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Title of Lesson: Comic Strip for Pots

Teacher: Zoe & Naambia

School: St Thomas Moore

Grade Level[s]: 9-12

Date to be Taught: 11/8, 11/13, 11/15

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

Short paragraph outlining the big idea and the key concepts you want students to know/learn
about the big idea.
All areas below the bolded headings are to be deleted. They are here so you know what to

Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:

· VA:Cr1.2.HSI
Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using a contemporary practice of
art or design
Through experimentation, practice, and persistence, demonstrate acquisition of skills and
knowledge in a chosen art form.
Explain how traditional and non-traditional materials may impact human health and the
environment and demonstrate safe handling of materials, tools, and equipment.
Apply relevant criteria from traditional and contemporary cultural contexts to examine, reflect on,
and plan revisions for works of art and design in progress.
Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas, feelings, and behaviors of
specific audiences
Compare uses of art in a variety of societal, cultural, and historical contexts and make
connections to uses of art in contemporary and local contexts

Vocabulary Acquisition:
● Storyboard
● Black figure
● Red figure
● Scrafitto
● Comic strips
● Panels

Key Artistic Concepts:

1. Students will create a cartoon style depiction of a story or event that will be created on a
ceramic vessel in the red or black figure style.
2. Compare and contrast the visual representation of current culture on Greek and Roman
pottery and visual representations of current culture through cartooning

Artmaking Materials Needed:

● sketchbook
● Pencil
● Pens if time
● 4 x 6 drawing paper

Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural/Literature exemplars:
● Peanuts
● Garfield
● Zom Com
● Girls Have a Blog
● Super Secret

o Go through presentation
● Historical examples - garfield & peanuts, Adam and Eve - creating a fluid narrative
● Contemporary examples
● Talk about pattern designs around panels
○ Unity/fluidity
● Students should select a contemporary topic – a faith story, a saint’s story or a Biblical
story. The images should include words or phrases about the subject, as the originals
did. Keep images simple, but storyline should be a clear narrative.
● Show teacher made exemplars
● Discuss using symbols/simplification in creative ways to represent stories
● Go through brainstorming activity
○ Come up with 15 story ideas in 1 min (these can be one word describing what
you want to portray) - don’t overthink, just write what comes to mind
○ Circle your top 3 ideas
○ Share with a partner your 3 ideas - narrow down to 1 or 2
■ Students can create 2 stories for 2 panels or 1 story over 2 panels
○ Write a summary of your story to reference when you sketch
● Students will begin to sketch/list out ideas in sketchbooks - what figures are you
including? What is important to include in setting/background?
● They can start drawing ideas if their idea is more developed
CLEAN UP: (1 minutes)
● Put sketchbooks, pencils away
CLOSURE: (2 minutes)
● Be thinking about stories and modes of representation
● Why do comics continue to be relevant to storytelling?
● What are the differences between contemporary comics and classic comic?

Procedure Day 2:
● Finishing up sketching and moving on to final drawing
● How do we select important motifs and symbols to enhance the viewer’s understanding
of our narrative?
Design/Work Session:
● Students will continue working on sketches
○ ask them to consider the layout, figures, and designs - what symbols/motifs will
you use to represent the story? How will you stylize/simplify your figures?
● Start on their final drawings
Clean up:
● Put drawings in pile
● Put away sketchbooks/pencils/pens
● What are the benefits of using comics as a means for communication?
○ Universal understanding
● What message are you trying to convey through your final drawing?
● How do artists uses symbols and motifs to enhance their narrative?

Procedure Day 3:
● Start inking drawings today
● Go over inking process - covering pencil lines
○ Erase pencil lines after
● Show video ?
Design/Work Session:
● As students work, check in with them on progress of drawing
● They should all be on inking stage
● If students finish they can create a storyboard/comic and develop the dialogue
Clean up:
● Hand in final drawings
● Put away sketchbooks/pencils
Closure (8 min) : reflection/discussion
● Students should share out for these questions
● Do you think you were successful in portraying your narrative? Does the meaning come

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