Analysis of The Potential Dangers by Using Job Safety Analysis Jsa Method in Coal Mining

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Student ID:

Wuhan University of Technology

School of Resources and Environmental Engineering


An accident in the working place can be avoided by knowing and recognizing the

various potential hazards that exist in the working environment. The most popular

and most commonly used analysis method of the potential hazards in the working

place is Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a method of analysis

towards potential hazards in working place by analyzing working system and working

procedure as well as human as the workers. This research is a descriptive survey that

illustrated the safety analysis process using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) with the aim

to figure out the process that has the highest potential hazards. The object in this

study is the coal process which consists of coal getting, coal crushing, and coal

hauling. Researcher suggests to keeping increasing the work safety and healthy by

controlling various potential hazards in each process.

Keywords: Coal getting, coal crushing, coal hauling, Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................................2
Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................................................5
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Problem Formulation ........................................................................................................................7
1.3 Research Objectives ..........................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 General Objectives .........................................................................................................................7
1.4 Benefits of the Research ...................................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................................9
2. Overview .....................................................................................................................................................9
2.1. Coal Mining Industry ........................................................................................................................9
2.1.1. Coal ...............................................................................................................................................9
2.1.2. Coal classification ..........................................................................................................................9
2.2. Accidents in the World Industry.....................................................................................................11
2.2.1. Work accident .............................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Factor Accident ............................................................................................................................12
2.2.3. Losses Due to Accident ...............................................................................................................12
Chapter 3 ......................................................................................................................................................13
3. Research Method ......................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Method ...........................................................................................................................................13
3.2. Operational definition ....................................................................................................................13
3.2 Coal Production method .................................................................................................................13
3.3. Potential Hazard Analysis Method Using Job Safety Analysis ........................................................17
3.3.1. Job Selection ...............................................................................................................................17
3.3.2. Job Breakdown ............................................................................................................................17 Coal Getting .............................................................................................................................17 Coal Crushing ...........................................................................................................................18 Coal Hauling .............................................................................................................................20
Chapter 4 ......................................................................................................................................................22
4. Result and Discussion................................................................................................................................22
Chapter 5 ......................................................................................................................................................26
5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................26
Chapter 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

The process of industrialization is growing rapidly with the establishment of the

company and workplace diversity. Rapid industrial development is accompanied by

the risk of even greater dangers and diverse because of the transfer of technology

where the use of machinery and work equipment is increasingly complex to support

the passage of the production process. It can cause health problems and safety.

The development of coal mining industry must be supported with increased

protection of occupational health and safety workers. It is based on the fact that the

coal mining industry both open pit and underground mine at increased risk of work

accidents is quite high and is one of the jobs with the highest risk in the world.

This is confirmed by the accidents at the workplace in 2013 Taozigou Coal Mine

explosion occurred in the Taozigou Coal Mine (桃子沟煤矿) in Hua'an Village (华安村),

Fuji Town (福集镇) of the Lu County, Sichuan, China. A total of 28 people lost their

lives in the explosion. The explosion occurred on May 11, 2013 at about 14:15. A total

of 108 people were working underground when the explosion occurred, many of

them were from outside Sichuan Province.27 people died and 81 were saved,

however, one of the saved people died of his injuries later. In total, the explosion

caused 28 deaths.

Workplace accidents can be prevented by knowing and recognize a variety of

potential dangers in the work environment. Various potency such dangers, we do the

elimination to eliminate the risk of accidents that will happen.

The most popular and most frequently used in the working environment that can

be used for the prevention of workplace accidents is by using Job Safety Analysis

(JSA). Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is an analysis method that analyzes the potential

hazard, potential hazards is at work systems and procedures as well as human as

workers, and able to provide recommendations for improvements or ways of

prevention of occupational accidents on the job.

JSA is very useful in terms of monitoring the risk of danger and lesser-known or

more of a hazard to health that is rarely ignored in the work, determine how to

implement the control of hazards, reduce the risk of accidents, as well as a reference

in determining the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and the basic filing to


Therefore, in this study will be discussed on the analysis of the potential dangers

by using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

open pit mine is "an excavation or cut made at the surface of the ground for the

purpose of extracting ore and which is open to the surface for the duration of the

mine’s life." To expose and mine the ore, it is generally necessary to excavate and

relocate large quantities of waste rock.

Coal processing is starting from taking the coal (coal getting) from the mine site

(pit) by using excavators and loaded onto dump truck. After that, the coal are taken to

the ROM (Run of Mine) to be broken by using coal crusher machine into a small
pieces adjusted to the market demand, This coal-solving process called the crushing

process. After Coal had been broken in the ROM (Run of Mine) next step is to be

transported (coal hauling) by dump truck and ready to be marketed.

