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Jehusaphat G.

Mortega AB Political Science-III International Relations

Melian Dialogue

Melian Dialogue is indeed one of the fundamental relevant events that we can consider
as the prime element of having what we call now the idea of sovereignty. Though the Melians
and Athenians were in constant conflict within each other as to acquiring a particular territory,
this points a challenge to both of them that they could not easily assume ownership to whatever
piece of land they wanted to conquer since it has to undergo a meeting or an agreement that will
be favorable to both of the party. So we can draw back from here that even before there was
already records of encroaching the power to exercise dominion and independence from other
country or places affairs within its territory or simply the sovereignty as one of the basic elements
of recognizing a state. There really have been certain accounts that were considered as
manifestations of acquiring sovereignty over a particular land and thus it would definitely
emancipate the disputes being presented by whoever wanted to exercise such. The Athenians
left the meeting and so the Melians to themselves which eventually generated a reply that they
will not give up the liberty that their city has enjoyed for its foundation for about 700 years. I
think it really is a very good reason because after so many years of living in freedom and just the
way that no other is dictating them what to do or any colonial powers that overarches their rights
and certain principles yet here is the Athenians trying to capture them again to hostility and
render services to them. Athens also said that the Melians were deluded from the idea that they
still believe on luck and hope and having put more trust on the Spartans, whom we know are the
people usually engaged into warfare.

The Athenians established a wall that will separate them from the Melians hence
imposing a decree or somewhat a notion or reminder that they are not going to have any
negotiations or contact with the Melians somehow like the Berlin Wall in Germany which is the
sign of the cold war between East and West Germany. Nevertheless, at the end the Melians still
find the opt to surrender themselves to the Athens thus leaving them no properties anymore
because they entered to this decision without any conditions at all to both parties.

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