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Avian Pathology

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Gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome in

chickens and turkeys: a review of causal or
predisposing factors

Anne-Gerd Gjevre , Magne Kaldhusdal & Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen

To cite this article: Anne-Gerd Gjevre , Magne Kaldhusdal & Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen (2013)
Gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome in chickens and turkeys: a review of causal or
predisposing factors, Avian Pathology, 42:4, 297-303, DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2013.817665

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Avian Pathology, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 4, 297303,


Gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome in chickens and

turkeys: a review of causal or predisposing factors
Anne-Gerd Gjevre1*, Magne Kaldhusdal2 and Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen3
Section of Veterinary Public Health, 2Section of Pathology, and 3Section of Chemistry and Toxicology, Norwegian
Veterinary Institute, Norway

Gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome (GEU) was described for the first time in the 1930s. The main
focus of early studies was on nutritional deficiencies and peroxidation of highly polyunsaturated fatty acids
as causative factors. During the 1970s and 1980s the focus was moved towards toxic substances in the feed.
Scott’s review in 1985 concluded that overproduction of gastric acid induced by gizzerosine was a major
cause of GEU. During the last decades, serotype 1 of fowl adenovirus A and Clostridium perfringens have
been implicated as important pathogenic agents in the development of GEU in chickens. Although GEU is
globally distributed and its subclinical form appears to be common in commercial poultry flocks, the
condition is rarely mentioned in standard textbooks on poultry health. This regrettable fact is probably due
in part to the lack of one definitive cause of the syndrome.

In the early 1930s Holst & Halbrook (1933) observed Anatomy of the gizzard mucosa
dark erosion spots in the gizzard lining of 3-week-old
The mucosa of the gizzard is covered by a solid layer of a
chickens in a nutritional study. This was one of the first
carbohydrateprotein complex called the koilin layer,
descriptions of ‘‘gizzard erosion and ulceration syn- also termed keratinoid layer, cuticle, and gizzard lining
drome’’ (GEU). During the next few years the main (Figure 1a). Proteins constitute about 80% of the koilin
focus was on nutritional deficiencies (Holst & Halbrook, weight, with high levels of glutamic and aspartic acids,
1933; Almquist & Stokstad, 1936, 1937; Almquist, leucine and arginine (Pivnenko et al., 1998). The surface
1938a). However, in 1985 Scott concluded that the of the koilin layer and the underlying cellular mucosa are
major cause of GEU was overproduction of gastric arranged in rows of ridge-like folds except in the lateral
acid induced by a substance in overheated fish meal and medial tendon regions, which have a smooth surface.
(gizzerosine). He also emphasized the neutralizing effect The remaining mucosa of the gizzard form transverse
of bile in the gizzard under normal production of gastric ridges in the blind sacs and longitudinal ridges in the
acid, and mentioned peroxidation of highly polyunsatu- body regions. The koilin layer is composed of rodlets of
rated fatty acids as a causative factor for GEU (Scott, hard koilin secreted by the epithelial cells of the tubular
1985). The syndrome has been variously termed ‘‘gizzard glands, and soft koilin secreted by the surface epithelial
erosion and ulceration’’ (Randall, 1991; Fletcher & cells (Akester, 1986).
Abdul-Aziz, 2008), ‘‘ventriculitis’’ (Randall & Reece,
1996), ‘‘black vomit’’ (Becker et al., 1998; Herrera et al.,
1999), ‘‘vomito negro’’ (Fulton, 2008; Shlosberg, 2008) Definition and scoring of GEU
and ‘‘Muskelmagenerosionen’’ (Fries et al., 2001) in
GEU is characterized by macroscopic defects in the
scientific papers, textbooks and atlases of poultry
koilin layer and often also in the mucosa of the gizzard
diseases. The expressions ‘‘black vomit/vomito negro’’ (Figure 1b). Defects that affect the koilin layer but not
have been used because black or blood-stained liquid the integrity of the underlying mucosa are easy to
may dribble from the beak of severely affected birds if identify grossly simply by removing the koilin layer
lifted by their legs. During experimental studies on and inspecting the mucosal surface. In most of the
necrotic enteritis in Norwegian broilers, erosions in the reviewed papers on GEU in chickens, neither ‘‘erosion’’
koilin layer of the gizzard have been observed frequently nor ‘‘ulceration’’ is clearly defined, but most workers
(Novoa-Garrido et al., 2006). We have also observed appear to consider defects affecting the koilin layer as
that GEU is prevalent in clinically healthy broiler ‘‘erosions’’ whereas gross lesions affecting the mucosa
chickens and slaughter turkeys from Norwegian farms have been designated ‘‘ulcers’’. Such a classification is
(unpublished data). These observations have made clear not in accordance with the terminology of mammalian
the need for a new review of possible causative factors. (including human) pathology, where an ‘‘erosion’’ is a

