOTE: In a middle pattern, the center of the pattern is applied to the center of the part. This means that even
though this pattern is specified as being offset by 10, since it is applied to the middle with a start offset of 0, the
punches will fall directly on center.

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: Trailing

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Pattern Name: Pattern B Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: Trailing

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: LeadTrail

Pattern Name: Pattern B Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: LeadTrail

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For a Pattern to be applied as a repeating pattern the Is Repeat property must be set to true. Repeating
will then start at the Start Offset and increase by the Repeat Offset until either the End Offset or the Part Length is


Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: Leading
Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: 25 End Offset: 75

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: Trailing

Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: 25 End Offset: 75

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 75 Part Reference: Leading

Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: -25 End Offset: 25

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 75 Part Reference: Trailing

Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: -25 End Offset: 25

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 75 Part Reference: Trailing

Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: -25 End Offset: 25

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 25 Part Reference: LeadTrail

Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: 25 End Offset: 75

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 75 Part Reference: LeadTrail

Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: -25 End Offset: 25

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Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 0 Part Reference: Middle
Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: 25 End Offset: 75

Pattern Name: Pattern A Start Offset: 0 Part Reference: Middle
Is Repeat: True Repeat Offset: -25 End Offset: 25

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In the TSC® software a Profile refers to the shape of the cross-section of a finished Part. All the settings that the
rollformer uses to produce a given shape make up a Profile.


 Profile Name: The name of the Profile. This is a unique value that will be used to refer to the Profile when
it is being used.
 Description: A description for the Profile.
 Bend Radius Allowance: The allowance made for Bends within the Part. This is not currently being used.
 Leader Length: The length of the scrap Part that will be created as a leader if a short part is run with this
Profile. See Short Part Logic.



Profile dimensions are the dimensions of the finished Part. These dimensions are used only for the Profile Offsets.
See Profile - Profile Offsets.

 Web Width: The width of the Web of the Profile.

 Operator Side Heel: The width of the Operator side Heel of the Profile.
 Drive Side Heel: The width of the Drive side Heel of the Profile.
 Operator Side Flange: The width of the Operator side Flange of the Profile.
 Drive Side Flange: The width of the Drive side Flange of the Profile.
 Operator Side Return: The width of the Operator side return lip of the Profile.
 Drive Side Return: The width of the Drive side return lip of the Profile.


 Thickness: The thickness of the material. This setting is used for the Short Part Logic to determine
whether a Light or Heavy Partial Shear should be used. See Short Part Logic. The units for this value are
determined by the current Unit of Measurement as defined in the Scheduler Application Configuration
(See Scheduler - Application Configuration). For Metric systems this unit will be metric. For Imperial
systems this unit will be a Gauge.
 Strip Width: The width of the material that is required to produce this Profile.
 Weight Per Linear Unit: The weight of the material used to produce this Profile per linear unit. The linear
unit is determined by the current Unit of Measured as defined in the Scheduler Application Configuration
(See Scheduler - Application Configuration). For Metric systems this unit will be per millimeter. For
Imperial systems this unit will be per inch.

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These fields are used only if the automatic bundling logic is enabled. See Bundling Logic.

 Max Bundle Quantity: The maximum number of Parts that can be combined into one Bundle when
automatic bundling logic is enabled.
 Min Bundle Quantity: The minimum number of Parts that must be in a Bundle when automatic bundling
logic is enabled.
 Max Bundle Weight: The maximum weight of material that can be in a Bundle when automatic bundling
logic is enabled.


Profile Offsets are used to apply offsets to every Hole on a Part that uses a certain Profile. Offsets can be applied to
every Hole or only Holes that fall within certain areas of the finished dimensions of the Part. The location of each
Hole for these offsets uses the Dimension settings of the Profile. Each setting consists of a positive number and a
selection for which side the offset should move the Holes toward.

The Line Selection at the top of the tab allows the user to specify which line the offsets will apply to.

The following settings are available:

 Centerline Offset: An offset that will be applied to the Y Offset of the Holes in the Part. This setting also
has a checkbox that will limit the offset to only apply to Holes in the Web of the Profile.
 Drive Side Heel Offset: An offset that will be applied to the Y Offset of the Holes in the Drive Side Heel.
 Operator Side Heel Offset: An offset that will be applied to the Y Offset of the Holes in the Operator Side
 Drive Side Flange Offset: An offset that will be applied to the Y Offset of the Holes in the Drive Side
 Operator Side Flange Offset: An offset that will be applied to the Y Offset of the Holes in the Operator
Side Flange.


