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Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

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Journal of Hydrology
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Hydrochemical changes due to intensive use of groundwater in the

carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Estepa (Seville, Southern Spain)
S. Martos-Rosillo a,1, F. Moral b,⇑
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Departamento de Investigación y Prospectiva Geocientífica, Urb. Alcázar del Genil, 4, Edificio Zulema Bajo, 18006 Granada, Spain
Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Carretera de Utrera km 1, 41013 Seville, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: The carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Estepa, situated in southern Spain, are undergoing intensive ground-
Received 16 January 2015 water exploitation. Consequently, the volume of pumping surpasses the average recharge for periods of
Received in revised form 10 June 2015 several consecutive years. Under such conditions, nearby springs have either dried up or only function
Accepted 11 June 2015
during short time periods, after very rainy episodes followed by long droughts. During the brief periods
Available online 20 June 2015
This manuscript was handled by Corrado
when the springs are active, their water and the water extracted by pumping are calcium bicarbonates,
Corradini, Editor-in-Chief, with the with a spatial–temporal variability of their physico-chemical characteristics that is mainly conditioned
assistance of Dongmei Han, Associate Editor by the degree of functional karstification of each system. When the springs are inactive, the pumping
water gradually increases in salinity and becomes HCO3ClCaNa, ClHCO3NaCa and ClNa. Under the new
Keywords: conditions caused by so much pumping, the main factors determining the hydrochemical changes are
Carbonate aquifer the mixing of waters and the subsequent reactions of dissolution–precipitation between (1) the recharge
Intensive use coming from rainwater, (2) the hypersaline inputs from the clay-evaporite aquitards situated on the
Salinization edges and at the base of the aquifer, and (3) the water stored in each aquifer. The hydrochemical infor-
Sustainable management mation acquired allowed us to characterize and model the groundwater of these aquifers, to study the
causes of its great spatial and temporal variability, and explain the influence of exploitation. This research
shows that making sustainable use of water resources associated with carbonate aquifers calls for sound
knowledge of the relationship between the aquifer and other bodies of groundwater or surface water, the
hydrochemical quality of these possible inputs, and the vulnerability of the aquifer to exploitation, which
in turn is conditioned by the ratio between water reserves and recharge.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction deriving from the intensive exploitation of aquifers are concen-

trated in the east and the south of Spain, where semi-arid climatic
Before submergible electropumps came into use and today’s conditions prevail. In this region, unlike others, most aquifers pla-
techniques of well drilling were developed, groundwater was a gued by problems due to intensive use are aquifers of a carbonate
practically non-exploited resource, and its use was sustainable. In nature. In this sense, we may underline that around the
the past five decades, however (Burke et al., 1999; Llamas and Mediterranean Basin 50% of the population is supplied through
Custodio, 2003; Shah et al., 2007), the situation has changed dras- groundwater associated with carbonate aquifers (Margat, 2008),
tically. At present, groundwater is one of the most exploited natu- as opposed to the 25% world average (Ford and Williams, 2007).
ral resources below the earth’s surface (Zektser and Everett, 2004). When an aquifer is exploited, pumping produces a decrease in
Depletion of groundwater, often accompanied by a deterioration in the water reserves, a reduction in natural discharge and/or an
water quality, is a common environmental problem in areas of increase in recharge from other bodies of water (Bredehoeft
North America, Northern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Northern et al., 1982). Hence, it is important to stress that the management
China, India and Southeast Asia (Llamas and Custodio, 2003; Van and hydrological planning of an aquifer will be conditioned, among
der Gun, 2012; Wada et al., 2010). In Europe, the main problems other aspects, by its renewal period (Custodio, 2003; Margat et al.,
2006; Margat and Thauvin, 1989; Martos-Rosillo et al., 2014), by
the possible deterioration of the water quality as a consequence
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 954349829. of its intensive exploitation (Vrba, 2003) and by environmental
E-mail addresses: s.martos@igme.es (S. Martos-Rosillo), fmormar@upo.es problems stemming from the new hydrodynamic situation
(F. Moral). (Sophocleous, 2003). Margat et al. (2006) define renewal period
Tel.: +34 958183143.

0022-1694/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
250 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

