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Garcia 1

Ana Garcia

EDU 220-1004

Nancy Stachura Webb

March 4, 2018


I.Describe the Class:

This is an inclusion kindergarten classroom. There are 24 Gen Ed students, one newcomer and
one student with a with Dyscalculia. All the students are under the age of five to six years old.
Only one teacher no assistant.


Letter recognition: students must be familiar with all 26 capital and 26 lower case letters.
Familiar vocabulary: students must be familiar with the phrase capital and lowercase. Letter
sound recognition: students must know the majority of the letter sounds to be able to identify.


Students will put their letter skills in to play by listening to the teacher call out the letter names
or letter sounds to fill up their BINGO card to win. Students will have to identify letter sounds.
Students will have to know how to distingue between capital and lowercase letters.


1. Alright, class today as promised we will have a fun academic game Friday. We have
gone through all the letter, all 52 of them (capital and lowercase). We have also heard all
the letter sounds. So today we will put it to practice with a game of BINGO. I will be
doing the letter sounds or calling out letter names and stating if capital or lowercase. You
must be paying close attention to be able to win.
2. The students should already know Letter Names and Letter sounds. Students should also
be able to identify the difference between capital and lowercase.
3. The teacher will help with the first letter call. For example Capital A and makes the aaa.
After calling it out the teacher will then show the letter and go around the classroom to
see what students have capital A.
4. The teacher will be showing the student the card after giving them time to think what
letter makes the sound or description being called out. And asking if they need the
teacher to do a recall of the card they have gone through so far. To make sure they didn't
miss a letter and lower their chances of winning.
Garcia 2

5. All student will be engaged in the ABC BINGO. This will make students practice their
letter identification without even knowing. The teacher will make sure the class is ready
to move on to the next card to not leave anyone behind.


● BINGO Cards
● Letter Cards
● Teacher (call out letter sounds)
● Chips (placeholders)

VI.Grouping Structures:

This will be a fun Friday class activity. Each student will be seated in their assigned seats. The
teacher will be using the projector to show that students that Letters that come out so they can
place it on their card. Students will be responsible for their own card.


The modification done in this activity will be the showing of the letter for the student that is new
to the country and for the students that have the learning disability. Showing them the letter card
will help them get a connection to hearing the sound and seeing how it looks.


The way you will know if the objectives were met in this activity is by walking around and
seeing if the students are having a good time and are getting very comfortable with the letter
recognition. Is another way of asking open-ended questions such as “what is the first sound you
hear in the word apple? The say the sound and then you ask; what letter is that? Or viscera they
say the name and you ask for the sound.

Asking students pop questions as they line up to dismiss is a great way to see if the student
stored the new information in their brain. If not it's a great time to quickly refresh their memory.

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