Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 10

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 10

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. describe sector;
b. formulate the formula for the area of sector; and
c. solve area of a sector.

II. Subject Matter: Area of a Sector

a. References
1. Bernabe et al.(2014). Our world of Math. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc. pp 130-
2. Haynes, N. (N.d) Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

b. Instructional Materials
1. Pizza illustration
2. Chalk
3. Blackboard
4. Meter stick

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students activity
A. Routine
- Prayer leader? -Lianne sir/teacher.
- Okay Lianne please lead the -In the name of the Father and of the Son
prayer. and of the Holy Spirit...........Amen.
- Good morning class! -Good morning sir Jan!
- Let me check the attendance. -None sir.
Who is absent for today?
- Very good.
- Before anything else I want to -Yes sir.
establish some rules. The one
mouth policy. When someone
is talking, all should listen.

B. Activity
-Before we proceed to our lesson. I -Yes sir.
have prepared 2 trick questions.
Are you ready?

1. If 1=5 -5 sir!
2. If there are 100 oranges and -12 sir basic!
you take 12. How many
oranges do you have?
C. Abstraction
-So before we begin, let us read our -At the end of the lesson the students
objectives. should be able to.......
The teacher will present a whole
pizza and cut out pizzas.
- Let this pizza represent a circle. -360° sir.
- How many degrees are in an
entire circle?
- Very Good! How many degrees -90° sir.
does this slice represent?
- If this pizza represents a circle, -It is a part of a whole circle sir.
this pizza slice represents a
sector. How would you describe
a sector?
- Excellent! Another one. -It has a central angle sir.
- Yes you’re right! Last one. -It has two radii.
- Bullseye! All your answers are
- So a sector is a region of a circle
bounded by two radii and the
included arc of a circle. Am I
- So, Roshni what is a sector? -a sector is a region of a circle bounded by
two radii and the included arc of a circle.
- Very Good! Now who can -The area of a circle is equal to πr2
remember how do we find the
area of a circle?
- You’re right. How would we -We divide the area of the circle by two sir.
find the area of one half of a
circle? -180°
- How many degrees are there in
one half of a circle? -based on my previous answer sir.
- How did you come to this
conclusion? -since we already know the formula of the
- Can you explain it? circle. I just simply multiplied it by ½ and
- Very well said. get the final answer.
- We divide the area of the circle by four
- How would we find the area of sir.
one fourth of a circle?

- How many degrees are there in -90°

one fourth of a circle?

- How did you come to this - since we already know the formula of the
conclusion? circle. I just simply multiplied it by 1/4 and
get the final answer.
- Who remembers what the - all of us.
central angle is?

- How can we use the central -central angle divided by 360°

angle to calculate the area of a
fraction of a circle?

- Now that we have the fraction -As=C/360° * πr2 where C is central angle, r
of the circle we need, how can is radius.
we use it to find the area of the

- How would you find the area of -As=350°/360°* πr2

a sector with a central angle of
350 degrees?
- Very good, you’re able
formulated the formula of the
area of a sector.

Given that the radius of the circle is 5 cm,
calculate the area of the shaded sector.
(Take π = 3.142).

Area of Sector = Central Angle/360° * πr2
= 60°/360° * 25 π
= 13.09 cm2

- I will give another example and

you will the one answer it.
- A circle has a radius of 5 cm.
Calculate the area of a sector
when the angle made by the
radii is 60°
- Yes, arian.
- Area of Sector = Central Angle/360° * πr2
= 60°/360° * 25 π
= 13.06 cm2

- Very good, can you explain it to -ahhm, i just simply substituted all the
us how you came up with that given and simplify it sir.
- Thank you arian.
- A pizza has a diameter of 14
- Area of Sector = Central Angle/360° * πr2
inches. Calculate the area of a
slice of pizza when the chef = 45°/360° * 49 π
made all the slices with an = 19.23 in2
angle of 45°
- Very good. Any questions? -none, sir.

D. Assessment
1. What is sector?
2. What is the formula in getting
the area of a sector?
3. The area of a sector with a
radius of 6 cm is 35.4 cm2.
Calculate the angle of the
sector. (Take π = 3.142).

E. Assignment:
Answer the following problems.
Use π=3.14. Show your complete
1. The central angle of a circle
measures 78.23° and its radius
measures 24.25mm. Find the
area of the sector.
2. The area of a sector is
162.39dm2. If the radius of a
circle measures 18.72 dm, find
the measure of the central
3. The area of a sector is
204.28m2. If the central angle
measures 43.29°, find the
measure of the diameter of the

Where to write: 1 whole yellow

When to pass: December 05, 2018
Number of Points: 30 points.

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