as the quotient between the volume of the aquifer storage halite and gypsum. Finally, Reynauld et al. (1999) studied the evo-
(reserves) and the average recharge. For these authors, it is a com- lution of piezometric levels, volume of pumped water, rainfall, and
parative concept, not absolute, and it is conditioned by numerous groundwater chemical composition in Pinchinad Graben aquifer
factors such as aquifer thickness, drainable porosity and climatic (Mouans Sartoux, France) along four years. The authors observed
parameters (especially rainfall). In this regard, various authors pro- that the drop in the piezometric level caused the deterioration of
pose different groundwater management strategies depending on water quality because of the inflow of saline water from the
the renewal period for each aquifer (Margat and Thauvin, 1989; Triassic materials.
Margat et al., 2006; Martos-Rosillo et al., 2014). The use of multiple research techniques in this work has
Water resources associated with carbonate aquifers are strate- allowed the modeling of hydrochemical processes and mixing of
gic, supplying domestic water and serving as a resource for irriga- waters caused by the exploitation as well as to establish the rela-
tion and industry (Ford and Williams, 2007). Moreover, karstic tionships between changes in water quality, the recharge rate
systems contribute significantly to increase the biodiversity pre- and the storage capacity for each investigated aquifer.
sented in both, surface and underground (Goldscheider, 2012). The zone investigated here takes in the carbonate aquifers of
The particular hydrogeological characteristics of carbonate the Sierra de Estepa (Sevilla province, southern Spain), considered
aquifers, with heterogeneous porosity and permeability (White, as typical models of aquifers subjected to an intensive use of
1999; Worthington, 1999; Hartmann et al., 2014), are made man- groundwater for urban and agricultural supply (Martos-Rosillo
ifest in the processes of infiltration (diffuse and/or concentrated), et al., 2013). The abundant hydrogeological information generated
fluxes in the saturated and non-saturated zones (rock matrix and by means of different research projects carried out by the
network of fractures and karstic conduits) and discharge (diffuse Geological Survey of Spain (IGME, 2006) and the diverse exploita-
and/or concentrated) (Bakalowicz, 2005; Kiraly, 2003). Such condi- tion/recharge and recharge/reserve ratios of the systems studied
tioning factors can give rise to problems involving carbonate aqui- provide a very adequate arena for the approach we use, putting
fers much more quickly than when the exploitation involves a forth measures oriented to manage and plan the sustainable use
detritic aquifer. of groundwater.
In carbonate aquifers with a well developed network of con- The work carried out allowed us to characterize and model the
duits, the zone of ‘‘dynamic storage’’ (the one above the level of hydrochemical evolution of the groundwater and study the causes
drainage of the principal springs) is drained very quickly, above behind its noteworthy variability over space and time. In the frame-
all if it is subjected to exploitation, given that the influence of work of this study, it is apparent that identifying and understanding
pumping is compounded by the high capacity of these aquifers hydrochemical processes is key to modify the hydrodynamic condi-
to empty via karstic springs. The long and frequent dry periods that tions of aquifers in order to achieve their sustainable use.
characterize arid and semi-arid regions and the exploitation of
these aquifers favor changes in the direction of the underground 2. Study area
flow, even when they are exploited below average recharge.
Under these circumstances, if the aquifers are in contact with the Sierra de Estepa is located in southern Spain, 120 km east of the
sea or with bodies of surface or groundwater of poor quality, con- city of Sevilla (Fig. 1). This range is a small carbonate massif formed
tamination results. In turn, during periods when the springs by several outcrops of Jurassic limestones and dolostones.
remain inactive, serious environmental problems may arise, affect- Although the total exposed permeable surface is relatively small
ing the ecosystems associated with the natural dischange of these (34 km2), the carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Estepa supply water
systems. to some 36,000 people and around 600 ha of irrigation land
The hydrochemical processes in carbonate aquifers in a natural (Martos-Rosillo et al., 2013).
regime and their hydrogeological implications are well docu- In Sierra de Estepa average precipitation during the studied per-
mented (Busenberg and Plummer, 1982; Cardenal et al., 1994; iod (1976–2006) and its associated standard deviation are
Moral et al., 2008; White, 1988), yet the same is not true of 500 ± 150 mm/year. The months with the highest rainfall are
research about the deterioration of groundwater quality caused November, December and January. Three drought events occurred
by its intensive use. In most cases the focus is on coastal aquifers during the analyzed period (1983–1986, 1990–1995 and 2004–
undergoing advancement of the saline front (saltwater intrusion 2006). The annually-averaged air temperature is between 15.9
into coastal aquifers) (Calvache and Pulido-Bosch, 1994; Grassi and 17.6 °C, while the average annual potential evapotranspiration
and Tadolini, 1991; Pulido-Leboeuf, 2000; Sánchez-Martos et al., is between 1190 and 1300 mm/year (1976–2006).
1999). There are reports of contaminated water entry affecting Geologically, Sierra de Estepa lies in the External Zone of the
agricultural activity (Edmunds and Walton, 1983; Llamas et al., Betic Cordillera, where the more competent Jurassic limestones
1992). There are also a few detailed papers about the deterioration commonly constituted isolated ranges, surrounded by the
of water quality due to the influx of poor-quality water (with high Antequera–Osuna Unit. Most of this unit is a mélange, and has a
salinity) coming from aquifer or aquitard materials in contact with mixed tectonic, halokinetic and sedimentary origin. It largely
the carbonate aquifer exploited. In this sense, Rosenthal (1988) involves Triassic clays, anhydrite, gypsum, halite, marls, and a
studied the increasing flow of Ca-chloride brines from minor amount of Mesozoic–Miocene limestone and siliciclastic
deep-seated and confined reservoirs as a result of overexploitation rocks. It is a heterogeneous unit with a chaotic organization where
of groundwater in Israel. This author determined the spatial distri- hardy blocks are enclosed in a matrix composed by clays and evap-
bution of areas where salinity increased as a result of the inflow of orites (Flinch et al., 1996; Pedrera et al., 2012; Ruiz-Constán et al.,
deep brines into the aquifers. Pulido-Bosch et al. (1995) related the 2012). The presence of hypersaline water associated to this geolog-
progressive deterioration of water quality, with significant ical unit is historically well-known because it has been used to
increases in chloride, sulfate and sodium, with the groundwater obtain salt since the Roman times (Pérez, 2004). The distribution
mining of the Crevillente aquifer (Alicante, southeastern Spain). of salt bodies and their associated hypersaline waters is heteroge-
They studied the temporal evolution of temperature, electrical con- neous and irregular within the Antequera–Osuna unit. The geo-
ductivity of water, major ions and saturation indexes of calcite, chemical signature of the water in the Antequera–Osuna aquitard
dolomite and gypsum. Near to here, Pulido-Bosch et al. (1998) is mostly sulfated because of the gypsum prevalence.
described an increasing salinity degree with depth in the carbonate The carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Estepa are composed by
aquifer of Cid. The base of this aquifer is constituted by rocks with 200–300 m of massive limestone and dolomitic breccias at the
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 251

Fig. 1. Hydrogeological map of Sierra de Estepa.

base. The limestones are very pure with 99% calcite and less than Table 1 shows the main hydrogeological characteristics of the
1% quartz (Ortiz, 1994). Five independent aquifers with different aquifers and indicates their annual water balance updated to
hydrogeological behavior are recognized in Sierra de Estepa: 2006. These aquifers are recharged by the infiltration of rainwater,
Becerrero, Mingo, Hacho, Águilas, and Pleites aquifers (Fig. 1). whereas discharge takes place mainly by pumping to satisfy the
252 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