Every process of the coal mining is involving machinery and heavy equipment

that can make a potential danger for workers. The potential of danger is very possible

to trigger the accidents that will harm workers and companies.

1.2 Problem Formulation

From the above background, the problem in this research is which process that

has highest potential dangers contained in Coal Mining process.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

The general objective of this study was to analyze the potential hazards that can

cause accidents contained in the coal Mining

1. Analyze the potential danger in the process of getting coal in Mining

2. Analyze the potential hazard to the crushing process in mining

3. Analyze the potential danger in the process of hauling coal in Mining

1.4 Benefits of the Research

1. To find out what is meant by the JSA and know how to implement it.

2. As an input to improve protection against health and safety as well as tackling the

potential hazards found in the processing of coal to the improvement and repair

3. As an input into the scientific development of Health and Safety. Management

program related prevention and control of occupational accidents.

Chapter 2

2. Overview

2.1. Coal Mining Industry

2.1.1. Coal

The internationals Hand Book of Coal Petrography (1963): Coal is an

organic sedimentary rock that forms from the accumulation and preservation of plant

materials, usually in a swamp environment. Coal is a combustible rock and, along

with oil and natural gas, it is one of the three most important fossil fuels. Coal has a

wide range of uses; the most important use is for the generation of electricity.

2.1.2. Coal classification

In general, coal is classified into 5 (five) levels:

Starting from the lowest to highest levels:

Rank Properties

(From Lowest

to Highest)

Peat A mass of recently accumulated to partially carbonized plant

debris. Peat is organic sediment. Burial, compaction, and

coalification will transform it into coal, a rock. It has a carbon

content of less than 60% on a dry ash-free basis.

Lignite Lignite is the lowest rank of coal. It is a peat that has been
transformed into a rock, and that rock is a brown-black coal.

Lignite sometimes contains recognizable plant structures. By

definition it has a heating value of less than 8300 British Thermal

Units per pound on a mineral-matter-free basis. It has a carbon

content of between 60 and 70% on a dry ash-free basis. In

Europe, Australia, and the UK, some low-level lignite’s are called

"brown coal."

Sub Bituminous Sub bituminous coal is lignite that has been subjected to an

increased level of organic metamorphism. This metamorphism

has driven off some of the oxygen and hydrogen in the coal. That

loss produces coal with higher carbon content (71 to 77% on a

dry ash-free basis). Sub bituminous coal has a heating value

between 8300 and 13000 British Thermal Units per pound on a

mineral-matter-free basis. On the basis of heating value, it is

subdivided into sub bituminous A, sub bituminous B, and sub

bituminous C ranks.

Bituminous Bituminous is the most abundant rank of coal. It accounts for

about 50% of the coal produced in the United States. Bituminous

coal is formed when a sub bituminous coal is subjected to

increased levels of organic metamorphism. It has a carbon

content of between 77 and 87% on a dry ash-free basis and a

heating value that is much higher than lignite or sub bituminous

coal. On the basis of volatile content, bituminous coals are

subdivided into low-volatile bituminous, medium-volatile

bituminous, and high-volatile bituminous. Bituminous coal is

often referred to as "soft coal"; however, this designation is a

layman's term and has little to do with the hardness of the rock.

Anthracite Anthracite is the highest rank of coal. It has a carbon content of

over 87% on a dry ash-free basis. Anthracite coal generally has

the highest heating value per ton on a mineral-matter-free basis.

It is often subdivided into semi-anthracite, anthracite, and

meta-anthracite on the basis of carbon content. Anthracite is

often referred to as "hard coal"; however, this is a layman's term

and has little to do with the hardness of the rock.

2.2. Accidents in the World Industry

2.2.1. Work accident

Work accident is a "discrete occurrence in the course of work" leading to physical

or mental occupational injury

Every workplace has always contained a variety of potential hazards that can

affect the health of the labor or could cause occupational diseases. Potential hazard is

anything that could potentially lead to the loss, damage, injury, illness, accident or can

even cause death associated with work processes and systems.

Workplace accidents not only cause loss of life and material losses for workers
and employers, but also can disrupt the production process as a whole, damaging the

environment, which in turn will impact on the wider community.

2.2.2 Factor Accident

To avoid and minimize the possibilities of potential hazards in the workplace,

introduction of potential hazards in the workplace is fundamental to determine the

effect for labor, and can be used to hold control efforts in order to prevent

occupational diseases that may occur.

