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Major Test

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Acid base and salt

Especially for IIT, NIT, AIIMS, NEET, IAS aspirants




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Question: 1. What is the taste of acid?

(a) Sweet

(b) Sour

(c) Salty

(d) Bitter

Question: 2. What is the taste of a base?

(a) Sweet

(b) Sour

(c) Salty

(d) Bitter

Question: 3. How does a base solution feel in touch?

(a) Hard

(b) Soft

(c) Soapy

(d) Sharp

Question: 4: What happens when a blue litmus paper is dipped into

an acid solution?

(a)Litmus paper turns red

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(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

Question: 5: What happens when a blue litmus paper is dipped into

a base solution?

(a) Litmus paper turns red

(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

Question: 6. What happens when a dry blue litmus paper is touched

to acid powder?

(a) Litmus paper turns red

(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

Question: 7. What happens when a dry red litmus paper is touched

to base powder?

(a) Litmus paper turns red

(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

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(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

Question: 8. What happens when a moist blue litmus paper is

brought near the hydrochloric acid gas?

(a) Litmus paper turns red

(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

Question: 9: What happens when a red litmus paper is dipped into

a base solution?

(a) Litmus paper turns blue

(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

Question: 10: What happens when a red litmus paper is dipped into
an acid solution?

(a) Litmus paper turns blue

(b) Litmus paper turns green

(c) Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

(d) No change in the colour of litmus paper

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Question: 11. What happens when a blue litmus paper dipped in the
solution of base?

a. Litmus paper remains blue

b. Litmus paper turns red

c. Litmus paper turns green

d. Colour of litmus paper vanishes out

Question: 12. Acids dissociate which ions in their aqueous solution?

a. Hydroxide ions

b. Hydrogen ions

c. Carbonate ions

d. None of the above

Question: 13. Bases dissociate which ions in their aqueous solution?

a. Hydroxide ions

b. Hydrogen ions

c. Chloride ions

d. None of the above

Question: 14. What happens when zinc reacts with hydrochloric


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a. Gives hydrogen gas

b. Gives oxygen gas

c. Gives carbon dioxide gas

d. Gives hydrogen sulphide gas

Question: 15. What happen when turmeric add with base?

a. Become red

b. Become colourless

c. Become pink

d. No change

Question: 16. Which of the following is not an organic acid?

a. Citric acid

b. Lactic acid

c. Hydrochloric acid

d. Tartaric acid

Question: 17. Which of the following is not a synthetic acid?

a. Citric acid

b. Sulphuric acid

c. Nitric acid

d. Hydrochloric acid

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Question: 18. Which of the acid is found in milk?

a. Citric acid

b. Lactic acid

c. Tartaric acid

d. Sulphuric acid

Question: 19. Which acid is found in tamarind?

a. Citric acid

b. Lactic acid

c. Tartaric acid

d. Sulphuric acid

Question: 20. Which acid is found in curd?

a. Citric acid

b. Lactic acid

c. Tartaric acid

d. Sulphuric acid

Question: 21. Which acid is found in nettle sting?

a. Citric acid

b. Formic acid

c. Tartaric acid

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d. Nitric acid

Question: 22. Which acid is found in bee sting?

a. Citric acid

b. Formic acid

c. Tartaric acid

d. Nitric acid

Question: 23. Rubbing of which does give relief from pain in the
case of bee sting?

a. Dilute hydrochloric acid

b. Dilute nitric acid

c. Tooth paste

d. Alkali

Question: 24. Which statement is correct?

a. Organic acids are obtain from natural sources

b. Inorganic acids are prepared in laboratory

c. Bee sting contains formic sting

d. All of the above

Question: 25. What happens when acid is mixed with water?

a. Heat is evolved

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b. Heat is absorbed

c. Concentration of acid increases

d. All of the above

Question:26.what is the natural colour of turmeric.

a. Green

b. Red

c. Yellow

d. colourless

Question: 27. Which of the following is alkali?

a. Sodium hydroxide

b. Calcium carbonate

c. Copper carbonate

d. Carbonic acid

Question: 28. Which of the following is called alkali?

a. Water soluble base

b. Water insoluble base

c. Carbonate of metals

d. Oxides of metals

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Question: 29. What happens when an acid react with base?