Table 1 balance of the aquifer, its size, and the bulk porosity of the sector
Main hydrogeological characteristics of studied aquifers of Sierra de Estepa. where the water level fluctuates (IGME, 2006; Martos-Rosillo,
Aquifer Becerrero Águilas Mingo Hacho Pleites 2008).
Outcrop area (km ) 26.2 4.4 0.65 1.65 1.5 Water exploitation in Águilas and Mingo aquifers entails a con-
Mean aquifer thickness (m) 400 350 200 200 200 tinued reduction of the water reservoir. A similar balance is found
Reserves (hm3) 397 56 1 4.7 5.1 for Hacho aquifer (with 0.33 hm3/year pumped and a recharge of
Transmissivity (m2/day) 117 2200 1700 1300 1700 0.30 hm3/year), which is progressively reducing the quality of the
Recharge (hm3/year) 5.6 0.99 0.17 0.34 0.27
Pumping (hm3/year)* 4.6 1.81 0.28 0.35 0.35
water (IGME, 2006; Martos-Rosillo, 2008). The progressive loss of
Outflow spring 0.7 0 0 0 0 water quality because of groundwater withdrawal has limited
Renewal Period (year) 71 57 6 14 19 the rate of exploitation of these aquifers.

Period 2003–2006.
3. Material and methods
population’s water supply and agricultural demand. Springs drain-
ing the Becerrero aquifer have a maximum flow of 200 L/s. In the A total of 135 samples of groundwater and 58 of precipitation
Águilas aquifer, before the spring drying up, the maximum regis- were collected in the period 2003–2006. The main sampling points
tered flow was 65 L/s (IGME, 2006). Boreholes have depths of are identified in Fig. 1. Coinciding with the sampling, in situ mea-
100–300 m. Most of them have been drilled by percussion, having surments were made of the electric conductivity, temperature
diameters of 250–400 mm and are entirely screened within the and pH of the water by means of a conductivity-meter and a
saturated zone. pH-meter, both brand WTW, and both equipped with integrated
In natural conditions, the groundwater flow in Becerrero aquifer temperature probes. The samples were analyzed at the laboratory
advances southward across the karstic network to springs 4–24, 8– of Geological Survey of Spain (IGME). The technical procedures car-
4 and 1–1 (Fig. 1), at heights between 466 and 467 m.a.s.l. At pre- ried out were electrometry, in the case of the electrical conductiv-
sent, the most important pumping sectors are grouped around ity and pH, atomic emission spectrometry for the determination of
these springs. The piezometric data available made it possible to K+ and Na+, atomic absorption spectrometry for Ca2+, Cl , Mg2+,
test the presence of a single water table in Becerrero aquifer NO3 , NO2 , Si and SO24 , and volumetry in the case of HCO3 .
(Fig. 2), which fluctuates coevally and homogeneously. The piezo- In addition, to have further hydrochemical information, we took
metric response after precipitation is fast. Intensive exploitation of into consideration 235 additional water samples collected previ-
the aquifer and the prolonged dry period induced a cumulative ously in the area under study by the Geological Survey of Spain
piezometric downfall, reaching more than 20 m below the springs and analyzed in the same laboratory.
in some periods. After intense rainy periods, the piezometric levels The analysis of hydrochemical data has enabled to develop a
recover and the springs flow again. preliminary model of processes and hydrochemical evolution of
In Águilas aquifer, and in natural conditions, the groundwater groundwater in Sierra de Estepa aquifers. Subsequently, this model
flows to the east, toward the Miocene and Quaternary rocks. The was tested and improved by hydrochemical modeling.
main natural discharge point of Águilas aquifer was Almarjal spring Data treatment of the hydrochemical database was carried out
(4), located 335 m.a.s.l. a spring that has been inactive for decades. using the program AQUACHEM 4.0 (Waterloo Hydrogeologic,
In Mingo, Hacho, Águilas and Pleites aquifers, abundant piezo- 2003), which incorporates the hydrochemical modeling code
metric information (Fig. 2) confirms an independent behavior, with PHREEQC (Parkhurst, 1995; Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999).
different piezometric levels and dissimilar temporal evolution. At PHREEQC is widely used, especially to solve problems related with
present, substantial exploitation of these aquifers induces a func- the hydrochemistry of carbonate rocks (Barberá et al., 2011;
tioning similar to a dammed deposit, where the recharge occurs Cardenal et al., 1994; González-Ramón et al., 2012; Ma et al.,
by rainwater infiltration and the discharge by water pumping. 2011; Moral et al., 2008; Plummer et al., 1990). In our case, this
Therefore, the piezometric fluctuation depends on the hydrological software made it possible to calculate the states of saturation of

Fig. 2. Evolution of piezometric levels and comparison with daily rainfall in Sierra de Estepa aquifers.
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 253

the main mineral phases, the dissolution of CO2, and the processes Group III. In this case, the waters are sodium chloride facies, and
of evaporation/evapotranspiration, mixing and dissolution/precip- they are highly mineralized (2280 < CE < 9196 lS/cm). All these
itation of the main minerals. water samples were obtained from well 44, situated in Mingo aqui-
The groundwater exploitation degree for each aquifer has been fer, except for the two least mineralized samples, taken at the end
analyzed by means of controlling the volume of pumping water of the phase of execution of well 4-59, in the central sector of Sierra
and spring discharge and calculating the recharge and the ground- de Becerrero, when detritic-evaporitic aquitards were drilled.
water reserves (IGME, 2006; Martos-Rosillo, 2008). Finally, the Group IV. The facies of this group is sodium chloride. With the
hydrochemical evolution for all types of water has been related exception of a samplegathered at well 4-59, in Becerrero aquifer,
to the renewal period of groundwater and the degree of exploita- this group corresponds to well 42, situated in Hacho aquifer.
tion for each aquifer. They are highly mineralized waters (3210 < CE < 14256 lS/cm).