In general, the potential hazards of the work environment can be derived or sourced

from a variety of factors:

1. Technical factors, the potential danger that comes with or contained within the

work equipment used or of the work itself;

2. Environmental factors, namely the potential dangers that come from or are in the

environment, which can be derived from the production process, including raw

materials, both intermediate products and final results;

3. The human factor, the potential for considerable danger, especially if people who

do the work are not in good health both physically and psychologically.

2.2.3. Losses Due to Accident

Losses due to accidents will be accepted by the workers and Companies where

the employees work. Victims of work accident will complain and suffered from injury,

disorder, or defect caused by accident happened. Disruption to such workers is huge

losses for workers and their families as well as companies in which he works.
Chapter 3

3. Research Method

3.1 Method

The type of this research is a descriptive type of research which is illustrates the

process of safety analysis on the job and explains the position of the variables that

were analyzed and the relationship between one variable with another variable.

Object under investigation is the coal process that consists of getting coal process,

coal crushing, and coal hauling.

3.2. Operational definition

1. Coal getting: The process of digging to get the coal.

2. Coal hauling: The process of transporting coal from ROM towards Port site.

3. Crushing: The process of breaking coal by crusher machine.

4. Job Safety Analysis (JSA): Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a technique which is used to

analyze potential danger contained in each step work on getting coal processes,

crushing and coal hauling.

3.2 Coal Production method

Step 1: Exploration & Development

The first stage to any coal production operation is exploration and development. This

takes place to locate and determine the most appropriate methodology to extract the
mineral. Exploration and development involves the combined efforts of geologists,

geotechnical engineers, mining engineers, coal technologists and surveyors.

Step 2: Mining

Mining can take place through open cut or underground mining methods. The

mining process involves the removal of overburden and extraction of coal but can be

considered as four distinct operations:

1. Topsoil

Topsoil is removed ahead of mining and either spread directly on shaped

rehabilitation areas or stockpiled for later use. This operation is performed using

dozers, front end loaders and trucks.

2. Laterite

The cap rock (up to 2 meters thick) is either ‘ripped’ by dozers or blasted and

recovered for use as road surfacing material.

3. Overburden

After blasting, overburden is loaded by hydraulic excavator or front end loader into

rear dump trucks and placed in overburden dumps. Initially these had to be placed

out of the pit in order to create a large enough hole to work in. The worked over areas

of the pit are now filled in, a process known as backfilling.

When the mine gets to the back firing stage, the hole gets bigger and moves slowly

across the deposit. Then overburden materials are removed from the operating faces

and dumped into backfill on the other side of the mine.

4. Coal
When overburden has been removed from the coal seam, the roof of the seam is

cleaned using bulldozers. The coal seam is then drilled and blasted. Bulldozers clean

down to the floor of the coal seam and front end loaders and coal trucks transport


In some areas, coal can be loaded directly into trucks using a large backhoe, without

need for bulldozing. Once the coal has been extracted it is then processed.

Step 3: Processing

Processing involves crushing, screening and beneficiation. It is a process wherein coal

is converted from Run of Mine to a product that meets the customer’s requirement.


Mined coal can include lumps up to a meter in size, so crushing to a manageable size

is required. Coal crushing can include a two stage process dependent on deposit size.


Screening is used to separate different sizes of crushed coal. In this process coarse

and fine coal is separated so to accommodate for specific markets and industrial



Coal is processed to remove impurities reducing ash and Sulphur thereby improving

the market value of the coal. Beneficiation can improve the quality of contaminated

coal that would otherwise be wasted.

Most cleaning processes involve washing the coal in order to separate coal particles

from stone particles as coal is considerably lighter.


Coal can be charred, a process wherein hydrogen and oxygen are removed from the

coal to make it purer form of carbon. Once processed according to specifications, coal

is loaded and transported accordingly.

Step 4: Loading & Transportation

Coal preparation involves crushing, screening and loading trucks and trains. A variety

of products are produced to specification for size and quality. At this point it is

important to rehabilitate the environment so as to return it to its natural state.

Step 5: Rehabilitation

Mine site rehabilitation is important to environmental sustainability. Rehabilitation

involves returning the land to its natural state post mining through strict, well

researched strategies of revegetation and the regeneration of natural ecosystems.

Work to restore disturbed areas is carried out progressively as soon as practicable.

The objective of mine rehabilitation is to create a structurally stable landform capable

of future productive use.

Rehabilitation involves a comprehensive process of classifying overburden material,

land recon touring, seeding and regeneration.

