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Najieh Ahmad

Professor Zack De Piero

English 202D

Company Profile: HappyCare Services nursing home has been presenting outstanding care to our
clients and their families for over a decade. Our company is determined in contributing quality,
effective cost, and trust to best fit your needs. All of our staff are highly educated trained with
astonishing skills. HappyCare is open seven days a week and our supervisors are accessible whenever
you need them. Our adaptability in offering care, check progress, and communication is what makes
HappyCare the nursing home for you.

1. Amy Adams - Nursing Home Administrator
2. Hana Walker - An elderly woman at the nursing home
3. Stacy Stevens - Healthcare Recruiter
4. Janet - Woman applying for Assistant Manager at HappyCare
5. Tom Smith - Human Resource Rep.
6. Sophia Richard - Healthcare Manager
7. Cat Garden - Health Policy and Administration Professor

Textual Genre #1: Call To Action

Rhetorical Situation Behind Textual Genre #1:
● Exigence: Hana slipped from a puddle of water and fractured her leg.
● Writer: Hana Walker (an elderly woman at the nursing home.)
● Primary/Intended Audience: The nursing home administrator (Amy Adams)
● Secondary/Peripheral Audience: Insurance reps.
● Author’s Purpose/Goal: To sue the nursing home and maybe pay for her injury (if her
insurance doesn't cover her fractured leg)
● Context/Background Info: There is a leak in the nursing home due to a thunderstorm and
it causes a huge puddle on the floor. No one restricts that area and an elderly lady named
Hana is walking to meet a friend for Bingo. She doesn't see the puddle, slips, and fractures
her leg. There wasn't a sign stating that the floor is wet so she didn't see it.

Dear Mrs. Amy,

I am writing to you to report an incident that happened to me today. I was walking in the hallway
today to meet my friend because we wanted to play Bingo. There was a leak and absolutely no sign
stating that there was a puddle of water. I injured my leg and I am in excruciating pain. My doctor
mentioned that my insurance many not cover for my injury. If your company doesn't pay for my
injury, I will be suing your organization.


Hana Walker

Metacognitive “Moves” I made for Textual Genre #1

The purpose of this call to action is so the staff can always make sure a situation like this won't ever
happen again. They company needs to take action for their lack of organization. I chose
“HappyCare” as my company name for the nursing home because at a nursing home you'd wanna
make sure all the residents are happy and taken fully care of at all times. Nursing home
administrators is a very important position in the healthcare world, which is why i chose this as one
of the characters role. Nursing home administrators manage everything from the staff and residents
to building maintenance, admissions and finances. Accidents happen on a daily, so I chose to include
how an old woman got injured from lack of organization. I wrote “I am writing” to make it clear
and straightforward to avoid confusion. I wanted to add something creative to this rhetorical
situation so I thought bingo would be a perfect idea and old people love to play bingo! In the call to
action email, I mentioned suing the nursing home because it was clearly the nursing homes fault. I
chose to show her pain through the email so the nursing home administrators can feel remorse.
Based on one of our assigned readings, "Professional tone," I used a negative tone here to ensure
the message is clear.

Textual Genre #2: Adjustment

Rhetorical Situation Behind Textual Genre #2:
● Exigence: A resident in the nursing home fractured her leg due to lack of maintenance
● Writer: The nursing home administrator (Amy Adams)
● Primary/Intended Audience: Hana Walker (an elderly woman at the nursing home.)
● Secondary/Peripheral Audience: Insurance reps.
● Author’s Purpose/Goal: To maybe pay for her injury (if her insurance doesn't cover her
fractured leg)
● Context/Background Info: It was the nursing homes fault so they're taking full

Hello Hana,

I am sorry to hear about your situation. Thanks for being patient while we sort this out. After an in-
depth discussion with my team, we’ve realized that we’re responsible for these issues. We take full
responsibility for the lack of maintenance at our company. Our clients health and safety is extremely
important to us, and we never want our errors to set anyone off track. We want to make sure you’re
back on track for meeting your goals as soon as possible. Please fill out the form attached, with your
health insurance provider and other information. Our company will work with you as much as we
can to make sure your needs are met.