4. Results 4.2. Partial pressure of CO2 and saturation indexes of calcite, dolomite,
gypsum and halite
4.1. Spatial variability of groundwater: major ions
The mean values of partial pressure calculated from the water
2+ +
The value of the nCa /nNa ratio, the electric conductivity (EC) samples taken at the main water points of Sierra de Estepa, in
and the concentrations of Cl , Na+, HCO3 and Ca2+ allowed us to ascending order, are presented in Table 3. The partial pressures
discern four groundwater groups. They are shown in Fig. 3, where of apparent equilibrium of CO2 are between 10 2.5 and 10 1.6 atm.
the samples are distinguished by different colors, according to the As seen in Table 3, nearly all the water samples from Becerrero
source aquifer (Becerrero, Hacho, Mingo, Águilas and Pleites). aquifer are subsaturated in dolomite, gypsum and halite, and
Meanwhile, Table 2 gives the main statistics regarding the major slightly oversaturated in calcite. In the case of Águilas and Pleites
ions, pH, and EC of the four groundwater groups. aquifers, the waters are saturated in calcite and dolomite, and sub-
Group I. These waters are fundamentally HCO3Ca, although in saturated in gypsum and halite. Waters from Mingo and Hacho
some particular points and after drought periods the facies may aquifers are supersaturated in calcite, saturated in dolomite, and
become HCO3Cl–CaNa (points near the contact between Jurassic subsaturated in gypsum and halite.
and Triassic materials) or HCO3–CaMg (only in the case of well
1-1). They are relatively low in mineralization (269 < CE < 813 4.3. Temporal variability of groundwater
lS/cm) and all 22 sample points pertain to the Becerrero aquifer.
Group II. The waters in this group are HCO3ClCaNa and Figs. 4–6 reflect the temporal evolution of the physico-chemical
ClHCO3NaCa, and they are more mineralized than those of group parameters of the waters sampled in different wells exploiting the
I (610 < CE < 1472 lS/cm). All the water points pertaining to this aquifers of Sierra de Estepa. The evolution of the piezometric level,
group are associated with the aquifers of Águilas and Pleites, hydrograms of the springs when available (Fig. 4), and the daily
except for one sample from well 8-4 (collected in November recharge in each aquifer, calculated in view of the soil water bal-
1993) and two from well 1-37, in Becerrero aquifer. ance (Martos-Rosillo et al., 2013), are also included.
Detailied analysis of the hydrochemical information of this In the case of well 4-24, situated in Becerrero aquifer, the sam-
water group reveals that the groundwater from the Águilas aquifer ple periods comprise 1977–2006 (Fig. 4A) and 2003–2006 (Fig. 4B).
is most often of the type HCO3Cl–CaNa; notwithstanding, the From 1977 to 2006, the waters of well 4-24 presented an EC rang-
water facies is more often ClHCO3NaCa in periods of low water ing from 370 to 565 lS/cm, and they are of the type HCO3–Ca and
level. HCO3–CaMg. The periods in which the spring remains inactive

Fig. 3. Piper diagrams and nCa2+/nNa+ vs. electric conductivity of groundwaters of Sierra de Estepa aquifers.
254 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

Table 2
Main statistics on electric conductivity, pH and major constituents of Sierra de Estepa groundwaters (SD: standard deviation, VC: variation coefficient, N = number of analyses).

Parameter EC (lS/cm) pH HCO3 (meq/l) Cl (meq/l) SO24 (meq/l) Ca2+ (meq/l) Na+ (meq/l) Mg2+ (meq/l) NO3 (meq/l)
Group I
Average 483.68 7.53 3.67 0.68 0.46 4.16 0.60 0.59 0.34
S.D. 85.91 0.23 0.76 0.51 0.29 0.85 0.48 0.30 0.19
C.V. 17.76 3.11 20.75 74.74 63.61 20.46 80.76 51.73 56.66
N 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260
Group II
Average 942.94 7.51 4.18 4.11 1.53 4.70 3.89 1.89 0.40
S.D. 153.81 0.23 0.83 1.20 0.44 0.83 0.88 0.53 0.10
C.V. 16.31 3.15 20.02 29.33 29.25 17.71 22.70 28.38 26.23
N 55 55 55 55 55 54 54 54 55
Group III
Average 3996.04 7.15 4.38 28.36 5.76 7.62 28.75 3.49 1.02
S.D. 1400.92 0.35 0.30 12.59 1.44 1.12 14.41 0.77 0.79
C.V. 35.05 5.023 7.039 44.41 25.04 14.72 50.14 22.24 77.42
N 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
Group IV
Average 9127.96 6.96 3.65 74.23 13.39 15.71 68.95 7.54 0.79
S.D. 2137.95 0.42 0.52 19.38 3.07 2.57 20.73 1.58 0.93
C.V. 23.42 6.046 14.33 26.10 22.94 16.37 30.06 21.01 117.60
N 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Table 3
Average values of apparent partial pressure of CO2, saturation indixes, pH and temperature (°C) measured in situ, and contents in bicarbonates (mg/l) measured in the laboratory,
in the main water points of Sierra de Estepa.

Well ID Aquifer Log PCO2 pH Temp. HCO3 SI Calcite SI Dolomite SI Gypsum SI Halite
4-61 Becerrero 2.495 7.6 16.6 150.0 0.009 0.929 2.570 8.513
4-44 Becerrero 2.368 7.5 17.9 160.0 0.027 1.107 2.872 8.811
1-1 Becerrero 2.245 7.5 16.8 197.6 0.104 0.774 2.436 8.893
4-6 Becerrero 2.243 7.6 17.6 199.7 0.130 0.529 2.439 8.512
4-46 Becerrero 2.234 7.5 17.7 167.5 0.103 0.394 2.519 8.854
4-59 Becerrero 2.170 7.5 18.3 244.0 0.272 0.660 2.242 2.170
4-48 Becerrero 2.149 7.4 18.4 199.5 0.047 0.990 2.136 8.764
5-47 Becerrero 2.098 7.1 18.3 187.0 0.125 1.037 2.474 8.087
8-4 Becerrero 2.096 7.4 18.7 237.7 0.167 0.444 2.468 7.661
36 Pleites 2.093 7.4 18.6 254.6 0.128 0.077 1.600 6.036
44 Mingo 2.040 7.3 19.8 261.5 0.189 0.134 1.084 4.850
42 Hacho 1.990 7.2 20.7 229.4 0.175 0.127 0.688 3.902
25 Águilas 1.892 7.2 19.9 260.3 0.033 0.289 1.701 6.552
4-24 Becerrero 1.885 7.2 18.4 262.4 0.058 0.696 2.170 8.226
1-37 Becerrero 1.650 7.0 18.1 251.2 0.262 1.464 2.548 8.486