a. Acid neutralizes base

b. Water is formed

c. A salt is formed

d. All of the above

Question: 30. Which of the following is an olfactory indicator?

a. Turmeric

b. Onion

c. Litmus

d. All of the above

Question: 31. What happens when a base is added to vanilla?

a. Color of vanilla changes into red

b. Vanilla becomes colorless

c. Vanilla loses its smell

d. Nothing happens

Question: 32. What happens when an acid is added to vanilla?

a. Color of vanilla changes into red

b. Vanilla becomes colorless

c. Vanilla loses its smell

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d. Nothing happens

Question: 33. What is the original color of phenolphthalein solution

which is an indicator?

a. Colorless

b. Red

c. Pink

d. Violet

Question: 34. Phenolphthalein exhibits which color with a base?

a. Remains colorless

b. Pink

c. Red

d. Green

Question: 35. Phenolphthalein exhibits which color with an acid?

a. Remains colorless

b. Pink

c. Red

d. Green

Question: 36. Methyl orange which is an indicator turns into which

color with an acid?

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a. Red

b. Yellow

c. Pink

d. No color

Question: 37. Methyl orange which is an indicator turns into which

color with a base?

a. Red

b. Yellow

c. Pink

d. No color

Question: 38. What the original color of methyl orange solution

which is an indicator?

a. Yellow

b. Orange

c. Pink

d. Red

Question: 39. Which of the following compound is formed when zinc

reacts with hydrochloric acid?

a. Zinc sulphate

b. Zinc chloride

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c. Zinc carbonate

d. Zinc hydroxide

Question: 40. Which of the following compound is formed when zinc

reacts with sodium hydroxide?

a. Zinc hydroxide

b. Sodium zincate

c. Zinc hydrogenate

d. No reaction takes place

Question: 41. Which of the following gas if formed when an acid

reacts with metal carbonate?

a. Carbon monoxide

b. Carbonic acid gas

c. Carbon dioxide gas

d. Hydrochloric acid gas

Question: 42. What happens when hydrogen carbonate reacts with

an acid?

a. Carbon monoxide

b. Carbonic acid gas

c. Carbon dioxide gas

d. Hydrochloric acid gas

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Question: 43. In spinach which acid is found.

a. Lactic acid

b. Citric acid

c. Oxalic acid

d. Ascorbic acid

Question: 45. Which of the following is taken orally as medicine in

the case of hyperacidity to get relief?

a. Sodium hydroxide

b. Calcium hydroxide

c. Milk of sodium

d. Milk of magnesia

Question: 46. Which of the following acid is also known as vinegar?

a. Dilute hydrochloric acid

b. Dilute sulphuric acid

c. Dilute acetic acid

d. Dilute tartaric acid

Question: 47. Calshium hydraoxide found in.

a. Shop

b. Lime water

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c. Window clenear

d. Distil water

Question: 50. What is the nature of non-metallic oxides?

a. Basic

b. Acidic

c. Neutral

d. None of the above

Question: 51. What is the pH value of sodium chloride?

a. 7 (seven)

b. More than 7 (seven)

c. Less than 7 (seven)

d. Zero

Question: 52. What is the pH value of distilled water?

a. 7 (seven)

b. More than 7 (seven)

c. Less than 7 (seven)

d. Zero

Question: 53. If the pH value of a solution is 6, then solution will

be of what type?

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a. Strong acid

b. Strong base

c. Mild acid

d. Mild base

Question: 54. If the pH value of a solution is 0 (zero), then

solution will be of what type?

a. Strong acid

b. Strong base

c. Mild acid

d. Mild base

Question: 55. Which of the following acid is produced in our


a. Sulphuric acid

b. Acetic acid

c. Hydrochloric acid

d. Dilute nitric acid

Question: 57. Which of the following is common in all acids?

a. Hydrogen ions

b. Hydroxide ions

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c. Chloride ions

d. Sodium ions

Question: 58. Which of the following is common in all bases?

a. Hydrogen ions

b. Hydroxide ions

c. Chloride ions

d. Sodium ions

Question: 59. Which of the following acid does produce hydrogen

ions in absence of water?

a. Hydrochloric acid

b. Sulphuric acid

c. Muriatic acid

d. None

Question: 60. Hydrogen ions produced by acid exist in which of the

following form?