I know this has been very disappointing time for you as a HappyCare customer, and I apologize for
that. Please know that our team has been working through the night to fix this incident. Be sure, we
are taking this seriously.

If you have any more questions please contact me at any moment. Again, we are so sorry about this

Thank you for your patience and understanding, Hana. Hope you have a fast recovery.

Kind regards,

Amy Adams
Nursing Home Administrator
HappyCare Health Services- Nursing Home

Metacognitive “Moves” I made for Textual Genre #2

The purpose of this textual genre is that I wanted to create an adjustment that shows that they took
full responsibility for their lack of maintenance. In this adjustment i wanted to convey a really
professional tone. I chose a positive tone to show that the writer is respectful as well as
understanding. I used words like “disappointing,” “apologize,” “please,” “hope,” and “patience” to
show positivity and remorse to the customer. A big move I made was adjusting the length of this
email. My original email was “unrealistic” and very very short. I added more length and apologized
for the complaints she made about the lack of maintenance.

Textual Genre #3: Complaint

Rhetorical Situation Behind Textual Genre #3:
● Exigence: Janet gets paired with the wrong organization.
● Writer: Healthcare recruiter (Stacy - matches the client to the organization)
● Primary/Intended Audience: HR rep (Tom Smith- ensure that employees are qualified for
the organization)
● Secondary/Peripheral Audience: Janet (client)
● Author’s Purpose/Goal: To make sure this situation gets fixed
● Context/Background Info: Stacy, a healthcare recruiter, interviews a woman named Janet.
Janet is applying for Assistant Manager at HappyCare. Janet's paperwork gets mixed up with
someone else's paperwork. She pairs Janet with the wrong organization called Healthy Jeans..
(Tom and Stacy are colleagues and work for HappyCare)
Hello Tom,

I am writing to you because my client, Janet Walker, has been paired with the wrong organization.
You have paired her with an organization called Healthy Jeans when she has applied for our
company, HappyCare. You must always make sure that you double check to see if you mixed up any
information and matched the student with the right company. I have notified the Healthy Jeans with
this mistake, and am copying them with this letter.

Hope you can take care of this situation immediately. Please contact me so we can speak further
more about this situation. I hope you can make sure a situation like this doesn't happen again.

Thank you,

Stacy Stevens
Healthcare Recruiter
HappyCare Services

Metacognitive “Moves” I made for Textual Genre #3

The purpose of this complaint is to make certain that a sticky situation like this doesn't happen
again. I chose to add a healthcare recruiter as a job because they ensure that people are paired with a
medical organization that best fits their needs and their organization. “That's where I got it from” - I
got the idea of a Healthcare recruiter from the career expo. The recruiters at the career expo
explained to me what their daily tasks are. They are: meetings/scheduling, reviewing resumes, talking
to different corporations, writing emails, writing paperwork, reviewing paperwork/insurance. Since
they have to pick the best organization that matches the person, I chose to have a HR rep make a
mistake. Human Resource representatives recruit, interview and hire new staff, as well as help an
organization increase employee productivity. By making a mistake, serious problems can occur. So it
would be interesting to find out how a recruiter communicates with companies to fix this situation.
Based on another assigned reading, "Business complaints and adjustments," I chose to start my
complaint with this “I am writing to you..” because I've learned that you should avoid stating the
details right away.
Textual Genre #4: Adjustment
Rhetorical Situation Behind Textual Genre #4:
● Exigence: A mistake happened by mixing up paperwork
● Writer: HR rep (Tom Smith)
● Primary/Intended Audience: Healthcare recruiter (Stacy)
● Secondary/Peripheral Audience: Janet
● Author’s Purpose/Goal: To inform Stacy that he will make changes to his routine,
apologizes for mixing up the paperwork, and will find a solution.
● Context/Background Info: Janet needs to be paired with a medical organization that best
fits for her. Janet got set up with Healthy Jeans instead of HappyCare.