coincide with those when the piezometric level in the well is under though during the dry periods the predominant facies is
467 m.a.s.l. In the main recharge periods there are dilutions, with ClHCO3NaCa. The EC is between 610 and 1060 lS/cm, with a mean
values most commonly of the order 10–12%. During the dry period, value of 898 lS/cm. The dilutions recorded after the drought peri-
like the one between March of 2004 and December of 2006 (see ods are from 10% to 29%. During the dry periods the major ions fol-
Fig. 4B), the cumulative drop in the piezometric level (21.1 m) is low an evolution very similar to that of well 8-4.
accompanied by an increase in salinity, mainly due to the greater In Fig. 6 we find the chemiograms of the main wells exploiting
concentrations of Cl , Na+ and SO24 and a decrease in the HCO3 the aquifers of Hacho (Fig. 6A) and Mingo (Fig. 6B), both used to
and Ca2+ contents. irrigate olive orchards. Noteworthy in this figure is the high salinity
Fig. 5 shows the chemiograms of supply wells 8–4, situated in of the water and its evident seasonal variation. In both cases, the
Becerrero aquifer, and 25, in Águilas aquifer. In the first case waters are always sodium chloride.
(Fig. 5A) the water from 8–4 presents a mean value for EC of In well 42 (Fig. 6A), the water presents a mean EC of
518 lS/cm, which varies between 430 and 853 lS/cm (period 9078 lS/cm, comprised between 3210 and 14256 lS/cm. The
1976–2006). When the piezometric level surpasses 467 m.a.s.l., cumulative decrease of the piezometric level amounted to 28.6 m
Pedrera spring is activated and the water is HCO3Ca; yet when in the period 1999–2006, and 9 m from March 2004 to December
the piezometric level declines during dry periods, the water pre- 2006. This drop was accompanied by an average 33% increase of
sents HCO3ClCaNa facies, and on occasion even ClHCO3NaCa. the EC as well as a rise in the concentrations of the major ions,
Indeed, during dry spells such as that of 2003–2006 (Fig. 5A), there all except nitrates. The increase in the HCO3 contents is less
is a cumulative drop in the level, of 16.3 m, accompanied by a rise marked than in the rest of the components.
in EC, due to the greater concentrations of Cl , Na+ and SO24 . Furthermore, in 1999–2006, the piezometric surface in well 44
Likewise, as the piezometric level drops, there is a lesser content descended 11.6 m (Fig. 6B). Its waters present an EC in the range
in bicarbonate and calcium, while the contents in magnesium 2280–9196 lS/cm, with a mean value of 3986 lS/cm. The seasonal
and nitrates increase slightly (Fig. 5A). In turn, well 25 witnessed variation in the salinity of the water is evident, and implies annual
a decline of over 33 m during the period 2003–2006, and of 46 m dilutions of 35–50%, during recharge episodes. In the period ana-
since mid 1998 (IGME, 2006). These waters are HCO3ClCaNa, lyzed (1999–2006), there is a progressive increase in the EC of
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 255

Fig. 4. Evolution of piezometric level and main physico-chemical parameters of groundwater in well 4-24, compared to daily recharge and to Gilena spring discharge. (A)
1977–2006; (B) 2003–2006.

the water and in the concentration of the main constituents, with (B) Evapotranspiration and evaporation. The degree of evapora-
the exception of bicarbonate. tion and transpiration produced, once the water from pre-
cipitation reaches the surface and infiltrates into soil, leads
5. Discussion to an increase in the concentration of salts. This process is
evident when comparing the rainwater data to water shal-
5.1. Hydrochemical processes and preliminary hydrochemical model lower of wells located in main recharge zone of the
Becerrero aquifer (wells 4–61 and 4.54 in Fig. 1).
In Sierra de Estepa there are a number of carbonate aquifers of (C) Dissolution of CO2 and calcite. The recharge waters, infiltrated
small size and short renewal period. Groundwaters have physico- preferentially between November and February, when the
chemical characteristics that are specific to each system and that mean temperature is some 10–12 °C, are enriched in CO2
should be explained by means of hydrochemical hypotheses that after passing through the non-saturated zone of the aquifer,
constitute a preliminary hydrochemical model. To enhance our including the soil and the epikarst. In the air of the
understanding of the hydrochemical evolution of the groundwater non-saturated zone, partial atmospheric pressures of CO2
in these aquifers, this section describes the temporal sequence of must range from 10 2.9 to 10 1.6 (Table 3). The main
the main reactions and chemical processes. recharge zones are situated in the carbonate high plains at
heights of 650 and 840 m.a.s.l., where today there are karren
(A) Atmospheric contributions. It is assumed that rainwater (Type fields and a greater development of the epikarst
0 in Table 4) is in balance with the partial pressure of atmo- (Martos-Rosillo et al., 2013). The predominant vegetation
spheric CO2 (PCO2 = 10 3.5 atm.). in these sectors, which may include more than half of the
256 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

Fig. 5. Evolution of piezometric levels and main physical–chemical parameters of groundwaters in wells 8–4 (A) and 25 (B), compared to daily recharge (2003–2006).

