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General Lesson Information

o Lorin Ybarra
o Date & Time Frame of Lesson: 11/14/18 1 hour
o Title: Printmaking Introduction
o Grade Level: 1st
o Subject Area: Social Studies
2. Standards & Bench Marks
Provide the number and written standard for:
Standard(s) appropriate to the lesson.

Standard(s) fully cited.

Content Standard I: Students are able to identify important people and events in order to analyze significant patterns,
relationships, themes, ideas, beliefs, and turning points in New Mexico, United States, and world history in order to
understand the complexity of the human experience. K-4 Benchmark I-B—United States: Understand connections among
historical events, people, and symbols significant to United States history and cultures.

3. Specific learning goals & objectives of the lessons

What do you want the student to learn during this lesson?
o Goals and objectives appropriate to lesson/activity: Goal is for students to understand what printmaking is
and its importance in how it can represent an individual’s oral history. Objective is for students to make
their draft of what picture they would like to make for printmaking.
o Goals & objectives clearly link to standards, and:
o Goals & objectives are directly linked to and measured by the lesson’s assessment(s).
4. Preparation
o Materials: I will need scribes from interviews, homework version of oral histories for students that did it,
paper, model of my printmaking in conjunction with others, and pencils.
o The Environment
Explain any special considerations you might need when setting up the classroom environment (i.e., how
will students be grouped? Special arrangements?) Students will be on carpet for information segment of
lesson, then they will be sent to their seats to complete the printmaking.
5. Instructional Procedures
A. Introduction:
o What information will you be introducing AND what will be your essential question for this
activity? I will be introducing what printmaking is and it’s importance in representing visually
someone’s oral history. My essential question will be how can we create meaningful art from a
story from someone’s past?
o Provide a “hook” for the students to raise their interest and draw them into the lesson. My hook
will be show the students my printmaking example and asking what they think it might be, then
explaining it’s relation to my oral history interview I conducted with my grandma, and finally
informing them they will be doing this as well.
o How will you differentiate for CONTENT? Content will be introducing what printmaking is, and it’s
importance, and how it relates to our oral history interviews. There will be four examples of
printmaking, a chart with steps of printmaking with pictures, and printed scribes from interviews, I
will also use students restating information for the class.
B. Instruction
o How specifically – step by step – will you present the information and carry out this lesson? I will
begin the lesson by moving the students from their seats to the carpet. I will begin by explaining
what printmaking is. I will show them an example of my printmaking without giving them any
information about how it is related to the oral history interview. I will bring up the oral histories
and ask the students to give me information about what they remember from the oral history
interviews. They have the have four interviews they can pick from, our students’ sister, mom, the
person they interviewed for homework, and the person they interviewed in small group. I will have
a concise list of some facts from the scribes of the interviews. We will go over these facts as a class.
Once we have gone over the facts I will begin modeling for the children how to draw a picture
based off of what was said in the interview. I will also explain the importance of putting these oral
histories into printmaking, something that we can keep forever. The demo will include instruction
about how to fill up the entire paper, as well as not putting tiny detail because it will be hard to
print later. I will send them back to their seats to let them work on their printmaking illustrations. I
will allow them to draw for about 20 minutes with pencil only. During this time I will have the
scribes of the interviews on the board that way the students can read them to help with their
printmaking process. I will also be walking around to help assist students with reading their own
interviews they did at home if that is the path they choose to take. I will also be walking around to
assess students on what they are creating, asking, “what interview did you choose? Why did you
choose to create this picture from the interview?” We will transition to the next lesson by having a
student from each table collect the art pieces and set them on my desk.
o What specifically will you do to make sure students understand, engage in and apply what they are
learning? I will explain what printmaking is and show them an example made by others and myself.
I will explain the link to my interview with my Grandma. I will have them apply this new information
to creating their first step of the printmaking process, which is creating the illustration. Before I
send them back to their seats to create their illustration, I will have them turn and talk to discuss
what interview person they would like to use and what picture they could create.
o How will you differentiate for CONTENT and PROCESS? Content will be information about
printmaking and the examples of them, process will be creating first step of printmaking from an
oral history interview of their choice. For students with special needs I will have a partner at the
table restate instructions for them.
C. Independent Practice
o What activities will allow the students to independently use/apply the information they have learned (i.e.,
learning centers, additional projects/activities, worksheets, homework, etc.)? The students have already
conducted their oral history interviews, they will be given information about printmaking and they will
continue the process into the following weeks.
o How will you differentiate for PROCESS and PRODUCT? Process is the information about the printmaking,
the product is the illustration they create based off an oral history interview. For the last five minutes, I will
have the students share with their group their illustrations; if time allows it I will have some students share
with the class. As students finish I will also have them share with the class that way students who are
struggling can see what is expected of them.
6. Assessment
o Assessment tool has been clearly identified. This tool accurately measures and records student
performance. (Rubric, checklist, student work sample/portfolio, etc.). Be sure to clearly describe the
assessment being used and include actual assessment tools with your lesson: I will assess students on if
they finish their printmaking illustration. Illustration must have something that represents an aspect of an
oral history interview we conducted, must be done in pencil, must use and fill up the entire paper.
o Assessment links directly back and is appropriate to stated goals and objectives of the lesson.
o Assessment establishes a clear and measurable “criteria for success” (80% accuracy, 5/10 trials, etc.).
o How will you differentiate for PRODUCT? Each student creating their individual printmaking pieces as well as
basing it off of an interview of their choice will differentiate product. I will accept if the entire page isn’t
filled from Student A and B. Their expectations will be to pick an interview person, and create an illustration
off of what that person said.
7. Accommodations/Modifications
o What accommodations/modifications will be needed for who have IEPs? Students with IEPS will sit at their
usual seats and use my help as well as other students to complete their printmaking illustration.
o Be sure to consider what accommodations/modifications might be needed at every stage of the lesson plan.
Accommodations that I might need to make during the lesson is while I am explaining the information if the
children are talking or not paying attention I will go over the expectations beforehand and use “signal” and
“exito”, I will also help students with reading their interviews and assist them with drawing where I am

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