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I, ANDREW TRUZ BADIL, male, single, 28 years old, maintenance

employee of Lorenzo Farm and a resident of Purok 3, Sitio Lumugon,
Barangay Pangyan, Calinan District, Davao City, after having been duly sworn
to an oath in accordance with the law do hereby depose and say;

1. That I am the same and identical person who cause the execution
of this instrument against suspect whose personal circumstances is stated

2. That in the dawn of April 29, 2017 at around 3:30 AM, while at
our residence resting together with my parents, we were awakened by a
successive gun burst not far from our residence;

3. That we went out from our house to purposely check where the
successive gun burst came from and it seems that the gun burst came from
Lorenzo compound which is more or less ____ meters away from our
residence and I and my family were worried because my older brother Rico is
a Security Guard at Lorenzo Farm;

4. That we waited an hour until the gun burst subside. That at around
5:00 AM of the same date, I together with my father decided to proceed at
Lorenzo compound to check my brother, RICO TRUZ BADIL JR, who was
rendering duty as a security guard thereat;

5. That while on our way to Lorenzo compound riding our single

motorcycle, traversing a cacao plantation, we came across more or less twenty
men (20) men with long firearms and I got afraid because this group were not
wearing the usual uniform worn by the police, military or the security guards;

6. One of the armed men approached and requested me to convey

them to the hanging bridge going to Brgy. Dalagdag, Calinan District, Davao

7. Out of fear, I agreed and I asked my father disembark and left

him then immediately two of the armed men boarded me and I conveyed the
two (2) armed men with the instruction that I would come back to the others
to convey them;

8. That while driving the first two (2) person I heard them talked
that one member of their group was left behind in Lorenzo Farm and believed
to be dead;

9. That after bringing the two (2) person to the hanging bridge, I
returned to the others and brought another 2 armed men and did the same
many times;

10. That after transporting I came back to my father who I left while
I was transporting the armed group thereafter we proceeded to Lorenzo Farm
wherein I saw burned outpost and I learned that my brother who was a
Security Guard was wounded in the attack but will survive his wounds;
11. That on the next day, April 30, 2017 at around 2:50 PM, while I
was riding the same motorcycle from our residence going to Calinan Poblacion,
upon reaching the chapel near Lorenzo Compound, I saw a male person and
I recognized him as the same person who requested me, yesterday (April29,
2017at around 5:00 AM) to be conveyed to the hanging bridge going to Brgy.
Dalagdag, Calinan Davao City and who was talking that one of their comrades
was left behind and believed to be dead and was wearing the same clothes
except there was no longer a long firearm and pouches for ammunition;

12. That upon seeing the said male person, I immediately went back
to Lorenzo compound and sought the assistance of the AFP personnel’s
temporarily detailed in our barangay;

13. That I narrated to Cpl Jeonaldo Degeno and Cpl Jomer Entatano
about the incident and we immediately proceeded to where I saw the male

14. That upon arrival thereat, I positively pinpointed the male person
whom I saw and recognized, to the responding AFP personnel’s and they place
the male person under arrest and they recovered a hand grenade in the
possession of the said person;

15. That immediately after the arrest, we brought the unidentified

male person to Calinan Police station for proper disposition, and while thereat,
Cpl Jeonaldo Degeno and Cpl Jomer Entatano endorsed the unidentified male
person and the recovered hand grenade to the duty desk officer PO2 Camus.
Consequently, I was able to know the complete personal circumstances of the
male person as one ROGER GANAT SANICO alias “Dodong”, male, single, 28
years old and a resident of Barangay Magading, Nabubturan, Compostela
Valley Province.

That I am executing this affidavit to apprise authorities concerned to the

truthfulness of the foregoing facts;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___th day

of May 2017 at Davao City, Philippines.



SUBSCERIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___th day of May 2017,

Davao City, Philippines, and I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally
examined the affiant and that I am fully satisfied that he voluntarily executed
and understood his affidavit.


WE, CPL JEONALDO DAYDAY DEGENO, male, married, 28 years old,

Army Enlisted Personnel and CPL JOMER DEALA ENTATANO, male, married,
29 years old and both members of 3rd IB 7 ID Phil Army, Barangay Malagos Baguio
District Davao City, after having been duly sworn to an oath in accordance with
the law do hereby depose and say;
1. That we are both bonafide members of Armed forces of the
Philippines, presently assigned at 3rd Infantry Battalion 7 ID Phil Army, Barangay
Malagos Baguio District Davao City and furthers designated as Intel operatives of
our battalion;

2. That on April 30, 2017 at around 03:00 PM, while we were rendering
our official duties particularly at Lorenzo compound situated at Sitio Lorenzo Brgy
Pangyan, Calinan Davao City gathering additional information’s regarding the
recent attacks perpetrated by members of the lawless armed groups;