total surface, consists of dense and dispersed brush forma- (Drever, 1997; Freeze and Cherry, 1979) and it plays sec-
tions, combined with treed areas. The acid waters resulting ondary role in the aquifers of Sierra de Estepa, due to the fact
from dissolution of CO2 promote calcite dissolution, the that dolomies are much less abundant than limestones.
main reaction taking place in these aquifers. Because of this (E) Exsolution-dissolution of CO2. The exsolution-dissolution of
reaction is very quick reaction, most of the calcite is dis- CO2 is related with seasonal changes in the partial pressure
solved in the zones near the surface. Examples of groundwa- of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the non-saturated
ter whose chemistry is substantially related to calcite zone. It is usual for a supersaturation in calcite to occur—
dissolution are presented in wells of the Becerrero aquifer and on occasion, in dolomite—in the surgence zones, where
(4–61, 4–59, 4–48, 4–6 in Fig. 1). good communication with air from the exterior exists.
(D) Incongruent dissolution of dolomite. The dissolution of dolo- (F) Mixing. Out of all the hydrochemical processes that occur in
mite incorporates calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate in Sierra de Estepa aquifers, mixing is, without a doubt, the one
the groundwater and originates the supersaturation and making the most significant difference in groundwater,
posterior precipitation of calcite, which gives rise to an owing to the presence of hypersaline water associated with
increase in the nMg2+/nCa2+ ratio in the sense of flow. This the detritic-evaporitic aquitards of Triassic substrate.
process is known as incongruent dissolution of dolomite Exploitation of the groundwater and the piezometric
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 257

Fig. 6. Evolution of piezometric levels and main physico-chemical parameters of groundwaters in wells 42 (A) and 44 (B), compared to daily recharge (2003–2006).

Table 4
Average hydrochemical values of representative rainwater and groundwater of the different Jurassic outcrops of Sierra de Estepa. Mean values in wells drilled in Triassic brine-
bearing aquitard also are included.

Type Name pH Na+ (mg/l) K+ (mg/l) Ca2+ (mg/l) Mg2+ (mg/l) Cl (mg/l) HCO3 (mg/l) NO3 (mg/l) SO24 (mg/l) Log PCO2 SICal SIDol SIGyp
0 Rainfall 7.00 1.6 0.40 7.9 1.9 4.5 25.5 3.6 4.7 3.50 2.12 4.50 3.50
IA Bece.A 7.30 7.9 0.28 88.4 5.7 13.1 232.9 30.6 17.7 1.94 0.15 0.54 2.23
IB Bece. B 7.40 19.5 0.41 76.6 7.3 33.3 238.7 33.9 17.7 2.11 0.12 0.42 2.28
IIA Águilas 7.23 81.9 0.69 97.2 22.4 132.9 299.4 31.7 72.2 1.84 0.10 0.08 1.69
IIB Pleites 7.41 140.2 1.83 98.0 34.7 260.5 254.7 43.3 102.8 2.04 0.24 0.38 1.59
III Mingo 7.47 766.5 7.40 162.0 45.8 1132.4 259.4 63.8 322.6 2.13 0.37 0.54 1.12
IV Hacho 7.34 2075.7 22.0 320.5 93.5 3228.7 228.5 44.8 673.2 2.09 0.49 0.78 2.09
V Saltwater 6.94 44287.3 1007.2 402.1 43.4 67254.5 99.6 0 1511.5 2.19 0.49 1.46 0.97

descent in carbonate aquifers cause recharge by saline reactions deriving from the combination of two waters with
waters coming from the aquitards. The geochemical pro- different ionic strength, different CO2 partial pressure and
cesses in this mixing zone are very important due to the different ionic activity of the calcium and the bicarbonate.
258 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

This process is obvious in most of the wells of Sierra de corresponding to the aquifers of Hacho and Mingo, and in
Estepa, particularly in smaller systems such as Mingo aquifer the two samples collected during the execution of well
(well 42 in Figs. 1 and 6) and the Hacho aquifer (well 44, in 4-59, in Sierra de Becerrero (Fig. 7), when perforation
Figs. 1 and 6). reached the detritic-evaporitic substrate.
(G) Dedolomitization. Another important hydrochemical process
in these aquifers is dedolomitization. This irreversible reac- 5.2. Hydrochemical model of mass balance
tion, which has been described by different authors
(Hanshaw and Back, 1979; Plummer, 1977), is due to the In order to further validate the preliminary hydrochemical
incorporation of gypsum in the groundwater of a carbonate model, the previous reaction hypotheses were tested by construct-
aquifer. This incorporation causes, simultaneously, the pre- ing geochemical mass balance models by means of Aquachem.
cipitation of calcite (due to the common ionic effect) and In the proposed hydrochemical model, it is considered that the
subsaturation in dolomite. In this sense, the study of the aquifer materials are only made up of calcite and dolomite.
relationships among nCa2+/nSO24 /, nMg2+/nSO24 / and Nevertheless, the possibility of dissolution of gypsum is consid-
nHCO3 /nSO24 allows us to observe the process of dedolomi- ered, if the aquifers have a reduced saturated thickness and their
tization that takes place in the aquifers of Sierra de Estepa. waters are in contact with the detritic-evaporitic materials of the
Dedolomitization produces an increase in the concentration substrate, or else if they have circulated nearby or along the bor-
of sulfate, calcium and magnesium, and a slight decrease in ders of the aquifer in contact with clays with evaporites.
the bicarbonate content, although the latter effect may also In winter, when cold rainwater (Type 0) passes trough the soil
be influenced by other factors (increased temperature, and unsaturated zone, three main changes occur: water tempera-
changes in the CO2 partial pressure, etc.). The consequences ture rises to 16.5 °C (underground temperature is almost constant
of this process are manifest in the water samples and similar to average air temperature), the content in major ions

Fig. 7. Ionic relationships (nCa2+/nSO24 , nMg2+/nSO24 , nHCO3 /nSO24 and nCl /nSO24 ; n = meq/l) in groundwater samples associated with carbonate outcrops of Sierra de
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 259

increases due to evaporation of 65% of the rainwater, and the par- different carbonate aquifers. This water comes from wells situated
tial pressure of CO2 rises to 10 1.85 atm. This process is responsible in the saline mine of Pedrera (1.8 km southwest of the village of
for concentrating all the major ions of the water. However, bicar- Pedrera), which takes up different levels of halite, intercalated in
bonate and calcium contents increase due to the rapid dissolution the Triassic marls and clays of the Antequera–Osuna unit.
of calcite in unsaturated zone (Type IA). Taking into account the low permeability of clay-evaporitic
On the other hand, Type V waters corresponding to the hyper- aquitards and the very low hydraulic gradient under natural flow
saline water founds in a saline exploitation, are considered repre- regime, the water flow between the limestone aquifers and the
sentative of the detritic-evaporitic aquitard that limits the clay-evaporitic aquitards must be very limited. In conditions of a

