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Annotated Bibliography

Alcorn, Marshall W. Narcissism and the Literary Libido: Rhetoric, Text and Subjectivity. New

York University Press, 1997.

This book by Marshal Alcorn analyzes a variety of literary devices. Within this book I

found information about the appeals of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

I used the information I found in this book to support the claims made throughout my

game. The specific concepts mentioned by Alcorn came into play within the sections

labelled “Pathos Palace”, “Ethos Coast”, and “Logos Land”.

Budweiser. “Budweiser ‘Lost Dog’ Superbowl 2015 Commercial THE FEELS.” YouTube,

YouTube, 29 Jan. 2015,

This video features Budweiser’s 2015 super bowl ad, “Best Buds”. The ad tells the story

of a puppy who gets lost. His friends from the farm—a group of horses—come to rescue

him and help him return home. His owner celebrates his return with a beer.

This ad served as the foundation for my Multimodal project. It was from these scenes

that I derived the game, “Best Buds Land”.

Johnson, Barbara. The Wake of Deconstruction. Blackwell, 1995.

This book by Barbara Johnson tackles the concept of “deconstruction”. Johnson uses

support from theorists such as Jacques Derrida to support her claims. Overall, the book

looks at the importance of deconstructing texts.

I used information from Johnson’s book in the section titled “Deconstruction-Dale”. In

this section I discussed how Budweiser’s commercial can be deconstructed to reveal a

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deeper meaning. The scene where the horses rescue the puppy can be deconstructed to

reveal that Budweiser is insisting they are there for their customers just as the horses are

there for the dog.

“Red Herring - Examples and Definition of Red Herring.” Literary Devices, 24 Jan. 2018,

A fallacy known as “red herring” is discussed on this particular page. The article gives a

summary of the literary device and how it distracts readers from the main idea of a text

by introducing irelavant information.

This is an article on literary devices which I turned to for information regarding the

fallacy within Budweiser’s “Best Buds”. In my project, I explained how a red herring

fallacy is present within the ad. The heartwarming story of puppy’s journey distracts

readers from the bigger picture—the product being advertised.

Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: a User-Friendly Guide. Routledge, 2015.

Tyson’s book thoroughly examines several major critical theories. For the sake of this

assignment, I referred to the section on feminism. In this section, Tyson discusses the

idea of the patriarchy—along with several other key aspects of feminism.

I used several of Tyson’s ideas within the “Patriarchy Place” section of my project. In

this section I discussed how Budweiser’s commercial further enforces patriarchal ideas

by featuring only men in the ad.

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