CATIA Introduction: Binayak Bhandari, PH.D

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27 August 2018

CATIA Introduction

Binayak Bhandari, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Railroad Integrated System
Woosong University,
Daejeon 300-718,
CATIA = Compute Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application
CATIA V5 is a powerful 3D software that can be used to design some of
the biggest products the world manufactures: planes, ships, submarines
and automobiles. They are designed carefully and intelligently.

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Introduction to CATIA V5

Sketch 3D Part

2D Drawing

Sketch: is the basic requirement to create the base feature of any solid
model. It is drawn in Sketcher workbench.
3D part: A solid model
Assembly: To handle multiple files that represent components of the
2D drawings: is used for communicating ideas in industry and engineering
by using standard symbols, units, notation etc.
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Workbenches in CATIA V5
 CATIA V5 offers many workbenches to carry out a different types of
Sheet metal = 판금

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Department of Railroad Integrated System
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Part Design Workbench
 The Part Design workbench is a parametric and feature-based environment, in
which you can create solid models.
 The basic requirement for this is a sketch.
 The sketch for the features is drawn in the Sketcher workbench that can be
involved within the Part Design workbench by choosing the Sketcher button
from the Sketcher toolbar.
 While drawing a sketch, various applicable constraints are automatically
applied to it.
 You can also apply additional constraints and dimensions manually.
 After drawing the sketch, exit the Sketcher workbench and convert it into a
feature (sketch-based) or other features like fillets, chamfers etc. (placed-
feature) known as dress-up features.
 You can also assign materials to the model in the Part Design workbench.
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The Sketcher Workbench
 Most of the components designed using CATIA are a combination of
 Sketched features (requires a sketch that define shape of the sketched feature)
 Placed features (created without drawing a sketch. E.g., fillets, chamfer etc.)
 Derived features

Base sketch of solid model

Solid model

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Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench
 Is also a parametric and feature-based environment, in which you can
create wireframe or surface models.
 The tools in this workbench are similar to those in the Part Design
 The only difference is that the tools in this environment are used to
create basic and advanced surfaces.
 Surface editing tools are also provided, which are used to manipulate
the surfaces to obtain the required shape.

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Assembly Design Workbench
 Assembly Design Workbench can be found by (Start > Mechanical
Design > Assembly Design)
 The Assembly Design workbench is used to assemble the components
using the assembly constraints available in this workbench.
 There are two types of assembly design approaches.
 Bottom-Up
 Top-Down
 In the bottom-up approach of the assembly, the previously created
components are assembled together to maintain their design intent.
 In the top-down approach, components are created inside the
assembly in the Assembly Design workbench
assemble the components = 구성 요소를 조립하다
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Drafting Workbench
 Drafting workbench can be found by (Start > Mechanical Design >
 The Drafting workbench is used for the documentation of the parts or
assemblies created earlier in the form of drawing views and their
detailing. There are two types of drafting techniques.
 Generative drafting
 Interactive drafting
 The generative drafting technique is used to automatically generate
the drawing views of the parts and assemblies. You can also generate
bill of Material (BOM) and balloons to the drawing views.
 The interactive drafting, you need to create the drawing views by
sketching them using the normal sketching tools and then adding the
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CATIA User Interface

3D Compass
Menu Bar


Specification Tree

Status Bar Toolbar

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Parametric Modeling in CATIA
 In CATIA V5, parameters, dimensions or constraints control everything.
 For example, if you want to change the position of the hole shown in
figure, you need to change the dimension (80120, 40  60 while
keeping the hole in the center) or constraint that controls it position.


80 120

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Tool Bars
Standard Toolbar:
This toolbar has some common used commands such as New, Open, Save,
Redo, Copy etc.
Start Menu: The start menu appears when you click on the Start button
located at the top left corner of the window. The Start Menu has a list of
workbenches. You can switch between different workbenches using this

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Part Design Toolbars

Part Design Toolbar Details

Starts the Sketcher workbench

This toolbar has commands to create sketch ele

This toolbar has commands to apply constraints
between sketch elements.
This toolbar has commands to modify sketch ele
This toolbar has options to filter the type element
that can be selected.
This toolbar has options that help you create ske
tch elements.

Exits the workbench

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Part Design Toolbar contd…

Part Design Toolbar Details

This toolbar has commands to create solid
features based on the sketch geometry.
This toolbar has commands to replicate solid
This toolbar has commands to replicate solid
This toolbar has commands to measure
physical properties of the geometry.

Applies material to a solid geometry.

This toolbar has commands to convert a

surface model in to solid.
This toolbar has commands to zoom, pan,
rotate, or change the view of a 3D model.
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Part Design Toolbar contd…

Part Design Toolbar Details

This toolbar describes the various toolbar
commands available in the Knowledge Advisor
Cut part by sketch plane, visulatixation 3D and
2D etc.

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How to find not visible toolbar?
Some toolbars are not visible by default. To display a
particular toolbar, follow the instructions:
 Right-click on any toolbar
 Select the toolbar name from the list displayed.

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Specification Tree
 Contains the list of operatios carried while constructing a part.

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Status bar

This is available below the graphics window. It shows the prompts and the
action taken while using the commands.

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When you execute any commands in CATIA V5, the dialog related to it
appears. A dialog has of various operations. The following figure shows
various components of a dialog.


Selection box

Option Drop-down


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Mouse Functions
Left Mouse Button (MB1) : When you double –click the left mouse button
(MB1) on an object, the dialog related to the object appears. Using this
dialog, you can edit the parameters of the objects.
Middle Mouse Button (MB2): Press the middle mouse and drag the mouse
to pan the view.
Right Mouse Button (MB3): Click this button on an object to open the
shortcut menu related to it. MB2

Combination: MB1
Rotate : MB2+ MB1+Drag

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Changing the Background color
To change the background color of the window
 Tools > Options (on the menu bar)
 On the Options dialog
 Click General > Display on the left side
 Click the Visualization tab and set the colors various element types.

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Changing the color of sketch elements
 Tools > Options (on the menu bar)
 On the Options dialog
 Click Mechanical Design > Sketcher on the left side and then change the
Default color of the elements

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Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys Function
F1 Help
CTRL+N New File
CTRL+O Open File
F9 Hidr/Show
F10 Swap Visible Space
Shift+Left Rotate To The Left
Shift + Right Rotate to the Right
Shift+Up Rotate Upward
Shift+Down Rotate Downward
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Shortcut Keys contd…
Shortcut Keys Function
Alt+F8 Start Macros
Alt+F11 Visual Basic
Ctrl + Page Up Zoon In
Ctrl + Page Down Zoom Out
Ctrl + Left Pan Left
Ctrl + Right Pan Right
Ctrl + Up Pan Up
Ctrl + Down Pan Down
Ctrl + Shift + Left Rotate Around Z axis counterclockwise
Ctrl + Shift + Right Rotate Around Z Axis Clockwise
Ctrl + Tab Swap Windows
Ctrl+F Search/ Find
Ctrl + U Update
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Shortcut Keys contd…
Shortcut Keys Function
Ctrl +X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste

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1. Explain how to display the hidden toolbars. (step by step with pictures)
2. How can you change the background color of the graphics windows
(show step by step)
3. Draw below basic geometry using CATIA V5

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Any questions ?

Binayak Bhandari, Ph.D.

College of Railroad and Transportation
Building W16, Room , Woosong University
#17-2 Jayang-dong, Dong-Gu, Daejeon, 300-718, Korea

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