Fig. 8. General hydrochemical model of different types of water in Sierra de Estepa. The model starts with local rainwater and in some cases, as a consequence of the intensive
exploitation of the aquifers, it is considered to exist mixing with briny water associated with the detritic-evaporitic substrate.
260 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

modified regime, the hydrodynamic situation changes substan- near the contact with the Triassic materials, during the dry periods.
tially; the decrease in hydraulic charge in the aquifers favors the The balance of mass at this stage implies the dissolution of mini-
entry of hypersaline waters from the aquitards. Mixing between mal amounts of dolomite and gypsum, and a slight precipitation
the water of the limestones (Type IA) and the saltwater of the clays of calcite (Table 5).
and evaporites (Type V), together with the hydrochemical pro- The aquifers having physico-chemical characteristics that were
cesses indicated above, would allow us to explain the different highly affected by intensive exploitation are (from less to most
types of water existing in the aquifers of Sierra de Estepa (Table 4). affected), those of Becerrero (IA and IB), Águilas (IIA), Pleites
The sources of chloride in the carbonate aquifers of Sierra de (IIB), Mingo (III) and Hacho (IV). The degree of impact is reflected
Estepa are the rainwater and the inflow of groundwater from the in a higher percentage of hypersaline water in the mixing
Triassic aquitards; since chloride minerals are absent in carbonate (Fig. 8). The percentages of participation of saltwater necessary
rocks. So, as first approach, the proportions of mixing of both to explain the chloride concentrations of the aquifer groundwater
end-members have been calculated from chloride concentrations. were between 0.0027% (Type IB) in Becerrero aquifer and 4.23%
Different proportions of mixing of the waters Type IA and V would in Hacho aquifer (Type IV). Table 5 and Fig. 8 show how, as the per-
allow us to reproduce all the other types (IB, IIA, IIB, III and IV) centage of brine in the mixing increases, the model predicts a
identified in the aquifers of Sierra de Estepa by means of the hydro- decrease in the pH of the water, an increase in the partial pressure
chemical modeling program PHREEQC (Table 4). of CO2, and a substantial increase in chlorides, calcium, magnesium
Fig. 8 illustrates the general hydrochemical model of Sierra de and sulfates (see Fig. 9).
Estepa, elaborated from field observation and laboratory data, The waters evolutionary state observed in the aquifers most
which served as the basis for our hydrochemical modeling of the affected by intensive exploitation is mainly a consequence of the
groundwaters. dissolution of halite and the dedolomitization reaction.
Once the different types of water had been reproduced, a hydro-
chemical model was put forth, in which the repercussion of the 5.3. Intensive exploitation, pumping, recharge and renewal period
intensive exploitation could be demonstrated (Fig. 8 and Table 5).
Because of the chloride content, to simulate the transition from Given the data presented in Table 1 and with the mean EC of the
water IA to IB, it was necessary to consider the mixing of IA water groundwater of each one of the aquifers of Sierra de Estepa we drew
with hypersaline water (Type V). Actually, this mixing process only Fig. 10, showing the relationship between the EC and the pump-
happens in the wells that exploit the aquifer of Sierra de Becerrero ing/recharge ratios (Fig. 10A), pumping/total storage (Fig. 10B) and

Table 5
Probable evolution of groundwater in Jurassic aquifers of Sierra de Estepa. Contents (elements, ions, mineral or gaseous phases) are expressed in mmol/kg water. In the case of
mineral and gaseous phases, numbers refer to amounts that reacts (positive for dissolution and negative for precipitation). Numbers in bold were imposed in the simulation. The
remaining values were obtained from the model PHREEQC. 0Rec is the recharge water in winter (recharge period) before flowing into unsaturated zone. It is the result of
evaporation of 65% of rainwater in a soil poor in CO2.


Temp. 12.0 15.0 16.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 20.0
Log PCO2 3.50 3.00 1.85 1.91 1.73 1.70 1.57 1.50
pH 7.87 7.84 7.22 7.26 7.14 7.13 6.97 6.86
Alc (meq/kg) 0.42 1.32 4.41 4.17 5.00 5.26 5.10 5.23
Ca2+ 0.20 0.56 2.16 1.94 2.32 2.40 3.87 5.68
Mg2+ 0.08 0.22 0.22 0.30 0.82 1.34 1.91 3.65
S 0.05 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.73 1.16 3.34 7.03
Cl 0.13 0.36 0.36 0.94 3.79 8.29 32.07 90.98
Calcite 0.07 0.13 1.54 0.29 1.03 1.82 3.11 6.60
Dolomite 0.08 0.14 0.00 0.10 0.66 1.12 1.68 3.50
Gypsum 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.52 0.92 2.94 6.37
CO2 0.00 0.00 2.11 0.24 0.45 0.63 0.79 1.02
ISCalcite 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ISDolomite 1.25 0.97 0.77 0.38 0.21 0.23 0.10
ISGypsum 2.76 2.22 2.29 1.69 1.52 0.99 0.65

Fig. 9. Graphic representation of modeling results of hydrochemical evolution of the groundwater of Sierra de Estepa.
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 261

Fig. 10. Relationship between groundwater electric conductivity and ratios of pumping/recharge, pumping/total storage (year ) and total storage/recharge o renewal period
(year) in the aquifers of Sierra de Estepa.