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 47 23 21 64 29. E-mail:
Received 21 March 2013
# 2013 Houghton Trust Ltd
298 A.-G. Gjevre et al.

recognized as sub-lethal lesions, as a cause of sporadic

increase in mortality, and as a cause of gizzard con-
demnation at slaughter in Norway (unpublished data
from our laboratory and from the Norwegian Food
Safety Authority).
Gizzard erosions and ulceration caused by nema-
todes belonging to the genus Amidostomum (primarily
Amidostomum anseris) have been reported in geese, ducks
and pigeons. Chickens and turkeys are not natural hosts
of Amidostomum spp. (McDougald, 2008), and parasitic
infestations are not discussed further in this review.

Causative or predisposing factors

Numerous factors have been associated with GEU in
Figure 1. Gizzards from turkeys with normal koilin layer (1a)
chickens. In the following we will give a review of the
and erosions and ulcerations (1b).
possible role of congenital factors, starvation, feed
structure and fibre, nutritional deficiencies, toxic sub-
mucosal lesion that may reach but not penetrate the
stances, infections and microbial colonization.
muscularis mucosae and an ‘‘ulcer’’ affects tissues deeper
than the muscularis mucosae (Day et al., 2003). A likely
cause of this difference in lesion classification is the Congenital factors. Gizzard lesions have been detected in
anatomical differences between poultry and mammals. chick embryos (Bird et al., 1937; Good et al., 1968) and
Whereas mammals lack the koilin layer of birds, the koilin lesions have been observed in embryos and newly
muscularis mucosae of the mammalian stomach is hatched broiler chicks in several European countries in
absent in the poultry gizzard (Hodges, 1974). Further- 2012 (Johanna van der Stroom, personal communica-
more, scoring of gizzard lesions has been based mainly tion, 2012), indicating that GEU may be congenital and
on gross examination, which may not allow for a clear- therefore caused and influenced by factors present before
cut distinction between categories based on histopatho- hatch. Data have been published suggesting that the
logical criteria, in particular because no attempts to occurrence of GEU in newly hatched chicks may be
correlate gross and microscopic gizzard lesions appear to associated with breeder diet (Tepper & Bird, 1942a, b;
have been published. Similar definition and scoring Mushett & Ott, 1949), breeder age (Good et al., 1968)
problems have been described in human (Laine & and capillary fragility combined by transient increase
Weinstein, 1988) and equine (Martineau et al., 2009) in blood pressure during hatching (Tepper & Bird,
gastroenterology studies. Species differences in anatomy 1942a, b).
may dictate modifications in scoring systems (Martineau
et al., 2009) and may also be an argument in favour of
modified definitions of ‘‘erosion’’ and ‘‘ulceration’’. Starvation. When newly hatched chicks were deprived of
Gizzards with erosive lesions often show areas with a feed and water, the proportion of ulcerated gizzards
thickened, soft koilin layer that is lighter in colour than increased from about 3% (on incubation day 20 and on
normal. Bird et al. (1937) suggested that this is a the day of hatch) up to 68% on day 4 post hatch (Good
condition distinct from erosions/ulcers, but most workers et al., 1968). Bierer et al. (1966) demonstrated that feed
do not mention this distinction and we propose that such and water deprivation induced erosions in broilers
lesions are considered part of GEU. starved from 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of age. These
Over the years different methods for evaluation observations indicate that restriction or deprivation of
of gizzard lesions have been published (for example, feed and/or water may be associated with increased
Lansing et al., 1939; Okazaki et al., 1983; Wessels & frequency and severity of lesions whether this is initiated
Post, 1989). The evaluation criteria are, in the authors’ from day of hatch or later in the rearing period.
opinion, often inadequately described. For example, they Good et al. (1968) also demonstrated that gizzards
do not include examination of the mucosal surface. from 1-day-old chicks that were starved until day 3
Therefore, we have recently developed a new scoring post-hatch followed by access to feed showed only traces
method for gross gizzard lesions that includes examina- of old ulcers on day 7 post hatch. This finding suggests
tion of both sides of the koilin layer and the mucosal that starvation that is restricted to the first few days of
surface (Kaldhusdal et al., 2012). rearing cannot alone explain gizzard ulceration that
persists after 2 weeks of age.

