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Analytical Exposition Text

The Tittle is: The Dangerous of Using Drugs

Four Group
Lidya Asih
Tony Suhendra
Nur M. Habib

XI Social Class. 1


LESSON YEAR 2018/2019


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

We pray and gratitude to Allah SWT who has overflow gods mercy his. So, that we can
resolve constinue preparation of this paper. Not forgetting segue and always greeting us to devote
our master proher Muhammad that have hig leads his people on the right path, we would like to
thank those who have helped in the preparation of the paper. Paper is structured assigment of
indonesion. “Adolescent Drug for Indonesian” is the like that we provide for this paper.
This paper is about understanding sided all kinds, and the dangers of drugs. The preparation of
this paper wich the purpose to inform the youth about the dangers of drugs.
Hopefully, this paper can be useful for the audience. Composer also apologize if many mistake
in the preparation of this paper.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.


Drugs are the abbreviation of narcotic, psychotropic and other addictive materials. Drugs
familiar terminology usel by law enfoccament of officials, such us police ( Including the
National Narcotica Agency ).

Prosecutors, judges and correctional officers. In addiction to drugs, another term that refers to
all three of these substances are drugs that of narcotic, psychotropic and addictive substances the
term drug more commanly used by healthere pracitioners and rehabilytation.

But in essence the meaning of both terms still refer to the three types of the same substances.
According to law 22 of 1997 on Narcotics are narcotics sence are “ substances of drugs derifed
from plant or not plant other symbetic or semi-symbetic that can cause the gradation of alteration
of conselousness, loss of taste reduse to eliminate pain, and can creating dependency”.

The drugs is acctually a legal drugs that used in mediciane, howefer, women is widely abused
drugs. Even young people who use drugs are not little.Many of those who use the drug for
reasons of mental pleasure,but not much know saying dangers of drugs.

Therefore,in addition to completing the task of subjects indonesian language,we compled this
paper aims to provide information how dangerous drungs.



Defenition :

The Dangerous of Using Drugs

Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us. Why it is very
dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body.

In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using drug. In general, the
impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and cause
addictive effect. Beside that, using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease,
schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and
finally it can cause DEATH!

When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is cause badness, self
harm, debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause badness, self harm because it is included
zhalim. Also if we using drugs, it means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means
we sin. So, in terms of Islamic law, using drugs also dangerous.

Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and endanger their
homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so,
if many teenagers –in this case Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth
generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs, our nation can be

So, from now on we must pay attention of drugs, because it’s very dangerous, both in terms of
health, religion (Islam), nationality and state.

Purpose :

To persuade the reader that The Dangerous of Using Drugs and paper the purpose to
knowledge to teenagers about drugs for her language. The except, purpose to as a teenagers
reference so that it can understand the kinds of drugs.

Generic Structure :

Title : The Dangerous of Using Drugs

Thesis : Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for
us. Why it is very dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body.

Arguments : In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using
drug. In general, the impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us hallucinate, can harm
our nerve, and cause addictive effect. Beside that, using drugs can make the users depressed,
liver disease, schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain
damage, and finally it can cause DEATH!

When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is cause badness, self
harm, debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause badness, self harm because it is included
zhalim. Also if we using drugs, it means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means
we sin. So, in terms of Islamic law, using drugs also dangerous.

Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and endanger their
homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so,
if many teenagers –in this case Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth
generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs, our nation can be

Reiteration :

Therefore, my condition is everybody must can attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for caused
our body. Because can induce many harm to our body.

In field of health, many organs our body can be dangerous we when users the drugs.

In a general, impact users the drugs a make someone hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and
cause addictive effect. The except, can be cause users become depression, liver disease,
schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels, and finally it can cause a action the criminal can be
self harm and people other. So, the Islamic law is guilty.

Users of drugs for also young can be cause dangerous for front time them. The except, the
drugs can be dangerous their homeland and their country. While young are nation prospect.
Become, we now must attention of drugs, because the drugs many dangerous both in terms of
health, religion, nationality, and state.

Languange Feature:

a. Using simple presen tense :
 Everybody must pay attention of drugs.
 In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using drugs.
 Beside that, using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease,
schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain
damage, and finally it can cause DEATH!
 And Islam proscribes all that can cause badness, self harm because it is included
 Also if we using drugs, it means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it
means we sin.
 Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and
endanger their homeland, their country.
b. Using conjuction :

 Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future,
and endanger their homeland and their country.

c. Use word link argument : -


A. Conclusion
Of the above papers can in pull conclusion that :
1. Drugs are very dangerous goods and can damage the nervous system that can change a
persons personality become progresively worse.
2. Drugs crime is a source of action which could undermine norms and fielt tranquility.
3. Potential negative impacts which effect the body both physically and psychologically.

B. Suggestion

Finally the paper entitled drugs adolescents has been completed and hopefully this short
paper such be benefit us all that well for the General Student so they can understand about the
dangers of using drugs are biting our moral and as the younger generation.

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