renewal period (Fig. 10C), which in turn represents the total stor- Miocene materials, where olive trees are intensively cultivated,
age/recharge ratio. The aquifers of smaller size and those of smaller would explain the increase in nitrates seen to accompany the emp-
renewal period are more vulnerable to the entry of saline waters tying of Mingo aquifer (Figs. 6 and 11).
from the detritic-evaporitic materials surrounding them and defin-
ing the aquifer base. The aquifers with greater renewal period and
those having a lower pumping/total storage ratio present less saline 6. Conclusions
waters. Overall, we should point out that the response of Hacho
aquifer is anomalous in that the salinitiy is greater than in the others. The results of this study allowed us to determine the effects of
This would appear to be related with the greater proximity of the intensive exploitation of groundwater in a series of small carbon-
bottom of well 44 with respect to the aquifer base, and the possible ate aquifers situated in southern Europe. These aquifers, made up
ascent of hypersaline water caused by pumping in the contact zone of limestones and dolomites, are delimited largely by a set of sat-
between the limestone and the aquifer substrate. urated detritic-evaporitic aquitard materials with hypersaline salt-
water. The high permeability of the carbonates, the scarce reserves
5.4. Final hydrogeological conceptual model and the limited size of the aquifers favor a rapid hydrodynamic
response to exploitation.
Hydrochemichal modeling and analysis of the exploitation have In the aquifers where pumping is less than recharge, during
allowed us to propose an improved conceptual model of Sierra de drought periods, the piezometric level drops below the level of
Estepa which considers hydrochemical and geological features and the springs. The springs draining HCO3Ca waters dry up, and the
vulnerability to salinization. On the one hand, the structure of each water from the wells undergoes a rise in salinity due to increased
aquifer, the storage capacity, the existence of evaportitic materials, concentrations of Cl , Na+ and SO24 . During wet periods following
and, in some cases, the overlying Miocene detritic materials are the the droughts, dilutions take place, these being more significant in
main natural factors conditioning the mixing with water from the aquifers with more highly mineralized waters and with a lesser
beyond the carbonate aquifers and the posterior hydrochemical amount of reserves. In aquifers where pumping is systematically
processes associated with such mixing. On the other hand, the higher than the recharge, the increased mineralization of the water
increase in the ratio pumping/storage involves a drop of piezomet- is continuous.
ric levels and, consequently, an increase in groundwater Despite the proximity and similarity of the studied aquifers, the
salinization. spatial variability of the physico-chemical characteristics of the
In Becerrero aquifer, which is the largest one studied and has groundwater is noteworthy. In Becerrero aquifer water is HCO3Ca
the greatest renewal period, exploitation is near the mean recharge and the mean EC is 470 lS/cm. However, Hacho aquifer has ClNa
of the system. However, the periodic decline in the hydraulic facies, with a mean EC of 9780 lS/cm. This study demonstrates
potential produced in the drought periods, favors the flow from that the degree of loss of water quality is controlled by the pump-
aquitards situated at the borders of the aquifer. Hence, mixing with ing/renewal period ratio of each aquifer and by the greater or lesser
more mineralized water takes place. Likewise, during the dry peri- presence of detritic-evaporitic materials at the base and at the
ods, the deepest waters in Jurassic aquifers are mobilized, and they margins of each one of the aquifers.
contain higher sulfate, calcium and magnesium contents than the Modeling the different types of waters with the PHREEQC code
shallower waters, due to the dedolomitization in the contact zone led us to confirm that the mixing of saline waters and the processes
between Jurassic materials and Triassic substrate (Fig. 11). of dedolomitization are greater in the aquifers having a lesser stor-
Obviously, the greatest increases in salinity are seen in the wells age capacity.
most adjacent to the contact with the detritic-evaporitic materials; As for the analyis of the temporal evolution of the hydrochem-
such is the case of well 8-4 (Fig. 5). ical characteristics of groundwater, it was found that during dry
In aquifer systems where exploitation is greater than average periods there is an increase in the salinity of the water, due to
recharge to the system (Águilas, Hacho and Mingo) the decline in the increased concentration of chlorides, sulfate, sodium and cal-
the piezometric level does not stabilize. Thus, over time, the differ- cium. In this way, the control of water salinity can be considered
ence of hydraulic potential between the carbonate system and the as a tool to detect and prevent mixing process.
aquitard materials increases, leading to an increasing groundwater Aquifers with greater reserves are less vulnerable to saliniza-
influx from the boundaries. In Águilas aquifer (Fig. 11), the greater tion, since the contact zone between the aquifer and the aquitard
volumen of reserves makes the proportion of brine lesser, unlike is relatively smaller and, in case of intensive exploitation of
the case of Mingo and Hacho aquifers. Meanwhile, the overlying groundwater, lower piezometric drops take place.
262 S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263

Fig. 11. Conceptual model of aquifers of Sierra de Estepa. Number 1 indicates rainfall recharge to the carbonate aquifers. Numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 indicate water inputs to the
carbonates from different lithologies. T, transmissivity; S, Salinity; P, Pumping. (T1: 1–6  10 3 m2/s; T2: 10 4 m2/s; T3: 10 6–10 7 m2/s; T4: 10 7–10 8 m2/s; T5: 10 5 m2/s;
Martos-Rosillo, 2008).

Improving hydrogeological knowledge of aquifers in Sierra de the entry of external water into the system. For these reasons,
Estepa has led to carried out a series of measures to make progress hydrogeological and hydrochemical research should be extended
in groundwater management. They can be summarized as: estab- to the bodies of water having a possible hydrogeogical connection
lishment of a stakeholder community, reduction of groundwater with the aquifer to be exploited.
withdrawal (particularly for irrigation), relocation of pumping
wells in other sectors of the aquifer less vulnerable to salinization Acknowledgements
and implementation of a monitoring network.
This study makes manifest that in order to achieve sustainable The autors thank M. Martín-Machuca, A. Martínez-Sánchez and
exploitation of groundwater, without deteriorating its quality, it is T. Bros (Geologcial Survey of Spain) for their efforts in the monitor-
necessary to have previous hydrogeological knowledge of the aqui- ing of these aquifers. This study was supported by the projets CGL
fer to be exploited. Carbonate aquifers with limited renewal peri- 2010 21048 of Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, as well
ods situated in semi-arid zones are highly vulnerable to as by Research Group of Andalucía RNM-126. We would also like
exploitation. Pumping groundwater generated quick drops in the to acknowledge the careful review and thoughtful comments of
piezometric surface during drought periods, a situation favoring the reviewers and editor.
S. Martos-Rosillo, F. Moral / Journal of Hydrology 528 (2015) 249–263 263

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