The Axis Positions tab is used to configure the machine settings that are used to produce the Profile.

The following settings may be used if they are available on the line:

 Shape: The Shape of the Profile. Either CEE or ZEE can be selected.
 Lip: The direction of the lip. Either In or Out can be selected.
 Sigma: A value indicating whether the Profile has a sigma. Either No Sigma or Sigma can be selected.
 Eave: A value indicating whether the Profile has an Eave. Either No Eave or Eave can be selected.

If the Profile Editor is running on the Machine there will also be the following buttons to read the settings from the
line or send settings to the line.

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 Read From Line: The Read From Line button will read the current Profile Set Points from the line into the
Profile Editor program Axis Positions for saving.
 Send To Line: The Send To Line button will send the current Profile Axis Positions to the line from the
Profile Editor program.

The Axis Positions section is used for viewing the Set Points for each Axis in the rollformer. Each Axis shows a
drawing of the dimension that the Axis controls and a field for entering the Position value. For a Part to be
produced using the Profile, all of the Set Points must be assigned a value. If a value has not been entered for a
given Axis the drawing for that Axis will have a gray background. Axis Positions can be deleted by clicking on the
Axis Position and pressing the Delete key.


The Manual Settings tab is used for configuring operations that the operator must manually perform on the line.
Each setting consists of a Setting Name and a value. The instructions for the operator should be entered into the
value field for each setting.

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A Standard Part is a Part that is defined with a specific set of Holes, Patterns, and Notches. A Standard Part could
also have a pre-defined Length and Profile. If Standard Parts are being used, the user will be able to select a
Standard Part when they are defining a Part in the TSC® Order Entry software.


The Length and Profile Name are special fields on a Standard Part. If a Part is created with a Length of 0 then the
Part will use the Length of the Standard Part that is assigned to it. In the same way if a Part is created and not
assigned a Profile, then the Part will use the Profile of the Standard Part that is assigned to it.

Note: If neither of the Part or Standard Part has a Profile assigned, then the ‘Default’ profile will be used.


When a Part that is assigned to a Standard Part is produced the Holes, Patterns, and Notches from the Part will be
combined with the Holes, Patterns, and Notches from the Standard Part. This makes it possible for Standard Parts
to be customized by selecting the Standard Part and adding any customizations to the Part when it is being

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Reference Points refer to the location on a Part where X dimensions are measured. The following reference points
are used throughout the TSC® software.

 Leading: The Leading edge of the part.

 Middle: The center of the length of the part.
 Trailing: The Trailing edge of the part.
 LeadTrail: The Leading and Trailing edge of the part. This is a combination of Leading and Trailing.

Note: Whenever the LeadTrail reference point is used the item being added will be added to both the Leading end
and the Trailing end of the Part. For example if a Part was being created with a length of 120 and a Hole was
defined with an X Offset of 5 and a LeadTrail reference, the Part would receive two Holes. One at an X Offset of 5
and one at an X Offset of 115.

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The Bradbury Short Part Logic allows the system to automatically join Parts together which would not normally be
able to travel through the Rollformer.


 Part records represent individual parts.

 Accurately reflects the customer order.
 Allows better tracking of part production.
 Ability to remake an individual short part.
 Scheduling is more dynamic.
 Can determine if a good part should be used as a part leader or if a leader should be inserted.


 Good part leader usage is limited to parts within the same, order, job, profile and bundle. This is by design
to prevent attaching a short part to a different order, or job within an order. Profiles must match in order
to pass through the roll former.
 Does not recalculate bundle information. Will require an exception to automated stacking/bundling
systems to set a mode for handling of short parts, such as manual mode. This limitation is due to the
dynamics of the short part logic. Parts are not evaluated until a part request has been made from the
production line. At the time of a request the current part and the following part, if any, are evaluated.
Considering this it is not possible to determine how many parts will be in a series of accumulated parts or
how many sticks of accumulated parts will be produced. In addition recalculating of bundles would
require specific knowledge of bundling algorithms.

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 Minimum Part Length: The minimum length of a part that can pass through the roll former. This value is
defined in the TSC® Scheduler Application Configuration. See TSC® Scheduler - Application Configuration.
 Maximum Accumulated Part Length: The maximum length of accumulated short parts including the part
leader. This value is defined in the TSC® Scheduler Application Configuration. See TSC® Scheduler -
Application Configuration.
 Short Part: Any Part with a length less than the minimum Part Length. Short Parts require a Part Leader
(Either Good or Scrap) in order to pass through the roll former.
 Part Leader: A Part that is used to pull Short Parts through the rollformer. A Part Leader will always have a
partial shear.
 Scrap Part Leader: A Part that is created automatically to attach to Short Parts and pull them through the
rollformer. The length of the Scrap Leader uses the Leader Length of the Profile for the Part(s) being
combined. This value is defined for each Profile using the TSC® Profile Editor. See TSC® Profile Editor -
Profile Settings.
 Good Part Leader: The use of a Part with a Part Length equal to or greater than the Minimum Part Length
as a Part Leader for a Short Part. In order to use a Good Part Leader the Part must be scheduled directly
ahead of the Short Part(s).