Feed structure and fibre. Grit and feed particle size. Grain-
Poultry species affected by GEU
eating birds such as chickens and turkeys ingest small
In the literature GEU appears mainly as a problem in stones if available. These stones are kept in the gizzard
chickens (Fossum et al., 1988; Pfeiffer, 1992), and above lumen and assist effectively in the important grinding
all in broilers (Johnson & Pinedo, 1971; Janssen & function (Nickel, 1977). In spite of this, many broiler
Germs, 1973; Okuda et al., 2004; Novoa-Garrido et al., farms do not provide access to grit as a part of their
2006). GEU in young turkeys has very rarely been management programme. The significance of grit has
described in the scientific literature (Sherwood & Sloan, been controversial (Bird et al., 1937), but published data
1954; Fletcher & Abdul-Aziz, 2008), although it is well suggest that the frequency and severity of GEU lesions
Gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome: a review 299

can be reduced by use of grit (Bird et al., 1937; Almquist, turated fatty acids are present in the feed (Scott, 1985).
1938a). This view is underpinned by experiments (Dam, 1946)
A limited amount of research on optimum particle demonstrating increased gizzard erosions by adding
size of poultry feeds has been conducted. Available data either 5 or 10% cod liver oil or 0.5 to 1% of a highly
indicate that relatively coarse grinding to a uniform unsaturated fraction of fatty acids from menhaden oil.
particle size improves the performance of birds offered Further, experiments based on use of diets with 15% fish
mash diets (Amerah et al., 2007). It has been postulated meal containing 8 to 14% crude fat have demonstrated
that this effect may result from the positive effect of a variable but usually clearly protective effect of supple-
increased particle size on gizzard development, and mentary vitamin E against GEU (Janssen & Germs,
inclusion of at least 20% cereal particles larger than 1 1973).
mm in size has been recommended (Svihus, 2011). We Studies on the effect of experimental vitamin B12
have not, however, found studies focusing on the effect deficiency on GEU have produced contradictory results
of grit and feed particle size on GEU. (Mushett & Ott, 1949; Sherwood & Sloan, 1954; Daghir
& Haddad, 1981). Sherwood & Sloan (1954) found a
Pelleted versus mash feed. In an experiment comparing protective effect against GEU in turkeys of choline, and
pelleted and mash feeds based on the same formulation, Daghir & Haddad (1981) detected a significant increase
an outbreak of severe GEU was detected in broilers fed in GEU severity among vitamin B6-deficient chickens.
pellets but not in those offered mash (Ross, 1979). Both The severity of GEU among vitamin B6-deficient chick-
groups of birds were kept on litter. The author repeated ens was reduced by adding taurocholic acid to the diet.
the experiment; this time also comparing groups of This finding offers a potential explanation for the
broilers kept on wire-floors and on litter, and found that mechanism behind an effect of vitamin B6 deficiency.
a combination of pelleted feed and lack of access to The role of vitamin B6 in taurine synthesis has been well
litter was associated with significantly increased gizzard documented in rats, and the authors suggest that the
score. vitamin deficiency may contribute to taurine insuffi-
ciency and presumably also to insufficiency of tauro-
cholic acid, which is a bile acid. This reasoning is
Non-soluble fibres. Ingestion of non-soluble fibres has consistent with Almquist’s (1938b) report indicating a
been shown to exert strong effects on the structure and protective effect of whole bile and bile components
function of the gizzard, and inclusion of at least 3% (including sodium taurocholate) against gizzard ero-
