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Systems Development Methods CT046-3-2-SDMS Page 1 of 3

Answer any FOUR (4) out of the FIVE (5) questions. Each question carries 25 marks.


A new software development organization is in the midst of selecting and adopting a

single, suitable methodology amongst the many diverse methodologies currently
available and practiced in the industry for its software development projects. The CEO’s
expectations of his team are as follows:
• The methodology should provide project development staff with very
detailed rules and guidelines to work on.
• The methodology should cover from feasibility study to design.
• It should be highly structured.
• The methodology should produce documentation.

a. Discuss a suitable methodology that the company can adopt.

(5 marks)
b. Explain the stages of the methodology that has been adopted.
(20 marks)

(Total = 25 marks)


Pal’s Bakery wants to install a system to record orders for all cookies and cake items.
When regular customers call Pal’s Bakery on the phone, they are asked their phone
number. When the number is typed into the computer, the name, address, and last order
date is automatically displayed on the screen. Once the order is taken, the total which
includes the tax and delivery charges are calculated. Then the order is given to the cook.
A receipt is printed. Occasionally, special offers (coupons) are printed so that the
customer can get a discount. Drivers who make deliveries give customers a copy of the
receipt and a coupon (if any). Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s
performance and sent to Pal’s Bakery management.

a. Produce a context diagram for Pal’s Bakery.

(15 marks)

b. Explain FIVE (5) reasons why a data flow diagram is a suitable process
modelling method for the above information system.
(10 marks)

(Total = 25 marks)

Level 2 Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation 200908

Systems Development Methods CT046-3-2-SDMS Page 2 of 3


Imagine that you want to design an electronic diary for teachers. The main function of the
system is to integrate the diary with the current online timetable system. It is important to
automatically consolidate the weekly timetable information on the diary which will allow
the teacher to view their activities on a particular day such as, teaching arrangements and
the classroom location. Besides that, the system should also allow students to book a
consultation hour with the teacher. The teacher should be able to update their school
activity information such as sports day, events of the month and meeting details in this
dairy. For filing purposes, the system should allow teachers to record and print their
teaching work progress and student log progress on a daily basis using the diary.

a. Explain THREE (3) basic interaction design activities that you will consider
when designing the interactive screen of the electronic teacher diary system.
(15 marks)
b. Suggest FIVE (5) usability criteria that you could use to determine the quality
of the electronic teacher diary system.
(10 marks)

(Total = 25 marks)


a. The general view about a Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool is that
“all you need to do is to install a CASE tool and sit back and wait. The system will
appear magically from the tool, without any effort.”

Explain FOUR (4) automated support activities that are provided by the CASE tool.
(16 marks)

b. Identify and explain THREE (3) types of CASE tools that can automate the software
development process.
(9 marks)

(Total = 25 marks)

Level 2 Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation 200908

Systems Development Methods CT046-3-2-SDMS Page 3 of 3


You are required to develop a groupware system for a university based on a user
centered system design approach using Human Computer Interaction. This system will
be used by all students and lecturers in order to facilitate communication between them.
The users can log on simultaneously in order to participate in discussions and to
exchange ideas. The users are able to send mails, attach files, pictures or even audio files
for sharing purposes.

Hint : User centered system design is based on understanding how people interact with
computers and programming computers to facilitate human action.
(Denning and Dargan, 1996)1

a. (i) Discuss THREE (3) up sides / advantages of user centered design for the
above scenario.

(ii) Discuss THREE (3) down sides / disadvantage of user centered design for
the above scenario.
(For each part award 6 marks)
(12 Marks)

b. Explain using an example how the SIX (6) user interface design considerations could
be applied for the above scenario.
(13 marks)

(Total = 25 marks)

1. Denning and Dargan., 1996, page 111 in Winogard, Ed, Bringing Design to Software, Addison Wesley

Level 2 Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation 200908

Systems Development Methods CT046-3-2-SDMS Page 4 of 3

Level 2 Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation 200908

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