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The following Settings are used in all the examples:

 Minimum part length: 2100 mm.

 Maximum accumulated part length: 10000 mm.


Before executing Short Part Logic:

Part Length Qty Shear Notes

1 500 mm. 3 Full

After executing Short Part Logic:

Part Length Qty Shear Notes

2 2100 mm. 1 Partial Part Leader
1 500 mm. 2 Partial Modified Record
3 500 mm. 1 Full New Record


Before executing Short Part Logic:

Part Length Qty Shear Notes

1 3000 mm. 5 Full
2 250 mm. 5 Full

After executing Short Part Logic:

Part Length Qty Shear Notes

1 3000 mm 4 Full Modified Record
3 3000 mm 1 Partial Good Part Leader
2 250 mm 4 Partial Modified Record
4 250 mm 1 Full New Record

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Before executing Short Part Logic:

Part Length Qty Shear Notes

1 3000 mm. 1 Full
2 250 mm. 50 Full

After executing Short Part Logic:

Part Length Qty Shear Notes

1 3000 mm 1 Partial Good Part Leader
2 250 mm 27 Partial Modified Record
3 250 mm 1 Full Max Length Reached
4 2100 mm 1 Partial Scrap Part Leader
5 250 mm 21 Partial
6 250 mm 1 Full Last Short Part

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The Nibbling Logic is logic which will automatically nibble the edge from a coil so that it can be used to run profiles
that require a smaller strip width.


The logic will use the following settings which are defined in the TSC® Scheduler (See TSC® Scheduler - Application

 Is Nibbling Enabled: Nibbling will happen automatically if Nibbling is enabled.

 Nibbling ToolType: The ToolType that will be used for nibbling.
 Min Nibbling Width: The minimum amount of material that can be nibbled from each side of a strip of
 Max Nibbling Width: The maximum amount of material that can be nibbled from each side of a strip of

The logic also uses the following settings:

 Strip Width: The width of the material on the current coil. The operator must set this value on the HMI
when a new coil is loaded.
 Part Width: The width of the Part. This is the width that the strip will be after nibbling.

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The Bundling Logic is logic which will automatically group Parts into Bundles by quantity or by weight. For Parts to
be automatically bundled together they must be in the same Order and Job and they must use the same Profile.
Additionally if the BundleMark field is included in the Part level of the import file, then the parts must have the
same BundleMark to be combined into a bundle.


The logic uses the following settings from the Profile of the Parts being bundled:

 Max Bundle Quantity: The maximum number of Parts that can be combined into one Bundle. See TSC®
Profile Editor - Settings.
 Max Bundle Weight: The maximum weight that can be combined into one Bundle. See TSC® Profile Editor
- Settings.
 Weight Per Linear Unit: The weight per linear unit of the material. See TSC® Profile Editor - Settings.

The logic also uses the following settings:

 Weight Overrides Bundle Quantity: If this setting is true then the logic will combine Parts up to the
Maximum Weight even if the Maximum Quantity is exceeded. See Application Configuration - Bundle

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The Bundling Logic will group Parts by Order, Job, Profile, and Bundle Mark. Then for each group it will build
Bundles based on the Max Bundle Quantity, Max Bundle Weight, and Weight Per Linear Unit.


For each Part in the same Order

and Job with the same Profile and
Bundle Mark

Begin a new Calculate

Split the Batch
Bundle Batch Weight


No Can Is
Can the Batch Batch Quantity be Weight Overrides
No No
be split? added to the current Bundle Quantity
Bundle? Enabled?

Yes Yes

Add the Batch
Batch Weight be
No Yes to the current
added to the current

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The Units of Measurement in the Bradbury software control how the units of length and dimensions are stored
within the database. The following units of measurement are supported:

 Imperial: All length and width units will be in inches unless otherwise specified.
 Metric: All length and width units will be in millimeters unless otherwise specified.

WARNING: Changing the Unit of Measurement for the TSC® software will not update any existing lengths in the
database and is not recommended on a running system.

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