coarse fibres has been proposed as a measure to sions. Further, Miller et al. (1975) demonstrated experi-
stimulate gizzard development (Svihus, 2011). Starck mentally that gizzard erosions were prevalent and severe
& Rahmaan (2003) demonstrated that quails fed 40% when chickens were fed inadequate methionine, which is
oat beards (non-digestible fibre) for 14 days developed a an intermediate in the biosynthesis of taurine. GEU
gizzard mass that was 182% of the gizzard mass in the lesions were improved considerably, but not totally
control group. Inclusion of much more moderate prevented, by inclusion of 0.70 to 1.25% levels of
amounts of fibre (3% oat hulls) in the feed improved sulphur-containing amino acids in the diet.
production performance in broilers, increased the rela-
tive weight of the gizzard and reduced the pH of the
gizzard contents (Jimenez-Moreno et al., 2009). Inclu- Toxic substances. Biogenic amines. These are amine-
sion of 6% wood shavings in a broiler diet based on group-containing substances produced by biological
ground wheat improved feed utilization when the data organisms. The most studied and most commonly found
were corrected by subtracting the amount of wood biogenic amine is histamine, primarily produced in fish
shavings from the total feed consumption. Wood and fish products by time-dependent and temperature-
shavings increased the relative gizzard weights and dependent bacterial processes (Hungerford, 2010). Free
improved ileal starch digestibility (Amerah et al., histidine is the precursor of histamine while other amino
2009). Further, Hetland et al. (2005) published data acids are precursors of other biogenic amines (Shalaby,
suggesting that layer chickens may eat feathers to 1996). Biogenic amines have also been reported from
compensate for the lack of structural components in meat products as well as dairy products, so the potential
the feed. source in feed is not restricted to fish meal.
Histamine has been associated with gizzard erosions
The effect of ingestion of non-soluble fibres on GEU
and ‘‘black vomit’’ observed in poultry (for example,
does not appear to have been much studied. Almquist
Johnson & Pinedo, 1971; Harry & Tucker, 1976), but has
(1938a) presented data suggesting that hempseed meal
generally received less attention as a causal agent for
and hempseed hulls reduced GEU scores, and ascribed
these lesions since the discovery of gizzerosine in the
this property in part to a grit-like action of the hempseed
early 1980s. Pure histamine is only able to induce gizzard
hulls, and Thompson & Wilcke (1941) published an
erosions when present in high concentrations in poultry
abstract suggesting a preventive effect on GEU of oat
feed. Levels exceeding 200 mg/kg induced gizzard
hulls. In a recent study performed in our laboratory, 5%
erosions in some studies (Barnes et al., 2001), but not
oat hulls reduced GEU scores and access to litter
in others (Bermudez & Firman, 1998; Friday et al.,
reduced GEU scores when oat hulls were included in
1999). In a 6-week trial, chickens were given four
the feed (Kaldhusdal et al., 2012).
biogenic amines alone or in combination. All in-feed
concentrations were at or above levels occurring in the
Nutritional deficiencies. Early research on GEU focused USA. No effects were found on performance or gizzard
on nutritional deficiencies. Many studies were conducted health. The authors concluded that these biogenic
to identify the ‘‘anti-gizzard erosion factor’’ (Mushett & amines are unlikely to be of any concern in any practical
Ott, 1949). Vitamin E has been proposed to be protective conditions in the USA (Bermudez & Firman, 1998;
against GEU if substantial amounts of highly polyunsa- Friday et al., 1999). This conclusion was supported by
300 A.-G. Gjevre et al.