Hello Stacy,

Thanking you for taking your time in reaching out to me about my mistake. I apologize on my
behalf for this error. I’ll be sure to make changes to my routine when reviewing client resumes and
insurance companies that are fit to each person. I will make sure a situation like this will not happen
with us in the future.

This matter needs to be taken care of immediately with cooperative attention. I will make sure to
come up with a suitable solution. I will also be reaching out to the insurance company as well to
make sure this mistake is fixed.


Tom Smith
Human Resource Representative
HappyCare Services

Metacognitive “Moves” I made for Textual Genre #4

The purpose of this complaint is for Tom, Human Resource Representative, to apologize for his
mistake. In the complaint, I chose to add the sentence “ because based on our assigned reading
Business Complaints and Adjustments, its states, "expressing confidence that you and the writer will
continue doing business." I decided to place as “I will also be reaching out” as the last sentence because
the next steps would be coming up with a suitable solution to the problem. I o pened the adjustment with a
clear statement about bad news, in this case it was his mistake (mixing up Janet’s paperwork).
Textual Genre #5: Inquiry Letter
Rhetorical Situation Behind Textual Genre #5:
● Exigence: Cat wants Sophia(HC manager) to be a guest speaker for her class.
● Writer: Cat Garden (HPA Professor)
● Primary/Intended Audience: Sophia Richard (Healthcare manager)
● Secondary/Peripheral Audience: HCU
● Author’s Purpose/Goal: Sophia is a healthcare manager at HappyCare Services. Cat
Garden is a Healthcare Policy and Administration professor at Healthcare University. Cat
Garden wants to Sophia to visit HCU and explain what her job is like. She wants students to
gain knowledge on a healthcare managers job.

Dear Ms. Richard,

I am writing to because I want my students to learn more about all the options the Healthcare field
has to offer. My name is Cat Garden and I’m a professor at Healthcare University. It would be
wonderful if you can come and explain what your daily tasks are, what your job is like. and the way
you communicate with others in your field.

It would be wonderful chatting with someone who has a career and much knowledge in the
healthcare field. We would be honored to have you as our class’s guest speaker. It would be great if
you could find some time to chat with my for an informational interview any time this month. If
you are unable to do so, please do not feel pressured to say yes. If willing to meet with my class, this
informational interview would really help them get a better understanding of your job, daily
communications, and tasks. I am happy to work around your schedule.

If agreeing to this interview, my students have came up with questions to ask you. They have created
a variety of questions like “Can you tell me about your typical day,” “how do you describe your
organization,” and “who do you communicate with at HappyCare and how?”

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask me. Looking forward to hearing more from
you and hope we can chat!

Kind regards,

Cat Garden
HPA Professor at Healthcare University

Metacognitive “Moves” I made for Textual Genre #5

The purpose of this inquiry letter is to invite a healthcare manager to the professor's class so her
students can gain insights on the managers daily tasks. You came up with the idea to tie these last
two situations to my interview. (I thought it was a great idea so I went with it!) I used my request for
an informational interview email as a guideline to formally write this email. I made this email very
similar to what we learned in class so I can tie this situation with my interview. I chose to
incorporate in the email that the students have “created a variety of questions” to ask her. Those
questions are the same ones I asked the person I interviewed. The person I interviewed was an
HPA professor. So, to tie it all together I added the role of Cat Garden the HPA professor. In my
interview a quote that really stuck with me was “Be precise, yet concise.” Clarity is really important
in business writing which is why I was straight to the point with the first sentence. A healthcare
manager's primary responsibility is to ensure patients receive high quality care by providing
physicians and nurses with the tools needed to deliver great health care. I chose this situation
because I feel like based on emails we've written, practiced, and reviewed in class, this can give me
more practice on how to email someone higher than you."Please let me know" - An example from
our assigned readings is from "10 tips" which mentions clarity. It explains that you should always be
clear and request and response you want/need.
Textual Genre #6: Accepting an Invitation Letter
Rhetorical Situation Behind Textual Genre #6:
● Exigence: Accepting the invitation to be a guest speaker
● Writer: Sophia Richard (Healthcare manager)
● Primary/Intended Audience: Cat Garden (HPA Professor)
● Secondary/Peripheral Audience: HCU
● Author’s Purpose/Goal: Wants students to gain knowledge on a healthcare managers job