a. Hydrogen

b. Hydronium ions

c. Water ions

d. Hydroxide ions

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Question: 61. Sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, sodium carbonate
are examples of salt. These salts belong to which of the following
family of salts?

a. Sodium family

b. Salt family

c. Acidic salt family

d. Hydrochloric acid family

Question: 62. Name the source from which litmus solution is


a. Water

b. Shops

c. Milk

d. Lichen

Question: 63. Which statement is correct (may bemore more

than one )

a. Nitric acid turn red litmus blue.

b. Sodium hydroxide turns blue litmus red.

c. Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid neutralise each other and

form salt and water.

d.Indicator is a substance which shows different colours in acidic

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and basic solutions.

e.Tooth decay is caused by the presence of a base.

Question: 64. Too much acidity of soil what we use.

a. Quik lime

b. Shaked lime

c. Nitric acid

d. Both a and b

Question: 65. What happens when soap is applied on a cloth having

turmeric stain?

a. Color of stain changes to blue

b. Color of stain changes to greenish black

c. Color of stain changes to brown red

d. No effect seen on color of stain

Question: 66. PH of human blood is

a. 3.5

b. 6.7

c. 7.5

d. 5.7

Question: 67. Which of the following is known as common salt?

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a. Calcium chloride

b. Potassium chloride

c. Copper chloride

d. Sodium chloride

Question: 68. Which of the following salt was prepared by

Mahatma Gandhi while Dandi March?

a. Calcium chloride

b. Potassium chloride

c. Copper chloride

d. Sodium chloride

Question: 69. Ph of bleach is

a. 1.6

b. 12.5

c. 14.0

d. 5.12

Question: 70. Which of the following is used in fire extinguisher?

a. Sodium carbonate

b. Sodium bicarbonate

c. Potassium carbonate

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d. Calcium carbonate

Question: 71. What is the chemical name of washing soda?

a. Sodium carbonate

b. Sodium bicarbonate

c. Potassium carbonate

d. Calcium carbonate

Question: 72. What is the chemical name of baking powder?

a. Sodium carbonate

b. Sodium bicarbonate

c. Potassium carbonate

d. Calcium carbonate

Question: 73. What is the use of Plaster of Paris?

a. In plaster of fractured bones

b. In making of false ceiling

c. In making of mould toys

d. All of the above

Question 74. what happen an acid react with base

a. It form a new compound

b. It cancel effect of each other

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c. It form a salt

d. All of above

Question: 75. Which acid and base form common salt.

a. Sodium hydraoxide and sulfuric acid

b. Calcium hydra oxide and hydrochloric acid

c. Sodium hydra oxide and nitric acid

d. None of these

Question: 76. Which of the following is found in tooth paste?

a. Sodium carbonate

b. Sodium bicarbonate

c. Sodium sulphate

d. Sodium chloride

Question: 77. If weak acid react with strong base then ph of


a. Less than 7

b. More than 7

c. Equal to 7

d. Not say anything

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Question: 78. Which of the gas is responsible for acid rain?

a. Oxygen

b. Nitrogen

c. Carbon dioxide

d. Chlorine

Question: 79. Which is an acid (may more than one)

a. H2SO4

b. CaOH

c. HNO3

d. NaOH

Question: 80. Acid are which is

a. Give H+ ion in water

b. Turn blue litmus into red

c. Sour in tast

d. All of above

Ncert corner .

Each cell in our body contains an acid, the deoxyribonucleic acid or

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DNA. It controls every feature of the body such as our looks, colour of

our eyes, our height etc. Proteins that build part of our cells are also

made of amino acids. The fats in our body contain fatty acids.

Question: 81. Fill correct preposition.

a. I picked mobile ………..the bed (from, with, off ,since )

b. Rahul has been crying …………..morning( from, off,since, with,)

c. You are coming delhi ………… educatation ( since, for ,with.from)

d. He bought a car……………….50000 rupee (since, for,with ,off)

e. She come here …………..many (sicne for from ,0ff)

Question:82. Difine give term in short .

a. Lexical verb

b. Stative verb

c. Auxillury verb

d. transitive verb

e. Finite verb

Question:83. How many trangle in this figuir.(10 mark )

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