Barnes et al. (2001). The possibility of an interaction 1995; Hoerr, 2008). The concentrations of these toxins in
with gizzerosine, if present in the same feed, cannot be processed poultry feed are rarely reported (NFSA, 2005
ruled out, particularly because both histamine and 2011; Placinta et al., 1999) or those in Norwegian grain
gizzerosine are reported to bind to and activate the H2 (Langseth & Rundberget, 1999).
receptors, leading to an increase in acid production and Analyses of Norwegian poultry feed have revealed low
reduced pH (Hino et al., 1987; Ito et al., 1988; Guinotte concentrations of trichothecenes (Norwegian Veterinary
et al., 1993). Institute, unpublished data; NFSA, 20052011). These
toxins are therefore unlikely to be main explanations for
Gizzerosine. This substance was identified as the causal the occurrence of GEU in Norwegian commercial
agent of GEU when it was isolated from heated fish meal poultry.
causing the disease (Okazaki et al., 1983; Scott, 1985). Other mycotoxins may also affect the gizzard.
Gizzerosine was assumed to be formed during heating of Moniliformin, pure fumonisins B1 and B2, and extracts
brown fish meal, especially when overheated (1308C). of cultures of Fusarium proliferatum containing both
Gizzard erosions were also found when a heated mixture moniliformin and fumonisins caused gizzard ulcers
of casein and histidine was fed to chickens (Masumura (Javed et al., 2005). This indicates that fumonisins may
et al., 1981). An apparent dose-dependent increase in have the potential to cause GEU. Analyses of Norwe-
gizzard erosions was observed in chickens given concen- gian poultry feed have revealed very low concentrations
trations from 0.15 mg gizzerosine/kg feed, but no statistics of fumonisins (Norwegian Veterinary Institute unpub-
were provided (Sugahara et al., 1988). lished data; NFSA, 20052011). We do not therefore
Later studies of the effects of gizzerosine in poultry consider fumonisins to be a likely cause for GEU in
confirm its potential toxicological effects, including Norway, demonstrating that other factors must be of
gizzard lesions (Grabarević et al., 1998; Tisljar et al., importance for the development of GEU.
2002; Artuković et al., 2005). The papers do not, Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) is another mycotoxin that
however, provide any information about safe levels of caused mucosal necrosis in the gizzard in feeding
gizzerosine in poultry feed since only high daily oral experiments where poultry were given 34 or 10 mg
doses by gavage were used and no detailed information CPA/kg feed (Gentles et al., 1999; Kamalavenkatesh
about the gizzard lesions was provided. et al., 2005). Although the occurrence of CPA in feed has
There are very limited data on the occurrence of rarely been reported, it seems that the levels associated
gizzerosine in poultry feed, partly due to lack of reliable with gizzard lesions in experimental feeding studies are
analytical methods. Until now it has therefore been high compared with the few available data on occur-
impossible to compare the levels of gizzerosine needed to rence. No CPA above the detection limit of 0.02 mg/kg
induce gizzard erosions with the level in feed on the was found in 44 samples of Norwegian poultry feed
market. However, a liquid chromatographytandem (Moldes-Anaya et al., 2009).
mass spectroscopy method for quantification of gizzer- Other little-studied mycotoxins, such as oosporein and
osine has been published recently (Uhlig et al., 2011). In rubratoxin or rubratoxin-producing fungi, have been
this study a limited number of samples of Norwegian shown to cause gizzard lesions in poultry (reviewed by
poultry feed was analysed with negative results. Accord- Hoerr, 2008). The occurrence of these toxins in poultry
ing to the Norwegian fish meal and feed industry, the feed is not known, and therefore the potential contribu-
modern processing of fish meal has to a large extent tion from these to the occurrence of GEU cannot be
changed the drying process, lowering the maximum evaluated.
temperature well below the temperature said to be
associated with the formation of high levels of gizzer- Infections and microbial colonization. Adenovirus. Tanimura
osine. It is therefore likely that the levels of gizzerosine in et al. (1993) and Goodwin (1993) reported the presence of
general would be lower at present than previously. adenoviral inclusions in gizzard epithelium of chickens
However, the old processing methods may still be in showing GEU lesions, and Lenz et al. (1998) reproduced
use in some parts of the world. gizzard lesions experimentally by inoculating specific
pathogen free Leghorn chicks with adenovirus isolated
Mycotoxins. None of the well-studied mycotoxins seem from commercial US broilers with GEU. During the first
to primarily affect the gizzard in poultry, but some half of previous decade the widespread occurrence of
widespread mycotoxins may affect the gastrointestinal adenovirus-associated GEU in slaughtered broilers was
tract. documented in Japan (Okuda et al., 2001a, b; Ono et al.,
Trichothecenes constitute a large group of Fusarium 2001, 2003), and similar findings have been reported
mycotoxins, including deoxynivalenol (DON) and T-2 from Italy over the time period of 1995 to 2006 (Manarolla
and HT-2 toxins that are frequently found in feeds and et al., 2009). Both vertical and horizontal transmission is
grains (NFSA, 20052011; Langseth & Rundberget, important in the spread of adenoviruses. An adenovirus
1999). Gizzard erosions following exposure to DON infection can remain latent and be reactivated later
have only been reported from chickens given very high (Adair & Fitzgerald, 2008). Experimental data indicate
levels in the feed (49.4 and 83 mg/kg feed). Increased that adenoviral gizzard erosion can be reproduced by
relative gizzard weights have been reported from poultry horizontal transmission (Ono et al., 2007). Broilers
consuming feed containing DON levels from 16 mg/kg affected by adenoviral gizzard erosion usually show no
feed (reviews in EFSA, 2004; Eriksen & Pettersson, 2004). clinical signs and the problem is therefore mainly detected
Concentrations of DON rarely reach these levels in at slaughter (Ono et al., 2001, 2003; Manarolla et al.,
processed feed (Placinta et al., 1999; NFSA, 2005 2009). Most virus strains that have been isolated from
2011). Even other trichothecenes, including T-2 toxin gizzard lesions belong to serotype 1 of fowl adenovirus A
and nivalenol, have been associated with gizzard lesions within the genus Aviadenovirus (Ono et al., 2003; Adair &
(Harris, 1984; as cited in Hoerr et al., 1981; Hedman et al., Fitzgerald, 2008; Manarolla et al., 2009).
Gizzard erosion and ulceration syndrome: a review 301