Dear Cat Garden,

I was so pleased to receive you email about attending your class as a guest speaker! I would be more
than happy to come to Healthcare University. I am free on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evening.

Are you only considering an event at your campus? I think it would be a great idea to create a field
trip to my nursing home. Let me know if this works for you. If not we can arrange a time. For the

Thank you for reaching out to me! I’m eager to work on this event with you.


Sophia Richard
Healthcare Manager
HappyCare Services
Metacognitive “Moves” I made for Textual Genre #6
The purpose of this letter is to formally accept Professor Cat’s invitation for an informational
interview. I chose to consider another idea from the writer because it can outcome into better "next
steps." I conveys a positive and polite tone by using words like “happy” and “pleased.”

Z. De Piero Student: ________________________

202D Business Writing, F’18

Rubric for 202D Final Project

Rubric for Rhetorical Situations

Did Not Met Exceeded

Meet Expectati Expectatio
Expectati ons ns

Company Profile

Have you you provided relevant background information to

help bring your organization to life? What’s the name of
this organization/company? What’s their field, industry, or
“line of work”? Where are they located? Who is their


What prompted the writer’s need to communicate? What’s

the urgency behind the need to enact this particular genre?
Why this, why now?


Who is the writer? What’s their name, what

organization/company are they affiliated with, and what’s
their role/position?

Audience (Primary and Peripheral)

Who is the intended/primary audience for this genre?
What’s their name, what organization/company are they
affiliated with, and what’s their position/role?

Additionally, what other peripheral/secondary audiences

might play a role in how we can understand this genre?
Might other people be interested in the message that’s being
communicated? Could the writer have additional people in
mind beyond the specific person(s) that they’ve contacted?


What’s the writer’s goal? Is it realistic? Have they identified

a concrete, actionable outcome that they’re hoping to

Context / Background Info

What additional information is necessary to make the most

sense of this rhetorical situation? Do the writer and their
audience have a “history” of sorts? Is there an upcoming
deadline? Has a company’s policy or personnel recently gone
through changes? Is there a current “hot topic” that’s
circulating throughout the news cycle that makes this
communication more urgent?

Notes and Score (X/7.5)

Rubric for Textual Genres

Did Not Meet Met Exceeded

Expectations Expectations Expectatio

Naming/Identifying Genres

Did you (accurately) name/identify each unique genre that

you enacted?
Alignment with the Rhetorical Situation

Does the genre that you created/enacted accurately reflect

the rhetorical situation (for each genre) that you laid out?
Genre-Specific Conventions

To what extent did each textual genre include its most

important conventions? Remember: when we think of
“conventions,” we think of the unique characteristics,
features, patterns, or ingredients of a particular genre.
(e.g. a sspecific subject or an e-signature line for an email)
Rhetorical Strategies

Uses complete sentences (unless questions are included)

Adapting Communication Internal vs External Audiences

Identifies important keywords, technical terms, and jargon


Did you, the student, included details within each piece of

communication that bring it “to life” in realistic ways? (e.g.
the specific amount of $ due for a claim; timelines for
a call to action)

Paragraphs separated by purpose, formatted flush left, 1

space between them

Mechanics + Punctuation

Have you demonstrated a control of mechanics and punctuation?

Are th p ses complete sentences (unless questions are included)

Notes and Score (X/15)

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