3.3. Potential Hazard Analysis Method Using Job Safety

The data were analyzed using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) with the following steps:

1. Job selection

2. Job breakdown

3. Hazard identification

4. Hazard control

3.3.1. Job Selection

The selected job is a job to be analyzed in the coal consisting of:

a) Coal getting

b) Coal crushing

c) Coal hauling

3.3.2. Job Breakdown Coal Getting

In the process of coal mining, the work undertaken steps are as follows:

1. Daily Maintenance Inspection work units

Before starting work activities, each worker is required to check the entire unit works

to ensure the tools and the work unit used is safe and ready for use. Tools and work

units should be checked before starting mining activities are excavators and dump


2. Rise to the excavator operator

After the daily checks is done, operator climb up to excavator unit and do the

preparation in the form of movements referred as gymnastics excavator to ensure the

excavator ready for use.

3. Excavator moving to the front loading

Excavators will run from the parking area to the front loading to start mining activities.

Here excavator will begin to scratch the coal seam and solve the size specified


4. Loading of coal to dump truck

Coal that has been solved then loaded into dump truck that has been queuing in the

mine pit area.

5. Traveling coal to ROM

Coal that has been loaded into dump truck will then be taken to ROM a distance of

approximately 2 kilometers or more from the mine pit.

6. Weighing Coal

Before getting into the ROM, dump truck-laden coal will weighed at the weighbridge

to calculate the incoming coal capacity to the ROM.

7. Unloading coal to ROM

After the weighed, dump truck-laden coal will then be issued and pile the coal in the

ROM. Coal Crushing

In the process of solving the coal, the work undertaken steps are as follows:

1. Daily Maintenance Inspection work units

Before starting work activities, each worker is required to check the entire unit works

to ensure the tools and the work unit used is safe and ready for use. As for tools and

work units should be checked before starting coal-solving activities are excavators

and loaders.

2. Turn the generator

Workers section of the machine will turn on the generator by pressing button on the

switch panel.

3. Turn the machine crusher

After the generator engine life and stable voltage, the next section of workers

re-pressing machine gradually panel switch on the panel to move the crusher

machine crusher machine.

4. Rise to the excavator operator

After the daily checks is done, operator climb up to excavator unit and do the

preparation in the form of movements referred as gymnastics excavator to ensure the

excavator ready for use.

5. Excavator moving to the front loading

Excavators will run from the parking area to the front loading to start Coal breakdown

activity. Here excavator will begin collecting coal to be closer to reach the rake.

6. Loading of coal to hoper

After the excavator is in a safe position on the next front loading of coal will be put

into the bowl (hoper) crusher machine.

7. Coal crushing
After the coal entry into hoper coal crusher machine further coal will split

automatically by crusher machine in accordance with the size required.

8. Stockpiling coal using a loader

Coal has been broken will further conveyance by the loader and then dumped the pile

forming cones at the ROM. Heaps of forming a cone intended to minimize heat and

condense the touch surface of coal to prevent coal fires (spontaneous combustion)

due self-heating.

9. Excavator fell from front loading

After the activities are complete then the excavator down from front loading.

10. Park the excavator and loader

Excavator and loader parked in the space provided.

11. Check around the excavator and loader

After each work is finished or each shift done, workers are required to check the

circumferences of each unit which will be operate. Coal Hauling

In the process of transporting the coal, the work undertaken steps are as follows:

1. Daily Maintenance Inspection work units

Before starting work activities, each worker is required to check the entire unit works

to ensure the tools and the work unit used is safe and ready for use. As for tools and

work units should be checked before starting the transport of coal is the excavator,

loader, and dump truck.

2. Rise to the excavator operator

After the daily checks is done, operator climb up to excavator unit and do the

preparation in the form of movements referred as gymnastics excavator to ensure the

excavator ready for use.

3. Excavator moving to the front loading

Excavators will run from the parking area to the front loading to start Coal breakdown

activity. Here excavator will begin collecting coal to be closer to reach the rake.

4. Loading the coal to dump truck

Coal has been solved by a crusher machine then loaded into dump truck which has

been queuing in the ROM area.

5. Traveling coal to the port site

Coal which has been loaded into dump truck ROM will then be taken to a distance of

approximately 2 kilometers from the mine pit.

6. Weighing Coal

Before getting into the ROM, dump truck-laden coal will be weighed at the

weighbridge to calculate the capacity of coal that goes into the ROM.