Clostridium perfringens. Fossum et al. (1988) isolated any of these compounds are of major significance as
C. perfringens from the gizzard koilin layer of most causative factors. Most of these toxins have other main
chicks that were examined from outbreaks of GEU in target organs than the gizzard and thus induce signs or
11 flocks of White Leghorn birds submitted for autopsy lesions distinct from GEU. In addition, experiments
during 1981 to 1988. Clinical signs, including increased demonstrating an association have been based on
mortality, usually appeared about 1 week after hatching, toxin levels that are unlikely to be present in commercial
but outbreaks could appear in chickens up to 4 weeks of feeds.
age. Addition of antibiotics to the drinking water as a Clinical GEU has been reported from many countries
rule reduced mortality to normal within a few days. and most continents. This review was prompted by our
Novoa-Garrido et al. (2006) summarized data obtained detection that GEU lesions are prevalent in apparently
from 1217 broiler chickens originating from six experi- healthy flocks of Norwegian broilers and slaughter
ments, and showed that caecal C. perfringens counts turkeys, and by the fact that the cause(s) of these lesions
increased significantly with severity of mucosal gizzard
have not been established. Difficulties in establishing the
lesions. Dinev (2010) investigated an outbreak of GEU
cause of GEU have been a persistent feature, and a high
with increased mortality starting in a 38-day-old com-
number of proposed causative or predisposing factors is
mercial broiler flock. He demonstrated foci of bacteria,
including bacilli, within the changed koilin layer, and another trait. These features explain why GEU is
isolated C. perfringens from all gastric samples exam- designated as a syndrome, and probably also why this
ined. Kaldhusdal et al. (2012) demonstrated that the condition, despite its wide distribution, is rarely men-
antibacterial compound narasin, with a well-known tioned in textbooks on poultry health.
activity against C. perfringens (Martel et al., 2004),
reduced GEU severity when the feed was supplemented
with insoluble fibre. References
C. perfringens is capable of hydrolysing the amide
bond of conjugated bile salts (Knarreborg et al., 2002) Adair, B.M. & Fitzgerald, S.D. (2008). Adenovirus infections. In Y.M.
Saif, A.M. Fadly, J.R. Glisson, L.R. McDougald, L.K. Nolan, &
and a protective effect of bile against GEU has been
D.E. Swayne (Eds.). Diseases of Poultry 12th edn (pp. 258260).
proposed (Almquist, 1938b; Scott, 1985). It is therefore
Ames: Blackwell.
possible that C. perfringens is more than an opportunis- Akester, A.R. (1986). Structure of the glandular layer and koilin
tic pathogen occupying a new niche following the membrane in the gizzard of the adult domestic fowl (Gallus gallus
appearance of gizzard lesions. domesticus). Journal of Anatomy, 147, 125.
Almquist, H.J. (1938a). The effect of hempseed preparations and
of fineness of diet on the chick gizzard lining. Poultry Science, 17,
Concluding remarks Almquist, H.J. (1938b). Influence of bile acids on erosions of the chick
Twenty-five years ago, gizzerosine in fish meal was gizzard lining. Science, 87, 538.
Almquist, H.J. & Stokstad, E.L.R. (1936). A nutritional deficiency
assumed to be the most important cause of GEU.
causing gizzard erosions in chicks. Nature, 137, 581582.