3. That while in the course of gathering information, the person of

ANDREW TRUZ BADIL, male, single, 28 years old, maintenance employee of
Lorenzo Farm and a resident of Purok 3, Sitio Lumugon, Barangay Pangyan,
Calinan District, Davao City approached and sought our assistance regarding a
male person whom he saw near chapel which according to him that was the very
same person who approached him together with more or less 20 men armed with
long firearms and requested him to convey them to the hanging bridge going to
Brgy. Dalagdag, Calinan District, Davao City;

4. That upon receipt of information, we together ANDREW TRUZ

BADIL proceeded to the chapel where he saw the male person. That upon arrival
thereat, ANDREW TRUZ BADIL pinpointed to us the male person whom he was
referring to. That we approached the said person whom Andrew Badil have
pinpointed and introduced ourselves as military operatives. After we introduced
ourselves, I CPL JOMER DEALA ENTATANO noticed that the right back pocket of
the short pant he was wearing was bulging, thus, I asked the him what was that
bulging in his back pocket. Upon hearing my word, said person inserted his right
hand to the back pocket of his short pant and thereafter and on the process, I
saw a hand grenade fell from the pocket of his short pants;

5. That I immediately took the hand grenade and subsequently from

the ground, while I, CPL JEONALDO DAYDAY DEGENO upon seeing the hand
grenade fell to the ground subsequently placed the suspect under restraint;

6. Thereafter, we indorsed him and the hand grenade that was

recovered from the suspects possession and control to Calinan Police Station duly
received by PO2 Camus duty desk officer. While thereat, we were able to know
the complete personal circumstances of the male person as one ROGER GANAT
SANICO alias “Dodong”, male, single, 28 years old and a resident of Barangay
Magading, Nabubturan, Compostela Valley Province;
That WE are executing this affidavit to apprise authorities concerned to the
truthfulness of the foregoing facts;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE have hereunto set my hand this ___th day

of May 2017 at Davao City, Philippines.



SUBSCERIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___th day of May 2017,

Davao City, Philippines, and I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally examined
the affiant and that I am fully satisfied that he voluntarily executed and
understood his affidavit.
Republic of the Philippines)


I, PO2 EFRENIANO VISTAL CAMUS JR, male, married, 30 years old,

member of the Philippine National Police, presently assigned at Police Station
10, Calinan Police Office, Calinan, Davao City, after having been duly sworn
to an oath in accordance with the law do hereby depose and state:
1. That I am a bona fide member of the Philippine National Police,
presently assigned at Police Station 10, Calinan Police Station, Calinan Davao
City, with the rank of Police officer 2 (PO2) and further designated as Desk

2. That in the evening of April 30, 2017 at around 5:15 PM, AFP
personnel’s from 3rd Infantry Battalion namely Cpl Jeonaldo Degeno and Cpl
Jomer Entatano arrived to our station together with one ANDREW TRUZ
BADIL, male, single, 28 years old, maintenance employee of Lorenzo Farm
and a resident of Purok 3, Sitio Lumugon, Barangay Pangyan, Calinan District,
Davao City and endorsed the person of one ROGER GANAT SANICO alias
“Dodong”, male, single, 28 years old and a resident of Barangay Magading,
Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province. Likewise, they also turn-over to me
a one (1) piece of hand grenade that was allegedly recovered from the
suspects possession and control;

3. That while there at ANDREW TRUZ BADIL narrated to me the

entire details of the arrest of the above-mentioned suspect and the complete
circumstances behind the suspects involvement in the attacked at Lorenzo
farm owned by Raffy Lorenzo situated at barangay Pangyan Calinan Davao

4. That accordingly last April 29, 2017 at around 5:00 AM while

ANDREW TRUZ BADIL and his father were on their way to Lorenzo
compound, riding their single motorcycle, traversing a cacao plantation, they
came across more or less twenty men (20) men with long firearms when
suddenly the endorsed suspect approached and requested them to convey
them to the hanging bridge going to Brgy. Dalagdag, Calinan District, Davao

5. Out of fear, ANDREW TRUZ BADIL was forced to convey some

of the armed men while the others were walking;

6. That on the next day, April 30, 2017 at around 2:50 PM, while
ANDREW TRUZ BADIL was riding the same motorcycle from their residence
going to Calinan Poblacion, upon reaching the chapel near Lorenzo Compound,
he saw a male person whom he positively recognized as the same person who
requested him together with his armed companions, on April 29, 2017 at
around 5:00 AM to be conveyed to the hanging bridge going to Brgy.
Dalagdag, Calinan Davao City;

7. That upon his narration I immediately informed the endorsed

suspect of the law he violated as well as his constitutional rights to the dialect
known and understood by him;
That I am executing this affidavit to apprise authorities concerned to the
truthfulness of the foregoing facts;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___th day

of May 2017 at Davao City, Philippines.



SUBSCERIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___th day of May 2017,

Davao City, Philippines, and I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally
examined the affiant and that I am fully satisfied that he voluntarily executed
and understood his affidavit.