7. Unloading of coal to the port site

After the weighed, dump truck-laden coal will then be issued and pile of coal in Port

Chapter 4

4. Result and Discussion

A. Analysis of potential hazards in the process of getting Coal

Table 4.1 Stages Work With Potential Hazards Category Medium on Getting Coal

No stages of work potential hazard Actions or procedures
1 Excavator moving to Bumping into workers Run excavator at low speed and
front loading and other units. stable
2 Loading the Coal to Worker crushed by a Posting signs at a safe distance
Dump truck bucket loader or behind each unit of heavy equipment
3 Traveling Coal Collision, overturned Sanctions for the driver over speed
and rolled unit
4 Unloading Coal The Fall and buried Keep a safe distance before the
Copper material unloading of coal take place

At the time of the operation especially at the heavy equipment’s communication

is a vital thing that is very important to note, given that the visibility of operator heavy

equipment is very limited. And also the safe distance between workers and the unit

that operated. But both of these are often ignored by the workers that sometimes put

workers in actions and unsafe conditions that can lead to accidents to occur.

Because of the size of some of the heavy equipment used in the industry is so

large, this causes difficulties to the operator to make sure the position of the tool and

see what's there and what was going on around. Thus, communication is a vital thing

that is very important because without communication, the machine will be a killing

machine that can threaten anyone.

B. Analysis of potential hazards in Coal crushing process

Table 4.2 Stages Work with Potential Hazards Category Medium Coal Crushing

No stages of work potential hazard Actions or procedures
1 Turning generator Electric shock Use insulating gloves (leather /
2 Excavator up and Bumping into workers and Run excavator at low speed and
down the front other units stable
3 Loading coal into the Bucket crusher hopper Place the bucket is higher than
hopper collide hoper
4 Coal crushing  Exposure to particulate  Maintenance sprayer
coal periodically crusher
 Noise  Use earplug
 Crusher machine on fire  Operate the machine with
standard time.
5 Stockpiling coal using Bumping into workers and Always enable radio
a loader other units communication

6 Unloading coal The Fall and buried coal Keep a safe distance before the
material unloading of coal take place

Potential danger at the time of starting the engine crusher is very high; this is

because the crusher panel cabinets are not equipped by mica insulator therein. It is

very possible to allow electric shock to happen if there is a cable that separated from

the rubber protector and stick to the crusher panel cabinets. If this happens, workers

will be high-voltage electric shock with a voltage of 380 volts; it was possible

accidents with Fatality category.

Installations use a variety of equipment containing hazards. If not used properly

and does not include protective and safety, the equipment can cause various kinds of
dangers such as fire, electric shock, explosion, or injury. In order for this equipment is

safe to use then it should be given security in accordance with the regulations in the

field of occupational safety. For the complicated equipment is necessary to provide

the operating instructions.

C. Analysis potential danger in the process of hauling coal

Table 4.3 Stages Work With Potential Hazards Category Medium Process Coal Hauling
No Stage of Work Potential Hazard Actions or procedures
1 Excavator up and Bumping into workers Run excavator at low speed and
down the front and other units stable
2 Loading the Coal to Worker crushed by a Remain in the car cabin when the
Dump truck bucket loader or loading process is underway
3 Traveling coal to port  Crash  Penalties for workers who
site exceed a specified maximum
 Roads buried by speed
landslides  Mapping of landslide-prone
4 Unloading coal to port The Fall and buried coal Keep a safe distance before the
site material unloading of coal take place

The most frequent and dangerous for the safety of workers is going out from the

dump truck unit when the loading process is underway. In fact, not infrequently

worker climbed onto the roof of the cabin unit to instruct the loading of coal (coal

loading). This action is extremely dangerous given the distance between the workers

and excavator or loader bucket close enough, thus allowing workers pinched and hit

by a bucket loader or excavator.

Workplace hazard occurs when there is an interaction between the elements of

production which is human, equipment, Materials, processes and working methods.

The material used either as raw materials, intermediate or production contains various

hazards in accordance with the nature and characteristics of each.

Chapter 5

5. Conclusion

Based on the analysis and discussion of the results research on the analysis of

potential hazards in the coal process was concluded as follows:

1. Potential hazards in the process of coal including:

a) Bucket excavators took off and falling into the dump truck while process

loading coal take place

b) High-voltage electric shock when the work started the engine to start the

process of coal crusher crushing.

c) Collisions that occur between units or when the unit traveling it rammed

workers at job sites in hauling process.

2. The potential hazards identified at the average coal are caused by unsafe acts of

workers. For that acculturation Occupational Health and Safety as work climate is

very important to try.


[1]. Job Safety Analysis. Link:



[2]. Coal mining accident in china. Link:

[3]. Classification of coal. Link:

[4]. Coal mining Processing. Link:[

5] Coal processing method. Coal Mining Processing Methods | Griffin Coal


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