Gizzerosine may still cause GEU in regions where fish
Almquist, H.J. & Stokstad, E.L.R. (1937). The gizzard factor of the
meal used for poultry is exposed to high temperatures chick. Journal of Nutrition, 13, 339350.
during processing, but the importance of this toxin has Amerah, A.M., Ravindran, V. & Lentle, R.G. (2009). Influence of
probably decreased because of improved drying meth- insoluble fibre and whole wheat inclusion on the performance,
ods. The recent publication of a convenient analytical digestive tract development and ileal microbiota profile of broiler
method for gizzerosine should enable the fish meal chickens. British Poultry Science, 50, 366375.
industry and the scientific community to clarify the Amerah, A.M., Ravindran, V., Lentle, R.G. & Thomas, D.G. (2007).
present importance of this toxin. Feed particle size: implications on the digestion and performance of
Adenovirus infections have been the most frequently poultry. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 63, 439455.
discussed cause of GEU during recent years. Although Artuković, B., Grabarević, Z., Tišljar, M., Gudan, A., Robić, M.,
most reports originate from Japan, these viruses are Džaja, P. & Granić, N. (2005). Gizzerosine induced histopathological
changes in laying hens. Veterinarski arhiv, 75, 113.
likely to play a role in several regions.
Barnes, D.M., Kirby, Y.K. & Oliver, K.G. (2001). Effects of biogenic
The importance of vitamin E deficiency is likely to
amines on growth and the incidence of proventricular lesions in
depend on the fatty acid composition of the diet. The broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 80, 906911.
potential significance of factors stimulating gizzard Becker, M.I., Carrasco, I., Beltran, C., Torres, M., Jaureguiberry, B. &
motility (e.g. dietary non-soluble fibres and grit) is an De Ioannes, A.E. (1998). Development of monoclonal antibodies to
aspect that deserves more attention from the research gizzerosine, a toxic component present in fish meal. Hybridoma, 17,
community. 373381.
A protective role for whole bile or bile components Bermudez, A.J. & Firman, J.D. (1998). Effects of biogenic amines in
against GEU has been proposed, and more work is broiler chickens. Avian Diseases, 42, 199203.
warranted in order to test this assumption. Several Bierer, B.W., Carll, W.T., Eleazer, T.H. & Barnett, B.D. (1966). Gizzard
factors might increase the risk of GEU by reducing the erosion and lower intestinal congestion and ulceration due to feed
and water deprivation in chickens of various ages. Poultry Science, 45,
availability of bile components. C. perfringens may
contribute to GEU development by means of its bile
Bird, H.R., Oleson, J.J., Elvehjem, C.A., Hart, E.B. & Halpin, J.G.
salt hydrolysing activity. Suboptimal levels of vitamin B6 (1937). Relation of grit to the development of the gizzard lining in
and methionine may play a similar role, because these chicks. Poultry Science, 16, 238242.
nutrients are intermediates in the biosynthesis of the bile Daghir, N.J. & Haddad, K.S. (1981). Vitamin B6 in the etiology of
component taurocholic acid. gizzard erosion in growing chickens. Poultry Science, 60, 988992.
Several mycotoxins have been associated with gizzard Dam, H. (1946). Further observations on dietary gizzard ulcers in
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