WE, CPL JEONALDO DAYDAY DEGENO, male, married, 28 years old,

Army Enlisted Personnel and CPL JOMER DEALA ENTATANO, male, married,
29 years old and both members of 3rd IB, 7 ID Phil Army, Barangay Malagos
Baguio District Davao City, after having been duly sworn to an oath in
accordance with the law do hereby depose and say;
1. That we are both bonafide members of Armed forces of the
Philippines, presently assigned at 3rd IB 7 ID Phil Army, Barangay
Malagos Baguio District Davao City and furthers designated as Intel
operatives of our battalion;

2. That on April 29, 2017 at around 03:20 AM, while we were in our
post situated at the back of the house of Mr Lorenzo, owner of
Lorenzo farm, when suddenly we heard volume of fire of high caliber
of firearms from the guard house post number 2 beside our billeting
area while another volume of fire coming from the guard house post
number 1, situated at the main entrance of the of Lorenzo farm;

3. That we when we verify what was going on, we learned that the farm
was under attacked by the lawless armed group, thus, we positioned
ourselves and helped the security guard defending the compound;

4. Heavy exchange of gunfire from the enemy side as well as from our
group lasted for more than an hour;

5. In our assessment, there were more or less Thirty (30) heavily armed
men who were able to enter inside the compound while the other
group of armed men positioned themselves outside the perimeter
fence serves as blocking force wherein exchanged of gun fires ensued
with a distance or more or less 5 meters leaving one of their
member’s dead on the spot who was later identified as Nino
Cabaluna, while others were wounded;

6. Sensing that we were outnumbered and the enemy side is trying to

retrieved their companion who died on the spot, we withdrew from
our location and repositioned ourselves more or less fifty (50) meters
away. Thereafter, we saw that they torched the garage and the
vehicles parked thereat owned by Mr Raphael Lorenzo.

7. After they torched the garage and the vehicles therein knowing that
they have several casualties, and the security guards were in
advantage position, the attackers withdrew from the area bringing
with them their wounded companions going to the grassy portion.

8. That when the enemy have finally withdrawn from the area, we saw
one dead body of a male person sprawled near the guard house post
number 2 with M16 riffle loaded with one short magazine of the said
caliber and three (3) link with 226 rounds of caliber 60 ammunitions
slung around his body;

9. That we informed our immediate officer about the incident as well as

the police authorities.

10. After the incident, together with my troops who responded to the
encounter site we conducted clearing and hot pursuit operation
wherein, we received reports from the nearby Barangay that they
saw one dead body at Brgy Lamanan, Calinan, District, Davao City of
which the said body was already conveyed to Angel Funeral Homes ,
Calinan, Davao City;

11. Upon receipt of the information we proceeded thereto and saw the
said dead person and upon verification the said cadaver have gunshot
wounds on the different parts of his body and we positively identified
him as one of the wounded person who was carried by his companion
upon withdrawal from Lorenzo Farm during the encounter;

12. Thereafter, informed the police authorities about the latest

development as well as our immediate superior;

13. Thereafter we continue with our hot pursuit operation knowing

that the enemy side suffered several casualties we believed that we
can still catch them;

14. After several hours of our hot pursuit operation we received report
that a wounded person was brought to Robillo General Hospital;

15. That we proceeded thereat and upon arrival together with the local
police we learned from the attendant of the said hospital that the said
wounded person was brought by the disaster multicab of Brgy
Dominga which upon arrival said person have already been given first
aid due to the bandages of his wound. Further, according to the
hospital attendant the persons who brought the wounded person
thereto told them that he is suffering from LBM, but to their surprised
same has several gunshot wounds;

16. Upon verification, we positively identified the said wounded person

as one of the attackers of Lorenzo farms whom we have encountered.
We cannot forget his face because his attire is the same with the
attire of the attackers of the said farm and he was wounded in the
firefight and thereafter was dragged by his companion away from
where he fell down and the said wounded person was later identitied
as Constancio Bismano Encargues (Encargues for Brevity) , 50 years
old, married, a resident of Sitio Lubas Paquibato District, Davao City
and who still remains confined in SPMC for treatment;

17. That the person who dragged the wounded Encargues and whom
we heard shouting commands to the other armed attackers was very
familiar to us and known as Kumander Banakon whose real name is
Leonario Gonzales who is responsible in a series of crimes harassing
civilian companies in Calinan and Baguio District area of Davao City;
18. That we have informed the owner of Lorenzo Farm. Mr. Raphael
M. Lorenzo and Calinan Police Station personnel of the
aforementioned circumstances
That we are executing this joint affidavit to attest to the truth of the
foregoing facts and to apprise the authorities concerned of our desire to file
appropriate charges against the suspect and his companion;
IN TRUTH WHEREOF, we hereunto affix our signature this ____th day
of May 2017, at Davao City, Philippines.


Affiant Affiant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO, me this ___th day of May 2017, at

Davao City, Philippines. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the
affiants and I am convinced that they voluntarily executed their affidavit and
understood the contents thereof,

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